Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

My goodness, they've gone ape shit on me.
Why do you do that?
Because you and Joe and Owebo (you just happen to be the worst) remind me of that weird little kid in junior high who would follow me around for no discernible reason. He knew I didn't want him to follow me around, but he would anyway, just staring at me with this weird little smile. I guess my negative attention was better than getting none of my attention at all.

I wonder why you're so desperate for my attention, but I won't ask, because I don't believe a thing you say.

I can't stop you from being that weird little kid from junior high, but I'm not obligated to acknowledge your presence.

That's not what I was asking.

Read on.
Because you and Joe and Owebo (you just happen to be the worst) remind me of that weird little kid in junior high who would follow me around for no discernible reason. He knew I didn't want him to follow me around, but he would anyway, just staring at me with this weird little smile. I guess my negative attention was better than getting none of my attention at all.

That's kind of a dumb analogy... If you don't want posters to follow you around, don't post here.

or maybe try actually making an argument based on facts. That helps, too.

But when someone points out to you that most people voted against Trump and he didn't do any better than whites than Romney did, then you start the whole, "Stop picking on me" nonsense.

I confront you because you are spreading a lie. That decent behavior (which you call PC) is what caused Trump.


What caused Trump is a failed political system that knew at every step he was wrong and did nothing to stop him. The GOP nominating process, the media, the Electoral College. All things designed to prevent this from happening, failed.
But when someone points out to you that most people voted against Trump and he didn't do any better than whites than Romney did, then you start the whole, "Stop picking on me" nonsense.

I confront you because you are spreading a lie. That decent behavior (which you call PC) is what caused Trump.


What caused Trump is a failed political system that knew at every step he was wrong and did nothing to stop him. The GOP nominating process, the media, the Electoral College. All things designed to prevent this from happening, failed.
Well, at least you admit that most people did not vote for the Beast. It must be one of the saner voices in your head.
Well, at least you admit that most people did not vote for the Beast. It must be one of the saner voices in your head.

Most people didn't vote for Trump... but the system failed after the people said "No".
Focus on the voice that told you most people did not vote for Hillary. If you can ignore the myriad of other voices there may be some hope for you yet.
Focus on the voice that told you most people did not vote for Hillary. If you can ignore the myriad of other voices there may be some hope for you yet.

Hillary got more votes than anyone else. In a sane world, that means she won.

In a crazy world where we use a racist relic from 1787 to pick presidents... not so much.

I'd be all for a run-off election, just Trump and Hillary... and then see who gets over 50%.

Are you?
Focus on the voice that told you most people did not vote for Hillary. If you can ignore the myriad of other voices there may be some hope for you yet.

Hillary got more votes than anyone else. In a sane world, that means she won.

In a crazy world where we use a racist relic from 1787 to pick presidents... not so much.

I'd be all for a run-off election, just Trump and Hillary... and then see who gets over 50%.

Are you?
I would ask you if you're bonkers, but that would be a silly question.
Focus on the voice that told you most people did not vote for Hillary. If you can ignore the myriad of other voices there may be some hope for you yet.

Hillary got more votes than anyone else. In a sane world, that means she won.

In a crazy world where we use a racist relic from 1787 to pick presidents... not so much.

I'd be all for a run-off election, just Trump and Hillary... and then see who gets over 50%.

Are you?
How old do you think the "popular vote" is?
How old do you think the "popular vote" is?

What does that have to do with anything.

Look, man, I know you want me to pay attention to you, but you have to come to the table with more than that.

The Founders imagined a world where only property owning white men could vote for President, and they could be overruled by the Electoral College and Congress. And black people only counted for 3/5 of a white person in representation.

Today, we'd consider that all to be silly notions. We allow everyone to vote regardless of their race, gender or wealth. One person, one vote. That's the modern, enlightened standard.

It's crazy to give people in one state more weight than another. It's crazier still to put a person in the White House 54% of Americans didn't want.
The Founders imagined a world where only property owning white men could vote for President, and they could be overruled by the Electoral College and Congress. And black people only counted for 3/5 of a white person in representation.
At the time electing your own leader was indeed radical thought. The Founding Father's had the foresight to conceive that people like you were yet to be born and insured the republican institutions they developed with a college of sane people entrusted with their survival.
Colorado doctor suspended after calling Michelle Obama "monkey face"
Without "pc" this sort of thing would be acceptable. Those who rail against it are supporting it..
It may be rude, but is it justification for being suspended?

Nope. It has nothing to do with the man's job.
Pretty much every contract of employment I have ever signed or handed out has a clause about personal conduct bringing the organisation into disrepute.

This would clearly breach that and so, yes, it is worth looking at the circumstances.
Having an opinion about Moochelle's appearance isn't "bringing the organisation into disrepute." Firing someone for that is classic PC. It's just plain bullshit.

Furthermore, I've signed plenty of employment contracts, and none ever mentioned "conduct bringing the organisation into disrepute."
"P.c." is not new at all. The tendency just didn't have that title before. Social pressure to use certain words to mean certain things, or words not to be used at all, probably began about the time language did.
Colorado doctor suspended after calling Michelle Obama "monkey face"
Without "pc" this sort of thing would be acceptable. Those who rail against it are supporting it..
It may be rude, but is it justification for being suspended?

Nope. It has nothing to do with the man's job.
Pretty much every contract of employment I have ever signed or handed out has a clause about personal conduct bringing the organisation into disrepute.

This would clearly breach that and so, yes, it is worth looking at the circumstances.
Having an opinion about Moochelle's appearance isn't "bringing the organisation into disrepute." Firing someone for that is classic PC. It's just plain bullshit.

Furthermore, I've signed plenty of employment contracts, and none ever mentioned "conduct bringing the organisation into disrepute."
She hasnt been fired.
At first glance it appears that there is a racial motivation behind the remarks.
She is meant to serve all of the community and if she has a problem with minorities that becomes a problem for the organisation.
Not just operationally but also in terms of patient satisfaction and potential complaints.
Underlining all of this is that no organisation wants to be seen as employing racists.
We cant judge the outcome from this distance because we dont really know the full facts. Maybe she is a saint who made a "joke" that was inappropriate ?
Or maybe she is a monster who really believes this crap ?

Either way people would expect the organisation to deal with this.
"P.c." is not new at all. The tendency just didn't have that title before. Social pressure to use certain words to mean certain things, or words not to be used at all, probably began about the time language did.

The use of the as a weapon to silence political dissent and to control the conversation is a much later development and in this specific example of Today, certainly worth discussing as a specific case.
How old do you think the "popular vote" is?

What does that have to do with anything.

Look, man, I know you want me to pay attention to you, but you have to come to the table with more than that.

The Founders imagined a world where only property owning white men could vote for President, and they could be overruled by the Electoral College and Congress. And black people only counted for 3/5 of a white person in representation.

Today, we'd consider that all to be silly notions. We allow everyone to vote regardless of their race, gender or wealth. One person, one vote. That's the modern, enlightened standard.

It's crazy to give people in one state more weight than another. It's crazier still to put a person in the White House 54% of Americans didn't want.
Crazy Cali does not determine the direction of the country...:lmao:
Colorado doctor suspended after calling Michelle Obama "monkey face"
Without "pc" this sort of thing would be acceptable. Those who rail against it are supporting it..
It may be rude, but is it justification for being suspended?

Nope. It has nothing to do with the man's job.
Pretty much every contract of employment I have ever signed or handed out has a clause about personal conduct bringing the organisation into disrepute.

This would clearly breach that and so, yes, it is worth looking at the circumstances.
Having an opinion about Moochelle's appearance isn't "bringing the organisation into disrepute." Firing someone for that is classic PC. It's just plain bullshit.

Furthermore, I've signed plenty of employment contracts, and none ever mentioned "conduct bringing the organisation into disrepute."
She hasnt been fired.
At first glance it appears that there is a racial motivation behind the remarks.
She is meant to serve all of the community and if she has a problem with minorities that becomes a problem for the organisation.
Not just operationally but also in terms of patient satisfaction and potential complaints.
Underlining all of this is that no organisation wants to be seen as employing racists.
We cant judge the outcome from this distance because we dont really know the full facts. Maybe she is a saint who made a "joke" that was inappropriate ?
Or maybe she is a monster who really believes this crap ?

Either way people would expect the organisation to deal with this.
Political correctness has no place in America, it's a tool for spineless cowards to control other people they disagree with. Anyone that thinks there's any purpose for political correctness should live over in Europe where they have no spine. LOL

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