Political Cartoon

And the cars are driven by people who will tell you that you are literally killing people for not wearing a mask...


Busted yourself;
3 of the 4 characters used in the Jesus image were revolters (insurrectionists) against Rome, the 1 that wasn't was of the affiliation of the group revolting against King Alexander was to young to join the revolt, so he fled towards Egypt.
So make up your mind is Resistance only acceptable when your affiliation does it, or can your opposition resist your hell raising too?-oops=busted!
You caught yourself in your own trap.
Senate doesn't have that power thank God, learn the processes of your gov't before you make such negligent and insensitive comments.
Plus your pic there center guy looks like Biden
And lastly; compare the wars OBAMA/ Biden administration were involved in and escalated, compared to the Zero Trump was in even though the left swore he'd cause war and nukes.
This Reaction is that of embarassed Paranoid fools!

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