Political Correctness from the eyes of a liberal

You can tell when a conservative pretends to be a liberal because of the stupid things they say.

Liberals are pro women's rights. We know that.

Liberals know it was the derivative scheme from Republican deregulation that happened when Republicans controlled both houses, the Supreme Court and the presidency for years.

Republicans used reconciliation three times during the Bush Years. You can only use reconciliation when you control both houses and the presidency. Republicans pretend they did nothing during the 4.5 years they controlled the entire government. They don't even know what their party used reconciliation for. Ask one.

So what do they take credit for, for the years they controlled everything? Nothing. They have no successes. They try to blame their failures on everyone else. What's strange is the way they use Barney Frank. A lone gay liberal congressman who apparently had more power than the entire Republican Party. Only the most brainwashed of the tards believe those ludicrous scenarios the GOP constantly comes up with.

You have to question whether the author of that article has even attended college. Republicans idea of higher education is always so strange. It's never clear if they ever actually went.
They should have had the abortion debate at Oxford, if only because this is the brilliant argument that the pro-choice invitee was going to make.

You nuts won't read it, but you should. It's a devastating blow to the anti-choice side:

Why I am pro-choice Brendan O Neill spiked
I read everything, I don't have a closed mind like you.

You assumed I was referring to you when I used the descriptor 'nuts'?


This is just sad. A liberal professor wrote this piece, although no doubt the PC Police will deny he/she is liberal. Colleges used to be a place for the free flow of ideas, and now they are quite the opposite.

What happened? And why don't these people see that closed young minds are not a good thing?

I m a liberal professor and my liberal students terrify me - Vox

So it's not just that students refuse to countenance uncomfortable ideas — they refuse to engage them, period. Engagement is considered unnecessary, as the immediate, emotional reactions of students contain all the analysis and judgment that sensitive issues demand. As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.

Something has to be done about the hate-speech that is being spread throughout our education system.

This is the legacy of liberalism and progressivism.

They're turning our kids into bigots purely to win elections.

They really don't give a damn what the side-effects are as long as they stay in power. And the most amazing aspect of this is it all has to do with money. It's about wealth. Taking from us and giving to themselves.

There's a massive well funded rightwing propaganda machine operating 24 hours a day for the purpose of indoctrinating people with the rightwing agenda.
your first comment, just saying

Second comment, that 24/7 machine has only been around what 15 or so years? And nothing before 1987 when the fairness doctrine was repealed. Why you hate it so much?
Not to indulge Mac's crazy, but here's the thing.

The problem with Colleges is NOT political correctness, it's commercialization. The problem with colleges is that they've become BUSINESSES. Their goal is to get people to buy their product - a degree - and like any other business, they don't want their product to become 'controversial" and have the consumer choose another product.

My sister and niece work for the Catholic School system. But since 30% of their students are now non-Catholics getting away from the Public School system, they've found the schools are watering down the Catholicism and just teaching a pasty non-denominational sort of Christianity.

Is this a bad thing? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on what you think that piece of paper is good for.

Conservatives will vilify a college for not holding an abortion debate, but cheer one if it claims a right to deny birth control medical coverage in its employee/student insurance policies.
They should have had the abortion debate at Oxford, if only because this is the brilliant argument that the pro-choice invitee was going to make.

You nuts won't read it, but you should. It's a devastating blow to the anti-choice side:

Why I am pro-choice Brendan O Neill spiked
I read everything, I don't have a closed mind like you.

You assumed I was referring to you when I used the descriptor 'nuts'?


This is just sad. A liberal professor wrote this piece, although no doubt the PC Police will deny he/she is liberal. Colleges used to be a place for the free flow of ideas, and now they are quite the opposite.

What happened? And why don't these people see that closed young minds are not a good thing?

I m a liberal professor and my liberal students terrify me - Vox

So it's not just that students refuse to countenance uncomfortable ideas — they refuse to engage them, period. Engagement is considered unnecessary, as the immediate, emotional reactions of students contain all the analysis and judgment that sensitive issues demand. As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.

Something has to be done about the hate-speech that is being spread throughout our education system.

This is the legacy of liberalism and progressivism.

They're turning our kids into bigots purely to win elections.

They really don't give a damn what the side-effects are as long as they stay in power. And the most amazing aspect of this is it all has to do with money. It's about wealth. Taking from us and giving to themselves.

There's a massive well funded rightwing propaganda machine operating 24 hours a day for the purpose of indoctrinating people with the rightwing agenda.
your first comment, just saying

Second comment, that 24/7 machine has only been around what 15 or so years? And nothing before 1987 when the fairness doctrine was repealed. Why you hate it so much?

Ranch or Blue Cheese?
Boy, they sure don't want to actually read or address the piece in the OP.

Of course not.

They should have had the abortion debate at Oxford, if only because this is the brilliant argument that the pro-choice invitee was going to make.

You nuts won't read it, but you should. It's a devastating blow to the anti-choice side:

Why I am pro-choice Brendan O Neill spiked
I read everything, I don't have a closed mind like you.

You assumed I was referring to you when I used the descriptor 'nuts'?


This is just sad. A liberal professor wrote this piece, although no doubt the PC Police will deny he/she is liberal. Colleges used to be a place for the free flow of ideas, and now they are quite the opposite.

What happened? And why don't these people see that closed young minds are not a good thing?

I m a liberal professor and my liberal students terrify me - Vox

So it's not just that students refuse to countenance uncomfortable ideas — they refuse to engage them, period. Engagement is considered unnecessary, as the immediate, emotional reactions of students contain all the analysis and judgment that sensitive issues demand. As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.

Something has to be done about the hate-speech that is being spread throughout our education system.

This is the legacy of liberalism and progressivism.

They're turning our kids into bigots purely to win elections.

They really don't give a damn what the side-effects are as long as they stay in power. And the most amazing aspect of this is it all has to do with money. It's about wealth. Taking from us and giving to themselves.

There's a massive well funded rightwing propaganda machine operating 24 hours a day for the purpose of indoctrinating people with the rightwing agenda.
your first comment, just saying

Second comment, that 24/7 machine has only been around what 15 or so years? And nothing before 1987 when the fairness doctrine was repealed. Why you hate it so much?

Ranch or Blue Cheese?
You just got me hungry, just got off work, yea I think I will cook a steak on the grill, bake potato and ranch on my salad:)
This is just sad. A liberal professor wrote this piece, although no doubt the PC Police will deny he/she is liberal. Colleges used to be a place for the free flow of ideas, and now they are quite the opposite.

What happened? And why don't these people see that closed young minds are not a good thing?

I m a liberal professor and my liberal students terrify me - Vox

So it's not just that students refuse to countenance uncomfortable ideas — they refuse to engage them, period. Engagement is considered unnecessary, as the immediate, emotional reactions of students contain all the analysis and judgment that sensitive issues demand. As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.

I suspect left wing indoctrination in the academia has been going on for a long time. Liberal professors espousing liberalism in the classroom is nothing new. I like to believe that many young people disregard it and refuse to let it impact them, but I could be wrong.

Leftism is such an idiotic philosophy, that it can't support itself when contested. Maybe this is why they refuse to allow opposing views.

It could be arrogance and pomposity that leads the elite Left to conclude they are right and anyone who opposes them is dumb and worthless.
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There is no better place than college for young people to experience the widest possible range of ideas and opinions. It teaches them to be curious, to seek out opposing thought, to develop their own independent points of view, and to sincerely challenge their own views. Absolutely wonderful and fantastic preparation for the world.

Instead, we're turning out narcissistic, intolerant, angry robots. A goddamn shame. Colleges should not only be inviting it, they should be promoting it. What a fuckin' waste.

Your fucking teachers led you by your nose and taught you what to believe and therefore you listened and followed?


Neither do 99% of other kids in school. Theyre not political twats like you are, theyre kids who find politics mostly boring and dont even engage. Thats reality, sorry to burst your plainly ignorant diatribe.
Something has to be done about the hate-speech that is being spread throughout our education system.

This is the legacy of liberalism and progressivism.

They're turning our kids into bigots purely to win elections.

They really don't give a damn what the side-effects are as long as they stay in power. And the most amazing aspect of this is it all has to do with money. It's about wealth. Taking from us and giving to themselves.

What specifically do you mean by "hate-speech"?

Everyone is indoctrinated except the people saying that everyone is indoctrinated, ehh koo koo bin?
And for those who won't read the article I posted,

by the 'liberal' pro-choicer who was scheduled to be in the debate, this is what he said about the shutdown:

"The alarmingly intolerant students who wanted to shut down tonight’s debate* also call into question the idea of autonomy.

They claim tonight’s discussion will harm female students’ ‘mental safety’ and ‘self-esteem’.

The irony is terrible: they present themselves as pro-choice but want to deny people the choice to attend this debate; they claim to fight for women’s bodily autonomy but don’t think women have the basic mental autonomy to attend a discussion like this, listen, think, agree or disagree, and then get on with the business of cultivating their own minds."

Of course the OP conveniently ignores such opinions when they interfere with his obsession with broadbrushing all liberals as 'PC'.
Deflection noted.


lol, Mac claims deflection every time his crappy arguments get skewered.

I took that directly from your link, moron.
They should have had the abortion debate at Oxford, if only because this is the brilliant argument that the pro-choice invitee was going to make.

You nuts won't read it, but you should. It's a devastating blow to the anti-choice side:

Why I am pro-choice Brendan O Neill spiked
ok I read your link, what the he'll was the point/argument from a blog about some guy in Great Britian?

I don't give a damn anymore if a liberal woman wants an abortion, I posted it numerous times, good one more dead liberal voter.
you grew up in the Chicago system, no? ( by the way I always find it laughable you always claim you were a conservative growing up in that atmosphere)

So did I for a few year's, before I went to a burb school, just as liberal, with Union teachers.

I grew up in Chicago, in the CATHOLIC system, which was pretty conservative. I got the full boat of homophobic, anti-abortion nonsense all the way until i was 18 and believed a lot of it well into my 40's, even though I stopped believing in magic sky fairies in my 20s.

My Dad was a Nixon Republican. This was of course, before conservatives absolutely lost their minds in the 1990's. Nixon wouldn't be welcome in today's GOP not because of what he did in Watergate, but because he believed in unions, he believed in an activist government that solved problems. Eisenhower wouldn't be welcome in today's GOP. Heck, they'd probably even look at Reagan sideways based on Reagan's actual policies and not the myth hate radio has created around him.
This is just sad. A liberal professor wrote this piece, although no doubt the PC Police will deny he/she is liberal. Colleges used to be a place for the free flow of ideas, and now they are quite the opposite.

What happened? And why don't these people see that closed young minds are not a good thing?

I m a liberal professor and my liberal students terrify me - Vox

So it's not just that students refuse to countenance uncomfortable ideas — they refuse to engage them, period. Engagement is considered unnecessary, as the immediate, emotional reactions of students contain all the analysis and judgment that sensitive issues demand. As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.

Something has to be done about the hate-speech that is being spread throughout our education system.

This is the legacy of liberalism and progressivism.

They're turning our kids into bigots purely to win elections.

They really don't give a damn what the side-effects are as long as they stay in power. And the most amazing aspect of this is it all has to do with money. It's about wealth. Taking from us and giving to themselves.

There's a massive well funded rightwing propaganda machine operating 24 hours a day for the purpose of indoctrinating people with the rightwing agenda.

Do they call that machine MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, college, high school, or newspapers?
Boy, they sure don't want to actually read or address the piece in the OP.

Of course not.


I think we addressed it just fine. We just don't draw the same conclusions you do.

The problem isn't political correctness, it's commercialization.
'PC police' is Mac's card. Like the race card.

Maybe he'll remind us when he's played that card against the Right's version of the PC crowd.
'PC police' is Mac's card. Like the race card.
Hes quite daft.

There could be 1, 000 pc police.
In a country of 320, 000, 000.
Amd conservomedia will find them ALL and feed them to mac and he will bite hook line and sinker like the gullible dope he is.
Everyone is indoctrinated except the people saying that everyone is indoctrinated, ehh koo koo bin?
No, I was a flaming pot smoking, coke using liberal, up to around 30, then I became a conservative when I got married had kids and now, I just vote my wallet, for great national defense and for jobs...
That's all I care about .

Democrats don't offer none of my main three.
you grew up in the Chicago system, no? ( by the way I always find it laughable you always claim you were a conservative growing up in that atmosphere)

So did I for a few year's, before I went to a burb school, just as liberal, with Union teachers.

I grew up in Chicago, in the CATHOLIC system, which was pretty conservative. I got the full boat of homophobic, anti-abortion nonsense all the way until i was 18 and believed a lot of it well into my 40's, even though I stopped believing in magic sky fairies in my 20s.

My Dad was a Nixon Republican. This was of course, before conservatives absolutely lost their minds in the 1990's. Nixon wouldn't be welcome in today's GOP not because of what he did in Watergate, but because he believed in unions, he believed in an activist government that solved problems. Eisenhower wouldn't be welcome in today's GOP. Heck, they'd probably even look at Reagan sideways based on Reagan's actual policies and not the myth hate radio has created around him.
Come now Joe, you can't really believe that.

The R party, like the D party, is far more progressive today than it was in Nixon's or Ike's time. A simple review of candidates for POTUS from both parties, should convince you. If McCain and Romney are not progressives, then what are they?

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