Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

I dont buy that list of bullet points that you have just put up.In my experience "pc" is often bleated by people who get called on their own behaviour when it falls short of acceptable.

But you never allow for the possibility that they might be wrong. At least on what their personal definition of "acceptable" is, anyway.
Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?
I dont think thats the whole picture of the problems with political correctness. Example, telling a woman she would look good on her knees is not a political correctness issue, its a basic human decency and respect issue, same as calling a family of blacks a bunch of N _____s, not really a political issue but more a decency (and not wanting to get your ass whipped) issue.
The problem comes when you cant call Pedro an illegal immigrant, might hurt his feelings, lets flower it up and take the criminal part away and call it, Undocumented worker, (even if he isnt working) or just immigrant (almost like he followed rules to get here) or, New American (my favorite since OweMalley invented that)
Its not correct to identify a bank robber as black, or its not ok to mention that the majority of certain types of crimes are committed by blacks, ( acceptable if its a crime generally affiliated with the white race).
I think political correctness is bullshit and sometimes you just have to call things what they are, If Pedro's feelings get hurt by being called illegal, the remedy is for Pedro to go home, and come back properly, the remedy is not for us to make sure we dont hurt his feelings.

Who said that you cannot call Pedro ( or Gunther, or Soo Young Pak ) an illegal immigrant? Yiu most certainly can. You face no penalty.

What is the message that you are trying to convey when you assert that the majority of certain types of crimes are committed by (sic) blacks? Who is stopping you from saying it?
Just as a friendly reminder for those who have done such a wonderful job of convincing us that PC doesn't exist, here's a nice long list of pieces from and about honest liberals who contradict that theory.

There are many, many examples of PC.

Many of them explain the dishonest and counter-productive nature of PC.

All the examples an honest person could ever need to understand it's about far more than manners.

But we all know you'll ignore it.

Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?
I dont think thats the whole picture of the problems with political correctness. Example, telling a woman she would look good on her knees is not a political correctness issue, its a basic human decency and respect issue, same as calling a family of blacks a bunch of N _____s, not really a political issue but more a decency (and not wanting to get your ass whipped) issue.
The problem comes when you cant call Pedro an illegal immigrant, might hurt his feelings, lets flower it up and take the criminal part away and call it, Undocumented worker, (even if he isnt working) or just immigrant (almost like he followed rules to get here) or, New American (my favorite since OweMalley invented that)
Its not correct to identify a bank robber as black, or its not ok to mention that the majority of certain types of crimes are committed by blacks, ( acceptable if its a crime generally affiliated with the white race).
I think political correctness is bullshit and sometimes you just have to call things what they are, If Pedro's feelings get hurt by being called illegal, the remedy is for Pedro to go home, and come back properly, the remedy is not for us to make sure we dont hurt his feelings.

Who said that you cannot call Pedro ( or Gunther, or Soo Young Pak ) an illegal immigrant? Yiu most certainly can. You face no penalty.

What is the message that you are trying to convey when you assert that the majority of certain types of crimes are committed by (sic) blacks? Who is stopping you from saying it?
nobody is stopping anyone from saying anything, Well, except for private entities but in the case of private, free speech is not a right.
nobody is stopping anyone from saying anything.
They're deploying a tactic I call "isolation".

They're trying to isolate a broad and complex issue down to the smallest possible degree in an effort to minimize its importance.

They are purposely avoiding the much larger issues of PC and Identity Politics - how it divides people into groups and what that causes, how it punishes and intimidates, how it enables destructive behaviors, how hypocritical it is, how it even kills.

At some level they know they have gone too far and that reaction to it has cost them the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court and state houses. They have placed themselves in abject denial over what they have done. I guess that's human nature.
I th
Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?
I dont think thats the whole picture of the problems with political correctness. Example, telling a woman she would look good on her knees is not a political correctness issue, its a basic human decency and respect issue, same as calling a family of blacks a bunch of N _____s, not really a political issue but more a decency (and not wanting to get your ass whipped) issue.
The problem comes when you cant call Pedro an illegal immigrant, might hurt his feelings, lets flower it up and take the criminal part away and call it, Undocumented worker, (even if he isnt working) or just immigrant (almost like he followed rules to get here) or, New American (my favorite since OweMalley invented that)
Its not correct to identify a bank robber as black, or its not ok to mention that the majority of certain types of crimes are committed by blacks, ( acceptable if its a crime generally affiliated with the white race).
I think political correctness is bullshit and sometimes you just have to call things what they are, If Pedro's feelings get hurt by being called illegal, the remedy is for Pedro to go home, and come back properly, the remedy is not for us to make sure we dont hurt his feelings.

Who said that you cannot call Pedro ( or Gunther, or Soo Young Pak ) an illegal immigrant? Yiu most certainly can. You face no penalty.

What is the message that you are trying to convey when you assert that the majority of certain types of crimes are committed by (sic) blacks? Who is stopping you from saying it?
nobody is stopping anyone from saying anything, Well, except for private entities but in the case of private, free speech is not a right.

You are correct.
nobody is stopping anyone from saying anything.
They're deploying a tactic I call "isolation".

They're trying to isolate a broad and complex issue down to the smallest possible degree in an effort to minimize its importance.

They are purposely avoiding the much larger issues of PC and Identity Politics - how it divides people into groups and what that causes, how it punishes and intimidates, how it enables destructive behaviors, how hypocritical it is, how it even kills.

At some level they know they have gone too far and that reaction to it has cost them the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court and state houses. They have placed themselves in abject denial over what they have done. I guess that's human nature.

Awesome. The guy who talks of "they" and "them" in every single post he makes is railing about identity politics.

PC kills! You heard it here, folks.
nobody is stopping anyone from saying anything.
They're deploying a tactic I call "isolation".

They're trying to isolate a broad and complex issue down to the smallest possible degree in an effort to minimize its importance.

They are purposely avoiding the much larger issues of PC and Identity Politics - how it divides people into groups and what that causes, how it punishes and intimidates, how it enables destructive behaviors, how hypocritical it is, how it even kills.

At some level they know they have gone too far and that reaction to it has cost them the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court and state houses. They have placed themselves in abject denial over what they have done. I guess that's human nature.

Awesome. The guy who talks of "they" and "them" in every single post he makes is railing about identity politics.

PC kills! You heard it here, folks.

Awesome. The guy who talks of "they" and "them" in every single post he makes is railing about identity politics.

PC kills! You heard it here, folks.

Dude, how about addressing his point? You do talk about "Them", whoever they are, these imaginary PC POlice you think exist. (No doubt in your HR Department) That's identity politics, to be certain.

Reality- this election had nothing to do with the PC Backlash.

Trump didn't do any better than Romney did with white males.

The problem was too many people wasted their votes on third parties. Period.

Awesome. The guy who talks of "they" and "them" in every single post he makes is railing about identity politics.

PC kills! You heard it here, folks.

Dude, how about addressing his point? You do talk about "Them", whoever they are, these imaginary PC POlice you think exist. (No doubt in your HR Department) That's identity politics, to be certain.

Reality- this election had nothing to do with the PC Backlash.

Trump didn't do any better than Romney did with white males.

The problem was too many people wasted their votes on third parties. Period.
Okay, Joe. PC and Identity Politics are both imaginary. Just made up!

And all the liberals I list are just great big fat liars!

Great! You're right!
Oh please. Did you know that California has motor voter? Did you also know they give illegals drivers licenses?

Okay, but you still haven't proven illegals voted.

I mean, you guys have been making this claim since 2000, you'd think you'd have proof by now.

Yes, there are some slight markings between a drivers license of an illegal and a DR of a citizens, but do you really believe that some Democrat poll worker wouldn't overlook that marking? And why do you suppose they started motor voter anyway? Because they wanted to make sure legitimate Americans vote every election?

Well, no. If it works in CA the way it works in IL, they have a list of people who are registered to vote in that precinct. And every precinct has a poll watcher from each party to make sure that the person voting is the person he says he is.

It makes me wonder if you know how voting actually works.
Okay, Joe. PC and Identity Politics are both imaginary. Just made up!

And all the liberals I list are just great big fat liars!

Great! You're right!

I'm always right. I'm sure PC is a "thing". It's just not an important thing. Nobody except for little whiners like you are upset they can't say the N-word and the C-word in the office anymore.

Most people realize that is just decent behavior.
If people wanted universal healthcare they wouldn't have voted in Trump. If people wanted universal healthcare, the Congress and Senate would be Democrat led today.

They didnt' vote for Trump. 53% of people voted against Trump.

Guy, you didn't win over the voters. You gamed the system. Now, nothing wrong with that. We have this awful system that we haven't fixed.

But don't pretend you won the argument... because you didn't.
Okay, Joe. PC and Identity Politics are both imaginary. Just made up!

And all the liberals I list are just great big fat liars!

Great! You're right!

I'm always right. I'm sure PC is a "thing". It's just not an important thing. Nobody except for little whiners like you are upset they can't say the N-word and the C-word in the office anymore.

Most people realize that is just decent behavior.
Take it up with the honest liberals I list, including President Obama.

They disagree with you, an angry PC zealot on a message board.

I'm glad we've come to the end of this fascinating and stimulating conversation.
Just as a friendly reminder for those who have done such a wonderful job of convincing us that PC doesn't exist, here's a nice long list of pieces from and about honest liberals who contradict that theory.

There are many, many examples of PC.

Except nobody denied "PC" existed. We just don't think it's that big of a deal.

And it really isn't. Trump didn't do any better than Romney did, in fact, he did a bit worse.

But tomorrow morning, assholes like you who say the C-word and the N-word and the F-word around the office and demean your co-workers who happen to be different will STILL get called down to HR for that 'little talk' about not being an asshole.

And frankly, that's how it should be.
Just as a friendly reminder for those who have done such a wonderful job of convincing us that PC doesn't exist, here's a nice long list of pieces from and about honest liberals who contradict that theory.

There are many, many examples of PC.

Except nobody denied "PC" existed. We just don't think it's that big of a deal.

And it really isn't. Trump didn't do any better than Romney did, in fact, he did a bit worse.

But tomorrow morning, assholes like you who say the C-word and the N-word and the F-word around the office and demean your co-workers who happen to be different will STILL get called down to HR for that 'little talk' about not being an asshole.

And frankly, that's how it should be.
Yes Joe, I realize you've convinced yourself that PC/Identity Politics boils down to telling dirty jokes at work.

You've got me, that's it. My list of honest liberals were just kidding when they said it was about other stuff.

Thank goodness I have you here to keep things straight.
Take it up with the honest liberals I list, including President Obama.

They disagree with you, an angry PC zealot on a message board.

I'm glad we've come to the end of this fascinating and stimulating conversation.

Guy, taking what the President said out of context and throwing in a bunch of washed up comedians whose jokes aren't funny anymore isn't an argument.

It's a long whine. You've been whining ever since HR called you down for the talk.

Beause you didn't used to be like this.

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