POLICE STATE: U.S. Prison System Larger Than Soviet Gulags...

I hear ya somewhat, but American prisons are anything but 'comfortable.' That's a myth invented by old fart 'Law & Order' kooks. Anyone's life can be snuffed out at anytime in prison. American prisons are among the most deadly on earth. The prison murder rate is shocking..

Good. Let them die. Hell, I'm all for opening the doors to all the cells once a month and juet letting them go free-for-all on each other for 24 hours. Significanty reduce the number of wastes of flesh and oxygen I have to pay to incarcerate. Need targets for the local National Guard to practice on.... go to the local prison.

Yeah, but you're a nutter. A person who enjoys doing drugs doesn't deserve a death sentence. They don't belong in cages. And by not incarcerating non-violent drug offenders, you'll save a whole lot of Tax Dollars. Think about that for a bit.

I truly think that dude is a no-shit psychopath...and HE should probably be locked up.
Yeah, but you're a nutter. A person who enjoys doing drugs doesn't deserve a death sentence. They don't belong in cages. And by not incarcerating non-violent drug offenders, you'll save a whole lot of Tax Dollars. Think about that for a bit.

Let's see how this plays out..... Druggie doesn't get sent to jail or executed. Druggie needs more money for drugs since he can't hold a job. Druggie decides to try to mug me or break into my home. I end up unloading 16 rounds of 9mm JHP into his head. Now I end up in jail.

We can but hope...
Small government means telling people what they can and can't do..... I don't get it.

No, you don't get small government, telling people what they can and can't do is your gig

I'm sorry.

Being anti-drugs, anti-alcohol, anti-jay walking (interesting story as to why jay-walking became illegal in the first place), anti-gay marriage, anti-so many things which stop people doing what they want.

Don't come here with all that bravado and trying to deflect it away. You know it's true. You claim to be a libertarian, then surely you'd see what a lot of these mindless conservatives are like.


anti-drug - I think all drugs should be legal

anti-alcohol - :wtf:

anti-jay walking - now you're desperate, I've been a New Yorker a big chunk of my life, Holmes

anti gay marriage - technically true but completely misleading, I'm against all government marriage

anti- so many things - like what? you are zero for so far

So you got every position wrong, then you say I'm like conservatives. That's completely comic, couldn't make up the shit you actually believe

I'm not talking about YOU. Jeez. I'm talking about the general American conservative.

They may consider themselves 'Conservatives', but they're not. They worship Big Brother just as much as the average Communist/Progressive does. They have no problem with Government intervention in personal lives, just as long as it supports whatever agenda they're pushing at the time.

Well this is the problem. That people don't know what they are, yet support what they think they should be.
Small government means telling people what they can and can't do..... I don't get it.

No, you don't get small government, telling people what they can and can't do is your gig

I'm sorry.

Being anti-drugs, anti-alcohol, anti-jay walking (interesting story as to why jay-walking became illegal in the first place), anti-gay marriage, anti-so many things which stop people doing what they want.

Don't come here with all that bravado and trying to deflect it away. You know it's true. You claim to be a libertarian, then surely you'd see what a lot of these mindless conservatives are like.


anti-drug - I think all drugs should be legal

anti-alcohol - :wtf:

anti-jay walking - now you're desperate, I've been a New Yorker a big chunk of my life, Holmes

anti gay marriage - technically true but completely misleading, I'm against all government marriage

anti- so many things - like what? you are zero for so far

So you got every position wrong, then you say I'm like conservatives. That's completely comic, couldn't make up the shit you actually believe

I'm not talking about YOU. Jeez. I'm talking about the general American conservative.

Saying I "claim to be a libertarian" sounded like you were challenging it, Holmes.

Yes, I argue with them all the time about the war on drugs and other morality issues

I don't know you. You claim to be a libertarian. Are you? I don't know. Lots of people claim to be things they're not.
Drugie has job and pays for drug out of wages. Most people on drugs don't actually commit crimes to pay for it....

They all commit a crime when they buy and use the drugs. They often commit them afterwards as well.

Just as a matter of interest if, you have no problem one of your close relatives been put behind bars for getting a second prescription of Oxycotton.

Then letting your son or daughter get raped once a month during there 6 month cell stay (due to your let them at it phase)...
Nothing like a good raping to let them know what the world is about.

Hey if it is your daughter you could be lucky and have a grandchild knowing that someone in the adjoining male cell block is the father...

Any child of mine who uses drugs would no longer be a member of my family. Whatever happened to them would not be my problem.

So if you child took painkillers like Oxycontin for pain during Cancer recovery and got addicted and took one on an illegal prescription you would not forgive him...

Some Christian you are... Your morals are in your socks... You would wish your kid to be raped continuously and killed for that....

Never heard "He cast the first stone there...."
The American Police Force is quickly becoming the most deadly on earth.

that is not true at all

It is certainly true of so called civilized first world countries.

which ones are they

how is their violent crime rate compared to ours

Violent crime rates appear to be about the same or lower in Europe.

Crime rates are impossible to put side by side and say "that's a higher rate therefore they have more violent crime". What is violent crime? In one country it's different to another.

In the US rape isn't reported as widely as most European countries. The US simply isn't pro-active. Makes some comments about how guns make women safer (they don't) and then leave it alone, like most things in the US. In Europe women are encouraged to report rape. Sometimes you get fake cases, but all in all women feel like their lives actually matter if they've been raped.

And there are other such things that point to violent crime being about the same or worse than the UK.

are you trying to say that violent crime is worse in the United States then the UK
I hear ya somewhat, but American prisons are anything but 'comfortable.' That's a myth invented by old fart 'Law & Order' kooks. Anyone's life can be snuffed out at anytime in prison. American prisons are among the most deadly on earth. The prison murder rate is shocking.

At the very least, non-violent offenders should be housed in separate facilities. Someone who merely enjoys doing drugs shouldn't be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. That's barbaric.

I know there are gladiator farms full of human debris that have no business being alive. They're dangerously violent incorrigible sociopaths and I'm happy to keep them there. They seem to flourish in that environment though, so apparently it's not harsh enough for them. I agree that people not in that catagory should never be housed with them, but in some cases they are. However you can put pedophiles in there all you like and make shanks available.

There are also minimum security prisons that house people not considered to be significantly violent. I happen to know these facilities aren't too harsh to be in or people wouldn't keep going back.

I don't think drug offenders should be caged at all. Unless they violate some other law to feed a habit, or do something stupid as a result of being fucked up at the time.

I don't think drug offenders should be caged at all. Unless they violate some other law to feed a habit, or do something stupid as a result of being fucked up at the time.
The American Police Force is quickly becoming the most deadly on earth.

that is not true at all

It is certainly true of so called civilized first world countries.

which ones are they

how is their violent crime rate compared to ours

Violent crime rates appear to be about the same or lower in Europe.

Crime rates are impossible to put side by side and say "that's a higher rate therefore they have more violent crime". What is violent crime? In one country it's different to another.

In the US rape isn't reported as widely as most European countries. The US simply isn't pro-active. Makes some comments about how guns make women safer (they don't) and then leave it alone, like most things in the US. In Europe women are encouraged to report rape. Sometimes you get fake cases, but all in all women feel like their lives actually matter if they've been raped.

And there are other such things that point to violent crime being about the same or worse than the UK.

are you trying to say that violent crime is worse in the United States then the UK

No. I'm saying that if you read the statistics you have to understand the statistics, and understand that you can't make an accurate view of what's going on.

Violent crime MIGHT be higher in the US or it MIGHT be about the same as the UK. It's certainly not lower.

The funny thing is, there's a guy, 2aGuy, on my ignore list now, but he made the argument that violent crime was lower in the US, then presented an article which he hadn't read properly which actually stated what I've stated. That violent crime in the US is under-reported in comparison Europe.
The American Police Force is quickly becoming the most deadly on earth.

that is not true at all

It is certainly true of so called civilized first world countries.

which ones are they

how is their violent crime rate compared to ours

Violent crime rates appear to be about the same or lower in Europe.

Crime rates are impossible to put side by side and say "that's a higher rate therefore they have more violent crime". What is violent crime? In one country it's different to another.

In the US rape isn't reported as widely as most European countries. The US simply isn't pro-active. Makes some comments about how guns make women safer (they don't) and then leave it alone, like most things in the US. In Europe women are encouraged to report rape. Sometimes you get fake cases, but all in all women feel like their lives actually matter if they've been raped.

And there are other such things that point to violent crime being about the same or worse than the UK.

are you trying to say that violent crime is worse in the United States then the UK

No. I'm saying that if you read the statistics you have to understand the statistics, and understand that you can't make an accurate view of what's going on.

Violent crime MIGHT be higher in the US or it MIGHT be about the same as the UK. It's certainly not lower.

The funny thing is, there's a guy, 2aGuy, on my ignore list now, but he made the argument that violent crime was lower in the US, then presented an article which he hadn't read properly which actually stated what I've stated. That violent crime in the US is under-reported in comparison Europe.

i would say that violent crime is higher in the states
It is certainly true of so called civilized first world countries.

which ones are they

how is their violent crime rate compared to ours

Violent crime rates appear to be about the same or lower in Europe.

Crime rates are impossible to put side by side and say "that's a higher rate therefore they have more violent crime". What is violent crime? In one country it's different to another.

In the US rape isn't reported as widely as most European countries. The US simply isn't pro-active. Makes some comments about how guns make women safer (they don't) and then leave it alone, like most things in the US. In Europe women are encouraged to report rape. Sometimes you get fake cases, but all in all women feel like their lives actually matter if they've been raped.

And there are other such things that point to violent crime being about the same or worse than the UK.

are you trying to say that violent crime is worse in the United States then the UK

No. I'm saying that if you read the statistics you have to understand the statistics, and understand that you can't make an accurate view of what's going on.

Violent crime MIGHT be higher in the US or it MIGHT be about the same as the UK. It's certainly not lower.

The funny thing is, there's a guy, 2aGuy, on my ignore list now, but he made the argument that violent crime was lower in the US, then presented an article which he hadn't read properly which actually stated what I've stated. That violent crime in the US is under-reported in comparison Europe.

i would say that violent crime is higher in the states

I'd say it's hard.

For example you take the big cities. Violent crime is a problem more in the US than the UK. However London has it's fair share of problems as does Paris, Berlin, etc etc.
You take the countryside or small towns, US small towns are far safer than the UK. Depends on the place I guess, but I've lived in places where it just felt like that.
Well, it's not that good that we have so many prisoners. Though we should understand that the most of them are just unlucky weed smokers. That's not right to put them into prisons...
The reason we have more people in Jail than other nations is because American in general are the worst people on the planet. Either that or we have a fucked up justice system.

Actually one of the main reason is

  1. It has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world at 20%. The US has one of the highest: 76.6% of prisoners are re-arrested within five years. Norway also has a relatively low level of crime compared to the US, according to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security.Dec 11, 2014
If you are for profit business ensure repeat customers.

Norway seems unlike the US in every respect I can imagine. You feel it's a valuable comparison why exactly?

They treat their prisoners like humans not animals is the largest difference...

20% plays 76%... That is a crisis in any mans world

There are a lot of issues involved in that. Simply carping on individual statistics other than making you feel better is pretty ridiculous. Particularly comparing countries like Norway with the United States.

The biggest thing to me is elimination of drug laws where people are in jail for harming no one but themselves. That is sick on more levels than just prison statistics. But what that will actually make the rates I have no idea.
No, you don't get small government, telling people what they can and can't do is your gig

I'm sorry.

Being anti-drugs, anti-alcohol, anti-jay walking (interesting story as to why jay-walking became illegal in the first place), anti-gay marriage, anti-so many things which stop people doing what they want.

Don't come here with all that bravado and trying to deflect it away. You know it's true. You claim to be a libertarian, then surely you'd see what a lot of these mindless conservatives are like.


anti-drug - I think all drugs should be legal

anti-alcohol - :wtf:

anti-jay walking - now you're desperate, I've been a New Yorker a big chunk of my life, Holmes

anti gay marriage - technically true but completely misleading, I'm against all government marriage

anti- so many things - like what? you are zero for so far

So you got every position wrong, then you say I'm like conservatives. That's completely comic, couldn't make up the shit you actually believe

I'm not talking about YOU. Jeez. I'm talking about the general American conservative.

Saying I "claim to be a libertarian" sounded like you were challenging it, Holmes.

Yes, I argue with them all the time about the war on drugs and other morality issues

I don't know you. You claim to be a libertarian. Are you? I don't know. Lots of people claim to be things they're not.

And a lot of people claim to be not what they are. As for me, here you go:

What is a small government libertarian? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Well, it's not that good that we have so many prisoners. Though we should understand that the most of them are just unlucky weed smokers. That's not right to put them into prisons...

Its the Democrats in Democrat run inner cities who have sent millions of young black and Hispanic men to prison. Isn't it time they answered for this?
Just because the Soviet Union was more brutal than we are does not mean we should be fine with catching up to their record.

Our prisons are one of the costliest institutions in America, more than welfare, unemployment, or any social program. We literally have to provide 100% of their necessities, and the system turns many non violent criminals into lifetime criminals who are in and out of prison.

Becuase many of these prisons are now for profit institutions, we have prison guard unions and corporate run prisons that lobby the government for longer sentences for less severe crimes. They unapologetically suckle at the government teat by imprisoning people and to increase profits want more prisoners.

The system is well and truly fucked.

Republicans always explode the size of government. They increase the number of government employees, government salaries, government pensions, increase the number of government tit suckers, inflation, cost & Politically Correct control over citizens lives. Because Repubtards believe "some animals are more equal than others".
So if you child took painkillers like Oxycontin for pain during Cancer recovery and got addicted and took one on an illegal prescription you would not forgive him.

I have a "cure" for Cancer, should I ever get it.... 230 grains of Federal Hydra-Shok to the head. As for painkillers and Cancer.... I would remind my child that their paternal grandfather fought Melanoma and then Brain Cancer for three years without using more than a handful of pain pills the entire time (except when he was in the hospital). Most of them in the last two three days of his life. Despite 4 neck/shoulder surgeries and 2 brain surgeries. Forgiveness and second chances don't exist in my world. Probably never will either.

Some Christian you are... Your morals are in your socks... You would wish your kid to be raped continuously and killed for that....

Never heard "He cast the first stone there...."

I'm NOT a Christian. My father was, and you've already read how much good that did him. My Morals are based on a broader, Universal concept of Morality rather than some silly religion. I would not wish them raped, but we must all deal with the consequences of our actions and choices in life. Some are more unpleasant and painful than others.
Republicans always explode the size of government. They increase the number of government employees, government salaries, government pensions, increase the number of government tit suckers, inflation, cost & Politically Correct control over citizens lives. Because Repubtards believe "some animals are more equal than others".
LOL. Somebody loves to sniff glue.
Well, it's not that good that we have so many prisoners. Though we should understand that the most of them are just unlucky weed smokers. That's not right to put them into prisons...

Why not? They broke the law. Do we just ignore people breaking the law now? Is that our plan to fix America?
in the old soviet union

how many didnt even make it to the "gulag"

which of course was forced labor camp system

just saying

Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

the gulag was a system with in the system

how many did the old soviet union kill out right

These are very unpleasant times for our nation. American Police are murdering Citizens at at a staggering rate, and imprisoning more of our Citizens than any other nation on earth. It's very sad.

A "staggering rate"??? What is that murder rate? I'm gonna bet....it's statistically so tiny it barely measures on any standard statistical data chart.

330 million people. Policed by 1 million cops. Who collectively work 300 billion hours per year of cop work.

What number would make it a "staggering rate"? Cops kill MAYBE 1000 a year. That's double the official number so I'll even play the "underreported " game.

And of those....at least half are absolutely clearly justified. Another 1/4 is probably fairly easily justified.

So let's say 250 questionable ones or outright unlawful.

250. Out of 330,000,000 policed by 1,000,000.

I know you don't like math and science. But the stats don't add up.

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