Political Cartoon

biden unelected 9.jpg

Not sure how old you are, but back in the time of world wars in which we were involved in also, it is that maybe you are just naive because it was well known that if a soldier abandoned his post, committed treason in which aided and helped the enemy or he became a coward therefore causing others to lose their lives or worse maybe revealed their secrets and position's due to that cowardess, then he was dealt with while in the field.

War is hell, and don't ever forget that. The best solution is to avoid it altogether. A lot of things aren't known by the young generations of today, but for most still living from the past war's or know the stories about them, then it allows for them to know about spoken protocols and unspoken protocols as it pertains to a war that places so much on the line... Most know these things due to the fact's that were given to them by way of their family members that served in those wars by telling them such things. Don't be shocked by anything that goes on during a war, because certain things have always been affiliated with a hot war, otherwise where secrecy is highly valued, and yet becomes highly dangerous for those who VIOLATE spoken or unspoken protocols in such a war.

When nation's go to war, they are in it to win it, and thing's get real ugly for anyone thinking to undermine their nation's ability to win in a hot war.

Now of course there is this word "right" that is to be stood up for when it is knowingly being abused or it is being turned into a wrong. The only hope for the Russian people if they think that Putin has placed their nation into peril, is to deal with that situation on their own before it's too late.

However, if they back Putin, then the world will see a lot of things take place that isn't understood by the world outside of Russia, but in the eye's of the Russians themselves, it is that they understand perfectly well the situation that they are in, and it is that they are willing to go all the way in such a fight.

Major war's see untold death counts and destruction within them, and it's such a crying shame because it is an ugly fact that such things are an ugly result of any major war that gets way out of the gate.... Sadly after everyone lays down their arm's for peace again, then they realize whole heartedly that war is or should be something that is to be avoided at all cost, and that it should only be used as a very last resort.

War should be used mostly as a defense mechanism and not as an aggression.

Diplomacy is the best solution, and it should be never ending in hopes to achieve the goal of peace ..

Cutting off talk's with any nation at war with each other, ummmm is a foolish and possibly serious consequential thing that is very non productive.

Placing an American in with a foreign dictator in hopes to politically beat the American opponent at the ballot box or in a political race, uhhhhhh is a very dangerous and unethical thing to do. Infact it could be interpreted as using a foreign actor in order to undermine the nations elections and national security. This could possibly be seen as treason if the lies continue in these ways. Think about it.
We'll start practicing what you are preaching leftist, because anything can be considered a religion or a cult activity today, and especially the one's that attempt to use government out of order or in a new way thinking that it can force it's new religion's or cult's created upon the American people without their blessings, otherwise to force thing's not right upon a people that know that God is the only truth to be worshipped here, and he is to be held intact in America since it's beginnings, so until you leftist stop being hypocrites by attacking one issue while committing the same thing only in a shiftier way, then the war's over such issue's will continue onward.

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