Political Cartoon


We can see who the child like mentality is here, otherwise verses the more educated and patriotic citizens who give a dam about their country being destroyed by people like this poster, and the other's who roll the way he does in this country.

I tell ya one thing, and that is this - Just because you are a veteran, it doesn't give you the right to drain the taxpayer's of their hard earned tax dollars because you might have broken a woke nail these days.

To many time's I'm seeing these so called disabled veterans drawing checks, and getting big pay offs when they can still work and mentally operate just like any other average American citizen is required to do in life

My grandfather came back from world war two blinded by fragmentation from an 88 shell that hit his half track in France, but even so he ran a little store in his community after the war selling fishing bait and other small items even as a blind man.

PTSD ? WTH was that back then ? I remember these soldier's coming back from that war, and living productive lives again, even after going through pure hell fighting the Germans, the Japanese, and the Koreans. My other grandad fought in Germany also, and he actually liberated some of the camps after they reached them. He returned and started his life over, and became a successful business owner. Now he drank a little, but we understood it. RIP to both of them now, and I just know that they were tuff, and that they didn't need politician's making them dependent like we are seeing a lot of today.

So it's a card your playing for politics, just like Biden using the racist bait cards and every other card he can pull out his ace when he feels like it.

Not against veterans anyone, but I am against people playing these poor pitiful me card's everytime we turn around now, and doing so for money.

If you deserve it, then that's one thing, but crying and whining like a manipulative ambulance chaser is another. Be strong veterans, and don't let the Democrat's use you, buy you or exploit you for votes.

Have some pride in your accomplishments, and get tuff regardless of your handicaps or perceived handicaps.
She should have said next - Then they take that money and create jobs with it, and invest in growing their companies, and pay benefits packages with it to their workers in a merit based system.

So one day little Johnny, you can go to one of these companies, and hopefully get you a job if you do what's right in life, oh and don't start following or listening to Democrat's that might have you supporting terrorist organizations, no don't do that, because then you'll become a dependent Democrat that can only bleed your fellow citizen of his or her tax dollars while becoming an anti-American values etc afterwards.

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