Police stand down strategy led to the violence by antifa fascists in Virginia...

Bannon has got to go. It's just a matter of if Trump admits his appointment as chief strategist should have never happened, or if he will continue thumbing his nose at the American people

Bannon isn't a racist or a nazi.....you guys keep pushing that lie and it shows you are vile assholes.
And more on the police standing down....

Why Were The Police Held Back In Charlottesville?

Law enforcement was on hand at the dueling demonstrations on Saturday, decked out in riot gear and looking prepared for the worst. Except they weren’t allowed to do their job. Police on the scene were reported to have been ordered to “not intervene until given command to do so,” according to the ACLU. That kept them from suppressing the numerous scuffles that broke out.

When police were ordered to disperse the alt-right rally, that act directed the white nationalists into the antifa demonstrators, leading to further street brawls. Police didn’t seem to try to get in between the two groups or suppress the fights.

As ProPublica reported, state police and National Guardsmen mostly stood aside and watched as the violence grew worse.

This appears to be a direct result of what appears to be a stand down order from higher-ups.

When the alt-right rally was mostly dispersed, police still seemed a missing presence in the city as the leftists kept demonstrating, some armed with aluminum bats and other weapons.

This is the scene where the white nationalist drove his car through pedestrians, with police seemingly far away from the action.
Again, we have democrats telling the police to stand down when the violent antifa fascists attacked the white national fascists.......

Alt-Right Activists Condemn Violence, Dispute Mainstream Account - Breitbart

But a report on police conduct during and after the rally by ProPublica, a left-leaning investigative journalism non-profit, as well as eyewitness accounts by those who participated in the rally itself, have called the simplicity of this characterization into question. Both suggest mismanagement of police resources by political leadership may have exacerbated, rather than controlled, the violence surrounding the rally and the counter-protests,
Ah, you poor little pissant, your nazis got their asses kicked. And most of the nation condemns the filth that staged that march and murdered. Oh yes, you poor victims came with combat helmets, shields, and clubs. And got your asses kicked. May it ever be thus. Cry, baby, cry.

Shields and helmets are instruments of DEFENSE, you idiot. And one can not use clubs to attack with an eyeful of tear gas.

The so called white supremacists came to exercise their right to freely assemble, backed up by legitimate court order.

If they had not had anything to defend themselves the communist mob would have had a heyday butchering peaceful - albeit angry - protesters.

And the order for the police to stand down was an act of a rotten to the core Democrat mayor.
Is that what caused the neo-confederates to execute an ISIS style terrorist attack?

2TinyGuy is in pure deflection mode. Kind of like whenever one of his Second Amendment Enthusiasts guns down a preschool. He looks for anyone else to blame.

Did the cops handle this badly? Yup. The blame still belongs on the Alt-Right Nazis who 10 years ago, were mostly hiding under rocks.
That said, regardless of what the fuck they were doing there, they have every damn right to hold whatever opinions they want about whomever they want, and they have every right to protest as well. This fascist bullshit from the left needs to stop, calling in foreign protestors, out of state protestors, and starting violence has got to stop...

Uh, the guy who ran those people down was from out of state. So were most of the Alt-Right Nazis who showed up for this event.

If the police were stupid enough to funnel these two groups into each other then abandon them to fight, then they should probably be paying for the damages and injuries as they failed to deal with it. (Not that I blame the police here, but whomever was giving the orders/strategy for dealing with it.)

I think anyone who complains "I got injured during the course of a fight that I instigated, and the police didn't do enough to stop my" deserves to have his suit thrown out of court.
That said, regardless of what the fuck they were doing there, they have every damn right to hold whatever opinions they want about whomever they want, and they have every right to protest as well. This fascist bullshit from the left needs to stop, calling in foreign protestors, out of state protestors, and starting violence has got to stop...

Uh, the guy who ran those people down was from out of state. So were most of the Alt-Right Nazis who showed up for this event.

One group was there to protest the removal of a statue, the others were there to shut down the original protest through any means necessary - just like they did to conservative speech givers, Trump rally's, etc.

If the police were stupid enough to funnel these two groups into each other then abandon them to fight, then they should probably be paying for the damages and injuries as they failed to deal with it. (Not that I blame the police here, but whomever was giving the orders/strategy for dealing with it.)

I think anyone who complains "I got injured during the course of a fight that I instigated, and the police didn't do enough to stop my" deserves to have his suit thrown out of court.

Who said anyone was complaining?

You think it's cool that the mayor had the police put these two violent groups in a pit and let them fight it out? I'm not cool with that when the groups are not properly warned that it's going to be a brawl with zero support from the police - I guarantee you that people attending on both sides were rather expecting the police to keep the two groups separate; not funnel them together and walk away.
Is that what caused the neo-confederates to execute an ISIS style terrorist attack?

2TinyGuy is in pure deflection mode. Kind of like whenever one of his Second Amendment Enthusiasts guns down a preschool. He looks for anyone else to blame.

Did the cops handle this badly? Yup. The blame still belongs on the Alt-Right Nazis who 10 years ago, were mostly hiding under rocks.

They had every right to rally. They even had the legal right to do so. Just like the vile Westboro Baptist assholes do. Just like the violent mother truckers with BLM do.

No blame on the legal rally participants. The Antifa assholes came armed with tear gas and cement filled pop cans along with other weapons.
One group was there to protest the removal of a statue, the others were there to shut down the original protest through any means necessary - just like they did to conservative speech givers, Trump rally's, etc.

One group were a bunch of racist assholes. The other group was there to protest them.

The people of that town had already had the discussion about the old dead racist.

You think it's cool that the mayor had the police put these two violent groups in a pit and let them fight it out? I'm not cool with that when the groups are not properly warned that it's going to be a brawl with zero support from the police - I guarantee you that people attending on both sides were rather expecting the police to keep the two groups separate; not funnel them together and walk away.

I think that the police are not obligated to protect you from your own stupidity. If you want to walk around wearing a fucking swastika, you deserve to get beaten up.
They had every right to rally. They even had the legal right to do so. Just like the vile Westboro Baptist assholes do. Just like the violent mother truckers with BLM do.

No blame on the legal rally participants. The Antifa assholes came armed with tear gas and cement filled pop cans along with other weapons.

Again, Nazis deserve to get beaten up.

Yeah dem po ol' White Nationalists and KKKers and Alt-Righties came Tom Charlottesville for a grand ol' picnic. They brought their assault rifles and sidearms because, well, maybe there were deer in the woods and they could go out and bag some fresh venison. They brought their shields and helmets because, well, there might be pigeons in Virginia. They brought their torches because it had inspired them and their heroes since 1933. And they brought their Toyotas.

And they came to defend an inanimate object. Inanimate just like their guns. Nothing's no to fear.

Who knew there might be trouble? All they wanted to do was show how much they hated American values and ideals and their fellow citizens who designed to disagree. Who could have predicted any hassles?

Yup! Dem po ol' bigots never saw it coming.

How many shots were fired then? Genius. The ones who started the attacks were the antifa fascists.....of course you asswipes didn't care about all the attacks on peaceful people at rallies and college speeches....

If you're going to spin the story, spin the story. Tell how peacefully your heroes behaved. Tell us how bringing all those weapons to a college campus was the safe, responsible way to excerise their right to "peaceably assemble". Tell us that because no shots were fired, everything I said validated. After all, if you put a powder keg next to a bonfire and that powder keg does not explode, it's a safe practice to then store your powder kegs next to bonfires.
One group was there to protest the removal of a statue, the others were there to shut down the original protest through any means necessary - just like they did to conservative speech givers, Trump rally's, etc.

One group were a bunch of racist assholes. The other group was there to protest them.

The people of that town had already had the discussion about the old dead racist.

The racist fucks had a court order allowing their protest. The counter-protesters did not.

You think it's cool that the mayor had the police put these two violent groups in a pit and let them fight it out? I'm not cool with that when the groups are not properly warned that it's going to be a brawl with zero support from the police - I guarantee you that people attending on both sides were rather expecting the police to keep the two groups separate; not funnel them together and walk away.

I think that the police are not obligated to protect you from your own stupidity. If you want to walk around wearing a fucking swastika, you deserve to get beaten up.

I wasn't there stop trying to pretend a) I was and b) I'm a nazi.

The police are obligated to protect an allowed protest, or at a minimum to inform the groups that they will /not/ be there and it's going to be a free for all.
Yeah dem po ol' White Nationalists and KKKers and Alt-Righties came Tom Charlottesville for a grand ol' picnic. They brought their assault rifles and sidearms because, well, maybe there were deer in the woods and they could go out and bag some fresh venison. They brought their shields and helmets because, well, there might be pigeons in Virginia. They brought their torches because it had inspired them and their heroes since 1933. And they brought their Toyotas.

And they came to defend an inanimate object. Inanimate just like their guns. Nothing's no to fear.

Who knew there might be trouble? All they wanted to do was show how much they hated American values and ideals and their fellow citizens who designed to disagree. Who could have predicted any hassles?

Yup! Dem po ol' bigots never saw it coming.

How many shots were fired then? Genius. The ones who started the attacks were the antifa fascists.....of course you asswipes didn't care about all the attacks on peaceful people at rallies and college speeches....

If you're going to spin the story, spin the story. Tell how peacefully your heroes behaved. Tell us how bringing all those weapons to a college campus was the safe, responsible way to excerise their right to "peaceably assemble". Tell us that because no shots were fired, everything I said validated. After all, if you put a powder keg next to a bonfire and that powder keg does not explode, it's a safe practice to then store your powder kegs next to bonfires.

Who were the legal participants in the rally and who were the illegal violent mother fuckers?

Yeah dem po ol' White Nationalists and KKKers and Alt-Righties came Tom Charlottesville for a grand ol' picnic. They brought their assault rifles and sidearms because, well, maybe there were deer in the woods and they could go out and bag some fresh venison. They brought their shields and helmets because, well, there might be pigeons in Virginia. They brought their torches because it had inspired them and their heroes since 1933. And they brought their Toyotas.

And they came to defend an inanimate object. Inanimate just like their guns. Nothing's no to fear.

Who knew there might be trouble? All they wanted to do was show how much they hated American values and ideals and their fellow citizens who designed to disagree. Who could have predicted any hassles?

Yup! Dem po ol' bigots never saw it coming.

How many shots were fired then? Genius. The ones who started the attacks were the antifa fascists.....of course you asswipes didn't care about all the attacks on peaceful people at rallies and college speeches....

If you're going to spin the story, spin the story. Tell how peacefully your heroes behaved. Tell us how bringing all those weapons to a college campus was the safe, responsible way to excerise their right to "peaceably assemble". Tell us that because no shots were fired, everything I said validated. After all, if you put a powder keg next to a bonfire and that powder keg does not explode, it's a safe practice to then store your powder kegs next to bonfires.

Sounds good, as long you avoid the fact that your faux 'progressive' thugs have been violently assaulting peaceful protestors for a while now, and murdering police officers and committing thousands of hate crimes, so you don't get to whine about anybody showing up armed any more and claiming that as an excuse for attacking them.
They had every right to rally. They even had the legal right to do so. Just like the vile Westboro Baptist assholes do. Just like the violent mother truckers with BLM do.

No blame on the legal rally participants. The Antifa assholes came armed with tear gas and cement filled pop cans along with other weapons.

Again, Nazis deserve to get beaten up.


So you are Antifa. Good to know. Believing in violence to suppress any and all different thought.

You are a pig.
Yeah dem po ol' White Nationalists and KKKers and Alt-Righties came Tom Charlottesville for a grand ol' picnic. They brought their assault rifles and sidearms because, well, maybe there were deer in the woods and they could go out and bag some fresh venison. They brought their shields and helmets because, well, there might be pigeons in Virginia. They brought their torches because it had inspired them and their heroes since 1933. And they brought their Toyotas.

And they came to defend an inanimate object. Inanimate just like their guns. Nothing's no to fear.

Who knew there might be trouble? All they wanted to do was show how much they hated American values and ideals and their fellow citizens who designed to disagree. Who could have predicted any hassles?

Yup! Dem po ol' bigots never saw it coming.

How many shots were fired then? Genius. The ones who started the attacks were the antifa fascists.....of course you asswipes didn't care about all the attacks on peaceful people at rallies and college speeches....

If you're going to spin the story, spin the story. Tell how peacefully your heroes behaved. Tell us how bringing all those weapons to a college campus was the safe, responsible way to excerise their right to "peaceably assemble". Tell us that because no shots were fired, everything I said validated. After all, if you put a powder keg next to a bonfire and that powder keg does not explode, it's a safe practice to then store your powder kegs next to bonfires.

Who were the legal participants in the rally and who were the illegal violent mother fuckers?


That attack right there was worthy of a shot in the head for the thug.
"Fox News reporter Doug McKelway was in attendance during yesterday’s deadly events in Charlottesville, VA, where he reported that the police were called off as soon as things started turning violent.

“But when the tear gas started to fly, thrown by protesters, the police themselves began to evacuate then. I asked the guy who was in charge, “Where you going?” He said,

We’re leaving. It’s too dangerous.They had a chance to nip this thing in the bud and they chose not to.“"

Video at link:

Charlottesville Police Called Off When Violence Began: “We’re Leaving, It’s Too Dangerous” | Zero Hedge
So you are Antifa. Good to know. Believing in violence to suppress any and all different thought.

You are a pig.

My Grandparents had to flee the Nazis in the 1930's
My Dad had to fight them in the 1940's.
Best to kill these snakes in the nest.
My family had to flee the Nazi's as well, I've no love for these Nazi fucks. However, this is America, and in America your freedom to think, believe, say, and /protest/ whatever the fuck you want is protected.

There is no justification for killing nor attacking someone for believing differently than you - it's disgusting, weak, and narrow minded.
So you are Antifa. Good to know. Believing in violence to suppress any and all different thought.

You are a pig.

My Grandparents had to flee the Nazis in the 1930's
My Dad had to fight them in the 1940's.
Best to kill these snakes in the nest.

How odd.

It's for another day but I do find it absolutely fascinating that Americans hate American Nazis but have no problem whatsoever with supporting Ukrainian Nazis. To the point that John McCain and others wish to arm them in the Ukraine.

Interesting. For another day. Recognize any of these symbols? I saw American Nazis marching with the Black Sun. I have no use for Nazis world wide. But then I'm not selective like the US government. Who just adore the Kiev nazis.

So you are Antifa. Good to know. Believing in violence to suppress any and all different thought.

You are a pig.

My Grandparents had to flee the Nazis in the 1930's
My Dad had to fight them in the 1940's.
Best to kill these snakes in the nest.

Your dad must have known that his heroes, the Soviet Red Army was coming. If he had stayed where he was, rather than coming to America, you would be a festering pustule somewhere in Europe rather than infecting he country you so obviously despise.

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