Police spending has ‘no consistent correlation’ with lower crime rates, new Canadian study says


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Clearly, but their budgets are bankrupting jurisdictions and ensuring little resources are applied to the poorest citizens and children.

Police States will collapse as they always have and misery will continue to be spread to citizens.

Seems high crime areas would have more police spending

Low crime areas can get by with just Andy and Barney Fife
Seems high crime areas would have more police spending

Low crime areas can get by with just Andy and Barney Fife
No. Police create crime if it doesn't exist. It is how they maintain such massive increases decade after decade in Canada at the expense of all other vital social and economic investment.
Conspiracy, right?

If only you knew what I know. None other than the worst 4 or 5 people I ever knew. I mean the absolute WORST people, KIDS, some in grade 5, 6 and 7 when they were engaging in the worst crimes and ringleaders of violence, are ALL cops today.

None of it made sense, until I traced back what happened to those in their circle of influence, in their periphreal. All destroyed to varying degrees.

I know of a cop who told a girl to kill herself and she did. They are aware I have these details. Along with the torture against me as a skinny teenager, they needed to work overtime to destroy me too.

The problem is, I was different. I was a top student without even applying myself. I was a sports fiend and as stubborn as they come. The outreach from myself to powerful agencies in Canada, the U.S and elsewhere had already been done. Their last step will be to paint me as insane or a criminal. Their own hubris and lack of concern for consequences has ensured their exposure. An MRI report for a test that hadn't even been done? This is East German level abuse.

You see, I can't or won't provide their names here at the moment. These officers names are known though. How could I retrace my youth and find out that each of these kids are all cops today? Why would I even be suspicious unless they were such trouble makers, such creepy criminals and outlandish characters that it prompted my suspicions years later?

The correlation is beyond circumstantial.
The police are like any other government agency. Their first priority is to maintain the status quo, second to expand their size, power and influence. Crime is the 'grist' for their 'mill'.
It's not surprising that higher police spending doesn't correlate with lower crime rates. When crime is a problem you throw more money at policing. If the increased spending doesn't help, then you have to look more closely at how the money is being spent.

If there is a lot of undiscovered or unreported crime, then the police presence is increased, it would be logical for the number of REPORTED crimes to increase, even the actual numbers are steady or declining.

There are some policing strategies that have been proven effective but the politicians find them unsavory so they are not implemented. In NYC in the early 90's, Mayor Rudy Giuliani implemented "broken windows" policing - the theory that ignoring a lot of petty crimes encourages the commission of more serious crimes. By focusing on the petty street crimes, major crimes were significantly reduced. But this is unpopular because 90% of the petty crimes are committed by POC's, and it LOOKS LIKE the police are targeting POC's.

Also there is "predictive policing," where studies are made of all sorts of antisocial behaviours, mainly in teenagers, on the theory that these people will end up being criminals if you let it continue. It has shown good results, but again, you are focusing mainly on POC's and in this case they have not committed any crimes, so it is looked on as official racist harassment.

In the U.S. we have what is called the Uniform Crime Report. It is published annually by the FBI ( https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s ), and accumulates all of the reported major crimes in the country, and can be used by anyone for whatever purpose is needed. While some crime-ridden municipalities have refused to cooperate in reporting the data in recent years, it still gives a pretty good look at the crime situation overall.

Look at how the money is being spent by police departments. That's where the rubber meets the road. Gotta get cops out on the streets in bad neighborhoods.
A family is only as good as its members.

A company is only as good as its employees.

A community is only as good as its residents. (A million cops will not change a bad community to a good community. A few weeks ago, a high-ranking police official in a certain Southern city was quoted as saying that crime was hopelessly out of control. He was too diplomatic to say that a lot of people in that city were just no darn good.)

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