POLICE STATE: U.S. Prison System Larger Than Soviet Gulags...

Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system

No, by refusing to follow unconstitutional laws. Please find where the constitution forbids the cultivation, sale and use of plants. Almost all these people in jail are non-violent criminals for drug related crimes.

True, most drug laws do seem to be unconstitutional. But i'm no lawyer.
If you can prove a criminal act was committed, so be it. Arrest and prosecute. But again, the act of doing drugs itself, is not a criminal act. If you can prove arson and murder, than go for it and prosecute. Those are crimes.

The criminal act was admitted to. Unfortunately the Worcester County District Attorney refused to press MURDER charges against the two wastes of flesh and oxygen. One was a 19 year old, homeless girl and the other was her 35 year old homeless boyfriend. Both homeless because they preferred to squat in abandoned buildings and kill firefighters so they could do their drugs rather than live drug-free with their biological families. Disgusting display of indifference to the death of 6 heroes.

Well, you'll have to prove they committed a crime. I mean this is still America. Citizens are innocent until proven guilty. And you haven't proven they were even doing drugs. But regardless, doing drugs doesn't make them criminals in my opinion. Now Arson & Murder on the other hand?...
The mere existence of most legal pharmaceuticals is also a threat to this nation for the exact same reasons, as are the dirty doctors (most doctors) who write the prescriptions.

Which is why I believe most of those medications should only be allowed to be prescribed on an IN-Patient basis.
No, by refusing to follow unconstitutional laws. Please find where the constitution forbids the cultivation, sale and use of plants. Almost all these people in jail are non-violent criminals for drug related crimes.

Under the General Welfare and Common Defense language in Article I, Section 8. The mere existance of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs in the United States is a threat to both the welfare of the nation and its defense. The existance of those substances create a vulnerability to outside influence and create a class of dependent, addicted and just plain worthless individuals who add nothing of value to American society and take quite a bit from it.

The mere existence of most legal pharmaceuticals is also a threat to this nation for the exact same reasons, as are the dirty doctors (most doctors) who write the prescriptions.

You're force fed propaganda like no tomorrow.

Big Pharm would love to be the only one sanctioned by Government to get people high. Oh wait a minute, that's already the case. Hmm?
Someone breaks into your home, blast the fools. I don't have a problem with that. You're talking about violent criminals. You won't catch me defending them. But doing drugs and drinking alcohol is an adult personal decision. It's not a Government issue unless laws are violated. No one should be thrown in a cage for merely enjoying getting high and drunk. This isn't Saudi Arabia.

They are adult personal decisions that all too often affect other people and society as a whole. My wife's grandfather is currently sucking up Medicare bucks in a hospital in Puerto Rico for liver issues due to his 30+ years sucking down half a bottle of vodka every day.

You are right they shouldn't be put in a cage. A pine box would be much more efficient.
Well, you'll have to prove they committed a crime. I mean this is still America. Citizens are innocent until proven guilty. And you haven't proven they were even doing drugs. But regardless, doing drugs doesn't make them criminals in my opinion. Now Arson & Murder on the other hand?...

Thankfully, the Government has a different view on the legality of drugs than you do. The "innocent until proven guilty" piece is one of my biggest problems with the American system of jurisprudence. As I noted before, the DA decided it wasn't in his best interest to prosecute them, despite their ADMISSIONS that they had accidentally started the fire and then left the building without telling anyone.
Someone breaks into your home, blast the fools. I don't have a problem with that. You're talking about violent criminals. You won't catch me defending them. But doing drugs and drinking alcohol is an adult personal decision. It's not a Government issue unless laws are violated. No one should be thrown in a cage for merely enjoying getting high and drunk. This isn't Saudi Arabia.

They are adult personal decisions that all too often affect other people and society as a whole. My wife's grandfather is currently sucking up Medicare bucks in a hospital in Puerto Rico for liver issues due to his 30+ years sucking down half a bottle of vodka every day.

You are right they shouldn't be put in a cage. A pine box would be much more efficient.

Well then it's time for you to move to Saudi Arabia or Iran. America is about Freedom & Liberty.
Well then it's time for you to move to Saudi Arabia or Iran. America is about Freedom & Liberty.

From your mouth to God's ears. Unfortunately it's not as easy to get citizenship in those countries as you might expect. Especially for non-religious, non-rich, Anglo-Norman types like me.
Well, you'll have to prove they committed a crime. I mean this is still America. Citizens are innocent until proven guilty. And you haven't proven they were even doing drugs. But regardless, doing drugs doesn't make them criminals in my opinion. Now Arson & Murder on the other hand?...

Thankfully, the Government has a different view on the legality of drugs than you do. The "innocent until proven guilty" piece is one of my biggest problems with the American system of jurisprudence. As I noted before, the DA decided it wasn't in his best interest to prosecute them, despite their ADMISSIONS that they had accidentally started the fire and then left the building without telling anyone.

You have a problem with 'Innocent until proven Guilty?' Seriously? Are you American? Doesn't sound like it. But regardless, you still haven't even proven they were doing drugs. If it is Arson & Murder, they'll be prosecuted. That's how it works in America.
Well then it's time for you to move to Saudi Arabia or Iran. America is about Freedom & Liberty.

From your mouth to God's ears. Unfortunately it's not as easy to get citizenship in those countries as you might expect. Especially for non-religious, non-rich, Anglo-Norman types like me.

Seriously? You wanna live in hellholes like Saudi Arabia and Iran? Ok, whatever. Off ya go. Bon Voyage.
You have a problem with 'Innocent until proven Guilty?' Seriously? Are you American? Doesn't sound like it. But regardless, you still haven't even proven they were doing drugs. If it is Arson & Murder, they'll be prosecuted. That's how it works in America.

Yes, I do. It's unrealistic. It's a total waste of time in most instances.

They ADMITTIED the drug use to the police. If you'd ever Googled the story you would know that. The two were actually arrested initially at the scene of the fire. The DA simply decided it wasn't in his best interest to prosecute.
Seriously? You wanna live in hellholes like Saudi Arabia and Iran? Ok, whatever. Off ya go. Bon Voyage.

What we WANT is not generally part of life. What I WANT is for the US to reach down into its pants, find its balls and tell the rest of the world to go to Hell. Then to tell the residents of this country to get with the program of Morals and Values this nation was founded under or GTFO. That means learning how to program an oven, not a computer, ladies. It means "no work, no food". It means break the law and hope to God the cops pick you up and throw you in jail for 15 years or REAL time before your victim gets their gun to blow you away.

Since that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon, unfortunately Saudi Arabia seems like a much better option than staying in this shit hole.
"These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law."
It is a Founding principle of the United States of America that Liberty is a:
- Creator endowed
- Constitutionally enumerated
- unalienable right

What does unalienable mean? Not to be separated, given away, or taken away.
What does Liberty mean?
Liberty means the right and power to think, act, and express ones self in the manner of ones own choosing; provided that Liberty does not infringe or usurp the Liberty of another or others.

Drug War a martial usurpation of the unalienable right of Liberty. Drug War punishes the exercise of this unalienable right as a crime.

So you please tell me:
how can the exercise of an unalienable right POSSIBLY be a crime?!
Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system

No, by refusing to follow unconstitutional laws. Please find where the constitution forbids the cultivation, sale and use of plants. Almost all these people in jail are non-violent criminals for drug related crimes.

True, most drug laws do seem to be unconstitutional. But i'm no lawyer.
No lawyer? Perhaps. But you seem at least to be a sensible humanitarian / libertarian.

The United States Drug War violates Art.3 Sect.3 of the United States Constitution.
1 Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War Against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Please note:
Art.3 Sect.3 lists TWO separate definitions of treason. And Drug War matches BOTH definitions.
"These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law."
It is a Founding principle of the United States of America that Liberty is a:
- Creator endowed
- Constitutionally enumerated
- unalienable right

What does unalienable mean? Not to be separated, given away, or taken away.
What does Liberty mean?
Liberty means the right and power to think, act, and express ones self in the manner of ones own choosing; provided that Liberty does not infringe or usurp the Liberty of another or others.

Drug War a martial usurpation of the unalienable right of Liberty. Drug War punishes the exercise of this unalienable right as a crime.

So you please tell me:
how can the exercise of an unalienable right POSSIBLY be a crime?!

I do not and never have believed that Liberty is (or should be) an Inalienable Right. Nor Happiness. Nor Life. I have never and will never believe that there is ANY Right to act in an Immoral or Improper manner. Not even in one's own home, totally outside of the eyes and away from any effect on the General Public. Morality and Propriety are the highest calling of the Human Soul. Always have been and alway will be.
I hear ya somewhat, but American prisons are anything but 'comfortable.' That's a myth invented by old fart 'Law & Order' kooks. Anyone's life can be snuffed out at anytime in prison. American prisons are among the most deadly on earth. The prison murder rate is shocking.

At the very least, non-violent offenders should be housed in separate facilities. Someone who merely enjoys doing drugs shouldn't be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. That's barbaric.

I know there are gladiator farms full of human debris that have no business being alive. They're dangerously violent incorrigible sociopaths and I'm happy to keep them there. They seem to flourish in that environment though, so apparently it's not harsh enough for them. I agree that people not in that catagory should never be housed with them, but in some cases they are. However you can put pedophiles in there all you like and make shanks available.

There are also minimum security prisons that house people not considered to be significantly violent. I happen to know these facilities aren't too harsh to be in or people wouldn't keep going back.

I don't think drug offenders should be caged at all. Unless they violate some other law to feed a habit, or do something stupid as a result of being fucked up at the time.

I don't think drug offenders should be caged at all. Unless they violate some other law to feed a habit, or do something stupid as a result of being fucked up at the time.

I hear ya. The act of doing drugs isn't anymore a criminal act than drinking alcohol is. You can drink all the booze you want, but once you break a law, you'll be properly prosecuted.

But in my experience, i've observed far more violent loons on alcohol, than i have people on drugs like Marijuana. It's an adult personal decision. It's not a Government issue. Unless you violate a law.

i have found loon balls abusing many forms of drugs including alcohol
Drugie has job and pays for drug out of wages. Most people on drugs don't actually commit crimes to pay for it....

They all commit a crime when they buy and use the drugs. They often commit them afterwards as well.

Just as a matter of interest if, you have no problem one of your close relatives been put behind bars for getting a second prescription of Oxycotton.

Then letting your son or daughter get raped once a month during there 6 month cell stay (due to your let them at it phase)...
Nothing like a good raping to let them know what the world is about.

Hey if it is your daughter you could be lucky and have a grandchild knowing that someone in the adjoining male cell block is the father...

Any child of mine who uses drugs would no longer be a member of my family. Whatever happened to them would not be my problem.

So if you child took painkillers like Oxycontin for pain during Cancer recovery and got addicted and took one on an illegal prescription you would not forgive him...

Some Christian you are... Your morals are in your socks... You would wish your kid to be raped continuously and killed for that....

Never heard "He cast the first stone there...."

He would rather see someone die in agony than take any painkillers. He is batshit insane and pure evil. He's not a Christian.
No, by refusing to follow unconstitutional laws. Please find where the constitution forbids the cultivation, sale and use of plants. Almost all these people in jail are non-violent criminals for drug related crimes.

Under the General Welfare and Common Defense language in Article I, Section 8. The mere existance of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs in the United States is a threat to both the welfare of the nation and its defense. The existance of those substances create a vulnerability to outside influence and create a class of dependent, addicted and just plain worthless individuals who add nothing of value to American society and take quite a bit from it.

Actually, without alcohol and tobacco, the country would implode overnight...because taxes on them bring in TENS OF BILLIONS of dollars every year!
Someone breaks into your home, blast the fools. I don't have a problem with that. You're talking about violent criminals. You won't catch me defending them. But doing drugs and drinking alcohol is an adult personal decision. It's not a Government issue unless laws are violated. No one should be thrown in a cage for merely enjoying getting high and drunk. This isn't Saudi Arabia.

They are adult personal decisions that all too often affect other people and society as a whole. My wife's grandfather is currently sucking up Medicare bucks in a hospital in Puerto Rico for liver issues due to his 30+ years sucking down half a bottle of vodka every day.

Winston Churchill drank a quart of Johnnie Walker and at least a pint of champagne a day, along with large amounts of brandy and cognac for most of his adult life. Winston Churchill lived to be 90. Your point?
Seriously? You wanna live in hellholes like Saudi Arabia and Iran? Ok, whatever. Off ya go. Bon Voyage.

What we WANT is not generally part of life. What I WANT is for the US to reach down into its pants, find its balls and tell the rest of the world to go to Hell. Then to tell the residents of this country to get with the program of Morals and Values this nation was founded under or GTFO. That means learning how to program an oven, not a computer, ladies. It means "no work, no food". It means break the law and hope to God the cops pick you up and throw you in jail for 15 years or REAL time before your victim gets their gun to blow you away.

Since that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon, unfortunately Saudi Arabia seems like a much better option than staying in this shit hole.

I'll chip in for your ticket, psycho boy!
"I do not and never have believed that Liberty is (or should be) an Inalienable Right." A #274
And you retain the First Amendment right to harbor that anti-American position.
"I have never and will never believe that there is ANY Right to act in an Immoral or Improper manner." A
Me too.
I suspect most persons agree with us on that.

But Liberty doesn't, and never has.
It seems you're conflating Liberty with freedom.

And while you're fully entitled to your religious views;
that does not empower you to impose them on others.

The irony is, you would have the State exercise your preference in right of Liberty to infringe or usurp the Liberty of others.

Fortunately, you are not the sovereign here.
Our sovereign is the United States Constitution. And it protects your Liberty right, just as it protects mine.

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