Political coverage by our liberal MSM.


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
This afternoon I tuned into NBC News to see the circus coverage.

I have to say, the “reporting” or opinion commentary from Chuck Todd is simply appalling. He never changes. He is 100% liberal Democrat spokesman partisan hack all the time.

I switched over to ABC. Their partisanship is slightly less overt. But it still shines through.
And the use of a dope like former Senator Heidi Heitkamp as a commentator is horrendous. Shame on ABC News.
This afternoon I tuned into NBC News to see the circus coverage.

I have to say, the “reporting” or opinion commentary from Chuck Todd is simply appalling. He never changes. He is 100% liberal Democrat spokesman partisan hack all the time.

I switched over to ABC. Their partisanship is slightly less overt. But it still shines through.
I too saw the arraignment coverage on NBC, albeit with the sound muted. That's the only way that I can watch political stuff. It all seemed pretty simple and unexciting. The lack of violence doesn't sit well with my movie violence upbringing.
This afternoon I tuned into NBC News to see the circus coverage.

I have to say, the “reporting” or opinion commentary from Chuck Todd is simply appalling. He never changes. He is 100% liberal Democrat spokesman partisan hack all the time.

I switched over to ABC. Their partisanship is slightly less overt. But it still shines through.

American Pravda!!

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