Political Joking

The President insults everyone--monkey see, monkey do, heh?
This is what happens when our leader leads us straight into the garbage can. Live with it.
No standards any more. We've been dragged into the toilet by wingers on both ends.
The President insults everyone--monkey see, monkey do, heh?
This is what happens when our leader leads us straight into the garbage can. Live with it.

It's become childish on both sides

Our children act more mature
The President insults everyone--monkey see, monkey do, heh?
This is what happens when our leader leads us straight into the garbage can. Live with it.

It's become childish on both sides

Our children act more mature
I agree that guy's "joke" was tasteless and less funny than Bruce T. Laney.
I've seen it coming a long time. Who knows where it will end.
This stuff has been around for awhile, it’s nothing new. I heard plenty from the right when BO was effing things up during his time. So just to offend everyone, I’ve altered the joke a bit-

What’s the difference between a crisis and a catastrophe? A crisis is Trump falls into the Potomac and can’t swim....a catastrophe is Obama falls into the Potomac and can swim.
The President insults everyone--monkey see, monkey do, heh?
This is what happens when our leader leads us straight into the garbage can. Live with it.
The president does not insult everyone, only liberal scum that lie about him.
The President insults everyone--monkey see, monkey do, heh?
This is what happens when our leader leads us straight into the garbage can. Live with it.
Oh, never fear, I am living with it. Deal with it.
This stuff has been around for awhile, it’s nothing new. I heard plenty from the right when BO was effing things up during his time. So just to offend everyone, I’ve altered the joke a bit-

What’s the difference between a crisis and a catastrophe? A crisis is Trump falls into the Potomac and can’t swim....a catastrophe is Obama falls into the Potomac and can swim.
No! That’s a win! :)
by a democrat asshole al c hasting. How low can he go?

Dem Rep. Hastings gets big laughs for joking about Trump drowning in Potomac

Do you know the difference between a crisis and a catastrophe? … A crisis is if Donald Trump falls into the Potomac River and can’t swim … a catastrophe is anybody saves his a--.”

Funny Story. When visiting Harper's Ferry use caution when wading out into the confluence of the Potomac and the Shenandoah Rivers. Used to be quite the undertow there. But seriously, how can Hastings also call our President a "sentient pile of excrement" and not expect him to float just fine in said river? Logical fallacies a popping.
The President insults everyone--monkey see, monkey do, heh?
This is what happens when our leader leads us straight into the garbage can. Live with it.
The president does not insult everyone, only liberal scum that lie about him.
They're not lying.
Them and they and you are. Constantly. But in your case and many others, perhaps you are not lying. Perhaps like in the article I read and posted here today, You are simply conditioned by the corrupt media and too simple minded to see what they do, and just want to believe it all.

"Worse, they are trained to react in a Pavlovian manner to stimuli directed solely to their overdeveloped emotions, such that all change is now sought to be effected through an endless series of increasingly ludicrous hoaxes they are too stupid and ignorant to detect and thus reject."

~shrug~ pretty mild in comparison to comedian's holding up severed heads of the president and saying things like "God bless abortion" frankly.

The left is just confused because the media makes it look like Trump supporters are all about violent humor. The politicians try to jump in on that "like factor" - problem is it was bullshit made up by the media about Trump so it ends up falling pretty flat.
How low can he go?
I don't remember who said it, but what has been put out there about Barron is about as bad as it gets in my opinion.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Someone put out there that he should be child molested.

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