Political Predictions 2012...

Well Fully, the primary differance between the GOP and the Dems is that the Dems would see that the policies allowed a small amount of wealth to go to the working and middle class, the GOP works to see that all of it goes to the already very wealthy.

The 2012 election hinges solely on the economy. If it hasn't improved or worsens by next November the Republicans win back the Oval Office. If it improves significantly (which I see no sign of by the way...) then Barack Obama is elected to a second term.

I see zero chance of third party candidate effecting the overall election despite the fervent hopes of so many here for that to happen.

This election is going to boil down to one group...Independents...and which Party can convince the Independent voter that they have a concrete plan going forward to fix unemployment and the economy. There is a political change happening in America that nobody in either the Democratic or Republican parties seem to have taken seriously whilst they squabble back and forth. More and more people have chosen to not declare themselves a Dem or a Repub. Quite frankly they are disgusted with both sides. That demographic is totally up for grabs and I don't think they are going to be won over by vague promises or snappy bumper sticker messages. They're looking for leadership and someone who has the backbone to make the tough decisions that need to be made.
1) Obama loses re-election.
2) The Dow soars to 15000
3) The GOP takes the Senate, keeps the House.
4) The Left claims media bias caused all of this.
1) The GOP will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and Obama will win re-election.
2) The GOP will make gains in the house, Dems maintain the Senate
3) The economy will continue to be where it is
4) Approval will continue to decline for all branches of the government.
Okay, now... try to be reasonable...ah, well, forget that...:lol:

1) The economy will suck...but I do hope for the best

2) High unemployment...I hope I'm wrong

3) Obama/Democrats will lose their grip on power...:party:...eventually ...:dunno:
Yeah....that should qualify as your.....

3 STRIKES!!!!!


Levels of rhetorical absurdity will reach heights not seen in living memory.
Probably, not.

The Teabaggers are (more-often-than-not) openly-MOCKED, presently........naturally.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nokTjEdaUGg]Palin On Foreign Policy - YouTube[/ame]​
Democratic gains in both the House and the Senate. President Obama wins re-election.

Then a real fight in the Democratic Party between those that would do it right, and go completely Universal Health Care, and those that still want a bastard system in which the already wealthy can still bleed off a substancial percentage of the cash flow into their pockets for doing nothing. Sad point here, I have no idea on which side we will find Obama.

So says a communist. :rolleyes:
1. Republicans will nominate Romney with Christie as his running mate.
2. Tea Baggers will throw a tantrum and run their own candidate
3. With a weak but improving economy, Obama will breeze to victory
4. Republicans will pick up four seats and take the Senate
5. Voter anger over the Tea Party and weak GOP turnout for Romney will lead to the Dems taking back the House
1) The Republicans will force Romney down the throats of their own electorate. They will be absolutely shocked when the rank and file still doesn't love him.

2) A large section of Republicans will support a third party.

3) The economy will recover just enough to allow Obama to win.

4) The Republicans will lose about 10 seats in the House, but gain five seats in the Senate.

That's calling things pretty close.
1. Republicans will nominate Romney with Christie as his running mate.
2. Tea Baggers will throw a tantrum and run their own candidate
3. With a weak but improving economy, Obama will breeze to victory
4. Republicans will pick up four seats and take the Senate
5. Voter anger over the Tea Party and weak GOP turnout for Romney will lead to the Dems taking back the House

Because the last time you made predictions you were wrong on every single one of them.
1. Republicans will nominate Romney with Christie as his running mate.
2. Tea Baggers will throw a tantrum and run their own candidate
3. With a weak but improving economy, Obama will breeze to victory
4. Republicans will pick up four seats and take the Senate
5. Voter anger over the Tea Party and weak GOP turnout for Romney will lead to the Dems taking back the House

Because the last time you made predictions you were wrong on every single one of them.

If you go back, my predictions were more accurate than any predictions on that thread.....especially yours

Still sticking with that Perry pick of yours? How is your prediction that Perry would easily defeat Obama working out?
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Democratic gains in both the House and the Senate. President Obama wins re-election.

Then a real fight in the Democratic Party between those that would do it right, and go completely Universal Health Care, and those that still want a bastard system in which the already wealthy can still bleed off a substancial percentage of the cash flow into their pockets for doing nothing. Sad point here, I have no idea on which side we will find Obama.

So says a communist. :rolleyes:

So says a Nazi.
Democratic gains in both the House and the Senate. President Obama wins re-election.

Then a real fight in the Democratic Party between those that would do it right, and go completely Universal Health Care, and those that still want a bastard system in which the already wealthy can still bleed off a substancial percentage of the cash flow into their pockets for doing nothing. Sad point here, I have no idea on which side we will find Obama.

So says a communist. :rolleyes:

So says a Nazi.

Sorry, Rocks but I have a hard time seeing the voters putting the same Democrats they voted out in the 2010 mid-terms because they didn't like their policies, back into office two years later to do the same thing all over again. If the voters had wanted the things you seem to think they "do"...then why the GOP landslide in 2010? I think America STILL wants to see some fiscal discipline.
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1. Obama will be reelected. (Bush was, you know)
2. There will be record storms and snowfall
3. There will be a plague of some sort, a virus or something
4. TM will cease to matter
5. And lastly, it will be proven that del actually DOES know everything.
1. Obama will be reelected. (Bush was, you know)
2. There will be record storms and snowfall
3. There will be a plague of some sort, a virus or something
4. TM will cease to matter
5. And lastly, it will be proven that del actually DOES know everything.

Haha, del is just like Bo, he don't know diddly.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GPxkpjCvWI]Bo, you don't know DIddley! - YouTube[/ame]
Democratic gains in both the House and the Senate. President Obama wins re-election.

Then a real fight in the Democratic Party between those that would do it right, and go completely Universal Health Care, and those that still want a bastard system in which the already wealthy can still bleed off a substancial percentage of the cash flow into their pockets for doing nothing. Sad point here, I have no idea on which side we will find Obama.

I think you are delusional.

First in the Senate, the Democrats have a big problem. They are defending 23 seats, the Republicans are defending only 10. Only two GOP seats are really even in contention- Massachusetts and Nevada. The Democrats have 7 vacancies and two seats where the GOP is likely to pick up the seats- NE and ND. So best case scenario for the Democrats is that they break even. (lose NE and ND, pick up MA and NV, win all the other close ones) Worst case scenario they lose nine seats. (Lose all nine contested elections), My estimate of 5 is a median guess of where they are likely to end up.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Battle for the Senate

For the house, the scenario I see there is worst case, the GOP picks up 10, best case (for dems) is they pick up 10 seats. Lots of redistricting being managed by Republican governors and legislatures, so not a good sign for the Dems on that front.

For your final delusion, if you think we are ever getting Canada style health care, you are delusional. Too many people making money, and happy to spend it.

Why do you think Obama took Single Payer off the table to start with when he had a filibuster proof senate?
1. Obama will be reelected. (Bush was, you know)
2. There will be record storms and snowfall
3. There will be a plague of some sort, a virus or something
4. TM will cease to matter
5. And lastly, it will be proven that del actually DOES know everything.

Bush was elected with an economy that was doing well, with little to no inflation and about 5% unemployment. Obama's record isn't even close.
As to #4, from your keyboard to G-d's ear.

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