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BREAKING: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is hit with MORE devastating election news as the pro-Trump hate group Moms for Liberty loses EVERY SINGLE election in five of the six states where it ran its candidates.

But it gets WORSE for Trump and Moms for Liberty

In Pennsylvania alone, ALL five of its candidates were defeated last night after running on a platform or banning books that teach students about slavery and LGBTQ+ inclusion — and it wasn’t even close. Democratic candidates swept every single election.

In Virginia, three Moms for Liberty school board candidates candidates got swept by even larger margins.

In Iowa, a whopping NINE Moms for Liberty candidates lost their races after accusing local school districts of “disseminating pornography to children” simply for having two books that discuss LGBTQ+ acceptance.

In Minnesota, all four Moms for Liberty candidates got wiped out by their Democratic opponents. In North Carolina, their only candidate also suffered a stinging defeat.

Well done, voters!

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BREAKING: Ivanka Trump testifies under oath, throws her husband Jared Kushner under at the Trump Organization’s $250 million fraud trial in New York.

While being questioned by prosecutors from Attorney General Letitia James’ office, Ivanka Trump threw Kushner to the wolves, admitting under oath that it was Kushner himself who introduced her to the Deutsche Bank banker who helped Donald Trump and the Trump Organization commit financial fraud by inflating Trump’s assets in order to secure fraudulent loans for its Miami Doral gold course, the Old Post Office in D.C., as well as a large property in Chicago.

This is devastating news not only for the Trump Organization, but for her own husband Jared Kushner, which she just exposed to criminal liability for helping Trump and the Trump family business commit rampant fraud with her devastating testimony.

Tick-tock, Jared Kushner…

May be an image of 1 person, blonde hair and the Oval Office

BREAKING: MAGA Congresswoman Lauren Boebert publicly humiliates herself trying to go head-to-head with Democrat Steny Hoyer — and accidentally proves that she didn't even read the bill she's whining about.

Hoyer absolutely dismantled her...

Boebert rose on the floor of the House and attempted to add an asinine amendment to a spending bill that would prohibit any funds from being used to violate federal immigration law in "sanctuary cities."

The problem? There was no such funding in the bill to begin with. "I rise in perplexion which I presume is objection," said Congressman Hoyer said. "I'm asking if you'll yield for a question."

"Sure," said Boebert. "Ask your question."

"What funds in this bill are used for the purposes you are opposed to?" Hoyer asked.

A flustered Boebert then quickly huddled with her aide in confusion.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear the gentleman, I was getting clarification," she then said. "This is precautionary."

"Precautionary for what?" asked Hoyer.

"There are sanctuary city policies that are in place that are allowing the refuge of illegal aliens in this cities and there is an influx of crime and drugs in these cities and there is no way for these folks to even report what is taking place because they are protected under this fake policy that has been created that is subduing the actual rule of law that we have in the Constitution of the United States," Boebert stated.

"I understand that, but what you've said is none of the funds in this bill can be spent for that objective," Hoyer replied. "What funds are in this bill to be spent for that objective?"

"I have seen this administration use all sorts of funds to protect illegal aliens," Boebert said.

"No I didn't ask you— Reclaiming my time Ms. Boebert," said Hoyer. "There are no funds in this bill to do that."

Hoyer then really let her have it.

"So this is just an opportunity for you to stand and perhaps speak about an important subject, I understand that," he said. "But there are no funds in this bill to accomplish that objective. You don't believe that the chairman would put funds in to accomplish that objective, do you?"

Boebert then went on another deranged rant about how she doesn't trust the Biden administration. She failed to provide a concrete response to the question.

"Do you understand, if we do this amendment, any subject that anybody has an interest in would be subject to such an amendment?" Hoyer said. "Now, the rules committee has waived points of order, contrary to what they said they wanted done when we were in charge, because then they didn't want points of order so they could raise them, but there are no funds in this bill, Mr. Speaker, for the objective that the lady wants to prevent."

"This amendment has no place in this bill because there is no money in this bill," he added bluntly. "You can argue about the sanctuary cities, you can argue about the border and do all of that, but this is not the bill to do it on."

Well said Congressman. Perhaps Boebert should stop pretending that she understands the U.S. Government and go back to spending time at Beetlejuice musicals...

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