Political Parenting: When Political Correctness meets Parenting


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
When are children allowed to be children? Only if it's politically correct to do so. Given the paranoia over guns exhibited by some, they would go as far as to influence a child's choice for show and tell in the classroom. Something as innocuous as an action figure with a yellow plastic gun accessory. Some parents go as far as telling their children that playing with toy guns is wrong. It is encouraging a disjointed culture of political correctness in the family, and in our next generation.

One parent though, slams this methodology of political correctness. Her name is Stephanie Metz. She is the mother of two sons who lives in South Dakota. This is a blog post explaining how political correctness has reached it's tentacles too far into the inner workings of a family.

Wait, what did she say? Yeah, you read that right.
This blog post is a bit of a rant and it's a bit all over the place. My kids are NOT the center of my world, and that's quite simply because they aren't the center of any world, anywhere.

If you're feeling adventurous today, feel free to read on. I'll forewarn you though, this post contains subject matter about which I feel very strongly. As are most emotionally heated issues - I suppose it's controversial. But hey, I feel how I feel and that's not going to be changed.

The emotions that sparked this blog post were given a little bit of a supercharge last evening. Hendrix was picking out what he wanted to take to school for Show & Tell. He chose a little Imaginext action figure - one that he's had for about two years now. With the action figure comes a little yellow object. For the two years that he's had this toy, that yellow object has always been a drill to him. He gathered the action figure, the mask that goes with him, and the yellow drill and proudly told me he'd chosen that for Show & Tell. Then, you could see him thinking. And he promptly changed his mind and said to me, "You know what, I better not take this. My teacher will probably think it's a gun, and then I'll get in trouble," put the action figure back, and chose something else.

I often think about the world my boys will grow up in. I often get angry when I think about it. This particular situation just furthered those emotions for me.

In completely selfish terms, bringing my boys into this world was such a great decision - for me. They bring me so much joy, they fill my heart, they make me happy. But I often question whether or not it was the right decision for them. My boys are typical little boys. They love to play guns. They love to play good guy versus bad guy. They love to wrestle and be rowdy. That's the nature of little boys, as it has been since the beginning of time.

How long will it be before their typical boy-ish behavior gets them suspended from school? How long before they get suspended from daycare??? How long will it be before one of them gets upset with a friend, tells that friend to go away and leave them alone, and subsequently gets labeled as a bully?

The Metz Family: Why My Kids Are NOT the Center of My World
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So, given this culture of political correctness, how far is too far? Must parents guide their children based purely off of political correctness alone? Or should parents be allowed the right to guide their children in a way not influenced by political correctness?
I agree it has gone too far but then again you have morons like this lady that ruin it for every one else.


Mother Who Dressed Her Son In KKK Halloween Costume: It?s A ?Family Tradition?
I raise my son based on my principles. I tell him school rules are school rules and my rules are my rules. Respect, courtesy and fun are the order of the day and PC is one gigantic load.

Still pisses me off that I cannot sing Jingle Bell Rock when I perform the Winter celebration....used to be called Christmas party....what bullshit!
Remember when parents hitting their kids to discipline them was okay? What happened to that?

One day a few years ago I was in a bookstore and my son had a moment. I smacked him on the butt, more to get attention than anything else. Everyone in the store stopped and I went about my business...as we were leaving a woman followed me and started screaming that I was beating my child, then a man started to approach me. I was trying to put my son in his car seat and when I did I closed the door and got my New York voice going telling these creeps to get away and call the cops if they have a problem...:doubt:

I miss NYC...:(
I remember getting a dope slap upside my brain stem in public when I was a kid if I got out of line. Kids these days run around like rabid monkeys doing whatever the hell they want because their parents can't discipline them anymore. I got the belt when I was real bad, it instilled what was right and wrong. Yelling at kids and putting them in a corner only does so much. Kids these days need to get a good beating or two to let them know "don't do it again or else this will happen". Just my uneducated opinion
Remember when parents hitting their kids to discipline them was okay? What happened to that?

One day a few years ago I was in a bookstore and my son had a moment. I smacked him on the butt, more to get attention than anything else. Everyone in the store stopped and I went about my business...as we were leaving a woman followed me and started screaming that I was beating my child, then a man started to approach me. I was trying to put my son in his car seat and when I did I closed the door and got my New York voice going telling these creeps to get away and call the cops if they have a problem...:doubt:

I miss NYC...:(

Honestly...I might have drawn and cocked on you!
Remember when parents hitting their kids to discipline them was okay? What happened to that?
Only those who don't know when enough is enough can answer that.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. To me, taking away their privileges is the better thing to do anyways because that type of punishment can go on for however long you think is appropriate, a day, a week, a month, a year, etc. That is pretty much how jail is anyways. When you are there, you kiss most of your privileges good bye. A whipping only lasts for a few seconds.

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