Political posturing before NFL games may come with penalties this year.

Under Trump in 2017, the number of veterans experiencing homelessness increased for the first time since 2009. Homelessness among veterans dropped 45 percent since 2009. The drastic increase during the past year was almost entirely accounted for by increases among unsheltered veterans in major cities. There were 12 percent more individuals with chronic patterns of homelessness in 2017 than in 2016, after it declined by 40 percent since 2007. Unlike other increases in the last year, the increase in chronic homelessness included both sheltered populations (8% increase) and unsheltered populations (14% increase).

Trump voters think he loves vets because he makes black NFL players salute the flag. Who cares if Trump trashed their VA healthcare & made 14% more of them homeless, because at least he ain't Obama or Clinton. "Oorah!!!"
A 15 yard penalty before the kickoff? The owners don't have the balls to take the player off the lineup for the game but they might if public outrage becomes strong enough.

"Public outrage"....:lol: The public that gets a beer and is on their phone during the Anthem? Sure.
Feel free to essplain to the class what the fuck a national anthem has to do with an NFL game.

Or for that matter an MLB, NBA, NHL etc etc etc game.


I just explained it..... The Fans. Comprende’ ?

Nope. In fact that doesn't touch the question at all.

To be fair, I knew when I posed that question that it has no valid answer. That's supposed to be a clue.

You can continue arguing why / how the National Anthem has nothing to do with the game but if the majority of the fans supporting the game says it has something or everything to do with the game, then the singing of the National Anthem has something to do with the game. Customers and the Market teaches you everything you need to know.

And if we asked those fans you claim to speak for without their authorization, they would say --- what?

You can squirm around trying to avoid this question all you want. It still won't have an answer.

I’m not squirming. In the NFL, it’s all about money today and moving forward. If the NFL felt that the majority of the paying fans did not think it was part of the game, the Anthem would go away. But, too much, or, a majority, believes the Anthem is part of the game. The National Anthem is part of the game.
If it's part of the game, why isn't it shown on TV (unless it's sung by someone famous)?
The number of cops who MURDER innocent "Blacks" could be counted on the fingers of one hand in any given year. EVERY SINGLE CASE of a cop shooting a "minority" is thoroughly investigated by a police action review board, the local district attorney, and the cognizant U.S. Attorney. Every case. So there are no police "murders" that fall between the cracks. Every one is publicized, nationally.

And the number of police murders of "Blacks" is dwarfed by the number of innocent cops who are murdered by "Black" criminals every year.

And yet, the number of "Blacks" who are murdered by OTHER BLACKS numbers in the THOUSANDS, EVERY YEAR.

And these NFL players claim to be "worried" and "troubled" by the phenomenon of cops murdering innocent "Blacks."

Are they idiots? Are they mis-informed? Are the tools?

There are no good options here.
NFL considers 15-yard penalty for anthem kneeling

I've said it repeatedly. Keep your politics to yourself on the job. What would happen to you if everyday before work you gave a political speech?

Yeah, knock it off.
biggest reason i watched so little football last year. i go to those things to get away from crap like that.
Movies, sports, video games, music....

I have a better chance avoiding politics at a city council meeting now.
It has nothing to do with it.

Precisely. Gold star for you.

Now take that where it goes ---- given that it's got zero to do with the game........ what the fuck is it doing there?

But football's a business and the players are harming their own businesses.

Are they.

Oh don't stop there. Explain how.


The ones who kneel should get fired.

--- on the basis of........?

And what should happen to those teams that cave in to the Pentagon-pimped fake patriotism charades --- those who injected politics into the game in the first place? What do you think, boycott? Or maybe the NFL should return that taxpayer money to the government?

Oh wait -- they already did that.

Well, you specifically used the term "game of football" to imply the game played on the field. Then you moved the goalposts and said aha, therefore it has nothing to do with the NFL as a business.

One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. I instructed my staff to greet everyone as they came through the door.

What you're arguing is that you could refuse to do that because we are a restaurant and it has nothing to do with the food.

True, it doesn't. But you're fired, Pogo.

This is simple, clear and directly analogous. Be honest, you didn't grasp it, did you? You really are that, let's go with slow ...

Nope. I did NOT say anything about "NFL as a business" at all. You can't just plug in what you wish I had said and then run with it.

I said, what's it got to do with the game of football. And the game of football is what the players, the fans, the officials, the stadium vendors --- in other words EVERYBODY -- is there for.

Who the fuck goes to a football stadium to watch a Jingo commercial?

It has nothing to do with it.

Precisely. Gold star for you.

Now take that where it goes ---- given that it's got zero to do with the game........ what the fuck is it doing there?

But football's a business and the players are harming their own businesses.

Are they.

Oh don't stop there. Explain how.


The ones who kneel should get fired.

--- on the basis of........?

And what should happen to those teams that cave in to the Pentagon-pimped fake patriotism charades --- those who injected politics into the game in the first place? What do you think, boycott? Or maybe the NFL should return that taxpayer money to the government?

Oh wait -- they already did that.

Well, you specifically used the term "game of football" to imply the game played on the field. Then you moved the goalposts and said aha, therefore it has nothing to do with the NFL as a business.

One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. I instructed my staff to greet everyone as they came through the door.

What you're arguing is that you could refuse to do that because we are a restaurant and it has nothing to do with the food.

True, it doesn't. But you're fired, Pogo.

This is simple, clear and directly analogous. Be honest, you didn't grasp it, did you? You really are that, let's go with slow ...

Nope. I did NOT say anything about "NFL as a business" at all. You can't just plug in what you wish I had said and then run with it.

I said, what's it got to do with the game of football. And the game of football is what the players, the fans, the officials, the stadium vendors --- in other words EVERYBODY -- is there for.

Who the fuck goes to a football stadium to watch a Jingo commercial?

So players can piss off customers. It doesn't impact the business. Got it

Players certainly can piss off customers. They can miss a coverage because they weren't paying attention. They can cost their team field position by earning a stupid unnecessary penalty They can, I dunno, throw a tantrum on the field and allow a play to get away. And they should be benched for that or whatever applies, and they usually are.

Those of course are actions that would be part of a football game. You know --- THAT THING THAT EVERYBODY IN THE FUCKING STADIUM CAME THERE FOR.

Dude, I already told you that I totally believe you worked for Fake News. You don't need to prove it again. You're a terrible writer, you're a pompous know it all and you're as logical as a PMSing chick.

This for example is completely inane. What point do you even think you made?
The NFL thought it could manipulate the fans and that their product was in such demand. And then they saw vast droves of fans burning their teams’ swag in backyard fires. The Baltimore Ravens were the ultimate losers.... their whole team kneels for the National Anthem in London and then stand for God Save The Queen. The National Anthem was written within eyesight of their home stadium in Baltimore by a man that was being held prisoner by the Queen’s Navy. They then tried to make things better by trying to sign Colin Kaepernick only to have Kaepernick’s girlfriend refer to Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti as a “slavemaster”....... for trying to be the lone team to sign her man!

Feel free to essplain to the class what the fuck a national anthem has to do with an NFL game.

Or for that matter an MLB, NBA, NHL etc etc etc game.

What does the "N" in NFL stand for?
Precisely. Gold star for you.

Now take that where it goes ---- given that it's got zero to do with the game........ what the fuck is it doing there?

Are they.

Oh don't stop there. Explain how.


--- on the basis of........?

And what should happen to those teams that cave in to the Pentagon-pimped fake patriotism charades --- those who injected politics into the game in the first place? What do you think, boycott? Or maybe the NFL should return that taxpayer money to the government?

Oh wait -- they already did that.

Well, you specifically used the term "game of football" to imply the game played on the field. Then you moved the goalposts and said aha, therefore it has nothing to do with the NFL as a business.

One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. I instructed my staff to greet everyone as they came through the door.

What you're arguing is that you could refuse to do that because we are a restaurant and it has nothing to do with the food.

True, it doesn't. But you're fired, Pogo.

This is simple, clear and directly analogous. Be honest, you didn't grasp it, did you? You really are that, let's go with slow ...

Nope. I did NOT say anything about "NFL as a business" at all. You can't just plug in what you wish I had said and then run with it.

I said, what's it got to do with the game of football. And the game of football is what the players, the fans, the officials, the stadium vendors --- in other words EVERYBODY -- is there for.

Who the fuck goes to a football stadium to watch a Jingo commercial?

Precisely. Gold star for you.

Now take that where it goes ---- given that it's got zero to do with the game........ what the fuck is it doing there?

Are they.

Oh don't stop there. Explain how.


--- on the basis of........?

And what should happen to those teams that cave in to the Pentagon-pimped fake patriotism charades --- those who injected politics into the game in the first place? What do you think, boycott? Or maybe the NFL should return that taxpayer money to the government?

Oh wait -- they already did that.

Well, you specifically used the term "game of football" to imply the game played on the field. Then you moved the goalposts and said aha, therefore it has nothing to do with the NFL as a business.

One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. I instructed my staff to greet everyone as they came through the door.

What you're arguing is that you could refuse to do that because we are a restaurant and it has nothing to do with the food.

True, it doesn't. But you're fired, Pogo.

This is simple, clear and directly analogous. Be honest, you didn't grasp it, did you? You really are that, let's go with slow ...

Nope. I did NOT say anything about "NFL as a business" at all. You can't just plug in what you wish I had said and then run with it.

I said, what's it got to do with the game of football. And the game of football is what the players, the fans, the officials, the stadium vendors --- in other words EVERYBODY -- is there for.

Who the fuck goes to a football stadium to watch a Jingo commercial?

So players can piss off customers. It doesn't impact the business. Got it

Players certainly can piss off customers. They can miss a coverage because they weren't paying attention. They can cost their team field position by earning a stupid unnecessary penalty They can, I dunno, throw a tantrum on the field and allow a play to get away. And they should be benched for that or whatever applies, and they usually are.

Those of course are actions that would be part of a football game. You know --- THAT THING THAT EVERYBODY IN THE FUCKING STADIUM CAME THERE FOR.

Dude, I already told you that I totally believe you worked for Fake News. You don't need to prove it again. You're a terrible writer, you're a pompous know it all and you're as logical as a PMSing chick.

This for example is completely inane. What point do you even think you made?

That wasn't me making a point, Foureyes. It was what you thought your point was, getting sacked. For a loss.
Well, you specifically used the term "game of football" to imply the game played on the field. Then you moved the goalposts and said aha, therefore it has nothing to do with the NFL as a business.

One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. I instructed my staff to greet everyone as they came through the door.

What you're arguing is that you could refuse to do that because we are a restaurant and it has nothing to do with the food.

True, it doesn't. But you're fired, Pogo.

This is simple, clear and directly analogous. Be honest, you didn't grasp it, did you? You really are that, let's go with slow ...

Nope. I did NOT say anything about "NFL as a business" at all. You can't just plug in what you wish I had said and then run with it.

I said, what's it got to do with the game of football. And the game of football is what the players, the fans, the officials, the stadium vendors --- in other words EVERYBODY -- is there for.

Who the fuck goes to a football stadium to watch a Jingo commercial?

Well, you specifically used the term "game of football" to imply the game played on the field. Then you moved the goalposts and said aha, therefore it has nothing to do with the NFL as a business.

One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. I instructed my staff to greet everyone as they came through the door.

What you're arguing is that you could refuse to do that because we are a restaurant and it has nothing to do with the food.

True, it doesn't. But you're fired, Pogo.

This is simple, clear and directly analogous. Be honest, you didn't grasp it, did you? You really are that, let's go with slow ...

Nope. I did NOT say anything about "NFL as a business" at all. You can't just plug in what you wish I had said and then run with it.

I said, what's it got to do with the game of football. And the game of football is what the players, the fans, the officials, the stadium vendors --- in other words EVERYBODY -- is there for.

Who the fuck goes to a football stadium to watch a Jingo commercial?

So players can piss off customers. It doesn't impact the business. Got it

Players certainly can piss off customers. They can miss a coverage because they weren't paying attention. They can cost their team field position by earning a stupid unnecessary penalty They can, I dunno, throw a tantrum on the field and allow a play to get away. And they should be benched for that or whatever applies, and they usually are.

Those of course are actions that would be part of a football game. You know --- THAT THING THAT EVERYBODY IN THE FUCKING STADIUM CAME THERE FOR.

Dude, I already told you that I totally believe you worked for Fake News. You don't need to prove it again. You're a terrible writer, you're a pompous know it all and you're as logical as a PMSing chick.

This for example is completely inane. What point do you even think you made?

That wasn't me making a point, Foureyes. It was what you thought your point was, getting sacked. For a loss.

Damn, that's gotta be some good hooch. What about sharing, Hillbilly?

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