Political Cartoon


LMAO.....All that matters is the child is born....after that its whatevs :rofl:
Not funny.
The truth very often isn't...
A baby ain't a steak. It's stupid.
You are not so good with analogies I see? I'll explain: An accidental pregnancy is a baby unwanted, like an un-ordered steak, and all you care about is that the steak gets cooked (born) not thrown away (abortion) or left in the fridge until ordered (birth control). Pro-Life people care deeply about fetus, not the child it becomes. Like this:


According to RWNJs, the little blighted should get a paper route so it can feed the family, put itself through college and fund its own retirement on a fraction of minimum wage and while attending some ratty ass fundie cult church and tithing 20%.

But Misty is correct that, compared to a steak, RWNJs are stupid.

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