Police State: FAA Has Authorized 106 Government 'Entities' To Fly Domestic Drones...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
And the NWO Globalist cretins rejoice. All Hail Big Brother!!

Since Jan. 1 of this year, according to congressional testimony presented Thursday by the Government Accountability Office, the Federal Aviation Administration has authorized 106 federal, state and local government “entities” to fly “unmanned aircraft systems,” also known as drones, within U.S. airspace.

“We are now on the edge of a new horizon: using unmanned aerial systems within the homeland,” House Homeland Security Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Michael McCaul (R.-Texas) said as he introduced the testimony.

“Currently,” said McCaul, “there are about 200 active Certificates of Authorization issued by the Federal Aviation Administration to over 100 different entities, such as law enforcement departments and academic institutions, to fly drones domestically.”

At his panel’s Thursday hearing, McCaul showed a map of the United States with markers indicating the locations where--as of April--government entities had been approved by the FAA to fly drones.

“The number of recipients since that time has increased,” McCaul noted.

GAO testified that the FAA’s long-term goal is to permit drones to operate in U.S. airspace “to the greatest extent possible.”

The proliferation of domestic drones, GAO said, raises a number of issues, the first of which is the right to privacy.

“First is privacy as it relates to the collection and use of surveillance data,” Gerald L. Dillingham, GAO’s director of Physical Infrastructure Issues told the House Homeland Subcommittee on Oversight on Thursday.

“Members of Congress, civil liberties organizations and civilians have expressed concerns...

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FAA Has Authorized 106 Government
This one will likely fly under the radar in Dumbed-Down America. Cause, didn't that guy put a dog on the roof of his car one time? And didn't that other guy eat dogs? That's the important stuff the Sheeple care about. Man, what a mess.
Help it's a wolfe. Really man for real this time, it's a wolfe and it going to eat me. Come on I know I cried wolfe a bunch of times before but it's really really a wolfe this time Help me. Help me.


Next try and scare us with claims that the next logical step is that they are going to put Hellfire missiles on the domestic drones for use on ememies of the State.

Don't forget to call me an O-bot too.
And the NWO Globalist cretins rejoice. All Hail Big Brother!!

Since Jan. 1 of this year, according to congressional testimony presented Thursday by the Government Accountability Office, the Federal Aviation Administration has authorized 106 federal, state and local government “entities” to fly “unmanned aircraft systems,” also known as drones, within U.S. airspace.

“We are now on the edge of a new horizon: using unmanned aerial systems within the homeland,” House Homeland Security Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Michael McCaul (R.-Texas) said as he introduced the testimony.

“Currently,” said McCaul, “there are about 200 active Certificates of Authorization issued by the Federal Aviation Administration to over 100 different entities, such as law enforcement departments and academic institutions, to fly drones domestically.”

At his panel’s Thursday hearing, McCaul showed a map of the United States with markers indicating the locations where--as of April--government entities had been approved by the FAA to fly drones.

“The number of recipients since that time has increased,” McCaul noted.

GAO testified that the FAA’s long-term goal is to permit drones to operate in U.S. airspace “to the greatest extent possible.”

The proliferation of domestic drones, GAO said, raises a number of issues, the first of which is the right to privacy.

“First is privacy as it relates to the collection and use of surveillance data,” Gerald L. Dillingham, GAO’s director of Physical Infrastructure Issues told the House Homeland Subcommittee on Oversight on Thursday.

“Members of Congress, civil liberties organizations and civilians have expressed concerns...

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FAA Has Authorized 106 Government

This one will likely fly under the radar in Dumbed-Down America. Cause, didn't that guy put a dog on the roof of his car one time? And didn't that other guy eat dogs? That's the important stuff the Sheeple care about. Man, what a mess.

Americans would rather watch Entertainment Tonight or Dancing with the Has Beens than be knowledgeable if what is going on in government...things that actually affect their lives.

We have been successfully dumbed down by the behind-the-scene workings of corrupt politicians from both of the two protected parties.
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Keep us safe.

Keeping us safe at what cost to our Freedoms?

Which freedoms are you losing because of these drones?

I would think my fenced in backyard would qualify under this:
Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
And the NWO Globalist cretins rejoice. All Hail Big Brother!!

Since Jan. 1 of this year, according to congressional testimony presented Thursday by the Government Accountability Office, the Federal Aviation Administration has authorized 106 federal, state and local government “entities” to fly “unmanned aircraft systems,” also known as drones, within U.S. airspace.

“We are now on the edge of a new horizon: using unmanned aerial systems within the homeland,” House Homeland Security Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Michael McCaul (R.-Texas) said as he introduced the testimony.

“Currently,” said McCaul, “there are about 200 active Certificates of Authorization issued by the Federal Aviation Administration to over 100 different entities, such as law enforcement departments and academic institutions, to fly drones domestically.”

At his panel’s Thursday hearing, McCaul showed a map of the United States with markers indicating the locations where--as of April--government entities had been approved by the FAA to fly drones.

“The number of recipients since that time has increased,” McCaul noted.

GAO testified that the FAA’s long-term goal is to permit drones to operate in U.S. airspace “to the greatest extent possible.”

The proliferation of domestic drones, GAO said, raises a number of issues, the first of which is the right to privacy.

“First is privacy as it relates to the collection and use of surveillance data,” Gerald L. Dillingham, GAO’s director of Physical Infrastructure Issues told the House Homeland Subcommittee on Oversight on Thursday.

“Members of Congress, civil liberties organizations and civilians have expressed concerns...

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FAA Has Authorized 106 Government

Well that IS scary. I mean, it's not like the military has been flying in US air space before, this it totally unprecedented!
While many are right to be concerned about new surveillance technology, how are surveillance drones different than cops flying around in helicopters? The only thing that should really be worrying about this is the MIC using state and local law enforcement as a major source of revenue thereby militarizing them for no good reason.
Keeping us safe at what cost to our Freedoms?

Which freedoms are you losing because of these drones?

I would think my fenced in backyard would qualify under this:
Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

So, please show me ANYTHING that states these 106 drones will be searching in your backyard.
What % would be law enforcement? There are all sorts of commercial and scientific reasons to use drones.
While many are right to be concerned about new surveillance technology, how are surveillance drones different than cops flying around in helicopters? The only thing that should really be worrying about this is the MIC using state and local law enforcement as a major source of revenue thereby militarizing them for no good reason.

Like the call for a civilian military force.

You are a bit slow.. It is not just today either.
Which freedoms are you losing because of these drones?

I would think my fenced in backyard would qualify under this:
Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

So, please show me ANYTHING that states these 106 drones will be searching in your backyard.

Do you honestly believe the operators of these drones, will simply close there eyes when they fly over the backyard of a person who has committed no crime, and who has no probable cause to be searched? I certainly don't.
Help it's a wolfe. Really man for real this time, it's a wolfe and it going to eat me. Come on I know I cried wolfe a bunch of times before but it's really really a wolfe this time Help me. Help me.


Next try and scare us with claims that the next logical step is that they are going to put Hellfire missiles on the domestic drones for use on ememies of the State.

Don't forget to call me an O-bot too.

New York City has surface to air missiles, and police want to arm drones that they are flying.

Groups Concerned Over Arming Of Domestic Drones « CBS DC

Keep pretending all is fine with the universe.
And the NWO Globalist cretins rejoice. All Hail Big Brother!!

Since Jan. 1 of this year, according to congressional testimony presented Thursday by the Government Accountability Office, the Federal Aviation Administration has authorized 106 federal, state and local government “entities” to fly “unmanned aircraft systems,” also known as drones, within U.S. airspace.

“We are now on the edge of a new horizon: using unmanned aerial systems within the homeland,” House Homeland Security Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Michael McCaul (R.-Texas) said as he introduced the testimony.

“Currently,” said McCaul, “there are about 200 active Certificates of Authorization issued by the Federal Aviation Administration to over 100 different entities, such as law enforcement departments and academic institutions, to fly drones domestically.”

At his panel’s Thursday hearing, McCaul showed a map of the United States with markers indicating the locations where--as of April--government entities had been approved by the FAA to fly drones.

“The number of recipients since that time has increased,” McCaul noted.

GAO testified that the FAA’s long-term goal is to permit drones to operate in U.S. airspace “to the greatest extent possible.”

The proliferation of domestic drones, GAO said, raises a number of issues, the first of which is the right to privacy.

“First is privacy as it relates to the collection and use of surveillance data,” Gerald L. Dillingham, GAO’s director of Physical Infrastructure Issues told the House Homeland Subcommittee on Oversight on Thursday.

“Members of Congress, civil liberties organizations and civilians have expressed concerns...

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FAA Has Authorized 106 Government

Well that IS scary. I mean, it's not like the military has been flying in US air space before, this it totally unprecedented!

Damn, you got me.

Except you didn't. The military does not conduct searches for illegal activity inside the US, nor does it mount hi def cameras on slow moving, low flying, aircraft so that it can look over a fence.
I would think my fenced in backyard would qualify under this:
Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

So, please show me ANYTHING that states these 106 drones will be searching in your backyard.

Do you honestly believe the operators of these drones, will simply close there eyes when they fly over the backyard of a person who has committed no crime, and who has no probable cause to be searched? I certainly don't.

Not all drones have to be real-time video set-ups. They could be survey and research drones. I'd bet most drones are doing things other than aerial surveillance.
While many are right to be concerned about new surveillance technology, how are surveillance drones different than cops flying around in helicopters? The only thing that should really be worrying about this is the MIC using state and local law enforcement as a major source of revenue thereby militarizing them for no good reason.

This is part of that defense budget you keep whining about. Yet, somehow, it is perfectly acceptable if we spend our defense budget on local cops who want shiny toys.

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