Political.....But Really Funny!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
....if you like laughing at Liberals.

So...I'm listening to my fav radio host, Chris Plante, at WMAL, and a caller tells Chris that he's wearing his "Blind Lives Matter" shirt, on his porch, walking around.....

....seems he is a blind listener....

....and Chris is blasting Biden.

A woman walks by and is irked by the radio message, anti-her candidate......and she begins berating the listener for having the show on.

And she calls him a racist!

He say, "how can I be a racist if I'm blind?"
Raising the standard of living

Characteristically, when they drew this picture, they really raised the standard of living of the workers.

There were evil communists at their side, and all sorts of leftist terrorists in their fiefdoms - who, even without money and the support of the Kremlin, could completely disturb the rear of NATO countries.

Therefore, the rich had to endure the arbitrariness of beggars. And they were still embarrassed to feed any right-wing fascist scum, at least openly.

But then, at the height of the 70s, business began to rapidly lose the rate of profit, and sabotage in the economy led to various crises (which would have come without that - given the cyclical nature of crises under capitalism, as an unavoidable feature of the system itself). And now, the modern neoliberal reaganomics and Margaret Thatcher loomed on the horizon, with her words "there is no alternative (to capitalism)."

With the dumping of the burden on the so-called "middle class", which during these post-war years has accumulated fat. And the complete irresponsibility of a large and very large business. What led to the modern TBTF phenomenon (too big to fail): when states rescue thieves and brazen crooks and speculators, because the collapse of their structures is equivalent to the collapse of national economies.

After a dozen years, this picture will begin to become a reality - even in spite of the fat pieces from the feast of ghouls on the corpse of the destroyed USSR, crumbs from which were generously showered on the Western european philistine, in the 90s.

Moral: if a bourgeois / bureaucrat / effective manager is needed somewhere - a proletarian bayonet must necessarily be at his ass. It is proletarian, otherwise they will quickly turn the "army out of politics" into their mercenaries. .

For: "every communist must learn the truth that a rifle gives birth to power. Our principle is that the party commands the rifle, it is absolutely unacceptable that the rifle commands the party." © Mao Zedong.
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