POLICE STATE: U.S. Prison System Larger Than Soviet Gulags...

Anyway the drug crime felons aren't felons because they smoked pot. They're felons because they committed felonies....and smoking weed isn't a felony.
I absolutely agree that prevention is worth more than a cure. But that still didn't answer my question to Politician, who does he have in mind to fund this rehab?

Who do you think pays to incarcerate these people over and over? Many if not most who enter the "system" have no legal opportunities after a felony conviction and they get swept up in the dark side as in many cases that is the only area they can make a living.

If the prison system was primarily used to house those that commit assaults and murder and the non violent were processed in an entirely different manner focusing on a path to removing the felony status the cost to society would be probably 75% less than it is today.

Draconian laws based on nonsense need to be changed. The "old school" ideas that pot leads to heroin is ridiculous and that the black man will rape white women "hopped up" on the evil weed. These lies have led to many of the laws that have started the cycle of incarceration and re-incarceration.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

Who do I think pays to incarcerate these CRIMINALS? I DO and the millions of others that pay taxes!! And for that payment, I expect them to be in jail for breaking the laws. Laws by the way enacted because they are adults who CHOOSE to use drugs, and then expect someone else to foot the bill for their REHAB to straighten out their life. Why should the general public have to pay to help them get their life right when they are the ones who made the fucked up decision in the first place. And by the way, the reason they are ILLEGAL is they are health deteriorating, mind altering, and induce aggressive behavior. They become a burden on society by being hospitalized for detox or worse, commit violent crimes, and then expect not have to pay anything.

There are consequences for all the decisions a person makes in their life. Some good, some indifferent, some bad. No matter, justice is each individual being held accountable for those decisions when they affect others in the society.

Politician, you need to get your facts straight. Drug addicts usually don't do hard time unless they are MULTIPLE offenders.

And by they way, you still didn't answer my question, who do you thing should pay for this REHAB?

If you knew what you are talking about that would be a powerful statement.m Sadly you do not. Pot does not induce aggressive behavior nor is it a health hazard. In fact most illegal drugs do not cause aggressive behavior. What DOES cause aggressive behavior is what a person learns from their parents when they are young. Many kids in school are bullies. These tendencies show up long before the kids are exposed to drugs. Most aggressive people come from dysfunctional homes and ALCOHOL is almost always front and center as a factor in those environments. I would go so far to state that alcohol is a factor in aggressive behavior in far more incidents than all of the other drugs people take all together.

The only difference is that alcohol is legal and the others are not. How many deaths are caused by pot smokers on our highways? A small minority. How many are alcohol related? The vast majority.
The pot related highway deaths in Washington have doubled since it became illegal.

Again...it isn't the drug. It's the willingness to break the law to imbibe. Criminals be criminals. I can see breaking the law to save a life or prevent a tragedy....but if you are willing to break the law for a high, you're a menace.

Sounds impressive until you actually look at the numbers. How many deaths are alcohol related? Probably 100 times as many as pot related.
I absolutely agree that prevention is worth more than a cure. But that still didn't answer my question to Politician, who does he have in mind to fund this rehab?

Who do you think pays to incarcerate these people over and over? Many if not most who enter the "system" have no legal opportunities after a felony conviction and they get swept up in the dark side as in many cases that is the only area they can make a living.

If the prison system was primarily used to house those that commit assaults and murder and the non violent were processed in an entirely different manner focusing on a path to removing the felony status the cost to society would be probably 75% less than it is today.

Draconian laws based on nonsense need to be changed. The "old school" ideas that pot leads to heroin is ridiculous and that the black man will rape white women "hopped up" on the evil weed. These lies have led to many of the laws that have started the cycle of incarceration and re-incarceration.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

Who gives a shit if drug addicts and criminals vote or not?

You have a point. Alcohol is a drug also and if we should remove all drug addicts let's get rid of the drunks as well. Let's see? Only perfect (in your eyes) people should vote. That should make it much easier to count the ballots as there are probably no more than 100,000 perfect people in the U S.
Alcohol isn't an illegal drug however. Druggies don't get it, which again illustrates how stupid criminals are. It's not about the drug. It's about breaking the law. A person who breaks the law to get high is a menace and getting high won't land you in prison. Stealing, assault, and trafficking will. And druggies generally engage in those things....it's what draws attention to them in the first place.

You do not know what you are talking about. Most of the people that use pot are otherwise law abiding citizens. THAT is the vast majority of U S citizens.
But those aren't the people we're talking about, dumbass. Focus. You were whining about people being imprisoned and not allowed to vote because they smoke pot. I am pointing out that smoking pot isn't a felony, asshat, and the prisons are not overflowing with recreational smokers who smoke an oz a month.
I absolutely agree that prevention is worth more than a cure. But that still didn't answer my question to Politician, who does he have in mind to fund this rehab?

Who do you think pays to incarcerate these people over and over? Many if not most who enter the "system" have no legal opportunities after a felony conviction and they get swept up in the dark side as in many cases that is the only area they can make a living.

If the prison system was primarily used to house those that commit assaults and murder and the non violent were processed in an entirely different manner focusing on a path to removing the felony status the cost to society would be probably 75% less than it is today.

Draconian laws based on nonsense need to be changed. The "old school" ideas that pot leads to heroin is ridiculous and that the black man will rape white women "hopped up" on the evil weed. These lies have led to many of the laws that have started the cycle of incarceration and re-incarceration.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

Who do I think pays to incarcerate these CRIMINALS? I DO and the millions of others that pay taxes!! And for that payment, I expect them to be in jail for breaking the laws. Laws by the way enacted because they are adults who CHOOSE to use drugs, and then expect someone else to foot the bill for their REHAB to straighten out their life. Why should the general public have to pay to help them get their life right when they are the ones who made the fucked up decision in the first place. And by the way, the reason they are ILLEGAL is they are health deteriorating, mind altering, and induce aggressive behavior. They become a burden on society by being hospitalized for detox or worse, commit violent crimes, and then expect not have to pay anything.

There are consequences for all the decisions a person makes in their life. Some good, some indifferent, some bad. No matter, justice is each individual being held accountable for those decisions when they affect others in the society.

Politician, you need to get your facts straight. Drug addicts usually don't do hard time unless they are MULTIPLE offenders.

And by they way, you still didn't answer my question, who do you thing should pay for this REHAB?

If you knew what you are talking about that would be a powerful statement.m Sadly you do not. Pot does not induce aggressive behavior nor is it a health hazard. In fact most illegal drugs do not cause aggressive behavior. What DOES cause aggressive behavior is what a person learns from their parents when they are young. Many kids in school are bullies. These tendencies show up long before the kids are exposed to drugs. Most aggressive people come from dysfunctional homes and ALCOHOL is almost always front and center as a factor in those environments. I would go so far to state that alcohol is a factor in aggressive behavior in far more incidents than all of the other drugs people take all together.

The only difference is that alcohol is legal and the others are not. How many deaths are caused by pot smokers on our highways? A small minority. How many are alcohol related? The vast majority.
The pot related highway deaths in Washington have doubled since it became illegal.

Again...it isn't the drug. It's the willingness to break the law to imbibe. Criminals be criminals. I can see breaking the law to save a life or prevent a tragedy....but if you are willing to break the law for a high, you're a menace.

Sounds impressive until you actually look at the numbers. How many deaths are alcohol related? Probably 100 times as many as pot related.
Duii is a crime. And people go to prison for it, as they should. People do not go to prison for the occasional snort. Nor do they go to prison for smoking pot, fuck hop.
You know what KG? God For Bid you never get cancer in your later years but if you do the chemo will destroy your desire to eat and your body will be racked with pain. Your doctor may well prescribe marijuana. Pot relieves most of these symptoms and YOU will do a 180 on this topic.

It is obvious you have no experience and are attempting to tell others how to live. No one that has ever smoked pot would agree with you and that is the majority of Americans.
You know what KG? God For Bid you never get cancer in your later years but if you do the chemo will destroy your desire to eat and your body will be racked with pain. Your doctor may well prescribe marijuana. Pot relieves most of these symptoms and YOU will do a 180 on this topic.

It is obvious you have no experience and are attempting to tell others how to live. No one that has ever smoked pot would agree with you and that is the majority of Americans.
I could care less is ppl smoke weed, medicinally or otherwise. Smoking weed isn't a felony. Your assertion that our prisons are stuffed with harmless doofuses who smoke pot and are slapped with felonies for it is a lie. Lots of felons are addicts, that's true...but if you think we should hold traffickers and pushers and distributers and gang bangers harmless from prosecution because they're addicts, then you're even more demented than I thought.
You know what KG? God For Bid you never get cancer in your later years but if you do the chemo will destroy your desire to eat and your body will be racked with pain. Your doctor may well prescribe marijuana. Pot relieves most of these symptoms and YOU will do a 180 on this topic.

It is obvious you have no experience and are attempting to tell others how to live. No one that has ever smoked pot would agree with you and that is the majority of Americans.
I could care less is ppl smoke weed, medicinally or otherwise. Smoking weed isn't a felony. Your assertion that our prisons are stuffed with harmless doofuses who smoke pot and are slapped with felonies for it is a lie. Lots of felons are addicts, that's true...but if you think we should hold traffickers and pushers and distributers and gang bangers harmless from prosecution because they're addicts, then you're even more demented than I thought.

What is clear from your posts is that you are an unhappy bitter person that believes many people should be punished or disenfranchised.

I'm certain it is no accident that in your sig the word "rebuke" shows up in three out of three statements.

Your disappointment in life is obvious in how you lash out at people with no thought or compassion.

In short you have been "rebuked" and the world must pay for it.
You know what KG? God For Bid you never get cancer in your later years but if you do the chemo will destroy your desire to eat and your body will be racked with pain. Your doctor may well prescribe marijuana. Pot relieves most of these symptoms and YOU will do a 180 on this topic.

It is obvious you have no experience and are attempting to tell others how to live. No one that has ever smoked pot would agree with you and that is the majority of Americans.
I could care less is ppl smoke weed, medicinally or otherwise. Smoking weed isn't a felony. Your assertion that our prisons are stuffed with harmless doofuses who smoke pot and are slapped with felonies for it is a lie. Lots of felons are addicts, that's true...but if you think we should hold traffickers and pushers and distributers and gang bangers harmless from prosecution because they're addicts, then you're even more demented than I thought.

What is clear from your posts is that you are an unhappy bitter person that believes many people should be punished or disenfranchised.

I'm certain it is no accident that in your sig the word "rebuke" shows up in three out of three statements.

Your disappointment in life is obvious in how you lash out at people with no thought or compassion.

In short you have been "rebuked" and the world must pay for it.
Every time I destroy one of your drug addled arguments you go on a rant about how unhappy I am or some weird tale about my view of life which is based on your hallucinations and nothing else. So I guess I'll take it as a compliment, though all things considered, I feel a little guilty because it's so was.

To recap...
1. Smoking pot isn't a felony, so nobody in the history of the US has been convicted of a felony for smoking pot once.
2. Criminals should not be absolved of felonies because they're addicts. The idea is ludicrous and very obviously the brain child of a drug addict who has organic brain disorder caused by years of drug abuse.
3. I could care less if people smoke weed or abuse painkillers. But if you get busted in the commission of a crime, I could also care less. Pay the price and stop whining.
I absolutely agree that prevention is worth more than a cure. But that still didn't answer my question to Politician, who does he have in mind to fund this rehab?

Who do you think pays to incarcerate these people over and over? Many if not most who enter the "system" have no legal opportunities after a felony conviction and they get swept up in the dark side as in many cases that is the only area they can make a living.

If the prison system was primarily used to house those that commit assaults and murder and the non violent were processed in an entirely different manner focusing on a path to removing the felony status the cost to society would be probably 75% less than it is today.

Draconian laws based on nonsense need to be changed. The "old school" ideas that pot leads to heroin is ridiculous and that the black man will rape white women "hopped up" on the evil weed. These lies have led to many of the laws that have started the cycle of incarceration and re-incarceration.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

Who gives a shit if drug addicts and criminals vote or not?

You have a point. Alcohol is a drug also and if we should remove all drug addicts let's get rid of the drunks as well. Let's see? Only perfect (in your eyes) people should vote. That should make it much easier to count the ballots as there are probably no more than 100,000 perfect people in the U S.

WHAT?? I never mentioned anything about voting dummy. Stay on the subject or STFU>
I absolutely agree that prevention is worth more than a cure. But that still didn't answer my question to Politician, who does he have in mind to fund this rehab?

Who do you think pays to incarcerate these people over and over? Many if not most who enter the "system" have no legal opportunities after a felony conviction and they get swept up in the dark side as in many cases that is the only area they can make a living.

If the prison system was primarily used to house those that commit assaults and murder and the non violent were processed in an entirely different manner focusing on a path to removing the felony status the cost to society would be probably 75% less than it is today.

Draconian laws based on nonsense need to be changed. The "old school" ideas that pot leads to heroin is ridiculous and that the black man will rape white women "hopped up" on the evil weed. These lies have led to many of the laws that have started the cycle of incarceration and re-incarceration.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

Who gives a shit if drug addicts and criminals vote or not?

You have a point. Alcohol is a drug also and if we should remove all drug addicts let's get rid of the drunks as well. Let's see? Only perfect (in your eyes) people should vote. That should make it much easier to count the ballots as there are probably no more than 100,000 perfect people in the U S.
Alcohol isn't an illegal drug however. Druggies don't get it, which again illustrates how stupid criminals are. It's not about the drug. It's about breaking the law. A person who breaks the law to get high is a menace and getting high won't land you in prison. Stealing, assault, and trafficking will. And druggies generally engage in those things....it's what draws attention to them in the first place.

You do not know what you are talking about. Most of the people that use pot are otherwise law abiding citizens. THAT is the vast majority of U S citizens.

Most of the people that use pot are otherwise law abiding citizens, most common defense of marijuana smokers!!
I absolutely agree that prevention is worth more than a cure. But that still didn't answer my question to Politician, who does he have in mind to fund this rehab?

Who do you think pays to incarcerate these people over and over? Many if not most who enter the "system" have no legal opportunities after a felony conviction and they get swept up in the dark side as in many cases that is the only area they can make a living.

If the prison system was primarily used to house those that commit assaults and murder and the non violent were processed in an entirely different manner focusing on a path to removing the felony status the cost to society would be probably 75% less than it is today.

Draconian laws based on nonsense need to be changed. The "old school" ideas that pot leads to heroin is ridiculous and that the black man will rape white women "hopped up" on the evil weed. These lies have led to many of the laws that have started the cycle of incarceration and re-incarceration.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

Who do I think pays to incarcerate these CRIMINALS? I DO and the millions of others that pay taxes!! And for that payment, I expect them to be in jail for breaking the laws. Laws by the way enacted because they are adults who CHOOSE to use drugs, and then expect someone else to foot the bill for their REHAB to straighten out their life. Why should the general public have to pay to help them get their life right when they are the ones who made the fucked up decision in the first place. And by the way, the reason they are ILLEGAL is they are health deteriorating, mind altering, and induce aggressive behavior. They become a burden on society by being hospitalized for detox or worse, commit violent crimes, and then expect not have to pay anything.

There are consequences for all the decisions a person makes in their life. Some good, some indifferent, some bad. No matter, justice is each individual being held accountable for those decisions when they affect others in the society.

Politician, you need to get your facts straight. Drug addicts usually don't do hard time unless they are MULTIPLE offenders.

And by they way, you still didn't answer my question, who do you thing should pay for this REHAB?

If you knew what you are talking about that would be a powerful statement.m Sadly you do not. Pot does not induce aggressive behavior nor is it a health hazard. In fact most illegal drugs do not cause aggressive behavior. What DOES cause aggressive behavior is what a person learns from their parents when they are young. Many kids in school are bullies. These tendencies show up long before the kids are exposed to drugs. Most aggressive people come from dysfunctional homes and ALCOHOL is almost always front and center as a factor in those environments. I would go so far to state that alcohol is a factor in aggressive behavior in far more incidents than all of the other drugs people take all together.

The only difference is that alcohol is legal and the others are not. How many deaths are caused by pot smokers on our highways? A small minority. How many are alcohol related? The vast majority.

WHAT??? Please show me where I've said pot induces aggressive behavior. I said drugs, i.e. more than just pot. So sad that you can read AND COMPREHEND. If you knew what you say, you might be some what smart, sadly, you are not.
I absolutely agree that prevention is worth more than a cure. But that still didn't answer my question to Politician, who does he have in mind to fund this rehab?

Who do you think pays to incarcerate these people over and over? Many if not most who enter the "system" have no legal opportunities after a felony conviction and they get swept up in the dark side as in many cases that is the only area they can make a living.

If the prison system was primarily used to house those that commit assaults and murder and the non violent were processed in an entirely different manner focusing on a path to removing the felony status the cost to society would be probably 75% less than it is today.

Draconian laws based on nonsense need to be changed. The "old school" ideas that pot leads to heroin is ridiculous and that the black man will rape white women "hopped up" on the evil weed. These lies have led to many of the laws that have started the cycle of incarceration and re-incarceration.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

Who gives a shit if drug addicts and criminals vote or not?

I do, people who smoked pot once should still be able to vote.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

This has got to be one of the most ignorant and racist post I've seen on these boards. Only BLACK felons are denied voting rights? WHITE felons are not???? ALL white politicians know about it??? It only occurs in SOUTHERN STATES???? You are one ignorant individual. There are only 3 states that felons lose voting rights for life. Every states except two strips the voting rights of convicted felons while imprisoned or on probation.

GET your facts straight stupid!!!
"SMALLER GOVERNMENT, WE WANT SMALLER GOVERNMENT (except we want larger prisons and a larger military)"

Oh please its libs who have sent millions of young black and Hispanic men to prison out of your Democratic run inner cities. So typical of the lying lowlife scum left to try to blame someone else for their actions.

The most populous prison population per capita is the liberal, no, the Marxist Communist state of Louisiana.


The worst states are right wing states. Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, then places like Texas and Alabama.

LOL and who sent them there? Yes democrats from democrat run inner cities thank you.

What's your point here?I didn't get it.

Dem's send millions of young black and Hispanic men in Democrat run inner cities to prison, own up to it.

I still don't understand what you're trying to say!
Many Americans are quite convinced that they live in one of the freest nations on the planet

Even if they don’t think that we are the freest, they still believe that our population has far more rights than the vast majority of the human race. However, these people tend to ignore our large prison population. Can you really call it a free country when that nation restricts the freedoms of such a large percentage of its population, most whom are convicted of nonviolent crimes?

What’s more shocking, is that our prison population has reached an ominous milestone over the past few years. The number of Americans who were in jail and prison, or on probation and parole, was 7 million people by 2009. When you include former inmates who have since left our prison system, you wind up with 19 million people as of 2010. This number exceeds the 18 million people who endured the Soviet Gulag system, between 1929 and 1953.

While the conditions in the gulags were far worse than American prisons, our facilities still utilize slave labor and torture techniques like solitary confinement to keep their inmates in line. And with a per capita incarceration rate that might only be exceeded by countries like North Korea and Cuba, there’s no reason to believe that the United States is still among the free nations of the world.

The US Prison System Is Actually Larger Than Soviet Gulags
So, what is your point? We should not incarcerate criminals?

We should incarcerate less. Most in cages today, don't belong in them. A person who likes to snort cocaine shouldn't be placed in a cage with a brutal murderer or rapist.

In my opinion, doing drugs is not a criminal act. It's an adult personal choice. We need to decriminalize most drugs immediately. Or at the very least, don't incarcerate anyone for non-violent drug offenses.
Actually, I can see your point. How about fines for drug usage and very heavy fines for selling drugs. All fines go to pay down the debt.

It's something to think about. But i still feel most drugs should be decriminalized. The act of doing drugs isn't a criminal act. It's an adult personal decision. But i know most Americans aren't ready for decriminalization. The Government 'War on Drugs' brainwashing has been incredibly powerful. But once we stop incarcerating non-violent drug offenders, we'll save $Millions in Tax Dollars.
I absolutely agree that prevention is worth more than a cure. But that still didn't answer my question to Politician, who does he have in mind to fund this rehab?

Who do you think pays to incarcerate these people over and over? Many if not most who enter the "system" have no legal opportunities after a felony conviction and they get swept up in the dark side as in many cases that is the only area they can make a living.

If the prison system was primarily used to house those that commit assaults and murder and the non violent were processed in an entirely different manner focusing on a path to removing the felony status the cost to society would be probably 75% less than it is today.

Draconian laws based on nonsense need to be changed. The "old school" ideas that pot leads to heroin is ridiculous and that the black man will rape white women "hopped up" on the evil weed. These lies have led to many of the laws that have started the cycle of incarceration and re-incarceration.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

Who gives a shit if drug addicts and criminals vote or not?

You have a point. Alcohol is a drug also and if we should remove all drug addicts let's get rid of the drunks as well. Let's see? Only perfect (in your eyes) people should vote. That should make it much easier to count the ballots as there are probably no more than 100,000 perfect people in the U S.
Alcohol isn't an illegal drug however. Druggies don't get it, which again illustrates how stupid criminals are. It's not about the drug. It's about breaking the law. A person who breaks the law to get high is a menace and getting high won't land you in prison. Stealing, assault, and trafficking will. And druggies generally engage in those things....it's what draws attention to them in the first place.

Even more reason to decriminalize most drugs. Go and research the rampant criminal brutality when alcohol was illegal. Getting high is no more a criminal act than drinking alcohol is. No one should be put in a cage for it.
I absolutely agree that prevention is worth more than a cure. But that still didn't answer my question to Politician, who does he have in mind to fund this rehab?

Who do you think pays to incarcerate these people over and over? Many if not most who enter the "system" have no legal opportunities after a felony conviction and they get swept up in the dark side as in many cases that is the only area they can make a living.

If the prison system was primarily used to house those that commit assaults and murder and the non violent were processed in an entirely different manner focusing on a path to removing the felony status the cost to society would be probably 75% less than it is today.

Draconian laws based on nonsense need to be changed. The "old school" ideas that pot leads to heroin is ridiculous and that the black man will rape white women "hopped up" on the evil weed. These lies have led to many of the laws that have started the cycle of incarceration and re-incarceration.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

Who do I think pays to incarcerate these CRIMINALS? I DO and the millions of others that pay taxes!! And for that payment, I expect them to be in jail for breaking the laws. Laws by the way enacted because they are adults who CHOOSE to use drugs, and then expect someone else to foot the bill for their REHAB to straighten out their life. Why should the general public have to pay to help them get their life right when they are the ones who made the fucked up decision in the first place. And by the way, the reason they are ILLEGAL is they are health deteriorating, mind altering, and induce aggressive behavior. They become a burden on society by being hospitalized for detox or worse, commit violent crimes, and then expect not have to pay anything.

There are consequences for all the decisions a person makes in their life. Some good, some indifferent, some bad. No matter, justice is each individual being held accountable for those decisions when they affect others in the society.

Politician, you need to get your facts straight. Drug addicts usually don't do hard time unless they are MULTIPLE offenders.

And by they way, you still didn't answer my question, who do you thing should pay for this REHAB?

If you knew what you are talking about that would be a powerful statement.m Sadly you do not. Pot does not induce aggressive behavior nor is it a health hazard. In fact most illegal drugs do not cause aggressive behavior. What DOES cause aggressive behavior is what a person learns from their parents when they are young. Many kids in school are bullies. These tendencies show up long before the kids are exposed to drugs. Most aggressive people come from dysfunctional homes and ALCOHOL is almost always front and center as a factor in those environments. I would go so far to state that alcohol is a factor in aggressive behavior in far more incidents than all of the other drugs people take all together.

The only difference is that alcohol is legal and the others are not. How many deaths are caused by pot smokers on our highways? A small minority. How many are alcohol related? The vast majority.

Spot On. Nuff said.
I absolutely agree that prevention is worth more than a cure. But that still didn't answer my question to Politician, who does he have in mind to fund this rehab?

Who do you think pays to incarcerate these people over and over? Many if not most who enter the "system" have no legal opportunities after a felony conviction and they get swept up in the dark side as in many cases that is the only area they can make a living.

If the prison system was primarily used to house those that commit assaults and murder and the non violent were processed in an entirely different manner focusing on a path to removing the felony status the cost to society would be probably 75% less than it is today.

Draconian laws based on nonsense need to be changed. The "old school" ideas that pot leads to heroin is ridiculous and that the black man will rape white women "hopped up" on the evil weed. These lies have led to many of the laws that have started the cycle of incarceration and re-incarceration.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

Who do I think pays to incarcerate these CRIMINALS? I DO and the millions of others that pay taxes!! And for that payment, I expect them to be in jail for breaking the laws. Laws by the way enacted because they are adults who CHOOSE to use drugs, and then expect someone else to foot the bill for their REHAB to straighten out their life. Why should the general public have to pay to help them get their life right when they are the ones who made the fucked up decision in the first place. And by the way, the reason they are ILLEGAL is they are health deteriorating, mind altering, and induce aggressive behavior. They become a burden on society by being hospitalized for detox or worse, commit violent crimes, and then expect not have to pay anything.

There are consequences for all the decisions a person makes in their life. Some good, some indifferent, some bad. No matter, justice is each individual being held accountable for those decisions when they affect others in the society.

Politician, you need to get your facts straight. Drug addicts usually don't do hard time unless they are MULTIPLE offenders.

And by they way, you still didn't answer my question, who do you thing should pay for this REHAB?

If you knew what you are talking about that would be a powerful statement.m Sadly you do not. Pot does not induce aggressive behavior nor is it a health hazard. In fact most illegal drugs do not cause aggressive behavior. What DOES cause aggressive behavior is what a person learns from their parents when they are young. Many kids in school are bullies. These tendencies show up long before the kids are exposed to drugs. Most aggressive people come from dysfunctional homes and ALCOHOL is almost always front and center as a factor in those environments. I would go so far to state that alcohol is a factor in aggressive behavior in far more incidents than all of the other drugs people take all together.

The only difference is that alcohol is legal and the others are not. How many deaths are caused by pot smokers on our highways? A small minority. How many are alcohol related? The vast majority.
The pot related highway deaths in Washington have doubled since it became illegal.

Again...it isn't the drug. It's the willingness to break the law to imbibe. Criminals be criminals. I can see breaking the law to save a life or prevent a tragedy....but if you are willing to break the law for a high, you're a menace.

Driving while intoxicated includes narcotics. It will remain the case when drugs are decriminalized. Driving while impaired/intoxicated will still be a criminal act. That won't change when it becomes legal to get high.
in the old soviet union

how many didnt even make it to the "gulag"

which of course was forced labor camp system

just saying

Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

the gulag was a system with in the system

how many did the old soviet union kill out right

These are very unpleasant times for our nation. American Police are murdering Citizens at at a staggering rate, and imprisoning more of our Citizens than any other nation on earth. It's very sad.

staggering rate

get a grip

Do your own research. American Police are murdering Citizens at an alarming rate. They're routinely shooting them dead for even minor offenses. The American Police Force is quickly becoming the most deadly on earth.

get a grip

Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

the gulag was a system with in the system

how many did the old soviet union kill out right

These are very unpleasant times for our nation. American Police are murdering Citizens at at a staggering rate, and imprisoning more of our Citizens than any other nation on earth. It's very sad.

staggering rate

get a grip

Do your own research. American Police are murdering Citizens at an alarming rate. They're routinely shooting them dead for even minor offenses. The American Police Force is quickly becoming the most deadly on earth.

get a grip


Sadly, it's the truth.

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