Police State: Residents Consider Seceding From Town Over 'Heavy-Handed' Police Force

Any community that does not want the police should not have the police. This includes Chicago, Detroit, any any other community that would just rather not be bothered.

What about communities that would prefer honest police who serve the citizenry rather than impose the rule of government on that citizenry?
Mayberry R.F.D. is long gone! The Cops aren't your friends anymore.

But remember, this is our choice, we allowed the cops to become adjuncts of the central authority, serving authoritarianism rather than the people.

Wake up people. Learn what the 4th Amendment is. Learn what questions you don't have to answer.

Stop being a willing slave.

Better yet, quit voting for local government that puts paramilitary storm troopers into your community.

Here is your local police;

It is time to walk the police back to their proper place and elect public officials who will achieve this.

Time to take away their steroids and their military gear. Maybe put them back on foot patrol.

Well said. Yeah, they've become militarized. Good Citizens are now fearing & despising them. And that's when the real trouble begins. They need drastic change in their tactics and approach. They're losing the People.
There is some seriously misplaced "patriotism" in the US these days.

I spent most of my military career outside the United States, and a lot of time in some real shitholes. I tell ya, when I came home after retirement, I was shocked at the number of politicians and people calling for a ban on burning the flag. And the militarization of the police and the attendant shredding of the 4th Amendment also caught me off guard.

When the Patriot Act was passed and the Department of Homeland Security was created, I really expected people to start donning armbands any day. Swear to God, I was that worried.

And now I hear some real moonbats painting Hitler as a leftie. It scares the shit out of me that a man can have a TV show and sell a lot of books who prides himself on being to the right of Hitler!

I can only imagine what WWII vets who liberated the death camps must think of that particular brand of idiocy.

I tell you something. If some hippie freak decided to burn the flag in front of me, I'd be sore tempted to beat the living shit out of him. But if some stormtrooping police attempted to arrest him first, I'd be going down swinging defending that fleabag fuckhead.

Something is seriously out of whack today.
Big Brother's appetite for locking Citizens up, has grown out of control. His appetite is never satisfied.
The richer the neighborhood the more the cops are prick bastards, not a new thing, 25 years ago the Palm Beach Cops regularly beat people into comas or to death for no good reason whatsoever, probably worse now.

That's what those cops are paid to do and what they are expected to do. It's one of the reasons those "rich" neighborhoods have safe streets.

They beat a young retarded man to death a couple of blocks from my house one night, he had two broken arms, two broken kneecaps, ruptured testicles, fractured ribs, shattered eye sockets and a fatal skull fracture. They paid alright, the out of court settlement with his mom was allegedly huge.
They beat a young retarded man to death a couple of blocks from my house one night, he had two broken arms, two broken kneecaps, ruptured testicles, fractured ribs, shattered eye sockets and a fatal skull fracture. They paid alright, the out of court settlement with his mom was allegedly huge.

You live in Fullerton?

I ride the train with several Fullerton cops. They laughed about this beating right after it happened. They don't laugh as much now, but the attitude is one that they can kill anyone they please. I feel safer around a group of Crips than I do around them.
The richer the neighborhood the more the cops are prick bastards, not a new thing, 25 years ago the Palm Beach Cops regularly beat people into comas or to death for no good reason whatsoever, probably worse now.

That's what those cops are paid to do and what they are expected to do. It's one of the reasons those "rich" neighborhoods have safe streets.

They beat a young retarded man to death a couple of blocks from my house one night, he had two broken arms, two broken kneecaps, ruptured testicles, fractured ribs, shattered eye sockets and a fatal skull fracture. They paid alright, the out of court settlement with his mom was allegedly huge.

But did the Police go to prison? I doubt it. Big Brother always protects his own.
They beat a young retarded man to death a couple of blocks from my house one night, he had two broken arms, two broken kneecaps, ruptured testicles, fractured ribs, shattered eye sockets and a fatal skull fracture. They paid alright, the out of court settlement with his mom was allegedly huge.

You live in Fullerton?

I ride the train with several Fullerton cops. They laughed about this beating right after it happened. They don't laugh as much now, but the attitude is one that they can kill anyone they please. I feel safer around a group of Crips than I do around them.

Palm Beach 27 or so years ago.
That's what those cops are paid to do and what they are expected to do. It's one of the reasons those "rich" neighborhoods have safe streets.

They beat a young retarded man to death a couple of blocks from my house one night, he had two broken arms, two broken kneecaps, ruptured testicles, fractured ribs, shattered eye sockets and a fatal skull fracture. They paid alright, the out of court settlement with his mom was allegedly huge.

But did the Police go to prison? I doubt it. Big Brother always protects his own.

Of course not, desk duty and eventual firing was all they got. It was not an isolated incident, it was just the first one they were not able to explain and quietly sweep under the rug. The kid was just walking home from the bar one night and they beat him to death right beside the Palm Beach Post building. Harmless as a kitten, but he was gay.
They beat a young retarded man to death a couple of blocks from my house one night, he had two broken arms, two broken kneecaps, ruptured testicles, fractured ribs, shattered eye sockets and a fatal skull fracture. They paid alright, the out of court settlement with his mom was allegedly huge.

But did the Police go to prison? I doubt it. Big Brother always protects his own.

Of course not, desk duty and eventual firing was all they got. It was not an isolated incident, it was just the first one they were not able to explain and quietly sweep under the rug. The kid was just walking home from the bar one night and they beat him to death right beside the Palm Beach Post building. Harmless as a kitten, but he was gay.

Probably didn't have his papers on him. The Gestapo will not tolerate such subversive Un-American behavior. What a sad mess our Police Force has become.
Local cops have always been corrupt jerks, nothing new here, My father was with a small county sheriffs department when I was a kid and I know for a fact that they were dirty violent criminal jerks then as well as now.

They may well have been, but there were a bunch of independent and competing agencies, who well may have been petty crooks. Now (at least in California) we have unified gang, funded by the Federal thugs and working directly for them with one job, the suppression of the citizens. In the 70's, the cops feared enraging the community. Now they'll simply open fire and mow down a community that would dare oppose them.
Our Police don't do themselves any favors when behaving like this. They're only turning the People against them more & more. But who knows, maybe that's what they want? The more Citizens they can label 'Terrorists', the more they can lock up and silence. Maybe they want an inevitable large-scale confrontation with the People? That could solidify Big Brother's absolute control of America once and for all. Who really knows?

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