POLICE STATE: U.S. Prison System Larger Than Soviet Gulags...

Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system

I agree.

I've worked in the prison system and there are criminals there who have been in and out of prison twenty or thirty times.

Criminals are criminals. People who don't want to work when they can steal from others. Sell drugs and do any other dishonest thing they want to do.

Paulitician is an idiot who blames the police when the criminal is to blame.

Hell. I wouldn't be a police officer if you paid me a thousand dollars an hour. They have to know the law like a lawyer, be a babysitter, a marriage counselor and a guy or gal who can get killed making a simple MV stop.

As for the prison system?? They are State and Govt. sponsored babysitting and daycare facilities where the idiots in power are more concerned for the criminal than the CO's who have to deal with the idiots on a day to day basis.

Paulitican can kiss the ass of every LEO in America.

Unfortunately, you're still caught up in hysterical Government Propaganda. American prisons are absolutely brutal. A person convicted of a minor drug offense can be murdered at any moment. And rehabilitation is the answer. I know you guys hate hearing that, but it is the logical way forward.

These people have to be given an opportunity to work and start over. Right now, that's not happening. They're continuing to be punished long after they've served their time. That forces them back into crime. Rehabilitation will go along way in breaking that vicious circle.

Politician, you sound as though you are one of the "non-violent" drug offenders that has spent some time in the joint. Hey?

If you are and you have since changed your way, I applaud you.

You mention Rehab as being the solution. Just who do you have in mind to fund this rehab?

Release all non-violent drug offenders tomorrow. They don't belong in cages. That'll go a long way in saving Tax Dollars. And Rehab is the answer. People with drug problems don't belong in prison. They can't get help there. In fact, their lives are at risk every minute they spend there. The American Prison murder rate is shocking.

We need to begin approaching non-violent crimes differently than we approach violent crimes. Maybe have separate facilities or something. That's just one thought, but there are others.
Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system

I agree.

I've worked in the prison system and there are criminals there who have been in and out of prison twenty or thirty times.

Criminals are criminals. People who don't want to work when they can steal from others. Sell drugs and do any other dishonest thing they want to do.

Paulitician is an idiot who blames the police when the criminal is to blame.

Hell. I wouldn't be a police officer if you paid me a thousand dollars an hour. They have to know the law like a lawyer, be a babysitter, a marriage counselor and a guy or gal who can get killed making a simple MV stop.

As for the prison system?? They are State and Govt. sponsored babysitting and daycare facilities where the idiots in power are more concerned for the criminal than the CO's who have to deal with the idiots on a day to day basis.

Paulitican can kiss the ass of every LEO in America.

Unfortunately, you're still caught up in hysterical Government Propaganda. American prisons are absolutely brutal. A person convicted of a minor drug offense can be murdered at any moment. And rehabilitation is the answer. I know you guys hate hearing that, but it is the logical way forward.

These people have to be given an opportunity to work and start over. Right now, that's not happening. They're continuing to be punished long after they've served their time. That forces them back into crime. Rehabilitation will go along way in breaking that vicious circle.

Politician, you sound as though you are one of the "non-violent" drug offenders that has spent some time in the joint. Hey?

If you are and you have since changed your way, I applaud you.

You mention Rehab as being the solution. Just who do you have in mind to fund this rehab?

Release all non-violent drug offenders tomorrow. They don't belong in cages. That'll go a long way in saving Tax Dollars. And Rehab is the answer. People with drug problems don't belong in prison. They can't get help there. In fact, their lives are at risk every minute they spend there. The American Prison murder rate is shocking.

We need to begin approaching non-violent crimes differently than we approach violent crimes. Maybe have separate facilities or something. That's just one thought, but there are others.

you idiot. we dont jail non-violent drug offenders unless they are REPEAT OFFENDERS.
ALSO; drug dealers caught with drugs packaged for sale will pretend they bought the stuff for their own consumption, and that is the way it comes. that way they try to get into "treatment" instead of copping to dealing charges
Many Americans are quite convinced that they live in one of the freest nations on the planet

Even if they don’t think that we are the freest, they still believe that our population has far more rights than the vast majority of the human race. However, these people tend to ignore our large prison population. Can you really call it a free country when that nation restricts the freedoms of such a large percentage of its population, most whom are convicted of nonviolent crimes?

What’s more shocking, is that our prison population has reached an ominous milestone over the past few years. The number of Americans who were in jail and prison, or on probation and parole, was 7 million people by 2009. When you include former inmates who have since left our prison system, you wind up with 19 million people as of 2010. This number exceeds the 18 million people who endured the Soviet Gulag system, between 1929 and 1953.

While the conditions in the gulags were far worse than American prisons, our facilities still utilize slave labor and torture techniques like solitary confinement to keep their inmates in line. And with a per capita incarceration rate that might only be exceeded by countries like North Korea and Cuba, there’s no reason to believe that the United States is still among the free nations of the world.

The US Prison System Is Actually Larger Than Soviet Gulags

Yeah….since you don't have a moral compass I will explain it for you…..in America, we have criminal laws against rape, robbery, murder, kidnapping, torture, and selling drugs….now you can make an argument against the laws on drugs…but people know those laws…so if you break them you go to jail….

In Russia, you simply had to disagree with the way the government was run….then you were sent to the gulag….

Biiiiiiiiig difference…….
Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system

I agree.

I've worked in the prison system and there are criminals there who have been in and out of prison twenty or thirty times.

Criminals are criminals. People who don't want to work when they can steal from others. Sell drugs and do any other dishonest thing they want to do.

Paulitician is an idiot who blames the police when the criminal is to blame.

Hell. I wouldn't be a police officer if you paid me a thousand dollars an hour. They have to know the law like a lawyer, be a babysitter, a marriage counselor and a guy or gal who can get killed making a simple MV stop.

As for the prison system?? They are State and Govt. sponsored babysitting and daycare facilities where the idiots in power are more concerned for the criminal than the CO's who have to deal with the idiots on a day to day basis.

Paulitican can kiss the ass of every LEO in America.

Unfortunately, you're still caught up in hysterical Government Propaganda. American prisons are absolutely brutal. A person convicted of a minor drug offense can be murdered at any moment. American Prisons are meat grinders. Your life is at risk every minute you're there. Think about it, people who merely enjoy doing drugs are thrown into cages with deadly murderers and rapists. That makes no sense. It's barbaric.

And rehabilitation is the logical way forward. I know you guys hate hearing that, but it is the truth. These people have to be given an opportunity to work and start over. Right now, that's not happening. They're continuing to be punished long after they've served their time. That forces them back into crime. Rehabilitation will go a long way in breaking that vicious circle.

duh moron; all the more reason to put to death some of the most violent people in prisons, the murderers and repeat violent offenders. is that cool with you?
The entire country is a prison. The only "free" people are those who live outside the system entirely. This usually means homelessness, and no way to gain income. Most people are unwilling to go that far to be free.

find a tall place and jump if it's that hopeless
Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system

I agree.

I've worked in the prison system and there are criminals there who have been in and out of prison twenty or thirty times.

Criminals are criminals. People who don't want to work when they can steal from others. Sell drugs and do any other dishonest thing they want to do.

Paulitician is an idiot who blames the police when the criminal is to blame.

Hell. I wouldn't be a police officer if you paid me a thousand dollars an hour. They have to know the law like a lawyer, be a babysitter, a marriage counselor and a guy or gal who can get killed making a simple MV stop.

As for the prison system?? They are State and Govt. sponsored babysitting and daycare facilities where the idiots in power are more concerned for the criminal than the CO's who have to deal with the idiots on a day to day basis.

Paulitican can kiss the ass of every LEO in America.

Unfortunately, you're still caught up in hysterical Government Propaganda. American prisons are absolutely brutal. A person convicted of a minor drug offense can be murdered at any moment. And rehabilitation is the answer. I know you guys hate hearing that, but it is the logical way forward.

These people have to be given an opportunity to work and start over. Right now, that's not happening. They're continuing to be punished long after they've served their time. That forces them back into crime. Rehabilitation will go along way in breaking that vicious circle.

Politician, you sound as though you are one of the "non-violent" drug offenders that has spent some time in the joint. Hey?

If you are and you have since changed your way, I applaud you.

You mention Rehab as being the solution. Just who do you have in mind to fund this rehab?

A pound of prevention is cheaper than an ounce of punishment.

\because there are no "prevention" programs out there right?
NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system

I agree.

I've worked in the prison system and there are criminals there who have been in and out of prison twenty or thirty times.

Criminals are criminals. People who don't want to work when they can steal from others. Sell drugs and do any other dishonest thing they want to do.

Paulitician is an idiot who blames the police when the criminal is to blame.

Hell. I wouldn't be a police officer if you paid me a thousand dollars an hour. They have to know the law like a lawyer, be a babysitter, a marriage counselor and a guy or gal who can get killed making a simple MV stop.

As for the prison system?? They are State and Govt. sponsored babysitting and daycare facilities where the idiots in power are more concerned for the criminal than the CO's who have to deal with the idiots on a day to day basis.

Paulitican can kiss the ass of every LEO in America.

Unfortunately, you're still caught up in hysterical Government Propaganda. American prisons are absolutely brutal. A person convicted of a minor drug offense can be murdered at any moment. And rehabilitation is the answer. I know you guys hate hearing that, but it is the logical way forward.

These people have to be given an opportunity to work and start over. Right now, that's not happening. They're continuing to be punished long after they've served their time. That forces them back into crime. Rehabilitation will go along way in breaking that vicious circle.

Politician, you sound as though you are one of the "non-violent" drug offenders that has spent some time in the joint. Hey?

If you are and you have since changed your way, I applaud you.

You mention Rehab as being the solution. Just who do you have in mind to fund this rehab?

Release all non-violent drug offenders tomorrow. They don't belong in cages. That'll go a long way in saving Tax Dollars. And Rehab is the answer. People with drug problems don't belong in prison. They can't get help there. In fact, their lives are at risk every minute they spend there. The American Prison murder rate is shocking.

We need to begin approaching non-violent crimes differently than we approach violent crimes. Maybe have separate facilities or something. That's just one thought, but there are others.

you idiot. we dont jail non-violent drug offenders unless they are REPEAT OFFENDERS.
ALSO; drug dealers caught with drugs packaged for sale will pretend they bought the stuff for their own consumption, and that is the way it comes. that way they try to get into "treatment" instead of copping to dealing charges

Again, people with drug problems don't belong in cages with brutal murderers and rapists. They can't get help there. They should not be incarcerated. We have to reconsider putting so many of our Citizens in cages for non-violent offenses. That especially applies to drug offenders.
Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system

I agree.

I've worked in the prison system and there are criminals there who have been in and out of prison twenty or thirty times.

Criminals are criminals. People who don't want to work when they can steal from others. Sell drugs and do any other dishonest thing they want to do.

Paulitician is an idiot who blames the police when the criminal is to blame.

Hell. I wouldn't be a police officer if you paid me a thousand dollars an hour. They have to know the law like a lawyer, be a babysitter, a marriage counselor and a guy or gal who can get killed making a simple MV stop.

As for the prison system?? They are State and Govt. sponsored babysitting and daycare facilities where the idiots in power are more concerned for the criminal than the CO's who have to deal with the idiots on a day to day basis.

Paulitican can kiss the ass of every LEO in America.

Unfortunately, you're still caught up in hysterical Government Propaganda. American prisons are absolutely brutal. A person convicted of a minor drug offense can be murdered at any moment. American Prisons are meat grinders. Your life is at risk every minute you're there. Think about it, people who merely enjoy doing drugs are thrown into cages with deadly murderers and rapists. That makes no sense. It's barbaric.

And rehabilitation is the logical way forward. I know you guys hate hearing that, but it is the truth. These people have to be given an opportunity to work and start over. Right now, that's not happening. They're continuing to be punished long after they've served their time. That forces them back into crime. Rehabilitation will go a long way in breaking that vicious circle.

they cant get even the low-wage jobs they deserve for violating society's trust; because of the love of illegals your Democrat Party has leftard.
I agree.

I've worked in the prison system and there are criminals there who have been in and out of prison twenty or thirty times.

Criminals are criminals. People who don't want to work when they can steal from others. Sell drugs and do any other dishonest thing they want to do.

Paulitician is an idiot who blames the police when the criminal is to blame.

Hell. I wouldn't be a police officer if you paid me a thousand dollars an hour. They have to know the law like a lawyer, be a babysitter, a marriage counselor and a guy or gal who can get killed making a simple MV stop.

As for the prison system?? They are State and Govt. sponsored babysitting and daycare facilities where the idiots in power are more concerned for the criminal than the CO's who have to deal with the idiots on a day to day basis.

Paulitican can kiss the ass of every LEO in America.

Unfortunately, you're still caught up in hysterical Government Propaganda. American prisons are absolutely brutal. A person convicted of a minor drug offense can be murdered at any moment. And rehabilitation is the answer. I know you guys hate hearing that, but it is the logical way forward.

These people have to be given an opportunity to work and start over. Right now, that's not happening. They're continuing to be punished long after they've served their time. That forces them back into crime. Rehabilitation will go along way in breaking that vicious circle.

Politician, you sound as though you are one of the "non-violent" drug offenders that has spent some time in the joint. Hey?

If you are and you have since changed your way, I applaud you.

You mention Rehab as being the solution. Just who do you have in mind to fund this rehab?

Release all non-violent drug offenders tomorrow. They don't belong in cages. That'll go a long way in saving Tax Dollars. And Rehab is the answer. People with drug problems don't belong in prison. They can't get help there. In fact, their lives are at risk every minute they spend there. The American Prison murder rate is shocking.

We need to begin approaching non-violent crimes differently than we approach violent crimes. Maybe have separate facilities or something. That's just one thought, but there are others.

you idiot. we dont jail non-violent drug offenders unless they are REPEAT OFFENDERS.
ALSO; drug dealers caught with drugs packaged for sale will pretend they bought the stuff for their own consumption, and that is the way it comes. that way they try to get into "treatment" instead of copping to dealing charges

Again, people with drug problems don't belong in cages with brutal murderers and rapists. They can't get help there. They should not be incarcerated. We have to reconsider putting so many of our Citizens in cages for non-violent offenses. That especially applies to drug offenders.

they belong on the streets with us right?
the ILLEGAL that murdered the lady in San Fran was a "non-violent" drug offender; proving the Left doesnt know what the fuck they are talking about on multiple levels and issues
Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system

I agree.

I've worked in the prison system and there are criminals there who have been in and out of prison twenty or thirty times.

Criminals are criminals. People who don't want to work when they can steal from others. Sell drugs and do any other dishonest thing they want to do.

Paulitician is an idiot who blames the police when the criminal is to blame.

Hell. I wouldn't be a police officer if you paid me a thousand dollars an hour. They have to know the law like a lawyer, be a babysitter, a marriage counselor and a guy or gal who can get killed making a simple MV stop.

As for the prison system?? They are State and Govt. sponsored babysitting and daycare facilities where the idiots in power are more concerned for the criminal than the CO's who have to deal with the idiots on a day to day basis.

Paulitican can kiss the ass of every LEO in America.

Unfortunately, you're still caught up in hysterical Government Propaganda. American prisons are absolutely brutal. A person convicted of a minor drug offense can be murdered at any moment. American Prisons are meat grinders. Your life is at risk every minute you're there. Think about it, people who merely enjoy doing drugs are thrown into cages with deadly murderers and rapists. That makes no sense. It's barbaric.

And rehabilitation is the logical way forward. I know you guys hate hearing that, but it is the truth. These people have to be given an opportunity to work and start over. Right now, that's not happening. They're continuing to be punished long after they've served their time. That forces them back into crime. Rehabilitation will go a long way in breaking that vicious circle.

they cant get even the low-wage jobs they deserve for violating society's trust; because of the love of illegals your Democrat Party has leftard.

Well now you've derailed. Conversation over.
Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system

I agree.

I've worked in the prison system and there are criminals there who have been in and out of prison twenty or thirty times.

Criminals are criminals. People who don't want to work when they can steal from others. Sell drugs and do any other dishonest thing they want to do.

Paulitician is an idiot who blames the police when the criminal is to blame.

Hell. I wouldn't be a police officer if you paid me a thousand dollars an hour. They have to know the law like a lawyer, be a babysitter, a marriage counselor and a guy or gal who can get killed making a simple MV stop.

As for the prison system?? They are State and Govt. sponsored babysitting and daycare facilities where the idiots in power are more concerned for the criminal than the CO's who have to deal with the idiots on a day to day basis.

Paulitican can kiss the ass of every LEO in America.

Unfortunately, you're still caught up in hysterical Government Propaganda. American prisons are absolutely brutal. A person convicted of a minor drug offense can be murdered at any moment. American Prisons are meat grinders. Your life is at risk every minute you're there. Think about it, people who merely enjoy doing drugs are thrown into cages with deadly murderers and rapists. That makes no sense. It's barbaric.

And rehabilitation is the logical way forward. I know you guys hate hearing that, but it is the truth. These people have to be given an opportunity to work and start over. Right now, that's not happening. They're continuing to be punished long after they've served their time. That forces them back into crime. Rehabilitation will go a long way in breaking that vicious circle.

they cant get even the low-wage jobs they deserve for violating society's trust; because of the love of illegals your Democrat Party has leftard.

Well now you've derailed. Conversation over.

you mean you dont have a coherent response
what kind of jobs should repeat "non-violent" drug offenders who managed to avoid jail time be trained at our expense for and placed in?
Unfortunately, you're still caught up in hysterical Government Propaganda. American prisons are absolutely brutal. A person convicted of a minor drug offense can be murdered at any moment. And rehabilitation is the answer. I know you guys hate hearing that, but it is the logical way forward.

These people have to be given an opportunity to work and start over. Right now, that's not happening. They're continuing to be punished long after they've served their time. That forces them back into crime. Rehabilitation will go along way in breaking that vicious circle.

Politician, you sound as though you are one of the "non-violent" drug offenders that has spent some time in the joint. Hey?

If you are and you have since changed your way, I applaud you.

You mention Rehab as being the solution. Just who do you have in mind to fund this rehab?

Release all non-violent drug offenders tomorrow. They don't belong in cages. That'll go a long way in saving Tax Dollars. And Rehab is the answer. People with drug problems don't belong in prison. They can't get help there. In fact, their lives are at risk every minute they spend there. The American Prison murder rate is shocking.

We need to begin approaching non-violent crimes differently than we approach violent crimes. Maybe have separate facilities or something. That's just one thought, but there are others.

you idiot. we dont jail non-violent drug offenders unless they are REPEAT OFFENDERS.
ALSO; drug dealers caught with drugs packaged for sale will pretend they bought the stuff for their own consumption, and that is the way it comes. that way they try to get into "treatment" instead of copping to dealing charges

Again, people with drug problems don't belong in cages with brutal murderers and rapists. They can't get help there. They should not be incarcerated. We have to reconsider putting so many of our Citizens in cages for non-violent offenses. That especially applies to drug offenders.

they belong on the streets with us right?

Yes. A person who enjoys doing drugs isn't a criminal, anymore than a person who enjoys drinking alcohol is. It's an adult personal decision. They don't belong in cages.
what kind of jobs should repeat "non-violent" drug offenders who managed to avoid jail time be trained at our expense for and placed in?

Start by not incarcerating them in the first place. That'll save $Billions in Tax Dollars. That being said, i don't have a problem with some of my Tax Dollars being spent on rehabilitating them. It's a better alternative to what's going on now. American prisons are designed for punishment and torture. People who have drug problems don't deserve that.
what kind of jobs should repeat "non-violent" drug offenders who managed to avoid jail time be trained at our expense for and placed in?

Start by not incarcerating them in the first place. That'll save $Billions in Tax Dollars. That being said, i don't have a problem with some of my Tax Dollars being spent on rehabilitating them. It's a better alternative to what's going on now. American prisons are designed for punishment and torture. People who have drug problems don't deserve that.

you didnt answer the question dummy
Politician, you sound as though you are one of the "non-violent" drug offenders that has spent some time in the joint. Hey?

If you are and you have since changed your way, I applaud you.

You mention Rehab as being the solution. Just who do you have in mind to fund this rehab?

Release all non-violent drug offenders tomorrow. They don't belong in cages. That'll go a long way in saving Tax Dollars. And Rehab is the answer. People with drug problems don't belong in prison. They can't get help there. In fact, their lives are at risk every minute they spend there. The American Prison murder rate is shocking.

We need to begin approaching non-violent crimes differently than we approach violent crimes. Maybe have separate facilities or something. That's just one thought, but there are others.

you idiot. we dont jail non-violent drug offenders unless they are REPEAT OFFENDERS.
ALSO; drug dealers caught with drugs packaged for sale will pretend they bought the stuff for their own consumption, and that is the way it comes. that way they try to get into "treatment" instead of copping to dealing charges

Again, people with drug problems don't belong in cages with brutal murderers and rapists. They can't get help there. They should not be incarcerated. We have to reconsider putting so many of our Citizens in cages for non-violent offenses. That especially applies to drug offenders.

they belong on the streets with us right?

Yes. A person who enjoys doing drugs isn't a criminal, anymore than a person who enjoys drinking alcohol is. It's an adult personal decision. They don't belong in cages.

nobody goes to prison just for doing drugs dummy. dtop lying
Many Americans are quite convinced that they live in one of the freest nations on the planet

Even if they don’t think that we are the freest, they still believe that our population has far more rights than the vast majority of the human race. However, these people tend to ignore our large prison population. Can you really call it a free country when that nation restricts the freedoms of such a large percentage of its population, most whom are convicted of nonviolent crimes?

What’s more shocking, is that our prison population has reached an ominous milestone over the past few years. The number of Americans who were in jail and prison, or on probation and parole, was 7 million people by 2009. When you include former inmates who have since left our prison system, you wind up with 19 million people as of 2010. This number exceeds the 18 million people who endured the Soviet Gulag system, between 1929 and 1953.

While the conditions in the gulags were far worse than American prisons, our facilities still utilize slave labor and torture techniques like solitary confinement to keep their inmates in line. And with a per capita incarceration rate that might only be exceeded by countries like North Korea and Cuba, there’s no reason to believe that the United States is still among the free nations of the world.

The US Prison System Is Actually Larger Than Soviet Gulags
The difference is..we incarcerate criminals and they are afforded due process of law. I see you missed that altogether.

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