Police state national ID card tucked in immigration bill

Why do we need to carry half a dozen types of identification ?

Just carry one that can be used for any application anywhere in the country

For Government ID, I agree. However, there is no reason for the Government to have any connection to my financial, business, or other private accounts, ID's, etc...
They do already...to late....

to - too -two
Context my man, context...


Lack of education my man, lack of education...
Companies keep track of their own records....after linking their business to a mandated federal government database. They keep track of their own records, but are forced to use a mandated federal government ID card as an identifier.

Again, you want to put all of the eggs in one massive basket, with the federal government in charge of it.

Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards
. You being for it makes me want to run for the hills thinking about what it all means. I mean look at what happened during this last election. It's getting worse and worse.
It is getting worse....we elected Trump
. No, y'all trying to run a coup on him is the eye opener. It would be great if y'all could control your rabid obsession with wanting to take him out of the job. Uhhh, so instead of that, why don't you try picking something you care about (if any), and work towards it with him on your side than him being against you ? Could start today instead of expending so much worthless time fighting against a chance to get something done for yourselves. I mean how much time do y'all have on wasting your lives away like you are doing ?
What is being done that constitutes a coup in your eyes?
. Joined the human race today did ya ? Good grief.
No need for us as American's having to join the world in any of this bullcrap. Just stop the problem that is causing us to lose our security to begin with, and that will be that.

Compromising our securities to accommodate new technologies or to battle criminal illegals who are being aided and abetted by our own citizen employers can be stopped or fixed without changing a thing we Americans have right now.

guy, here's the problem. The technology HAS changed. It's not just illegal immigration (which isn't that big of a deal and could probably be fixed with a sensible guest worker program) it's the fact that you have rampant identity theft because people don't have to prove they are who they claim to be.

I still believe that the ideas people are coming up with, are actually an attempt to conform the future citizens to corporate and government wanting to lead them, and to control them. The illegals or the illegal issue sets the stage for ideas to be implemented without resistance of, and in the justifications of. Wake up American's.

Yawn, guy, here's the thing. Private enterprise has comprimised more of our privacy than the government ever will. It's why every time I log on, I get a bunch of advertisements based on things I might have looked up previously on my facebook and google feeds.

Your paranoia is just kind of silly.

You complain about this problem, and want to do silly things like "let's put up a wall", when a national ID system could be a very simple, cost effective fix in the case of people who sincerely want to follow the law, but don't have a method of verifying identity.

. It would just create an area on the card where a genius can replace the picture with an illegals picture.

Okay. Simple solution to that. They show you the doctored ID, you go on to E-verify and punch in that Social Security number, and the REAL picture comes up along with the fact he lives in another state and already has a job!

But when you just have a number you can steal, you can get all sorts of goodies with that number, and it onus is on the rightful owner of that number to prove he's had it stolen from him.
. How about let's just punish the culprits, because we were just minding our own business until the new generation came along with all there dramatic changes they want to make in order to track and control us better as citizens. Like I said it's just all excuses being used, and the citizens need to realize it even if they are forced or pushed into it.
No need for us as American's having to join the world in any of this bullcrap. Just stop the problem that is causing us to lose our security to begin with, and that will be that.

Compromising our securities to accommodate new technologies or to battle criminal illegals who are being aided and abetted by our own citizen employers can be stopped or fixed without changing a thing we Americans have right now.

guy, here's the problem. The technology HAS changed. It's not just illegal immigration (which isn't that big of a deal and could probably be fixed with a sensible guest worker program) it's the fact that you have rampant identity theft because people don't have to prove they are who they claim to be.

I still believe that the ideas people are coming up with, are actually an attempt to conform the future citizens to corporate and government wanting to lead them, and to control them. The illegals or the illegal issue sets the stage for ideas to be implemented without resistance of, and in the justifications of. Wake up American's.

Yawn, guy, here's the thing. Private enterprise has comprimised more of our privacy than the government ever will. It's why every time I log on, I get a bunch of advertisements based on things I might have looked up previously on my facebook and google feeds.

Your paranoia is just kind of silly.

You complain about this problem, and want to do silly things like "let's put up a wall", when a national ID system could be a very simple, cost effective fix in the case of people who sincerely want to follow the law, but don't have a method of verifying identity.

. It would just create an area on the card where a genius can replace the picture with an illegals picture.

Okay. Simple solution to that. They show you the doctored ID, you go on to E-verify and punch in that Social Security number, and the REAL picture comes up along with the fact he lives in another state and already has a job!

But when you just have a number you can steal, you can get all sorts of goodies with that number, and it onus is on the rightful owner of that number to prove he's had it stolen from him.
. How about let's just punish the culprits, because we were just minding our own business until the new generation came along with all there dramatic changes they want to make in order to track and control us better as citizens. Like I said it's just all excuses being used, and the citizens need to realize it even if they are forced or pushed into it.

It's so sad when authoritarians can't agree. Should we have a national ID card, with police spot checking people for their "papers", or should we wall off our country Berlin style? Decisions, decisions.... Why not both?!
Federal Government is in charge of nothing

They just provide the cards
. You being for it makes me want to run for the hills thinking about what it all means. I mean look at what happened during this last election. It's getting worse and worse.
It is getting worse....we elected Trump
. No, y'all trying to run a coup on him is the eye opener. It would be great if y'all could control your rabid obsession with wanting to take him out of the job. Uhhh, so instead of that, why don't you try picking something you care about (if any), and work towards it with him on your side than him being against you ? Could start today instead of expending so much worthless time fighting against a chance to get something done for yourselves. I mean how much time do y'all have on wasting your lives away like you are doing ?
What is being done that constitutes a coup in your eyes?
. Joined the human race today did ya ? Good grief.
Ducks the question

Other than conservative hysteria.....where is the coup?

Holding a president accountable is a coup?
How about let's just punish the culprits, because we were just minding our own business until the new generation came along with all there dramatic changes they want to make in order to track and control us better as citizens. Like I said it's just all excuses being used, and the citizens need to realize it even if they are forced or pushed into it.

Okay, who are the "culprits" here?

Is it the poor immigrant who came here trying to better his life, just like our grandparents did?

Or is it the rich businessman who exploits his labor because he doesn't want to pay an American a fair wage for a job an American doesn't really want to do?

Sorry, I can't see the concept of a national ID to verify identity to be that big of a burden, and I can see the benefits in this age of rampant identity theft.
How about let's just punish the culprits, because we were just minding our own business until the new generation came along with all there dramatic changes they want to make in order to track and control us better as citizens. Like I said it's just all excuses being used, and the citizens need to realize it even if they are forced or pushed into it.

Okay, who are the "culprits" here?

Is it the poor immigrant who came here trying to better his life, just like our grandparents did?

Or is it the rich businessman who exploits his labor because he doesn't want to pay an American a fair wage for a job an American doesn't really want to do?

Sorry, I can't see the concept of a national ID to verify identity to be that big of a burden, and I can see the benefits in this age of rampant identity theft.
. Is the identity theft by design as well, otherwise just to push us towards that control in which the government and corporate America desires so bad to gain more of over us ??
Is the identity theft by design as well, otherwise just to push us towards that control in which the government and corporate America desires so bad to gain more of over us ??

Um. No.

Identity theft exists because there are greedy people who find stealing is easier than working, and we don't put in the safeguards to protect identity.

Here's an interesting article from the Federalist, a conservative publication.

After Equifax Hack, It’s Time For The U.S. To Create A National ID Card

Americans continue to rely on antiquated methods of identification, the most prominent of which are Social Security numbers. Forcing the Social Security number to act as a secure means of identification asks more of the nine-digit combination than was ever intended.

The way things stand now is also unacceptable from a privacy standpoint, as the Equifax hack shows. No matter how careful you are with your own documents, unless you live in an off-grid, cash-only economy, the credit reporting agencies have your information. And they do a terrible job of keeping it safe. In the security breach, which exposed names, addresses, SSNs, and driver’s license numbers, the company did not even exercise the bare minimum of caution in keeping customers’ information safe.

Since 2010, India has been rolling out its Aadhaar card to its one billion-plus citizens. While Americans have been using the same SSN technology that their great-grandparents were issued in the New Deal, India has taken a technological leap in using secure, biometric indicators to give its people a reliable form of identification.

The 12-digit ID number is no great improvement on the nine-digit SSN, but it is linked to a database containing enrollees’ fingerprints and iris scans. Stealing the number itself becomes irrelevant, as it is useless without its owner being present, either physically or by a secure mobile connection. By April 2017, as The Economist reports, more than 99 percent of the Indian population was enrolled.

Dude, it's kind of pathetic when we are behind India on the cutting edge of something.
Is the identity theft by design as well, otherwise just to push us towards that control in which the government and corporate America desires so bad to gain more of over us ??

Um. No.

Identity theft exists because there are greedy people who find stealing is easier than working, and we don't put in the safeguards to protect identity.

Here's an interesting article from the Federalist, a conservative publication.

After Equifax Hack, It’s Time For The U.S. To Create A National ID Card

Americans continue to rely on antiquated methods of identification, the most prominent of which are Social Security numbers. Forcing the Social Security number to act as a secure means of identification asks more of the nine-digit combination than was ever intended.

The way things stand now is also unacceptable from a privacy standpoint, as the Equifax hack shows. No matter how careful you are with your own documents, unless you live in an off-grid, cash-only economy, the credit reporting agencies have your information. And they do a terrible job of keeping it safe. In the security breach, which exposed names, addresses, SSNs, and driver’s license numbers, the company did not even exercise the bare minimum of caution in keeping customers’ information safe.

Since 2010, India has been rolling out its Aadhaar card to its one billion-plus citizens. While Americans have been using the same SSN technology that their great-grandparents were issued in the New Deal, India has taken a technological leap in using secure, biometric indicators to give its people a reliable form of identification.

The 12-digit ID number is no great improvement on the nine-digit SSN, but it is linked to a database containing enrollees’ fingerprints and iris scans. Stealing the number itself becomes irrelevant, as it is useless without its owner being present, either physically or by a secure mobile connection. By April 2017, as The Economist reports, more than 99 percent of the Indian population was enrolled.

Dude, it's kind of pathetic when we are behind India on the cutting edge of something.
. Just go back to cash.. Problem solved.
What part of my lifestyle as a Christian does not include morality and decency in it ??

Pretty much the whole idea of organized religion is immoral. It takes responsibility away from the individual, claims they will be saved by some divine force, and in many cases denies basic human ideals.
How about let's just punish the culprits, because we were just minding our own business until the new generation came along with all there dramatic changes they want to make in order to track and control us better as citizens. Like I said it's just all excuses being used, and the citizens need to realize it even if they are forced or pushed into it.

Okay, who are the "culprits" here?

Is it the poor immigrant who came here trying to better his life, just like our grandparents did?

Or is it the rich businessman who exploits his labor because he doesn't want to pay an American a fair wage for a job an American doesn't really want to do?

Sorry, I can't see the concept of a national ID to verify identity to be that big of a burden, and I can see the benefits in this age of rampant identity theft.

It's not the idea of a national ID itself that I find bothersome, but the idea of a mandatory ID, and an ID which requires the government create and maintain a database with personal identifying information of American citizens. A national picture ID card, like a state ID card or driver's license, wouldn't bother me. It just should not be mandatory, nor allow the federal government to force people to give over things like fingerprints, retinal scans, or DNA information.
. You being for it makes me want to run for the hills thinking about what it all means. I mean look at what happened during this last election. It's getting worse and worse.
It is getting worse....we elected Trump
. No, y'all trying to run a coup on him is the eye opener. It would be great if y'all could control your rabid obsession with wanting to take him out of the job. Uhhh, so instead of that, why don't you try picking something you care about (if any), and work towards it with him on your side than him being against you ? Could start today instead of expending so much worthless time fighting against a chance to get something done for yourselves. I mean how much time do y'all have on wasting your lives away like you are doing ?
What is being done that constitutes a coup in your eyes?
. Joined the human race today did ya ? Good grief.
Ducks the question

Other than conservative hysteria.....where is the coup?

Holding a president accountable is a coup?

Even going after the president for partisan reasons isn't a coup. It's one of those terms that gets misused here all the time. :)
It's not the idea of a national ID itself that I find bothersome, but the idea of a mandatory ID, and an ID which requires the government create and maintain a database with personal identifying information of American citizens. A national picture ID card, like a state ID card or driver's license, wouldn't bother me. It just should not be mandatory, nor allow the federal government to force people to give over things like fingerprints, retinal scans, or DNA information.

That suggests to me thst you side with illegals and criminals over American citizens. The ability to determine who is and is not a US Citizen immediately and without doubt is crucial to national security

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