Political Independents


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2022
I identify as an Independent as do many of my friends and associates. Both major political parties have failed the American people.

The national debt continues to rise at an alarming rate and the two major parties are to blame. We are now involved in two proxy wars and the nation is more divided than ever.
I read that about 30% of voters refuse to vote for either Biden or Trump, yet both parties insist on running them............again.

Neither candidate has done anything about the spending problems. Hell, Trump ran on securing the border and with a GOP congress for two years did nothing about it.

All we get is a shit show from the Swamp, so don't look to it for answers.

I think the truest words Trump ever spoke was that the system is rigged, that is, it's rigged against the voters.
Trump, everyone must remember was not a republican before he ran.

The only reason Trump became a republican is nobody can win belonging to any of the other parties.

Trump divided or made the division in the republican party wider.

There are many Republicans that understand there are bad people in our party.

Trump is the independent party.
Trump, everyone must remember was not a republican before he ran.

The only reason Trump became a republican is nobody can win belonging to any of the other parties.

Trump divided or made the division in the republican party wider.

There are many Republicans that understand there are bad people in our party.

Trump is the independent party.
People are clueless as to who Trump is

In October 1999, Trump, then best-known as a New York real estate developer and New York celebrity tabloid staple, launched an exploratory committee to run on the Reform Party line, founded by former independent presidential candidate Ross Perot.

“Perhaps most memorable was his feverish five-month assault on Pat Buchanan, the populist favorite who challenged [President George H.W.] Bush in the 1992 primary and was now running for the Reform nomination,” Alberta writes. “Trump called the ‘anti-Semite’ Buchanan a ‘Hitler lover’ who ‘doesn’t like the blacks’ and ‘doesn’t like the gays.’ Before dropping his candidacy in February 2000, Trump warned of Buchanan’s alleged extremism. ‘We must recognize bigotry and prejudice and defeat it wherever it appears.’"

Trump even asked Oprah to be his VP.

Trump is as much of a conservative as he is a racist. No, Trump is just an opportunist who would throw his own mother under the bus if he had to.

The last straw for me was Trump making fun of DeSantis over his abortion legislation saying essentially, he wanted a federal law to basically return to Roe vs. Wade.

I'm not sure who Trump is playing to here because all the abortionists want him dead now. No, he just pissed off his only base. What an idiot.

Trump has no principles and he cares nothing about spending, that much I can assure you.
This forum is dominated by supporters of the Democrat and Republican party. Neither group is willing to admit they are wrong.
Most independents, in fact, are Democrats or Republicans in all but name. They vote for their party as reliably as the party faithful.

Wrong about what?
I'm not sure what voters for Biden or Trump want other than more of the same.
People are clueless as to who Trump is

Trump even asked Oprah to be his VP.

Trump is as much of a conservative as he is a racist. No, Trump is just an opportunist who would throw his own mother under the bus if he had to..
How could Oprah have a long, personal, friendship with a racist? Oprah is extremely smart. And if Trump is a racist how did their long friendship begin?
You (the OP) are stupid.

You register for the party that has the most influence in the general election. If you live in Philadelphia, for example, the Democrat primary determines who will be the next mayor. If you register as a Republican, your vote in both the primary and the general election are wasted.

When I was a child, my parents were Conservatives, although that term hadn't been popularized yet. We lived in Pittsburgh. They both registered as Democrats.

There is a national movement to make Presidential primaries "open." This is also stupid. It creates the real possibility that partisans of the opposite party will use their primary votes to torpedo the chances of the best qualified candidate of the other party.

Consider: If Democrats could vote in the Republican primaries next year, they would use that vote to have Trump named the R candidate, because they believe Trump cannot win the general election. (The Democrat nominee is already cast in stone - literally and figuratively).

Don't be an "independent." It is stupid. Register for the party that has the greatest influence in your city or state. If, like me, you live in a swing state, then register according to your political leanings.
I identify as an Independent as do many of my friends and associates. Both major political parties have failed the American people.

I have considered myself an Independent for decades. However, what is an Independent? Let's take Bernie for example. He is a full blooded Independent. Or, is he? He not only ran for president a few times in the Democratic primaries and caucuses with them, but he is far more left than ordinary Democrats. Most third parties who are not part of the duopoly are almost always more extreme than both Republicans or Democrats. I like to think of myself as being somewhere to the right of center, in between the two extremes but many so called Independents are actually not in the center at all.
You (the OP) are stupid.

You register for the party that has the most influence in the general election. If you live in Philadelphia, for example, the Democrat primary determines who will be the next mayor. If you register as a Republican, your vote in both the primary and the general election are wasted.

When I was a child, my parents were Conservatives, although that term hadn't been popularized yet. We lived in Pittsburgh. They both registered as Democrats.

There is a national movement to make Presidential primaries "open." This is also stupid. It creates the real possibility that partisans of the opposite party will use their primary votes to torpedo the chances of the best qualified candidate of the other party.

Consider: If Democrats could vote in the Republican primaries next year, they would use that vote to have Trump named the R candidate, because they believe Trump cannot win the general election. (The Democrat nominee is already cast in stone - literally and figuratively).

Don't be an "independent." It is stupid. Register for the party that has the greatest influence in your city or state. If, like me, you live in a swing state, then register according to your political leanings.
Calling me stupid does not help your position. Are you happy with the current direction of our country?
I have considered myself an Independent for decades. However, what is an Independent? Let's take Bernie for example. He is a full blooded Independent. Or, is he? He not only ran for president a few times in the Democratic primaries and caucuses with them, but he is far more left than ordinary Democrats. Most third parties who are not part of the duopoly are almost always more extreme than both Republicans or Democrats. I like to think of myself as being somewhere to the right of center, in between the two extremes but many so called Independents are actually not in the center at all.
Bernie Sanders is a Socialist and not a real Independent.
Bernie Sanders is a Socialist and not a real Independent.
Which is the crux of my post. He runs as an Independent. He's officially and independent. He doesn't run on the socialist party and he doesn't run on the Democratic Socialist party. And, when he runs for president he runs on the Democratic ticket and caucuses with Democrats. So, in one sense he is an Independent and in another sense, he is a lying piece of shit.
Which is the crux of my post. He runs as an Independent. He's officially and independent. He doesn't run on the socialist party and he doesn't run on the Democratic Socialist party. And, when he runs for president he runs on the Democratic ticket and caucuses with Democrats. So, in one sense he is an Independent and in another sense, he is a lying piece of shit.
People like Bernie Sanders are disingenious and don't deserve the label of Independent.
I register “decline to state” or something like that?

however unlike the dirtyfilthyphonyBlackMacgater bunchI have common sense.

a. Trump policy 1000X favorable to the Corpse Obiden 1.0 or 2.0 regime. Case closed//
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People are clueless as to who Trump is

In October 1999, Trump, then best-known as a New York real estate developer and New York celebrity tabloid staple, launched an exploratory committee to run on the Reform Party line, founded by former independent presidential candidate Ross Perot.

“Perhaps most memorable was his feverish five-month assault on Pat Buchanan, the populist favorite who challenged [President George H.W.] Bush in the 1992 primary and was now running for the Reform nomination,” Alberta writes. “Trump called the ‘anti-Semite’ Buchanan a ‘Hitler lover’ who ‘doesn’t like the blacks’ and ‘doesn’t like the gays.’ Before dropping his candidacy in February 2000, Trump warned of Buchanan’s alleged extremism. ‘We must recognize bigotry and prejudice and defeat it wherever it appears.’"

Trump even asked Oprah to be his VP.

Trump is as much of a conservative as he is a racist. No, Trump is just an opportunist who would throw his own mother under the bus if he had to.

The last straw for me was Trump making fun of DeSantis over his abortion legislation saying essentially, he wanted a federal law to basically return to Roe vs. Wade.

I'm not sure who Trump is playing to here because all the abortionists want him dead now. No, he just pissed off his only base. What an idiot.

Trump has no principles and he cares nothing about spending, that much I can assure you.

TRUMP's stance on abortion is conservatives have spent the last 40 years supporting making it a states issues, now that they accomplished that they want to move the goal post and keep allowing it to be used as a losing wedge issue.
As for the spending TRUMP doesn't set the budget, the spending bills he signed were passed with vote proof majorities.

What people should have learned by know is how the office of the president is easily controlled. Right now a large majority view TRUMP as the one who stands the greatest chance to fight against the corruption.

If you don't support TRUMP who do you support? And who will they surround themselves with?

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