Political Cartoon

Waltz's family are voting for Trump.

I remember running to the newspaper store, for my Stepfather, and buying several newspapers from across the country for him to read at work. He owned a parking lot across from the Orlando Courthouse and made a killing off of losers who were running late to their court dates. He ran a subscription parking lot and the 4 or 5 empty spaces, not pre-sold, sold for a premium.
My home town:) I bought mine from a tobacco and book store on orange avenue that sold papers from around the world and many political type papers.
We gave Ukraine billions, and it got that nation completely destroyed. And it's not anywhere near being over.
We spend a lot of money on many projects that do not prove worth the cost.
For example, the damage to Ukraine would be less if we didn't provide them arms. So what are we indirectly fighting for?

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