Political Cartoon

BREAKING: Bombshell investigation discovers that Mississippi's Republican Governor Tate Reeves has funneled a staggering $1.4 billion in state contracts and grants his top political donors — a blatant quid pro quo arrangement.

The right-wing corruption was discovered by an investigation conducted by Mississippi Today and found that fifteen donors who gave Reeves' campaign $50,000 or more have netted part of that massive aforementioned sum.

Reeves oversees the agencies that disburse the funds, meaning his grubby fingers are all over this scandal.

On top of that, even more contracts amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars have been awarded to the governor's donors from state agencies that he does not directly lead. It would have been a simple matter for him to exploit his political influence to get others to handle the corruption for him.

For example, the Mississippi Department of Transportation has awarded Reeves' top donors at least $552 million since 2020.
Unlike many other states, Mississippi does not have a general prohibition on "pay-to-play" schemes for the obvious reason that Republican politicians want this kind of behavior kept legal.

This is a cut-and-dry situation. Governor Reeves is taking taxpayer money and funneling it to his friends in return for them helping him get elected and stay in office. Mississippians should be outraged.

He must resign immediately.

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BREAKING: A top Senate Democrat levels a deadly serious accusation at MAGA Senator Tommy Tuberville and says that he is directly responsible for the Marine Corps commandant's recent medical emergency.

This is the kind of thing that could destroy a politician's career...

According to Senate Armed Services Chair Jack Reed, Tuberville's petulant refusal to confirm top military promotions — which he is using to demand that the Pentagon repeal crucial abortion policies — could be partially responsible for the hospitalization of General Eric Smith, a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Tuberville's political stunt has forced several top military officer to do multiple jobs, which is in turn driving some of them to the point of exhaustion. General Smith was hospitalized over the weekend for an apparent heart attack.

"One of the reasons, I think contributed to his condition was he was doing two jobs at once," said Senator Reed. "I’ve read where he was working from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. As a result, if he had, as is normal, an assistant, he could switch off."

Reed said the incident with General Smith shows "the fallacy and the danger" of Tuberville’s anti-abortion tactics.

Clearly, Tuberville believes that pandering to his far-right religious voters is more important than keeping America safe. He is sabotaging our military to score points with the theocrats.

Tommy Tuberville is a disgrace to America.

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