Political Correctness from the eyes of a liberal

Everyone is indoctrinated except the people saying that everyone is indoctrinated, ehh koo koo bin?
No, I was a flaming pot smoking, coke using liberal, up to around 30, then I became a conservative when I got married had kids and now, I just vote my wallet, for great national defense and for jobs...
That's all I care about .

Democrats don't offer none of my main three.
Neither side offers jack shit. Government is kind of a joke, but Im quite happy with my ability to circumvent the rah rah and still succeed, unstifled.
Everyone is indoctrinated except the people saying that everyone is indoctrinated, ehh koo koo bin?
No, I was a flaming pot smoking, coke using liberal, up to around 30, then I became a conservative when I got married had kids and now, I just vote my wallet, for great national defense and for jobs...
That's all I care about .

Democrats don't offer none of my main three.
Neither side offers jack shit. Government is kind of a joke, but Im quite happy with my ability to circumvent the rah rah and still succeed, unstifled.
excuse me? My tax dollars are well spent on the best military you can buy and my local tax dollars as well, Nikki is doing a heck of a job for South Carolina and me personally by brining in Volvo, along with BMW in this state and Honda in Georgia and Jhon Deere, I am set till retirement.

The head hunters love us High skilled injection molding plastic guys:)
Boy, they sure don't want to actually read or address the piece in the OP.

Of course not.


Address my addressing it, asshole.
Always enjoyable to see how defensive and pissy you folks get when I talk about you.

Definitely a good sign.

Mac they don't want to address the OP, they deflect I deflect to keep it alive...

They can not stand someone being honest, exspeaicly if it is one of there own.
Boy, they sure don't want to actually read or address the piece in the OP.

Of course not.


Address my addressing it, asshole.
Always enjoyable to see how defensive and pissy you folks get when I talk about you.

Definitely a good sign.

Mac they don't want to address the OP, they deflect I deflect to keep it alive...

They can not stand someone being honest, exspeaicly if it is one of there own.
They have a lot to protect here, fine.

But this is not in the best interest of our young people.

These folks have their priorities, I guess.

Boy, they sure don't want to actually read or address the piece in the OP.

Of course not.


Address my addressing it, asshole.
Always enjoyable to see how defensive and pissy you folks get when I talk about you.

Definitely a good sign.

Mac they don't want to address the OP, they deflect I deflect to keep it alive...

They can not stand someone being honest, exspeaicly if it is one of there own.
They have a lot to protect here, fine.

But this is not in the best interest of our young people.

These folks have their priorities, I guess.

Of course not, but most will grow up and a new circle of conservatism begins, no matter how much propaganda the left throws at them, they go outside, they will see the bills and they will start to question it.
There is no better place than college for young people to experience the widest possible range of ideas and opinions. It teaches them to be curious, to seek out opposing thought, to develop their own independent points of view, and to sincerely challenge their own views. Absolutely wonderful and fantastic preparation for the world.

Instead, we're turning out narcissistic, intolerant, angry robots. A goddamn shame. Colleges should not only be inviting it, they should be promoting it. What a fuckin' waste.

Your fucking teachers led you by your nose and taught you what to believe and therefore you listened and followed?


Neither do 99% of other kids in school. Theyre not political twats like you are, theyre kids who find politics mostly boring and dont even engage. Thats reality, sorry to burst your plainly ignorant diatribe.

You don't have to follow politics to become a bigot.

As a matter of fact, the less you know about the truth the easier it is to be misled.
There is no better place than college for young people to experience the widest possible range of ideas and opinions. It teaches them to be curious, to seek out opposing thought, to develop their own independent points of view, and to sincerely challenge their own views. Absolutely wonderful and fantastic preparation for the world.

Instead, we're turning out narcissistic, intolerant, angry robots. A goddamn shame. Colleges should not only be inviting it, they should be promoting it. What a fuckin' waste.

Your fucking teachers led you by your nose and taught you what to believe and therefore you listened and followed?


Neither do 99% of other kids in school. Theyre not political twats like you are, theyre kids who find politics mostly boring and dont even engage. Thats reality, sorry to burst your plainly ignorant diatribe.

You don't have to follow politics to become a bigot.

As a matter of fact, the less you know about the truth the easier it is to be misled.
This is true.
Come now Joe, you can't really believe that.

The R party, like the D party, is far more progressive today than it was in Nixon's or Ike's time. A simple review of candidates for POTUS from both parties, should convince you. If McCain and Romney are not progressives, then what are they?

I think you are confusing social conservatism with economic conservatism.

Now, yeah, in Ike's day, gay marriage and abortion on demand would have been unthinkable. In that sense, the parties have become more "progressive".

In terms of economic thinking, though, the GOP has clearly regressed. They've gone back to the thinking of Calvin Coolidge, completely forgetting what a fucking disaster that was.
Come now Joe, you can't really believe that.

The R party, like the D party, is far more progressive today than it was in Nixon's or Ike's time. A simple review of candidates for POTUS from both parties, should convince you. If McCain and Romney are not progressives, then what are they?

I think you are confusing social conservatism with economic conservatism.

Now, yeah, in Ike's day, gay marriage and abortion on demand would have been unthinkable. In that sense, the parties have become more "progressive".

In terms of economic thinking, though, the GOP has clearly regressed. They've gone back to the thinking of Calvin Coolidge, completely forgetting what a fucking disaster that was.

This common refrain by many on the Left...that the R party is some kind of radical right wing party, it is total bunk and entirely propaganda.

All recent R nominees for POTUS and the two Bush's were progressives in every sense. W bailed out the banks and Wall Street. Romney pushed through Romneycare in MA and raised taxes. McCain is all about economic intervention having always voted for it. Poppy Bush increased the size of gov and passed a big tax increase.


Nearly all Rs running for the 2016 nomination are progressives and statists.

The R congress has done nothing to change the status quo and I can assure, they won't.
This is just sad. A liberal professor wrote this piece, although no doubt the PC Police will deny he/she is liberal. Colleges used to be a place for the free flow of ideas, and now they are quite the opposite.

What happened? And why don't these people see that closed young minds are not a good thing?

I m a liberal professor and my liberal students terrify me - Vox

So it's not just that students refuse to countenance uncomfortable ideas — they refuse to engage them, period. Engagement is considered unnecessary, as the immediate, emotional reactions of students contain all the analysis and judgment that sensitive issues demand. As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.

Something has to be done about the hate-speech that is being spread throughout our education system.

This is the legacy of liberalism and progressivism.

They're turning our kids into bigots purely to win elections.

They really don't give a damn what the side-effects are as long as they stay in power. And the most amazing aspect of this is it all has to do with money. It's about wealth. Taking from us and giving to themselves.
It's terribly short-sighted.

And also, if a person is truly confident in their beliefs, they wouldn't be worried about avoiding opposing views.


Do you even realize what you are tacitly agreeing with here?
This is just sad. A liberal professor wrote this piece, although no doubt the PC Police will deny he/she is liberal. Colleges used to be a place for the free flow of ideas, and now they are quite the opposite.

What happened? And why don't these people see that closed young minds are not a good thing?

I m a liberal professor and my liberal students terrify me - Vox

So it's not just that students refuse to countenance uncomfortable ideas — they refuse to engage them, period. Engagement is considered unnecessary, as the immediate, emotional reactions of students contain all the analysis and judgment that sensitive issues demand. As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.


Quite simply, people need to grow thicker skin. That's pretty much all I can say. If you don't like Afrobeat bands, don't go to their concerts... geesh. Liberals have hijacked college academia, and is one of the primary reasons why I've never pursued a college education. It was going on then (10 years ago, when I graduated high school) and now. If people read my posts, they would see a mix of conservative and libertarian, both of which would be looked down upon in the liberal academic sphere. College should be a confluence of ideas, not a filter for certain ideas.

I found I could educate myself better outside of college, because it meant not having my mind filled with politically tinged and outright biased course study and curriculi.

Seriously. This is ridiculous. Grow up people. Stop alienating free thought simply because it offends you.
This is just sad. A liberal professor wrote this piece, although no doubt the PC Police will deny he/she is liberal. Colleges used to be a place for the free flow of ideas, and now they are quite the opposite.

What happened? And why don't these people see that closed young minds are not a good thing?

I m a liberal professor and my liberal students terrify me - Vox

So it's not just that students refuse to countenance uncomfortable ideas — they refuse to engage them, period. Engagement is considered unnecessary, as the immediate, emotional reactions of students contain all the analysis and judgment that sensitive issues demand. As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.


Quite simply, people need to grow thicker skin. That's pretty much all I can say. If you don't like Afrobeat bands, don't go to their concerts... geesh. Liberals have hijacked college academia, and is one of the primary reasons why I've never pursued a college education. It was going on then (10 years ago, when I graduated high school) and now. If people read my posts, they would see a mix of conservative and libertarian, both of which would be looked down upon in the liberal academic sphere. College should be a confluence of ideas, not a filter for certain ideas.

I found I could educate myself better outside of college, because it meant not having my mind filled with politically tinged and outright biased course study and curriculi.

Seriously. This is ridiculous. Grow up people. Stop alienating free thought simply because it offends you.

You are self taught? That's amazing!
Come now Joe, you can't really believe that.

The R party, like the D party, is far more progressive today than it was in Nixon's or Ike's time. A simple review of candidates for POTUS from both parties, should convince you. If McCain and Romney are not progressives, then what are they?

I think you are confusing social conservatism with economic conservatism.

Now, yeah, in Ike's day, gay marriage and abortion on demand would have been unthinkable. In that sense, the parties have become more "progressive".

In terms of economic thinking, though, the GOP has clearly regressed. They've gone back to the thinking of Calvin Coolidge, completely forgetting what a fucking disaster that was.

This common refrain by many on the Left...that the R party is some kind of radical right wing party, it is total bunk and entirely propaganda.

All recent R nominees for POTUS and the two Bush's were progressives in every sense. W bailed out the banks and Wall Street. Romney pushed through Romneycare in MA and raised taxes. McCain is all about economic intervention having always voted for it. Poppy Bush increased the size of gov and passed a big tax increase.


Nearly all Rs running for the 2016 nomination are progressives and statists.

The R congress has done nothing to change the status quo and I can assure, they won't.

sorry, man, I keep forgetting when I talk to you, I'm talking to someone who doesn't have a connection with reality.

You seem to think the GOP isn't for government intervention. Of course they are. They are just for intervention in favor of the rich. And that IS a right wing view.
This is just sad. A liberal professor wrote this piece, although no doubt the PC Police will deny he/she is liberal. Colleges used to be a place for the free flow of ideas, and now they are quite the opposite.

What happened? And why don't these people see that closed young minds are not a good thing?

I m a liberal professor and my liberal students terrify me - Vox

So it's not just that students refuse to countenance uncomfortable ideas — they refuse to engage them, period. Engagement is considered unnecessary, as the immediate, emotional reactions of students contain all the analysis and judgment that sensitive issues demand. As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.



Open young minds will not lead the left to it's ultimate goal:


Open young mines.

This is just sad. A liberal professor wrote this piece, although no doubt the PC Police will deny he/she is liberal. Colleges used to be a place for the free flow of ideas, and now they are quite the opposite.

What happened? And why don't these people see that closed young minds are not a good thing?

I m a liberal professor and my liberal students terrify me - Vox

So it's not just that students refuse to countenance uncomfortable ideas — they refuse to engage them, period. Engagement is considered unnecessary, as the immediate, emotional reactions of students contain all the analysis and judgment that sensitive issues demand. As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.


Quite simply, people need to grow thicker skin. That's pretty much all I can say. If you don't like Afrobeat bands, don't go to their concerts... geesh. Liberals have hijacked college academia, and is one of the primary reasons why I've never pursued a college education. It was going on then (10 years ago, when I graduated high school) and now. If people read my posts, they would see a mix of conservative and libertarian, both of which would be looked down upon in the liberal academic sphere. College should be a confluence of ideas, not a filter for certain ideas.

I found I could educate myself better outside of college, because it meant not having my mind filled with politically tinged and outright biased course study and curriculi.

Seriously. This is ridiculous. Grow up people. Stop alienating free thought simply because it offends you.
Hyper-sensitivity and paranoia. Since our culture has become so narcissistic and self-centered (the Selfie Generation), many have decided that they simply can not and will not put up with anything that comes within ten miles of "offending" them. Whatever THAT means. Their skin is paper-thin, and they appear to be PROUD of that.

From the piece in the OP: As Northwestern University professor Laura Kipnis writes, "Emotional discomfort is [now] regarded as equivalent to material injury, and all injuries have to be remediated."

And, of course, there are those who only CLAIM to be "offended" whatever THAT means, because it allows them to put their target on the defensive and control the conversation.

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Come now Joe, you can't really believe that.

The R party, like the D party, is far more progressive today than it was in Nixon's or Ike's time. A simple review of candidates for POTUS from both parties, should convince you. If McCain and Romney are not progressives, then what are they?

I think you are confusing social conservatism with economic conservatism.

Now, yeah, in Ike's day, gay marriage and abortion on demand would have been unthinkable. In that sense, the parties have become more "progressive".

In terms of economic thinking, though, the GOP has clearly regressed. They've gone back to the thinking of Calvin Coolidge, completely forgetting what a fucking disaster that was.

This common refrain by many on the Left...that the R party is some kind of radical right wing party, it is total bunk and entirely propaganda.

All recent R nominees for POTUS and the two Bush's were progressives in every sense. W bailed out the banks and Wall Street. Romney pushed through Romneycare in MA and raised taxes. McCain is all about economic intervention having always voted for it. Poppy Bush increased the size of gov and passed a big tax increase.


Nearly all Rs running for the 2016 nomination are progressives and statists.

The R congress has done nothing to change the status quo and I can assure, they won't.

sorry, man, I keep forgetting when I talk to you, I'm talking to someone who doesn't have a connection with reality.

You seem to think the GOP isn't for government intervention. Of course they are. They are just for intervention in favor of the rich. And that IS a right wing view.
Damn Joe, you keeping digging that hole...when will you ever learn?

Of course the Rs favor the rich, but so do the Ds. If you don't know that, you don't know much.

I know the Rs are for government intervention in the economy, but apparently you don't.

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