POLICE STATE: U.S. Prison System Larger Than Soviet Gulags...

You know what KG? God For Bid you never get cancer in your later years but if you do the chemo will destroy your desire to eat and your body will be racked with pain. Your doctor may well prescribe marijuana. Pot relieves most of these symptoms and YOU will do a 180 on this topic.

It is obvious you have no experience and are attempting to tell others how to live. No one that has ever smoked pot would agree with you and that is the majority of Americans.
I could care less is ppl smoke weed, medicinally or otherwise. Smoking weed isn't a felony. Your assertion that our prisons are stuffed with harmless doofuses who smoke pot and are slapped with felonies for it is a lie. Lots of felons are addicts, that's true...but if you think we should hold traffickers and pushers and distributers and gang bangers harmless from prosecution because they're addicts, then you're even more demented than I thought.

What is clear from your posts is that you are an unhappy bitter person that believes many people should be punished or disenfranchised.

I'm certain it is no accident that in your sig the word "rebuke" shows up in three out of three statements.

Your disappointment in life is obvious in how you lash out at people with no thought or compassion.

In short you have been "rebuked" and the world must pay for it.
Every time I destroy one of your drug addled arguments you go on a rant about how unhappy I am or some weird tale about my view of life which is based on your hallucinations and nothing else. So I guess I'll take it as a compliment, though all things considered, I feel a little guilty because it's so was.

To recap...
1. Smoking pot isn't a felony, so nobody in the history of the US has been convicted of a felony for smoking pot once.
2. Criminals should not be absolved of felonies because they're addicts. The idea is ludicrous and very obviously the brain child of a drug addict who has organic brain disorder caused by years of drug abuse.
3. I could care less if people smoke weed or abuse painkillers. But if you get busted in the commission of a crime, I could also care less. Pay the price and stop whining.
You know what KG? God For Bid you never get cancer in your later years but if you do the chemo will destroy your desire to eat and your body will be racked with pain. Your doctor may well prescribe marijuana. Pot relieves most of these symptoms and YOU will do a 180 on this topic.

It is obvious you have no experience and are attempting to tell others how to live. No one that has ever smoked pot would agree with you and that is the majority of Americans.
I could care less is ppl smoke weed, medicinally or otherwise. Smoking weed isn't a felony. Your assertion that our prisons are stuffed with harmless doofuses who smoke pot and are slapped with felonies for it is a lie. Lots of felons are addicts, that's true...but if you think we should hold traffickers and pushers and distributers and gang bangers harmless from prosecution because they're addicts, then you're even more demented than I thought.

What is clear from your posts is that you are an unhappy bitter person that believes many people should be punished or disenfranchised.

I'm certain it is no accident that in your sig the word "rebuke" shows up in three out of three statements.

Your disappointment in life is obvious in how you lash out at people with no thought or compassion.

In short you have been "rebuked" and the world must pay for it.
Every time I destroy one of your drug addled arguments you go on a rant about how unhappy I am or some weird tale about my view of life which is based on your hallucinations and nothing else. So I guess I'll take it as a compliment, though all things considered, I feel a little guilty because it's so was.

To recap...
1. Smoking pot isn't a felony, so nobody in the history of the US has been convicted of a felony for smoking pot once.
2. Criminals should not be absolved of felonies because they're addicts. The idea is ludicrous and very obviously the brain child of a drug addict who has organic brain disorder caused by years of drug abuse.
3. I could care less if people smoke weed or abuse painkillers. But if you get busted in the commission of a crime, I could also care less. Pay the price and stop whining.

"Every time I destroy one of your drug addled arguments you go on a rant about how unhappy I am"

KG please try to get a grip on reality. I have NEVER mentioned my opinion that you are an unhappy person and used your sigs as supporting proof.

If you believe I am in error I encourage you to bring forth any post I have ever made in this regard

I have indicated that your posts are stupid..etc.. many times but never delved into an exact cause. Your repetitive willfully ignorant responses in this thread have driven me to try to understand the aggressive nature of your posting style.

You have labeled my posts as "rants" even though they are not incoherent or repetitive. I do attempt to make a point with every post. You on the other hand rarely make a point that encourages the reader to think about what you are offering.

What has set me off on exploring the true nature of what motivates your posts is the tracking alerts that show you posting as many as seven replies in just the span of a few minutes aimed at my posts with nothing in them that actually addresses what I have written.

Note to KG: A post that contains more than one sentence is not a "rant". Many topics require in depth thought and therefore words to cover the multitude of aspects of the subject. If you have attention deficit disorder I will attempt to understand your frustration at digesting more than a handful of words in a reply.
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I absolutely agree that prevention is worth more than a cure. But that still didn't answer my question to Politician, who does he have in mind to fund this rehab?

Who do you think pays to incarcerate these people over and over? Many if not most who enter the "system" have no legal opportunities after a felony conviction and they get swept up in the dark side as in many cases that is the only area they can make a living.

If the prison system was primarily used to house those that commit assaults and murder and the non violent were processed in an entirely different manner focusing on a path to removing the felony status the cost to society would be probably 75% less than it is today.

Draconian laws based on nonsense need to be changed. The "old school" ideas that pot leads to heroin is ridiculous and that the black man will rape white women "hopped up" on the evil weed. These lies have led to many of the laws that have started the cycle of incarceration and re-incarceration.

Of course we know that sticking a black man with a felony conviction in many Southern states removes him from ever voting. That fact has not gone un noticed on white politicians.

Who gives a shit if drug addicts and criminals vote or not?

You have a point. Alcohol is a drug also and if we should remove all drug addicts let's get rid of the drunks as well. Let's see? Only perfect (in your eyes) people should vote. That should make it much easier to count the ballots as there are probably no more than 100,000 perfect people in the U S.

WHAT?? I never mentioned anything about voting dummy. Stay on the subject or STFU>

As anyone can easily see my reply was to KG. Not you. Perhaps it is you that needs to STFU until you have developed a better working relationship with something we like to call reading comprehension.
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Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system



The American Police Force is quickly becoming the most deadly on earth.

that is not true at all

Actually, don't collect the stats on that for it to be known...

The American Police Force is probably not the worst but it might be in the first world.

I was talking to police officers in Ireland (Police in Ireland are unarmed generally) and they said it is totally surprising considering everyone can carry guns. One said that there job is simpler in Ireland, most officers in Ireland never see a gun in the public's hands(except during hunting activities). So the worst thing they could experience is a knife or needle (needle has never happened), a officer gets stabbed about once every two years ish and they have stab proof vests.

The last time an Irish officer killed anyone was in 2000.
The man was mentally unwell and charged the police with a shotgun and they shot him. An investigation cost of €18 million(help from FBI). The government apologised and paid compensation and Police took further firearm training nationwide.
Can you see a difference?
The American Police Force is quickly becoming the most deadly on earth.

that is not true at all

Actually, don't collect the stats on that for it to be known...

The American Police Force is probably not the worst but it might be in the first world.

I was talking to police officers in Ireland (Police in Ireland are unarmed generally) and they said it is totally surprising considering everyone can carry guns. One said that there job is simpler in Ireland, most officers in Ireland never see a gun in the public's hands(except during hunting activities). So the worst thing they could experience is a knife or needle (needle has never happened), a officer gets stabbed about once every two years ish and they have stab proof vests.

The last time an Irish officer killed anyone was in 2000.
The man was mentally unwell and charged the police with a shotgun and they shot him. An investigation cost of €18 million(help from FBI). The government apologised and paid compensation and Police took further firearm training nationwide.
Can you see a difference?

again how many violent criminals there compared to ours
Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

The drug war is at fault for most of it. That is a bullshit policy.

However our prisons are not going to reform a thug culture where doing time gives people street cred. We do house some animals that should just be snuffed out, and we won't be able to lower a recidivism rate when people can be comfortable in prison.

Prison should be more severe, so that the thought of going would make scumbags find a different source of income.

You know what KG? God For Bid you never get cancer in your later years but if you do the chemo will destroy your desire to eat and your body will be racked with pain. Your doctor may well prescribe marijuana. Pot relieves most of these symptoms and YOU will do a 180 on this topic.

It is obvious you have no experience and are attempting to tell others how to live. No one that has ever smoked pot would agree with you and that is the majority of Americans.
I could care less is ppl smoke weed, medicinally or otherwise. Smoking weed isn't a felony. Your assertion that our prisons are stuffed with harmless doofuses who smoke pot and are slapped with felonies for it is a lie. Lots of felons are addicts, that's true...but if you think we should hold traffickers and pushers and distributers and gang bangers harmless from prosecution because they're addicts, then you're even more demented than I thought.

What is clear from your posts is that you are an unhappy bitter person that believes many people should be punished or disenfranchised.

I'm certain it is no accident that in your sig the word "rebuke" shows up in three out of three statements.

Your disappointment in life is obvious in how you lash out at people with no thought or compassion.

In short you have been "rebuked" and the world must pay for it.
Every time I destroy one of your drug addled arguments you go on a rant about how unhappy I am or some weird tale about my view of life which is based on your hallucinations and nothing else. So I guess I'll take it as a compliment, though all things considered, I feel a little guilty because it's so was.

To recap...
1. Smoking pot isn't a felony, so nobody in the history of the US has been convicted of a felony for smoking pot once.
2. Criminals should not be absolved of felonies because they're addicts. The idea is ludicrous and very obviously the brain child of a drug addict who has organic brain disorder caused by years of drug abuse.
3. I could care less if people smoke weed or abuse painkillers. But if you get busted in the commission of a crime, I could also care less. Pay the price and stop whining.

"Every time I destroy one of your drug addled arguments you go on a rant about how unhappy I am"

KG please try to get a grip on reality. I have NEVER mentioned my opinion that you are an unhappy person and used your sigs as supporting proof.

If you believe I am in error I encourage you to bring forth any post I have ever made in this regard

I have indicated that your posts are stupid..etc.. many times but never delved into an exact cause. Your repetitive willfully ignorant responses in this thread have driven me to try to understand the aggressive nature of your posting style.

You have labeled my posts as "rants" even though they are not incoherent or repetitive. I do attempt to make a point with every post. You on the other hand rarely make a point that encourages the reader to think about what you are offering.

What has set me off on exploring the true nature of what motivates your posts is the tracking alerts that show you posting as many as seven replies in just the span of a few minutes aimed at my posts with nothing in them that actually addresses what I have written.

Note to KG: A post that contains more than one sentence is not a "rant". Many topics require in depth thought and therefore words to cover the multitude of aspects of the subject. If you have attention deficit disorder I will attempt to understand your frustration at digesting more than a handful of words in a reply.
That was a bit less ranty. Still completely irrelevant.
Many Americans are quite convinced that they live in one of the freest nations on the planet

Even if they don’t think that we are the freest, they still believe that our population has far more rights than the vast majority of the human race. However, these people tend to ignore our large prison population. Can you really call it a free country when that nation restricts the freedoms of such a large percentage of its population, most whom are convicted of nonviolent crimes?

What’s more shocking, is that our prison population has reached an ominous milestone over the past few years. The number of Americans who were in jail and prison, or on probation and parole, was 7 million people by 2009. When you include former inmates who have since left our prison system, you wind up with 19 million people as of 2010. This number exceeds the 18 million people who endured the Soviet Gulag system, between 1929 and 1953.

While the conditions in the gulags were far worse than American prisons, our facilities still utilize slave labor and torture techniques like solitary confinement to keep their inmates in line. And with a per capita incarceration rate that might only be exceeded by countries like North Korea and Cuba, there’s no reason to believe that the United States is still among the free nations of the world.

The US Prison System Is Actually Larger Than Soviet Gulags

That's awful, criminals belong on the streets, not in prison

Yes, some 'criminals' don't belong in cages. I know that's incredibly difficult for you old fart dinosaurs to comprehend, but it is true. For example, no one doing drugs should be put in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. That's simply barbaric.

Non-violent drug offenses should not result in incarceration. Personally, i think most drugs should be decriminalized immediately. But i know you old farts are never gonna let that happen. It's time to approach non-violent crimes differently than violent crimes.

LOL, it cracks me up how stupid you are. I'm a libertarian, Holmes. You think I'm for legal drugs? What a complete fucking idiot you are.

Authoritarian rightists like you are sick fucks who want to control other people's bodies. Drugs don't need to be "decriminalized," they need to be legalized. The difference is you are making them legal only for use. Without making them legal to distribute you don't fix most of the problems, like funding organized crime.

Christian sicko bible thumpers who think everyone's body is yours cause all this mess, you need to clean up your act, polly
LOL, it cracks me up how stupid you are. I'm a libertarian, Holmes. You think I'm for legal drugs? What a complete fucking idiot you are.

Authoritarian rightists like you are sick fucks who want to control other people's bodies. Drugs don't need to be "decriminalized," they need to be legalized. The difference is you are making them legal only for use. Without making them legal to distribute you don't fix most of the problems, like funding organized crime.

Christian sicko bible thumpers who think everyone's body is yours cause all this mess, you need to clean up your act, polly

I'm with you up to a point. The only way legalized dope across the board would work is by denying any subsidies to addicts. They would have to be allowed to die under bridges.

That would discourage other people from indulging.

LOL, it cracks me up how stupid you are. I'm a libertarian, Holmes. You think I'm for legal drugs? What a complete fucking idiot you are.

Authoritarian rightists like you are sick fucks who want to control other people's bodies. Drugs don't need to be "decriminalized," they need to be legalized. The difference is you are making them legal only for use. Without making them legal to distribute you don't fix most of the problems, like funding organized crime.

Christian sicko bible thumpers who think everyone's body is yours cause all this mess, you need to clean up your act, polly

I'm with you up to a point. The only way legalized dope across the board would work is by denying any subsidies to addicts. They would have to be allowed to die under bridges.

That would discourage other people from indulging.

That works for me. Churches will tend to them, they do a better job anyway.
The American Police Force is quickly becoming the most deadly on earth.

that is not true at all

It is certainly true of so called civilized first world countries.

which ones are they

how is their violent crime rate compared to ours

Violent crime rates appear to be about the same or lower in Europe.

Crime rates are impossible to put side by side and say "that's a higher rate therefore they have more violent crime". What is violent crime? In one country it's different to another.

In the US rape isn't reported as widely as most European countries. The US simply isn't pro-active. Makes some comments about how guns make women safer (they don't) and then leave it alone, like most things in the US. In Europe women are encouraged to report rape. Sometimes you get fake cases, but all in all women feel like their lives actually matter if they've been raped.

And there are other such things that point to violent crime being about the same or worse than the UK.
The American Police Force is quickly becoming the most deadly on earth.

that is not true at all

It is certainly true of so called civilized first world countries.

which ones are they

how is their violent crime rate compared to ours

Violent crime rates appear to be about the same or lower in Europe.

Crime rates are impossible to put side by side and say "that's a higher rate therefore they have more violent crime". What is violent crime? In one country it's different to another.

In the US rape isn't reported as widely as most European countries. The US simply isn't pro-active. Makes some comments about how guns make women safer (they don't) and then leave it alone, like most things in the US. In Europe women are encouraged to report rape. Sometimes you get fake cases, but all in all women feel like their lives actually matter if they've been raped.

And there are other such things that point to violent crime being about the same or worse than the UK.
There's a whole lotta wrong going on there but I'm tired of pointing out the obvious and true TIME AFTER TIME forever and ever and ever with no amen in sight.
Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

The drug war is at fault for most of it. That is a bullshit policy.

However our prisons are not going to reform a thug culture where doing time gives people street cred. We do house some animals that should just be snuffed out, and we won't be able to lower a recidivism rate when people can be comfortable in prison.

Prison should be more severe, so that the thought of going would make scumbags find a different source of income.

I hear ya somewhat, but American prisons are anything but 'comfortable.' That's a myth invented by old fart 'Law & Order' kooks. Anyone's life can be snuffed out at anytime in prison. American prisons are among the most deadly on earth. The prison murder rate is shocking.

At the very least, non-violent offenders should be housed in separate facilities. Someone who merely enjoys doing drugs shouldn't be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. That's barbaric.

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