Political Cartoon

gone is the day.jpg
Health Care rights eh ? You people are truly some sick people. You want a world where a woman can irresponsibly get pregnant, and then carry the baby up too so many month's (after a heartbeat has been well established), before next she decides to visit a mad doctor who will KILL a human being developing in her womb without even the blinking of an eye.

This you people call "women's health care", even after the entire unfortunate situation is leading this nation of citizen's to become barbaric in it's thinking, and horrific in it's lack of consideration of what a human being truly is, and what the miracle of the entire process of being blessed to grow a human being within one's own body truly is.....

Sadly there is a lack of consideration of how to protect the developing human being because we are becoming more animalistic or barbaric in nature.... We are human beings in nature, so you would think that the natural instinct would be to protect life not too kill it.

Now exceptions due to serious complications that may arise is one thing, but running baby killing factories and/or mills is another. We as human beings ourselves are better than that, and it's time we start acting like it again.

Yeah the poisonous rhetoric of the left has made us numb as we now listen to Trump defending our way of life against the crazy idea's of the left who are wanting to make "freak off's" a normalized and real thing in our culture.
Health Care rights eh ? You people are truly some sick people. You want a world where a woman can irresponsibly get pregnant, and then carry the baby up too so many month's (after a heartbeat has been well established), before next she decides to visit a mad doctor who will KILL a human being developing in her womb without even the blinking of an eye.

This you people call "women's health care", even after the entire unfortunate situation is leading this nation of citizen's to become barbaric in it's thinking, and horrific in it's lack of consideration of what a human being truly is, and what the miracle of the entire process of being blessed to grow a human being within one's own body truly is.....

Sadly there is a lack of consideration of how to protect the developing human being because we are becoming more animalistic or barbaric in nature.... We are human beings in nature, so you would think that the natural instinct would be to protect life not too kill it.

Now exceptions due to serious complications that may arise is one thing, but running baby killing factories and/or mills is another. We as human beings ourselves are better than that, and it's time we start acting like it again.
Rich "white" man eh ? Well that's a might racist of you..

The crazy thing is that you are probably white too, but we know how you lefty liberals have to activate the feeling's of your allies in order to tell them that it's time to pay attention so you can show them how you are taking the "white" man down for them.

Then that'll give you lefties leverage over the people (black and white whose eyes have been opened), that are not liking the direction you are attempting to take the country in. You are just manipulators and schemer's until you get your way's, then ta hell with everyone after that.

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