Political correctness...

"South Dakota could become the first state with legislation requiring students, even those identifying as transgender, to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender at birth."

The stupidity of most on the right is truly remarkable – conservatives' unwarranted fear and hostility toward diversity and dissent is as moronic as it is ridiculous; a waste of time on a non-issue.
Clay, do you EVER construct an argument, or just state biased conclusions like that?
Finally....common sense

Common sense ?

Are you going to require everyone to carry around their birth certificates ? How else do you know " gender at birth ".

Are you sticking up for mental whack jobs? No parent wants these freaks in a restroom with their child.

I bet the kids don't give a shit . The girls love the gay guys .

Ours don't, they find them repulsive. They have no business in a public restroom with girls, none
"South Dakota could become the first state with legislation requiring students, even those identifying as transgender, to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender at birth."

The stupidity of most on the right is truly remarkable – conservatives' unwarranted fear and hostility toward diversity and dissent is as moronic as it is ridiculous; a waste of time on a non-issue.
Clay, do you EVER construct an argument, or just state biased conclusions like that?

He won't respond, waste of time answering the loon
Finally....common sense

Common sense ?

Are you going to require everyone to carry around their birth certificates ? How else do you know " gender at birth ".

Are you sticking up for mental whack jobs? No parent wants these freaks in a restroom with their child.

I bet the kids don't give a shit . The girls love the gay guys .

Ours don't, they find them repulsive. They have no business in a public restroom with girls, none

Apple doesn't fall far.

What does this accomplish ? Other than getting some poor gay kid beat up .
"South Dakota could become the first state with legislation requiring students, even those identifying as transgender, to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender at birth."

The stupidity of most on the right is truly remarkable – conservatives' unwarranted fear and hostility toward diversity and dissent is as moronic as it is ridiculous; a waste of time on a non-issue.

I think people are just getting sick of whining liberals. People should earn respect for their actions and deeds not just whine and expect it.
Finally....common sense

Common sense ?

Are you going to require everyone to carry around their birth certificates ? How else do you know " gender at birth ".

Are you sticking up for mental whack jobs? No parent wants these freaks in a restroom with their child.

I bet the kids don't give a shit . The girls love the gay guys .

Ours don't, they find them repulsive. They have no business in a public restroom with girls, none

Apple doesn't fall far.

What does this accomplish ? Other than getting some poor gay kid beat up .

If the gay kid has a winky he needs to go to the restroom where all the kids have a winky. Little girls don't want to see his winky and little girl's parents don't want them to either
Finally....common sense

Common sense ?

Are you going to require everyone to carry around their birth certificates ? How else do you know " gender at birth ".

Are you sticking up for mental whack jobs? No parent wants these freaks in a restroom with their child.

I bet the kids don't give a shit . The girls love the gay guys .

Ours don't, they find them repulsive. They have no business in a public restroom with girls, none

Apple doesn't fall far.

What does this accomplish ? Other than getting some poor gay kid beat up .
Interesting that you bring that up....

Just how often do little girls beat you up????
Liberals should have signs on their houses offering a transgender bathroom
Finally....common sense

Common sense ?

Are you going to require everyone to carry around their birth certificates ? How else do you know " gender at birth ".

Are you sticking up for mental whack jobs? No parent wants these freaks in a restroom with their child.
Are you talking shit about slick willy again??

Clinton Ex Says Bill Cross Dressed, Then Drops Bombshell Bill Revealed About Hillary

Don't get me wrong, I basically agree......but that story in the link seems 'National Enquirer' level. Just sayin
Common sense ?

Are you going to require everyone to carry around their birth certificates ? How else do you know " gender at birth ".

Are you sticking up for mental whack jobs? No parent wants these freaks in a restroom with their child.

I bet the kids don't give a shit . The girls love the gay guys .

Ours don't, they find them repulsive. They have no business in a public restroom with girls, none

Apple doesn't fall far.

What does this accomplish ? Other than getting some poor gay kid beat up .
Interesting that you bring that up....

Just how often do little girls beat you up????

Depends on how much they charge !
"South Dakota could become the first state with legislation requiring students, even those identifying as transgender, to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender at birth."

The stupidity of most on the right is truly remarkable – conservatives' unwarranted fear and hostility toward diversity and dissent is as moronic as it is ridiculous; a waste of time on a non-issue.

Yo Clayton, you ever walked in a restroom one of our daughters is in and you're going to have a problem. Bank it

The kids who were born with female gender characteristics but who later consider themselves boys are going to be required to go to the bathroom with your daughters.
The nation has to be fucked up when this is necessary...

Transgender bill: South Dakota moves to enact first-in-nation law

Good Lord!
What is wrong with UNISEX RESTROOMS
other schools and businesses have figured out this solution

Why keep pushing this issue at all
and making bigger and bigger problems on both sides?

Let each person keep their own beliefs about it to themselves.
Either use the traditional bathroom or use the Unisex facilities,
or use whatever if the people at that school or community agree
because they know each other.

When people of religious diversity know each other personally, they
don't make a big deal who does what as a Muslim Hindu Buddhist Christian etc. Each has their own thing, so what.

The problem is trying to "IMPOSE A BLANKET RULE"
for all people, and then fighting over what that rule should be.

Do people all have to pray the same way in order to have equal prayer?
No, you do whatever you want in private and don't try to dictate that.

Why can't restroom issues be settled in private, and set up UNISEX stalls if people can't agree, and DON'T judge people if they don't agree but they have different beliefs. WHY JUDGE people for their beliefs?

The issues of orientation and gender personality (that is different from genetic) are FAITH BASED, so this cannot be regulated by govt.

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