Police Try to ILLEGALLY Search Home of Dad Who Posted Picture of His Son Holding Gun

If you look carefully, you will see that the young man is holding the gun quite properly, the trigger finger extended above the trigger along the frame of the weapon, not on the trigger itself.
SEE THE FULL ARTICLE AT Cameron Harris: Police, Social Services Try To Illegally Search Home of Dad Who Posted Picture of His Son Holding A Gun


No names, no arrests, just his word for this? I think I'd like to see a bit more first.

As for the kid and gun.....soooooo what? The kid seems happy.

However we DO need to call the Fashion Police. Those shoes? Really?

Read the article. The Social Services employee refused to give her name and do you think the police are going to publicize this after attempting to do something grossly illegal and unconstitutional?

it is not even an ar-15

it is a 22

lucky for the kid he did not

form his sandwich at school into the shape of a


or all hell would break loose

SEE THE FULL ARTICLE AT Cameron Harris: Police, Social Services Try To Illegally Search Home of Dad Who Posted Picture of His Son Holding A Gun


The young man in this photo is the 11-year-old son of Shawn Moore, a New Jersey man who says that police and Social Services showed up at his home after he posted this photo on Facebook. The gun is a .22 rifle designed to replicate the AR-15.

Moore alleges on the Delaware open carry forum DELOC.org that he received a call from his wife while he was out with a friend that the police and Social Services were at his home. They demanded entry into his home, access to all of his firearms, and access to his gun safe.

On his way home, Moore called his lawyer, Evan Nappen, and had him on the phone while he denied the police entry to his home and access to his guns. When Moore requested the name of the Social Services representative, she refused. The police and Family Services then threatened to take his kids and get warrants. Moore says they then left "empty-handed and seeing nothing.

the state worker refused to give her name

next they will be showing up at the door

with masks on their faces

No names, no arrests, just his word for this? I think I'd like to see a bit more first.

As for the kid and gun.....soooooo what? The kid seems happy.

However we DO need to call the Fashion Police. Those shoes? Really?

Read the article. The Social Services employee refused to give her name and do you think the police are going to publicize this after attempting to do something grossly illegal and unconstitutional?

I DID read the article....now, how do we confirm that this really happened? Suggestions?
how is it the father knew why they came? does he claim they stated that they were there because of a facebook picture?
Pardon me, OP, if I expect some evidence besides this guy's say so.
to be clear i don't necessarily disbelieve that the police or even family services were there - but that's about as much credence as i'm giving the story.

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