Police state national ID card tucked in immigration bill

. Wouldn't have to worry about that if only one form of identity is excepted by the feds from the immigrants who are here temporarily. Illegals without ID's are deported. Simple. There is absolutely no reason to reinvent anything that has been put in place over the years in which American's have made use of over the very long periods in which we had perfected these things.
Why do we need to carry half a dozen types of identification ?

Just carry one that can be used for any application anywhere in the country
Are you planning to nationalize all industries that you’re talking about?

You don't nationalize anything. Just provide a solid ID

Your credit card number will be stored in the system. When you go to a store, you will insert your ID and maybe a thumbprint or facial scan. Their computer will show that you have an account with them or VISA

Same with your healthcare card

What system is each person's credit card number being stored in? Those numbers are part of private companies. Same with health insurance. Unless you nationalize those things, how is all that information being put into one system? Are you planning to force private companies to keep their information in a national government database at the same time you force individual citizens to provide their fingerprints and retinal scans to a national government database?

That's a lot of support for and trust in the federal government.
Still would be

The companies would be putting in info and storing records ......just like they do now

Only difference is instead of access being through a 12 digit number and signature, it would be through your biometric ID card

All the card does is verify......this is Montrovant
Then the private company looks up your name/ID and accesses your record

Cops would do the same thing for your drivers license

In other words, instead of private companies being able to determine how to deal with the private information of their clients, you put the federal government in charge. The private company doesn't get to say how they want to verify someone's identity, you force them to use the biometric ID card.

Driver's licenses have different rules by state, how does a national ID effect that?

You seem determined to centralize as much information as possible.
Not buying the "perfected these things" argument. Our forthcoming thread in the Immigration forum will address that pathology, because ity goes back to even before 1808.
‘Police State’ National ID Card Tucked In Immigration Bill

Inserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms. Introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., H.R. 4760 encompasses issues such as education, Homeland Security and the military. Buried in the 400-page legislation is the new mandatory national identification system in which citizens would be required to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”


XXXX -- Mod Edit -- ONE TOPIC per OP.. Already too much thread noise about your 2nd topic.

so you think we should have a "papers please" law... just like the gestapo had?
In post #187, Anathema shows the problem: proof. One can be standing in the SS office with a photo ID driver's license which proves identity, and the SS will still want to know about the address: current or otherwise, because (they make ti one of the stipulations [italics]) for obtaining a new SS card.. This is where the pathology and the contradiction lies, and why "homeless" vets in Eugene, Oregon could not vote.
yes, it does.

ID is still ID

Having a national ID tied to biometrics makes it almost impossible to steal your identity
States have their own id.
And when you travel between states?
Why not one size fits all?
Doesn't matter for citizens in the several States, within the free trade area known as the United States.
It is a matter of record keeping

Do we need 50 different data bases or just one?
No, it isn't. It is about our republican form of Government.
Why do we need to carry half a dozen types of identification ?

Just carry one that can be used for any application anywhere in the country
Are you planning to nationalize all industries that you’re talking about?

You don't nationalize anything. Just provide a solid ID

Your credit card number will be stored in the system. When you go to a store, you will insert your ID and maybe a thumbprint or facial scan. Their computer will show that you have an account with them or VISA

Same with your healthcare card

What system is each person's credit card number being stored in? Those numbers are part of private companies. Same with health insurance. Unless you nationalize those things, how is all that information being put into one system? Are you planning to force private companies to keep their information in a national government database at the same time you force individual citizens to provide their fingerprints and retinal scans to a national government database?

That's a lot of support for and trust in the federal government.
Still would be

The companies would be putting in info and storing records ......just like they do now

Only difference is instead of access being through a 12 digit number and signature, it would be through your biometric ID card

All the card does is verify......this is Montrovant
Then the private company looks up your name/ID and accesses your record

Cops would do the same thing for your drivers license

In other words, instead of private companies being able to determine how to deal with the private information of their clients, you put the federal government in charge. The private company doesn't get to say how they want to verify someone's identity, you force them to use the biometric ID card.

Driver's licenses have different rules by state, how does a national ID effect that?

You seem determined to centralize as much information as possible.
What part of companies keep track of their own records is beyond your comprehension ?

Each state still issues their own license. When you put in your ID it will link to the state you are licensed in
Are you planning to nationalize all industries that you’re talking about?

You don't nationalize anything. Just provide a solid ID

Your credit card number will be stored in the system. When you go to a store, you will insert your ID and maybe a thumbprint or facial scan. Their computer will show that you have an account with them or VISA

Same with your healthcare card

What system is each person's credit card number being stored in? Those numbers are part of private companies. Same with health insurance. Unless you nationalize those things, how is all that information being put into one system? Are you planning to force private companies to keep their information in a national government database at the same time you force individual citizens to provide their fingerprints and retinal scans to a national government database?

That's a lot of support for and trust in the federal government.
Still would be

The companies would be putting in info and storing records ......just like they do now

Only difference is instead of access being through a 12 digit number and signature, it would be through your biometric ID card

All the card does is verify......this is Montrovant
Then the private company looks up your name/ID and accesses your record

Cops would do the same thing for your drivers license

In other words, instead of private companies being able to determine how to deal with the private information of their clients, you put the federal government in charge. The private company doesn't get to say how they want to verify someone's identity, you force them to use the biometric ID card.

Driver's licenses have different rules by state, how does a national ID effect that?

You seem determined to centralize as much information as possible.
What part of companies keep track of their own records is beyond your comprehension ?

Each state still issues their own license. When you put in your ID it will link to the state you are licensed in

Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.
You don't nationalize anything. Just provide a solid ID

Your credit card number will be stored in the system. When you go to a store, you will insert your ID and maybe a thumbprint or facial scan. Their computer will show that you have an account with them or VISA

Same with your healthcare card

What system is each person's credit card number being stored in? Those numbers are part of private companies. Same with health insurance. Unless you nationalize those things, how is all that information being put into one system? Are you planning to force private companies to keep their information in a national government database at the same time you force individual citizens to provide their fingerprints and retinal scans to a national government database?

That's a lot of support for and trust in the federal government.
Still would be

The companies would be putting in info and storing records ......just like they do now

Only difference is instead of access being through a 12 digit number and signature, it would be through your biometric ID card

All the card does is verify......this is Montrovant
Then the private company looks up your name/ID and accesses your record

Cops would do the same thing for your drivers license

In other words, instead of private companies being able to determine how to deal with the private information of their clients, you put the federal government in charge. The private company doesn't get to say how they want to verify someone's identity, you force them to use the biometric ID card.

Driver's licenses have different rules by state, how does a national ID effect that?

You seem determined to centralize as much information as possible.
What part of companies keep track of their own records is beyond your comprehension ?

Each state still issues their own license. When you put in your ID it will link to the state you are licensed in

Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.

Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards
What system is each person's credit card number being stored in? Those numbers are part of private companies. Same with health insurance. Unless you nationalize those things, how is all that information being put into one system? Are you planning to force private companies to keep their information in a national government database at the same time you force individual citizens to provide their fingerprints and retinal scans to a national government database?

That's a lot of support for and trust in the federal government.
Still would be

The companies would be putting in info and storing records ......just like they do now

Only difference is instead of access being through a 12 digit number and signature, it would be through your biometric ID card

All the card does is verify......this is Montrovant
Then the private company looks up your name/ID and accesses your record

Cops would do the same thing for your drivers license

In other words, instead of private companies being able to determine how to deal with the private information of their clients, you put the federal government in charge. The private company doesn't get to say how they want to verify someone's identity, you force them to use the biometric ID card.

Driver's licenses have different rules by state, how does a national ID effect that?

You seem determined to centralize as much information as possible.
What part of companies keep track of their own records is beyond your comprehension ?

Each state still issues their own license. When you put in your ID it will link to the state you are licensed in

Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.

Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards

Then why store CC numbers in the federal system? Why not just have the ID and let the private companies decide if they will accept that as valid?
Still would be

The companies would be putting in info and storing records ......just like they do now

Only difference is instead of access being through a 12 digit number and signature, it would be through your biometric ID card

All the card does is verify......this is Montrovant
Then the private company looks up your name/ID and accesses your record

Cops would do the same thing for your drivers license

In other words, instead of private companies being able to determine how to deal with the private information of their clients, you put the federal government in charge. The private company doesn't get to say how they want to verify someone's identity, you force them to use the biometric ID card.

Driver's licenses have different rules by state, how does a national ID effect that?

You seem determined to centralize as much information as possible.
What part of companies keep track of their own records is beyond your comprehension ?

Each state still issues their own license. When you put in your ID it will link to the state you are licensed in

Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.

Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards

Then why store CC numbers in the federal system? Why not just have the ID and let the private companies decide if they will accept that as valid?
Who said they would be stored in the federal system?
The card just has your name and biometric parameters
It confirms you are Montrovant

When you go to a store they swipe the card and the system says.......Montrovant, here is his credit card information
In other words, instead of private companies being able to determine how to deal with the private information of their clients, you put the federal government in charge. The private company doesn't get to say how they want to verify someone's identity, you force them to use the biometric ID card.

Driver's licenses have different rules by state, how does a national ID effect that?

You seem determined to centralize as much information as possible.
What part of companies keep track of their own records is beyond your comprehension ?

Each state still issues their own license. When you put in your ID it will link to the state you are licensed in

Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.

Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards

Then why store CC numbers in the federal system? Why not just have the ID and let the private companies decide if they will accept that as valid?
Who said they would be stored in the federal system?
The card just has your name and biometric parameters
It confirms you are Montrovant

When you go to a store they swipe the card and the system says.......Montrovant, here is his credit card information

In order to get my CC information from swiping the ID, the ID has to be linked to that CC information. No reason for that.
What part of companies keep track of their own records is beyond your comprehension ?

Each state still issues their own license. When you put in your ID it will link to the state you are licensed in

Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.

Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards

Then why store CC numbers in the federal system? Why not just have the ID and let the private companies decide if they will accept that as valid?
Who said they would be stored in the federal system?
The card just has your name and biometric parameters
It confirms you are Montrovant

When you go to a store they swipe the card and the system says.......Montrovant, here is his credit card information

In order to get my CC information from swiping the ID, the ID has to be linked to that CC information. No reason for that.
Sorry....you just can't figure it out

Don't want to explain it further
Thanks to 9/11 and the war on drugs every financial institution gives the US govt. you info when you get an account....

But not daily balances, income and payment info, or other transactions UNLESS you do something stupid like withdraw $10,000 in cash at one time.
It used to be 10k then went to 5k and now anything like 1k...and if you get stopped by a cop with a large amount you will be arrested charged with drug trafficking and loose that dough...

Better tighten that dough up! You wouldn't want to lose it!
Thanks to 9/11 and the war on drugs every financial institution gives the US govt. you info when you get an account....

But not daily balances, income and payment info, or other transactions UNLESS you do something stupid like withdraw $10,000 in cash at one time.
It used to be 10k then went to 5k and now anything like 1k...and if you get stopped by a cop with a large amount you will be arrested charged with drug trafficking and loose that dough...

Wrong, as per usual.
Why is it scares illegal aliens or criminals? Or their overlords that make this seem like a civil rights issue when it's just about businesses cynically exploiting illegals for cheap momentary profit? They can't fool all of us. Those bastards.

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