Political Cartoon

Yes, me too. I hung out there in the summer because the babysitter place refused to allow me there because of my ADHD. BTW, that was a misdiagnosis, I was and am Bipolar. I used to run errands for the 911 girls and cops who had to show up for court. And I read every book in the Sci-fi section of the Library.

My Stepfather was known as Old Joe from the Parking Lot.
I have met him. And I read most of the history books in the library. Pleasure to meet you.
During a speech earlier this month to the Economic Club of New York, he promised to reduce regulations and open swaths of federal land for large-scale housing construction.“Regulation costs 30% of a new home, and we will open up portions of federal land for large-scale housing construction,” he said. “These zones will be ultra-low tax and ultra-low regulations—one of the great small business job creation programs.”

Additionally, Trump calls for lower corporate taxes on American-made goods.

Government Efficiency Commission​

Following a suggestion from billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, who has endorsed the former president, Trump said he would create a government efficiency commission to complete a financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and make recommendations for reforms.

“We need to do it. We can’t go on the way we are now,” said Trump, adding that Musk has offered to head the task force.

Within the first six months, he said the commission will develop an action plan to eliminate fraud and improper payments, saving the country $1 trillion.
Al Gore, Sr, tried to filibuster the vote giving Civil Rights to black folk.


The X post, which had gained 1.7 million views and 4,900 likes, came from Maxine Fowé, a political economist and an economic policy adviser at the German Federal Parliament, according to her LinkedIn profile.

The claim is true. Taking a closer look at Harris' work and the economics school of thought he professed, we were able to confirm that he inscribed himself in Marx's intellectual tradition.
Donald Trump turned that 4oo million into 6.2 Billion.
He successfully ran up to 144 business and only bankrupt 6 of them, that is a good success rate. All powerful and successful people failed a lot of times before they succeeded. Einstein failed to create the Light Bulb 1,000 times, but nobody remembers them.

When the Blake brothers finally retired, Friendlies cycled through a series of owners until 2007, when it was acquired by the private-equity firm Sun Capital. Under Capital’s ownership, Friendly’s struggled. Among other things, the private-equity firm piled debt onto the business, and required it to sell and lease back the property for some 160 restaurants, a move that made a quick profit but saddled Friendly’s with a new, unending obligation. Ultimately, Sun Capital pushed the chain into bankruptcy.

f Sun Capital showed no great aptitude for running Friendly’s, it demonstrated enormous skill in directing its bankruptcy. Under Sun Capital’s ownership, Friendly’s steered the case to Delaware—generally a favorable district for corporations—by chartering several subsidiaries there. Then, Friendly’s lawyers successfully petitioned to expedite the bankruptcy process through a “363 sale,” in which the company’s assets—or the company itself—are auctioned off free of its prior debts. The process largely removes the discretion of the court and, in Friendly’s case, gave the chain greater leeway to choose who would buy it. (One judge complained that, in such auctions, the judge “might as well leave his or her signature stamp with the debtor’s counsel and go on vacation.”)

Some CEOs specialize in Bankruptcy and Corporation owners would hire them to bankrupt their company, making loads of money. It is legal and if you don't want this strategy to be legal, then you need to Petition Congress to outlaw it.

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