Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

The PC
Take it up with the honest liberals I list, including President Obama.

They disagree with you, an angry PC zealot on a message board.

I'm glad we've come to the end of this fascinating and stimulating conversation.

Guy, taking what the President said out of context and throwing in a bunch of washed up comedians whose jokes aren't funny anymore isn't an argument.

It's a long whine. You've been whining ever since HR called you down for the talk.

Beause you didn't used to be like this.
Enjoy those Supreme Court hearings, Joe.
Yes Joe, I realize you've convinced yourself that PC/Identity Politics boils down to telling dirty jokes at work.

You've got me, that's it. My list of honest liberals were just kidding when they said it was about other stuff.

Thank goodness I have you here to keep things straight.

Yes, bitch-slapping your whining is always a fun job.

Take it up with the honest liberals I list, including President Obama.

They disagree with you, an angry PC zealot on a message board.

I'm glad we've come to the end of this fascinating and stimulating conversation.

Guy, taking what the President said out of context and throwing in a bunch of washed up comedians whose jokes aren't funny anymore isn't an argument.

It's a long whine. You've been whining ever since HR called you down for the talk.

Beause you didn't used to be like this.

Did you notice that too?
Enjoy those Supreme Court hearings, Joe.

Which will have nothing to do with PC. You premise- that you avoid defending- is that white males got tired of being villified by PC and did a "whitelash"...

One more time, guy.

Romney got 59% of the White vote. Trump got 58% of the white vote.

If you are right, that a bunch of white people said, "I've had alls I can stands, I can't stands no more" then he'd have done a lot better with white people.

A much better explanation- we had two awful candidates and a lot of people pissed away their votes on third parties because they were told Hillary had this in the bag.

Now, when that Supreme Court hearing happens and we will see some knuckle dragger telling us torture is cool and women's lady parts are property of the state, I'm sure a lot of these people who voted for Stein and Johnson will say, "My God, what have we done!"

But it will have nothing to do with PC. You still won't be able to tell dirty jokes in the office.
Enjoy those Supreme Court hearings, Joe.

Which will have nothing to do with PC. You premise- that you avoid defending- is that white males got tired of being villified by PC and did a "whitelash"...

One more time, guy.

Romney got 59% of the White vote. Trump got 58% of the white vote.

If you are right, that a bunch of white people said, "I've had alls I can stands, I can't stands no more" then he'd have done a lot better with white people.

A much better explanation- we had two awful candidates and a lot of people pissed away their votes on third parties because they were told Hillary had this in the bag.

Now, when that Supreme Court hearing happens and we will see some knuckle dragger telling us torture is cool and women's lady parts are property of the state, I'm sure a lot of these people who voted for Stein and Johnson will say, "My God, what have we done!"

But it will have nothing to do with PC. You still won't be able to tell dirty jokes in the office.
Good gawd, you people just keep humping my leg.

I realize how significant my posts are here, but it's really only a message board.

Believe whatever you want, Joe, cripes. Calm down.
Did you notice that too?

Yeah, back in 2012, he was a reasonably sensible liberal. Then he went all batshit over this PC shit... and he sounds like Silhouette when talking about gays or 2AGuy talking about guns. A nutty, one issue poster who thinks the whole world revolved around his issue.
Good gawd, you people just keep humping my leg.

I realize how significant my posts are here, but it's really only a message board.

Believe whatever you want, Joe, cripes. Calm down.

So you aren't going to address the point that you can't back up your premise with numbers.

How can there be a PC backlash if LESS Whites voted for Trump? It was a very simple question you are avoiding.
Good gawd, you people just keep humping my leg.

I realize how significant my posts are here, but it's really only a message board.

Believe whatever you want, Joe, cripes. Calm down.

So you aren't going to address the point that you can't back up your premise with numbers.

How can there be a PC backlash if LESS Whites voted for Trump? It was a very simple question you are avoiding.
Just say I said something and run with it. That's what you do anyway.

Then claim victory and you can get on with your miserable life.
Please.... Mac1958 .... Answer part 2.

I'll remind you.

We have established that the US economy has, in fact, improved since 2009. No cares about why or who gets credit. Just a point of fact.

Part 2. Were many ( millions of ) American voters convinced that the economy has become worse since 2009?
Just say I said something and run with it. That's what you do anyway.

Then claim victory and you can get on with your miserable life.

No, you claim this election was about "Political correctness". But where are the numbers to back that up? Not in the exit polling, that showed most voters cared about the economy and security.

Not in the voting patterns, that showed that Trump fared less well than Romney did in actual votes. (He did about the same with every major demographic than the very PC Mormon Robot).

The thing is, if you make a claim, you should be able to back it up.

That's how the process works.
My goodness, they've gone ape shit on me.

Why do you do that?

Because he's a weak arguer. He thinks posting the same list of articles where washed up comedians whine about not being able to tell jokes is evidence.

That's not what I was referring to.

I was asking why he feels the need to build himself up several times per thread.

"I've really touched a nerve"
"They wub me"
"My goodness! I've got them going today!"
Please.... Mac1958 .... Answer part 2.

I'll remind you.

We have established that the US economy has, in fact, improved since 2009. No cares about why or who gets credit. Just a point of fact.

Part 2. Were many ( millions of ) American voters convinced that the economy has become worse since 2009?

I'll answer this because Mac won't.

I think the problem is for a lot of voters, the economy hasn't gotten better fast enough.

Looking at my own situation, in 2008, I took a 25% reduction in salary, had a busted 401K and an underwater mortgage, and most of those years were kind of a struggle. I still drive around in a beat-to-shit 2001 Ford because I don't want to waste money on a new car.

I'm in a better place now than I was in 2009, but I wasn't until last year, and there were points I had to work three jobs to make ends meet.

Wall Street did very well, but average working folks, not so much.

ANd frankly, where I will fault Hillary was that she really didn't address these concerns.

Now, I think part of this is that a lot of the industries that suffered are ones liberals really don't want back. But the people who pine for them do, and that's why i think Trump did well in that Rust Belt corridor in PA, OH, MI and WI.

Also, Hillary assumed she had three of those states in the bag and didn't safeguard them from voter suppression and other shenannigans. Shame on her.

Here's a secret. I agree with Trump on trade and industry. If he just talked about those things without all the racism and misogyny, this would have been a much tougher decision for me.

But I'm too politically correct, i guess.
That's not what I was referring to.

I was asking why he feels the need to build himself up several times per thread.

"I've really touched a nerve"
"They wub me"
"My goodness! I've got them going today!"

my point still stands. I think when someone confronts him, he makes it about him to avoid arguing the point.
My goodness, they've gone ape shit on me.
Why do you do that?
Because you and Joe and Owebo (you just happen to be the worst) remind me of that weird little kid in junior high who would follow me around for no discernible reason. He knew I didn't want him to follow me around, but he would anyway, just staring at me with this weird little smile. I guess my negative attention was better than getting none of my attention at all.

I wonder why you're so desperate for my attention, but I won't ask, because I don't believe a thing you say.

I can't stop you from being that weird little kid from junior high, but I'm not obligated to acknowledge your presence.
Please.... Mac1958 .... Answer part 2.

I'll remind you.

We have established that the US economy has, in fact, improved since 2009. No cares about why or who gets credit. Just a point of fact.

Part 2. Were many ( millions of ) American voters convinced that the economy has become worse since 2009?

I'll answer this because Mac won't.

I think the problem is for a lot of voters, the economy hasn't gotten better fast enough.

Looking at my own situation, in 2008, I took a 25% reduction in salary, had a busted 401K and an underwater mortgage, and most of those years were kind of a struggle. I still drive around in a beat-to-shit 2001 Ford because I don't want to waste money on a new car.

I'm in a better place now than I was in 2009, but I wasn't until last year, and there were points I had to work three jobs to make ends meet.

Wall Street did very well, but average working folks, not so much.

ANd frankly, where I will fault Hillary was that she really didn't address these concerns.

Now, I think part of this is that a lot of the industries that suffered are ones liberals really don't want back. But the people who pine for them do, and that's why i think Trump did well in that Rust Belt corridor in PA, OH, MI and WI.

Also, Hillary assumed she had three of those states in the bag and didn't safeguard them from voter suppression and other shenannigans. Shame on her.

Here's a secret. I agree with Trump on trade and industry. If he just talked about those things without all the racism and misogyny, this would have been a much tougher decision for me.

But I'm too politically correct, i guess.

You didn't answer the question though.

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