POLICE STATE: U.S. Prison System Larger Than Soviet Gulags...

If you're talking about violent criminals, i can agree somewhat. But non-violent offenses need to be handled differently. Especially drug offenses. No one should be incarcerated for merely enjoying doing drugs. We don't incarcerate people for long terms for enjoying getting drunk. Getting high is no different.
That not true. Many people steal for their drug fix. Most people don't get that addicted to alcohol. Drugs are illegal for a reason, the government is doing the will of the people, not imposing party pooper laws onto he masses. People aren't thrown into jails for getting caught with a doobie.

See what kind of horrific crime Prohibition caused. It's time to decriminalize most drugs. People wanna get high. So what? It's their call. They shouldn't be thrown in cages for it.

Small government means telling people what they can and can't do..... I don't get it.

No, you don't get small government, telling people what they can and can't do is your gig

I'm sorry.

Being anti-drugs, anti-alcohol, anti-jay walking (interesting story as to why jay-walking became illegal in the first place), anti-gay marriage, anti-so many things which stop people doing what they want.

Don't come here with all that bravado and trying to deflect it away. You know it's true. You claim to be a libertarian, then surely you'd see what a lot of these mindless conservatives are like.


anti-drug - I think all drugs should be legal

anti-alcohol - :wtf:

anti-jay walking - now you're desperate, I've been a New Yorker a big chunk of my life, Holmes

anti gay marriage - technically true but completely misleading, I'm against all government marriage

anti- so many things - like what? you are zero for so far

So you got every position wrong, then you say I'm like conservatives. That's completely comic, couldn't make up the shit you actually believe
Let the People get high, and move on. No more incarceration and release all non-violent drug offenders currently in cages. It'll save $Millions in Tax Dollars and we'll evolve as a society.
That not true. Many people steal for their drug fix. Most people don't get that addicted to alcohol. Drugs are illegal for a reason, the government is doing the will of the people, not imposing party pooper laws onto he masses. People aren't thrown into jails for getting caught with a doobie.

See what kind of horrific crime Prohibition caused. It's time to decriminalize most drugs. People wanna get high. So what? It's their call. They shouldn't be thrown in cages for it.

Small government means telling people what they can and can't do..... I don't get it.

No, you don't get small government, telling people what they can and can't do is your gig

I'm sorry.

Being anti-drugs, anti-alcohol, anti-jay walking (interesting story as to why jay-walking became illegal in the first place), anti-gay marriage, anti-so many things which stop people doing what they want.

Don't come here with all that bravado and trying to deflect it away. You know it's true. You claim to be a libertarian, then surely you'd see what a lot of these mindless conservatives are like.


anti-drug - I think all drugs should be legal

anti-alcohol - :wtf:

anti-jay walking - now you're desperate, I've been a New Yorker a big chunk of my life, Holmes

anti gay marriage - technically true but completely misleading, I'm against all government marriage

anti- so many things - like what? you are zero for so far

So you got every position wrong, then you say I'm like conservatives. That's completely comic, couldn't make up the shit you actually believe

I'm not talking about YOU. Jeez. I'm talking about the general American conservative.
See what kind of horrific crime Prohibition caused. It's time to decriminalize most drugs. People wanna get high. So what? It's their call. They shouldn't be thrown in cages for it.

Small government means telling people what they can and can't do..... I don't get it.

No, you don't get small government, telling people what they can and can't do is your gig

I'm sorry.

Being anti-drugs, anti-alcohol, anti-jay walking (interesting story as to why jay-walking became illegal in the first place), anti-gay marriage, anti-so many things which stop people doing what they want.

Don't come here with all that bravado and trying to deflect it away. You know it's true. You claim to be a libertarian, then surely you'd see what a lot of these mindless conservatives are like.


anti-drug - I think all drugs should be legal

anti-alcohol - :wtf:

anti-jay walking - now you're desperate, I've been a New Yorker a big chunk of my life, Holmes

anti gay marriage - technically true but completely misleading, I'm against all government marriage

anti- so many things - like what? you are zero for so far

So you got every position wrong, then you say I'm like conservatives. That's completely comic, couldn't make up the shit you actually believe

I'm not talking about YOU. Jeez. I'm talking about the general American conservative.

They may consider themselves 'Conservatives', but they're not. They worship Big Brother just as much as the average Communist/Progressive does. They have no problem with Government intervention in personal lives, just as long as it supports whatever agenda they're pushing at the time.

There is a higher law than the Constitution. That is Universal Morality. Most of those unpleasant laws you see as unConstitutional are based on Morals and Values, which supercede the Constitution. Wanna smoke the MJ, go to Mexico (and don't come back). Wanna drink to excess, go to Germand (and don't come back). Wanna have sex with someone other than your spouse, go to Thailand (and don't come back).
I hear ya somewhat, but American prisons are anything but 'comfortable.' That's a myth invented by old fart 'Law & Order' kooks. Anyone's life can be snuffed out at anytime in prison. American prisons are among the most deadly on earth. The prison murder rate is shocking..

Good. Let them die. Hell, I'm all for opening the doors to all the cells once a month and juet letting them go free-for-all on each other for 24 hours. Significanty reduce the number of wastes of flesh and oxygen I have to pay to incarcerate. Need targets for the local National Guard to practice on.... go to the local prison.
I've come to realize that most who claim to support Small/Less Government are full of shite. They're usually Neocon Globalists who worship Government. They worship Government just as much as Communists/Progressives do. There are very few real Conservatives around these days.
Waaaaaa....mommy won't let me have my drugs! WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I hear ya somewhat, but American prisons are anything but 'comfortable.' That's a myth invented by old fart 'Law & Order' kooks. Anyone's life can be snuffed out at anytime in prison. American prisons are among the most deadly on earth. The prison murder rate is shocking..

Good. Let them die. Hell, I'm all for opening the doors to all the cells once a month and juet letting them go free-for-all on each other for 24 hours. Significanty reduce the number of wastes of flesh and oxygen I have to pay to incarcerate. Need targets for the local National Guard to practice on.... go to the local prison.

Yeah, but you're a nutter. A person who enjoys doing drugs doesn't deserve a death sentence. They don't belong in cages. And by not incarcerating non-violent drug offenders, you'll save a whole lot of Tax Dollars. Think about that for a bit.
I've come to realize that most who claim to support Small/Less Government are full of shite. They're usually Neocon Globalists who worship Government. They worship Government just as much as Communists/Progressives do. There are very few real Conservatives around these days.
Waaaaaa....mommy won't let me have my drugs! WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

No, Big Brother won't. You know, the guy you 'Conservatives' worship. But yeah, let the People get high. So what? It's their adult personal decision.
I've come to realize that most who claim to support Small/Less Government are full of shite. They're usually Neocon Globalists who worship Government. They worship Government just as much as Communists/Progressives do. There are very few real Conservatives around these days.
Waaaaaa....mommy won't let me have my drugs! WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

No, Big Brother won't. You know, the guy you 'Conservatives' worship. But yeah, let the People get high. So what? It's their adult personal decision.
You keep bemoaning the fact that it's conservatives or government's fault. It's what the people want or drugs would be legal. You don't see the harm but we do.
I've come to realize that most who claim to support Small/Less Government are full of shite. They're usually Neocon Globalists who worship Government. They worship Government just as much as Communists/Progressives do. There are very few real Conservatives around these days.
Waaaaaa....mommy won't let me have my drugs! WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

No, Big Brother won't. You know, the guy you 'Conservatives' worship. But yeah, let the People get high. So what? It's their adult personal decision.
You keep bemoaning the fact that it's conservatives or government's fault. It's what the people want or drugs would be legal. You don't see the harm but we do.

Then don't do drugs. That's your adult personal decision. Personally, I think alcohol is awful. But i still feel you should have the right to decide whether or not you wanna consume it. It's not a Government issue.
See what kind of horrific crime Prohibition caused. It's time to decriminalize most drugs. People wanna get high. So what? It's their call. They shouldn't be thrown in cages for it.

Small government means telling people what they can and can't do..... I don't get it.

No, you don't get small government, telling people what they can and can't do is your gig

I'm sorry.

Being anti-drugs, anti-alcohol, anti-jay walking (interesting story as to why jay-walking became illegal in the first place), anti-gay marriage, anti-so many things which stop people doing what they want.

Don't come here with all that bravado and trying to deflect it away. You know it's true. You claim to be a libertarian, then surely you'd see what a lot of these mindless conservatives are like.


anti-drug - I think all drugs should be legal

anti-alcohol - :wtf:

anti-jay walking - now you're desperate, I've been a New Yorker a big chunk of my life, Holmes

anti gay marriage - technically true but completely misleading, I'm against all government marriage

anti- so many things - like what? you are zero for so far

So you got every position wrong, then you say I'm like conservatives. That's completely comic, couldn't make up the shit you actually believe

I'm not talking about YOU. Jeez. I'm talking about the general American conservative.

Saying I "claim to be a libertarian" sounded like you were challenging it, Holmes.

Yes, I argue with them all the time about the war on drugs and other morality issues
The reason we have more people in Jail than other nations is because American in general are the worst people on the planet. Either that or we have a fucked up justice system.

Actually one of the main reason is

  1. It has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world at 20%. The US has one of the highest: 76.6% of prisoners are re-arrested within five years. Norway also has a relatively low level of crime compared to the US, according to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security.Dec 11, 2014
If you are for profit business ensure repeat customers.
The reason we have more people in Jail than other nations is because American in general are the worst people on the planet. Either that or we have a fucked up justice system.

Actually one of the main reason is

  1. It has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world at 20%. The US has one of the highest: 76.6% of prisoners are re-arrested within five years. Norway also has a relatively low level of crime compared to the US, according to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security.Dec 11, 2014
If you are for profit business ensure repeat customers.

Norway seems unlike the US in every respect I can imagine. You feel it's a valuable comparison why exactly?
Yeah, but you're a nutter. A person who enjoys doing drugs doesn't deserve a death sentence. They don't belong in cages. And by not incarcerating non-violent drug offenders, you'll save a whole lot of Tax Dollars. Think about that for a bit.

Let's see how this plays out..... Druggie doesn't get sent to jail or executed. Druggie needs more money for drugs since he can't hold a job. Druggie decides to try to mug me or break into my home. I end up unloading 16 rounds of 9mm JHP into his head. Now I end up in jail.

No, Big Brother won't. You know, the guy you 'Conservatives' worship. But yeah, let the People get high. So what? It's their adult personal decision.

Righ up until they accidentally start a fire in a deserted cold storage warehouse where they're squatting, They leave the building without telling anyone and six local firefighters end up DEAD because someone thought they were still in the building and the firemen went in looking for them.

Don't believe me.... Google Worcester Cold Storage Fire 1999.
Yeah, but you're a nutter. A person who enjoys doing drugs doesn't deserve a death sentence. They don't belong in cages. And by not incarcerating non-violent drug offenders, you'll save a whole lot of Tax Dollars. Think about that for a bit.

Let's see how this plays out..... Druggie doesn't get sent to jail or executed. Druggie needs more money for drugs since he can't hold a job. Druggie decides to try to mug me or break into my home. I end up unloading 16 rounds of 9mm JHP into his head. Now I end up in jail.


Drugie has job and pays for drug out of wages. Most people on drugs don't actually commit crimes to pay for it....

Just as a matter of interest if, you have no problem one of your close relatives been put behind bars for getting a second prescription of Oxycotton.

Then letting your son or daughter get raped once a month during there 6 month cell stay (due to your let them at it phase)...
Nothing like a good raping to let them know what the world is about.

Hey if it is your daughter you could be lucky and have a grandchild knowing that someone in the adjoining male cell block is the father...
The reason we have more people in Jail than other nations is because American in general are the worst people on the planet. Either that or we have a fucked up justice system.

Actually one of the main reason is

  1. It has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world at 20%. The US has one of the highest: 76.6% of prisoners are re-arrested within five years. Norway also has a relatively low level of crime compared to the US, according to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security.Dec 11, 2014
If you are for profit business ensure repeat customers.

Norway seems unlike the US in every respect I can imagine. You feel it's a valuable comparison why exactly?

They treat their prisoners like humans not animals is the largest difference...

20% plays 76%... That is a crisis in any mans world
Drugie has job and pays for drug out of wages. Most people on drugs don't actually commit crimes to pay for it....

They all commit a crime when they buy and use the drugs. They often commit them afterwards as well.

Just as a matter of interest if, you have no problem one of your close relatives been put behind bars for getting a second prescription of Oxycotton.

Then letting your son or daughter get raped once a month during there 6 month cell stay (due to your let them at it phase)...
Nothing like a good raping to let them know what the world is about.

Hey if it is your daughter you could be lucky and have a grandchild knowing that someone in the adjoining male cell block is the father...

Any child of mine who uses drugs would no longer be a member of my family. Whatever happened to them would not be my problem.

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