Police threaten to boycott 49ers

The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control.

Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games

So the cops are just as petty about this as you are. How sad.
Not volunteering to guard those who disrespect you is petty?

How is it that me, A CONVICTED FELON, has more respect for the police & common sense respect than half of the lefties on this board?
Let's get you partially stuck off stupid, (all the way is impossible).
This how it works, the Sergeant comes into roll call and says the games are on these dates, if you have the time off or want to use personal time you can volunteer for the duty.
It's easy money and many senior officers get it. You get paid while working the event, you are not volunteering free of charge.

I can use a PBL day on the day of the game, work the game and get paid from both entities simultaneously, easy double pay.

Now, these Officers are under absolutely no obligation to work the game as security, that is their choice and their money.

They want this team to discipline a player for no legal reason whatsoever, simply that he has personal opinions that they don't like, guess what, tough shit.
If it hurts your feelings that much then don't volunteer.

If they will publicly call for the violation of this man's Rights, what do you think they are doing to the Rights of everyday citizens...
Irrelevant to my post. Completely
"If they will publicly call for the violation of this man's Rights, what do you think they are doing to the Rights of everyday citizens..."

Unbelievable that it is so hard for some to understand that nobody-NOBODY!- is calling for a violation of the man's rights. He is employed by his team and he can be penalized for actions that potentially harm that team. There is no constitutional right involved. How stupid is it to expect a uniformed police officer to perform to certain standards but not a uniformed football player?
I supposed that next it will be argued that there is a Constitutional right to be off sides when the ball is snapped.
People are quick to holler about Rights but almost never about obligations or responsibilities.
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control.

Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games

So the cops are just as petty about this as you are. How sad.
Not volunteering to guard those who disrespect you is petty?

How is it that me, A CONVICTED FELON, has more respect for the police & common sense respect than half of the lefties on this board?
Let's get you partially stuck off stupid, (all the way is impossible).
This how it works, the Sergeant comes into roll call and says the games are on these dates, if you have the time off or want to use personal time you can volunteer for the duty.
It's easy money and many senior officers get it. You get paid while working the event, you are not volunteering free of charge.

I can use a PBL day on the day of the game, work the game and get paid from both entities simultaneously, easy double pay.

Now, these Officers are under absolutely no obligation to work the game as security, that is their choice and their money.

They want this team to discipline a player for no legal reason whatsoever, simply that he has personal opinions that they don't like, guess what, tough shit.
If it hurts your feelings that much then don't volunteer.

If they will publicly call for the violation of this man's Rights, what do you think they are doing to the Rights of everyday citizens...

Employers discipline employees for no legal reason all the time. Hell, if you don't follow company procedure, then you could face discipline. Some companies will discipline you for behavior outside of work.
The police union isn't his employer, your point is moot.
"If they will publicly call for the violation of this man's Rights, what do you think they are doing to the Rights of everyday citizens..."

Unbelievable that it is so hard for some to understand that nobody-NOBODY!- is calling for a violation of the man's rights. He is employed by his team and he can be penalized for actions that potentially harm that team. There is no constitutional right involved. How stupid is it to expect a uniformed police officer to perform to certain standards but not a uniformed football player?
I supposed that next it will be argued that there is a Constitutional right to be off sides when the ball is snapped.
People are quick to holler about Rights but almost never about obligations or responsibilities.
Are you really this stupid???
The police union is saying that they want him desiciplined for exercising his First Amend Rights.
How stupid is it of you to compare public servants who swore to uphold the Constitution with a private citizen whose Rights are threatened by the police union???
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control. Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games
Fire them. Challenging people's Constitutional rights is not part of their duties. Letting them get away with it sets a worse precedent than what Kaepernick did.
The LEO's are NOT, repeat NOT providing security as official LEO officers!
They are ALL volunteers acting as Security officers.
These LEO's are free to not 'volunteer'.
After all you fuckwit the LEO's DO have a "constitutional right" to go fishing on their days off instead right?
"The Santa Clara Police Department is the lead police agency at Levi’s Stadium. During 49er games, around 70 officers volunteer to work and are paid as security personnel. "
What Kaepernick did, he did as an individual. The LEOs aren't doing that. They're threatening the 49ers as a group through their union. It's funny how conservatives would be singing a different tune, if they were doing something similar to get the town to raise their salaries. Then unions are the devil, but challenging Constitutional rights is hunk-dory.

Wow first time in history a liberals hates a union.

Their is a god and hope for liberals yet!!!!
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control.

Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games

So the cops are just as petty about this as you are. How sad.
Not volunteering to guard those who disrespect you is petty?

How is it that me, A CONVICTED FELON, has more respect for the police & common sense respect than half of the lefties on this board?
Let's get you partially stuck off stupid, (all the way is impossible).
This how it works, the Sergeant comes into roll call and says the games are on these dates, if you have the time off or want to use personal time you can volunteer for the duty.
It's easy money and many senior officers get it. You get paid while working the event, you are not volunteering free of charge.

I can use a PBL day on the day of the game, work the game and get paid from both entities simultaneously, easy double pay.

Now, these Officers are under absolutely no obligation to work the game as security, that is their choice and their money.

They want this team to discipline a player for no legal reason whatsoever, simply that he has personal opinions that they don't like, guess what, tough shit.
If it hurts your feelings that much then don't volunteer.

If they will publicly call for the violation of this man's Rights, what do you think they are doing to the Rights of everyday citizens...
Exactly. These cops are just proving his point.
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control. Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games
Fire them. Challenging people's Constitutional rights is not part of their duties. Letting them get away with it sets a worse precedent than what Kaepernick did.
The LEO's are NOT, repeat NOT providing security as official LEO officers!
They are ALL volunteers acting as Security officers.
These LEO's are free to not 'volunteer'.
After all you fuckwit the LEO's DO have a "constitutional right" to go fishing on their days off instead right?
"The Santa Clara Police Department is the lead police agency at Levi’s Stadium. During 49er games, around 70 officers volunteer to work and are paid as security personnel. "
What Kaepernick did, he did as an individual. The LEOs aren't doing that. They're threatening the 49ers as a group through their union. It's funny how conservatives would be singing a different tune, if they were doing something similar to get the town to raise their salaries. Then unions are the devil, but challenging Constitutional rights is hunk-dory.

Wow first time in history a liberals hates a union.

Their is a god and hope for liberals yet!!!!
No Liberals don't hate unions, why are you lieing???
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(sigh)...here we go again, the cops who we pay to protect us....getting pissed off over shit that they all know is not cool.....murdering unarmed negro's just because....Every single time a nigga speaks out, Beyonce, Collin, etc....we get cops upset and they refuse to work.

Hey guys, why not QUIT!!
Niners announced kap will be the backup.
(sigh)...here we go again, the cops who we pay to protect us....getting pissed off over shit that they all know is not cool.....murdering unarmed negro's just because....Every single time a nigga speaks out, Beyonce, Collin, etc....we get cops upset and they refuse to work.

Hey guys, why not QUIT!!

You'd pants-wet yourself if they ever quit!
(sigh)...here we go again, the cops who we pay to protect us....getting pissed off over shit that they all know is not cool.....murdering unarmed negro's just because....Every single time a nigga speaks out, Beyonce, Collin, etc....we get cops upset and they refuse to work.

Hey guys, why not QUIT!!

You'd pants-wet yourself if they ever quit!

At what point can a police officer refuse to do his job. They're paid by the very people they would ignore. Sorry, this job doesn't allow that, if you can't put on your big-boy pants and take some criticism it would be better for you to join Trump, he whines like a little baby every time someone points out his many flaws.

People already video tape the police either not doing their jobs or the police themselves breaking the law.
(sigh)...here we go again, the cops who we pay to protect us....getting pissed off over shit that they all know is not cool.....murdering unarmed negro's just because....Every single time a nigga speaks out, Beyonce, Collin, etc....we get cops upset and they refuse to work.

Hey guys, why not QUIT!!

You'd pants-wet yourself if they ever quit!
As a former vet and gun owner, I doubt it. I don't call the cops unless absolutely necessary, I like being alive that much. The cops were I live are too busy stoppin mf's for seat belt violations and expired tags...the real hard shit
Are the police working at taxpayer expense or do they volunteer on their off time to do security at football games?
(sigh)...here we go again, the cops who we pay to protect us....getting pissed off over shit that they all know is not cool.....murdering unarmed negro's just because....Every single time a nigga speaks out, Beyonce, Collin, etc....we get cops upset and they refuse to work.

Hey guys, why not QUIT!!

You'd pants-wet yourself if they ever quit!

At what point can a police officer refuse to do his job. They're paid by the very people they would ignore. Sorry, this job doesn't allow that, if you can't put on your big-boy pants and take some criticism it would be better for you to join Trump, he whines like a little baby every time someone points out his many flaws.

People already video tape the police either not doing their jobs or the police themselves breaking the law.

You'd pants-wet yourself, too, if cops ever quit..............
Niners announced kap will be the backup.

Maybe he could wear a corset and be a Beyonce back-up dancer as his NFL career is dying.
Given all the physical shit these former NFL players experience...dude will be okay and and and still cash a check....LOLOLOLOLO. I don't know about you, a few million in the bank ain't bad
(sigh)...here we go again, the cops who we pay to protect us....getting pissed off over shit that they all know is not cool.....murdering unarmed negro's just because....Every single time a nigga speaks out, Beyonce, Collin, etc....we get cops upset and they refuse to work.

Hey guys, why not QUIT!!

You'd pants-wet yourself if they ever quit!
As a former vet and gun owner, I doubt it. I don't call the cops unless absolutely necessary, I like being alive that much. The cops were I live are too busy stoppin mf's for seat belt violations and expired tags...the real hard shit

You live in Chicago? That explains everything!

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