Political Parties are Not Government!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
What a great statement.

The Republican (or Democrat or any other) Party is not government. The Republican Party is a private corporate club. They are not required to be “open minded.” As a matter of fact, the entire purpose of a private corporate club is that they CAN discriminate based upon their platform.

Far too many Americans seem to forget this. And so do many politicians. But then, the article gives us the following that is truly HUGE →

Here is another “right” question that is HUGE. We are FIFTEEN months away from the elections in November 2016. Did you know that there are 463 seats in Congress up for election in November? Did you know that there are over 20,000 seats up for election on the State and local level? Why are we then absolutely and completely consumed, in conversation and media, with one single office and two potential people?

Read more @ The Shocking Truth About Political Parties

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