Policies Have Consequences

PC, The Ds survive on big donors because they are unattractive to anyone who doesn't see bigger profit in bribery than actually working. The Blue states are losing their tax base rather rapidly and they do exactly what their high roller bosses tell them to do to keep the payoffs coming. Calling them political whores is probably an insult to most prostitutes.
PC, The Ds survive on big donors because they are unattractive to anyone who doesn't see bigger profit in bribery than actually working. The Blue states are losing their tax base rather rapidly and they do exactly what their high roller bosses tell them to do to keep the payoffs coming. Calling them political whores is probably an insult to most prostitutes.

1. That's an interesting view, willie.
I'd like to add two additional factors that add to the attractiveness of the Left
a. the view removes any need for personal responsibility
b. fear of Left....bald-faced cowardice.

2. That 'Blue states' thing...?
.....this country will never be saved until we get back to the truth....that 'Red' is a term that has always been reserved for anarchists, communists.....and Democrats.
The proof of their power in the media is the switch of Red and Blue as indicators of the two parties.

3. Yup....politicians may be the oldest profession
13. Those who have studied history may recognize the patterns of that ‘Green New Deal’ revealed in this thread, and may hear, in the echoes of their minds, the term “Worker’s Paradise.”

And, will certainly recall how that worked out in the 20th century, the ‘Century of Slaughter.’

We can be certain that….

1.Promises from the Democrats/Sanders/Ocasio….are never fulfilled, at least the beneficial parts….’you can keep your doctor’ and ‘save $2500.’

2. Huge taxation based on those promises, that part of the promise will occur, and that part, in reality, is simply a vote-buying scheme.

Here’s the pattern:

3.Bread lines for the peasants…and maybe circus

4. Gulags for the resisters

5. Dachas for the elites

And, of course, when this disaster comes to pass, you’ll be told “don’t you remember- you voted for this.”
Thanks PC, I heard a lot of noise about the 70% tax claim, but it really helps when you lay it out like that. If we tax everyone 100% it will save all of humanities problems and save the planet. The dems have it all figured out. No jobs = Utopia. Who knew?
If there was any doubt that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives picked this Ocasio dunce as their new thought-genius....here, from the NYTimes:

"The Green New Deal that Ocasio-Cortez has laid out aspires to power the U.S. economy with 100 percent renewable energy within 12 years and calls for “a job guarantee program to assure a living wage job to every person who wants one,” “basic income programs” and “universal health care,” financed, at least in part, by higher taxes on the wealthy.

Who believes that America can remain a great country and not lead the next great global industry? Not me. A Green New Deal, in other words, is a strategy for American national security, national resilience, natural security and economic leadership in the 21st century. Surely some conservatives can support that."

Know how much it will cost....and how it will be paid for?

From the article:
“To spark a Green New Deal today requires getting two things right: government regulations and prices."

Wanna know how much of this will be taken from anyone who earns an income?

“[Ocasio] admitted that her plan would require raising taxes, something she described as "people are going to have to start paying their fair share."

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) called for a top tax rate of 70 percent, pushing a "Green New Deal" that she admitted is "radical."

Such tax rates will likely make Americans eyes pop, but this far-Left congresswoman is merely being true to form. She demands a "Green New Deal," and this kind of tax rate is historically associated with Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal and Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs.

High tax rates and war metaphors may sound good to liberals who think that the oceans are rising (they're not) and that high tax rates won't really hurt them. Confiscatory taxes will damage the economy overall, however, harming the rich, poor, and middle class alike.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls for 70 Percent Top Tax Rate in 'Green New Deal'

The Sanders/Ocasio plan has been estimated to cost....

"Bernie Sanders’s $32 trillion Medicare-for-all plan ..."
Bernie Sanders’s $32 trillion Medicare-for-all plan is actually kind of a bargain
Polislicks fav word"can't". Well missy "can't" never did nothing and that is just what you do here everyday during your regurgitation of propaganda. If you are so worried about conservatives they are not real conservatives if they support liberal ideals.
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