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BREAKING: CNN airs a bombshell new tape of Donald Trump talking about his January 6th insurrection and admitting that if he had been allowed to go to the Capitol he would have been "very well received" and that he "wanted" to join them.

But it gets way worse...

In the new interview — which was taped for reporter Jonathan Karl's new book Tired of Winning –– Trump said that he wanted to go join the deadly riot but was not allowed by Secret Service.

"I wanted to go back. I was thinking about going back during the problem to stop the problem, doing it myself. Secret Service didn’t like that idea too much," said Trump.

"And I could’ve done that," he went on. "And you know what? I would have been very well received."

Of course, if he had been allowed to attend the siege with his frothing mob he would not have attempted to "stop the problem," he would have made it far worse.

It took him hours just to tepidly tell his supporters to go home after they broke through the police barricades. Imagine if he had been there in the chaotic mix personally. He would have been screeching for blood.

Trump would have egged the MAGA maniacs on to even worse acts of violence and treason.

He wishes he was there because he wishes his coup attempt had succeeded.

May be an image of 1 person and the Oval Office

BREAKING: Scandal-plagued MAGA Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders is slammed by fresh controversy as it's revealed that she wasted $13,000 in taxpayer funds to host a "kickoff party" for a football team at the governor's mansion.

This crook just loves burning through the state treasury....

According to a bombshell report, Sanders spent the funds on a party to celebrate the beginning of the Arkansas Razorbacks' 2023 football season.

The university's head coach attended along with three costumed mascots, cheerleaders, the dance team, and members of the school band.

The invite-only event was obnoxiously titled the "Undefeated Party." Ironically, the team has since gone on to rack up a 3-7 record meaning that they're about as "undefeated" as Huckabee Sander is trustworthy.

The final bill for the wasteful event came out to $13,081.36 according to records from the Department of Transformation & Shared Services. $1,429.22 was spent on special tablecloths ordered through Amazon. $4,500 was spent on food and beverage so that the attendees could stuff their faces with tax dollars.

At this point, it's clear that Governor Huckabee Sanders sees public funds — taken from hard-working Americans — as her personal piggybank. Rather than spending the money on new roads or healthcare, she's funneling it into parties for her friends.

This is disgusting and she should resign immediately.

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