Police state national ID card tucked in immigration bill

When you have a massive number of illegal aliens doing a bums rush and creating this phony demographics "immigration" stuff and businesses that hire them, it makes me wonder what "we" means anymore. "We' want all people from all lands to immigrate legally. That's it, not hard. Mexicans don't get a freebie because...racism or xenophobia. Nope. Immigration laws apply to everyone, regardless. Mexicans aren't above the law.
Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.

Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards

Then why store CC numbers in the federal system? Why not just have the ID and let the private companies decide if they will accept that as valid?
Who said they would be stored in the federal system?
The card just has your name and biometric parameters
It confirms you are Montrovant

When you go to a store they swipe the card and the system says.......Montrovant, here is his credit card information

In order to get my CC information from swiping the ID, the ID has to be linked to that CC information. No reason for that.
Sorry....you just can't figure it out

Don't want to explain it further

I understand. I wouldn't want to try to explain why I thought the government having even further access to citizen's private information is a good thing, either.

Here's an almost 5-years-old article about government getting credit card data, and why that's a dangerous thing: Big Brother Is Watching You Swipe: The NSA’s Credit Card Data Grab | TIME.com

You want people's CC numbers stored in a federal government system. That's certainly hard to explain. ;)
Wait a minute, it appears you are talking about American's in the beginning, but then you end in deportation at the end ? So which do you require to have this ID, the temps or the American's ?? If only one ID is required of the temps to identify them, then they having any other form of ID does them no good. The only thing missing from the current system is enforcement on employers who had been working these immigrants by way of allowing them to use stolen or fake ID's. These employers knew who was here illegally, and they in the interest of their own bottom lines ignored the problem. Now we have to pay for the problems by changing our system as if it was our fault ?? Pathetic.

The ID woild be issued to US Citizens. Failure to have it on your person and/or to present it to ANY LEO on demand would be considered as not having the national ID.

Anyone not having a national ID who is found to be involved in any criminal activity, from jaywalking to murder would be immediately and permanently expelled from the country.

You wanna play thst "I don't have my ID" of the "I don't have to show you my ID" game with the cops - go directly to GTFO of this country. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200 (or any personal property left behind.)
Left your ID at home? Deported!
. As an American, deported to where ?? LOL
"a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms."

Communism + socialism.

A one-size-fits-all "solution."

Not going to fly.
I'm all for a national ID with fingerprint recognition and a photo, with some caveats...

1. It also acts as a drivers license, firearms license, social security card,voter ID, passport, and any other state or federal license/ID required by law.

2. It would not be attached to any financial, employment, or other private information, including medical insurance.

3. It could only be issued to US Citizens.

4. It would be required to be carried on your person at all times, and could be demanded to be presented to any LEO at any time. Failure to have or present the card would result in immediate deportation.
. Wait a minute, it appears you are talking about American's in the beginning, but then you end in deportation at the end ? So which do you require to have this ID, the temps or the American's ?? If only one ID is required of the temps to identify them, then they having any other form of ID does them no good. The only thing missing from the current system is enforcement on employers who had been working these immigrants by way of allowing them to use stolen or fake ID's. These employers knew who was here illegally, and they in the interest of their own bottom lines ignored the problem. Now we have to pay for the problems by changing our system as if it was our fault ?? Pathetic.
He is rambling while he beats off, as usual.
. You got something to say or you just want to use a personal attack that has nothing to do with the topic ?? Grow up and get out of your mom's basement one day. The sun light will do you good.
‘Police State’ National ID Card Tucked In Immigration Bill

Inserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms. Introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., H.R. 4760 encompasses issues such as education, Homeland Security and the military. Buried in the 400-page legislation is the new mandatory national identification system in which citizens would be required to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”


XXXX -- Mod Edit -- ONE TOPIC per OP.. Already too much thread noise about your 2nd topic.

so you think we should have a "papers please" law... just like the gestapo had?
. Well we do get asked for our drivers liscense now in spot checks or traffic stops, and that should suffice, but it appears that the government fears us so bad now, that it wants to keep track of everything about us, and that is where it all goes wrong.
What system is each person's credit card number being stored in? Those numbers are part of private companies. Same with health insurance. Unless you nationalize those things, how is all that information being put into one system? Are you planning to force private companies to keep their information in a national government database at the same time you force individual citizens to provide their fingerprints and retinal scans to a national government database?

That's a lot of support for and trust in the federal government.
Still would be

The companies would be putting in info and storing records ......just like they do now

Only difference is instead of access being through a 12 digit number and signature, it would be through your biometric ID card

All the card does is verify......this is Montrovant
Then the private company looks up your name/ID and accesses your record

Cops would do the same thing for your drivers license

In other words, instead of private companies being able to determine how to deal with the private information of their clients, you put the federal government in charge. The private company doesn't get to say how they want to verify someone's identity, you force them to use the biometric ID card.

Driver's licenses have different rules by state, how does a national ID effect that?

You seem determined to centralize as much information as possible.
What part of companies keep track of their own records is beyond your comprehension ?

Each state still issues their own license. When you put in your ID it will link to the state you are licensed in

Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.

Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards
. You being for it makes me want to run for the hills thinking about what it all means. I mean look at what happened during this last election. It's getting worse and worse.
I'm all for a national ID with fingerprint recognition and a photo, with some caveats...

1. It also acts as a drivers license, firearms license, social security card,voter ID, passport, and any other state or federal license/ID required by law.

2. It would not be attached to any financial, employment, or other private information, including medical insurance.

3. It could only be issued to US Citizens.

4. It would be required to be carried on your person at all times, and could be demanded to be presented to any LEO at any time. Failure to have or present the card would result in immediate deportation.
. Wait a minute, it appears you are talking about American's in the beginning, but then you end in deportation at the end ? So which do you require to have this ID, the temps or the American's ?? If only one ID is required of the temps to identify them, then they having any other form of ID does them no good. The only thing missing from the current system is enforcement on employers who had been working these immigrants by way of allowing them to use stolen or fake ID's. These employers knew who was here illegally, and they in the interest of their own bottom lines ignored the problem. Now we have to pay for the problems by changing our system as if it was our fault ?? Pathetic.
He is rambling while he beats off, as usual.
. You got something to say or you just want to use a personal attack that has nothing to do with the topic ?? Grow up and get out of your mom's basement one day. The sun light will do you good.
Fuck off.
Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards

Then why store CC numbers in the federal system? Why not just have the ID and let the private companies decide if they will accept that as valid?
Who said they would be stored in the federal system?
The card just has your name and biometric parameters
It confirms you are Montrovant

When you go to a store they swipe the card and the system says.......Montrovant, here is his credit card information

In order to get my CC information from swiping the ID, the ID has to be linked to that CC information. No reason for that.
Sorry....you just can't figure it out

Don't want to explain it further

I understand. I wouldn't want to try to explain why I thought the government having even further access to citizen's private information is a good thing, either.

Here's an almost 5-years-old article about government getting credit card data, and why that's a dangerous thing: Big Brother Is Watching You Swipe: The NSA’s Credit Card Data Grab | TIME.com

You want people's CC numbers stored in a federal government system. That's certainly hard to explain. ;)


I give up
Still would be

The companies would be putting in info and storing records ......just like they do now

Only difference is instead of access being through a 12 digit number and signature, it would be through your biometric ID card

All the card does is verify......this is Montrovant
Then the private company looks up your name/ID and accesses your record

Cops would do the same thing for your drivers license

In other words, instead of private companies being able to determine how to deal with the private information of their clients, you put the federal government in charge. The private company doesn't get to say how they want to verify someone's identity, you force them to use the biometric ID card.

Driver's licenses have different rules by state, how does a national ID effect that?

You seem determined to centralize as much information as possible.
What part of companies keep track of their own records is beyond your comprehension ?

Each state still issues their own license. When you put in your ID it will link to the state you are licensed in

Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.

Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards
. You being for it makes me want to run for the hills thinking about what it all means. I mean look at what happened during this last election. It's getting worse and worse.
It is getting worse....we elected Trump
In other words, instead of private companies being able to determine how to deal with the private information of their clients, you put the federal government in charge. The private company doesn't get to say how they want to verify someone's identity, you force them to use the biometric ID card.

Driver's licenses have different rules by state, how does a national ID effect that?

You seem determined to centralize as much information as possible.
What part of companies keep track of their own records is beyond your comprehension ?

Each state still issues their own license. When you put in your ID it will link to the state you are licensed in

Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.

Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards
. You being for it makes me want to run for the hills thinking about what it all means. I mean look at what happened during this last election. It's getting worse and worse.
It is getting worse....we elected Trump
. No, y'all trying to run a coup on him is the eye opener. It would be great if y'all could control your rabid obsession with wanting to take him out of the job. Uhhh, so instead of that, why don't you try picking something you care about (if any), and work towards it with him on your side than him being against you ? Could start today instead of expending so much worthless time fighting against a chance to get something done for yourselves. I mean how much time do y'all have on wasting your lives away like you are doing ?
Inserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms. Introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., H.R. 4760 encompasses issues such as education, Homeland Security and the military. Buried in the 400-page legislation is the new mandatory national identification system in which citizens would be required to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”

Okay, I'm not sure why you guys are panicking about a "national ID card".

We already have those, they are called "Social Security Cards"

So here's a crazy idea. Just have that card personalized with the picture of the person on it, so that when someone brings in an ID that says "John Smith" on it, they get a picture of John Smith coming up when they apply for a job or benefits.
Why do we need to carry half a dozen types of identification ?

Just carry one that can be used for any application anywhere in the country

For Government ID, I agree. However, there is no reason for the Government to have any connection to my financial, business, or other private accounts, ID's, etc...
They do already...to late....

to - too -two
Context my man, context...
Inserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms. Introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., H.R. 4760 encompasses issues such as education, Homeland Security and the military. Buried in the 400-page legislation is the new mandatory national identification system in which citizens would be required to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”

Okay, I'm not sure why you guys are panicking about a "national ID card".

We already have those, they are called "Social Security Cards"

So here's a crazy idea. Just have that card personalized with the picture of the person on it, so that when someone brings in an ID that says "John Smith" on it, they get a picture of John Smith coming up when they apply for a job or benefits.
Nope, SS cards are not to be used as an form of picture ID..
Nope, SS cards are not to be used as an form of picture ID..

why not?

Because back in the 1930's, someone promised they wouldn't be?

seriously, it would solve 99% of the problems with illegal immigration and would be a lot cheaper than a wall.

it would also make it a lot harder to commit identity theft, which is a real problem.
Inserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms. Introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., H.R. 4760 encompasses issues such as education, Homeland Security and the military. Buried in the 400-page legislation is the new mandatory national identification system in which citizens would be required to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”

Okay, I'm not sure why you guys are panicking about a "national ID card".

We already have those, they are called "Social Security Cards"

So here's a crazy idea. Just have that card personalized with the picture of the person on it, so that when someone brings in an ID that says "John Smith" on it, they get a picture of John Smith coming up when they apply for a job or benefits.
. No need for us as American's having to join the world in any of this bullcrap. Just stop the problem that is causing us to lose our security to begin with, and that will be that.

Compromising our securities to accommodate new technologies or to battle criminal illegals who are being aided and abetted by our own citizen employers can be stopped or fixed without changing a thing we Americans have right now.

A driver's liscense is seperate from our SS cards because we have to add or subtract from the liscense and/or recertify it due to eyesight failing and/or age issues. Most keep their SS number in their memories, and rarely have to pull their card to show it to anyone.

I still believe that the ideas people are coming up with, are actually an attempt to conform the future citizens to corporate and government wanting to lead them, and to control them. The illegals or the illegal issue sets the stage for ideas to be implemented without resistance of, and in the justifications of. Wake up American's.
Nope, SS cards are not to be used as an form of picture ID..

why not?

Because back in the 1930's, someone promised they wouldn't be?

seriously, it would solve 99% of the problems with illegal immigration and would be a lot cheaper than a wall.

it would also make it a lot harder to commit identity theft, which is a real problem.
. It would just create an area on the card where a genius can replace the picture with an illegals picture.
Nope, SS cards are not to be used as an form of picture ID..

why not?

Because back in the 1930's, someone promised they wouldn't be?

seriously, it would solve 99% of the problems with illegal immigration and would be a lot cheaper than a wall.

it would also make it a lot harder to commit identity theft, which is a real problem.
They don't have a picture on them..
No need for us as American's having to join the world in any of this bullcrap. Just stop the problem that is causing us to lose our security to begin with, and that will be that.

Compromising our securities to accommodate new technologies or to battle criminal illegals who are being aided and abetted by our own citizen employers can be stopped or fixed without changing a thing we Americans have right now.

guy, here's the problem. The technology HAS changed. It's not just illegal immigration (which isn't that big of a deal and could probably be fixed with a sensible guest worker program) it's the fact that you have rampant identity theft because people don't have to prove they are who they claim to be.

I still believe that the ideas people are coming up with, are actually an attempt to conform the future citizens to corporate and government wanting to lead them, and to control them. The illegals or the illegal issue sets the stage for ideas to be implemented without resistance of, and in the justifications of. Wake up American's.

Yawn, guy, here's the thing. Private enterprise has comprimised more of our privacy than the government ever will. It's why every time I log on, I get a bunch of advertisements based on things I might have looked up previously on my facebook and google feeds.

Your paranoia is just kind of silly.

You complain about this problem, and want to do silly things like "let's put up a wall", when a national ID system could be a very simple, cost effective fix in the case of people who sincerely want to follow the law, but don't have a method of verifying identity.

. It would just create an area on the card where a genius can replace the picture with an illegals picture.

Okay. Simple solution to that. They show you the doctored ID, you go on to E-verify and punch in that Social Security number, and the REAL picture comes up along with the fact he lives in another state and already has a job!

But when you just have a number you can steal, you can get all sorts of goodies with that number, and it onus is on the rightful owner of that number to prove he's had it stolen from him.
What part of companies keep track of their own records is beyond your comprehension ?

Each state still issues their own license. When you put in your ID it will link to the state you are licensed in

Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.

Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards
. You being for it makes me want to run for the hills thinking about what it all means. I mean look at what happened during this last election. It's getting worse and worse.
It is getting worse....we elected Trump
. No, y'all trying to run a coup on him is the eye opener. It would be great if y'all could control your rabid obsession with wanting to take him out of the job. Uhhh, so instead of that, why don't you try picking something you care about (if any), and work towards it with him on your side than him being against you ? Could start today instead of expending so much worthless time fighting against a chance to get something done for yourselves. I mean how much time do y'all have on wasting your lives away like you are doing ?
What is being done that constitutes a coup in your eyes?

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