Political spectrum?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
We've all seen the neo-Nazi types waving their Nazi flags with Confederate symbols on them and labeled right wing, but what you probably did not realize is, the left did the same type of thing with the Occupy Wall Street protests, yet did not get the same condemnation from the press. It's hard to fathom, I know. In this video we see OCWS types Jew bashing with signs of "Zionist Jew Bankers Go Home"


Why is it that the Neo-Nazi Socialist types seem to own both sides of the political spectrum? Could it be that the political spectrum we were fed our entire lives, with Stalin on one end and Hitler on the other, is nothing more than a fabricated falsehood?
wrong is wrong. but murder takes it to a whole new level don'tcha think?
We've all seen the neo-Nazi types waving their Nazi flags with Confederate symbols on them and labeled right wing, but what you probably did not realize is, the left did the same type of thing with the Occupy Wall Street protests, yet did not get the same condemnation from the press. It's hard to fathom, I know. In this video we see OCWS types Jew bashing with signs of "Zionist Jew Bankers Go Home"


Why is it that the Neo-Nazi Socialist types seem to own both sides of the political spectrum? Could it be that the political spectrum we were fed our entire lives, with Stalin on one end and Hitler on the other, is nothing more than a fabricated falsehood?

it's about getting attention... for what i have no idea. this may ignore the war against squeaky wheels. some of the posters here are fabricated falsehoods. i want to hear the very origin of antifa, when and how they choose the kkk as their wrecking ball.
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We've all seen the neo-Nazi types waving their Nazi flags with Confederate symbols on them and labeled right wing, but what you probably did not realize is, the left did the same type of thing with the Occupy Wall Street protests, yet did not get the same condemnation from the press. It's hard to fathom, I know. In this video we see OCWS types Jew bashing with signs of "Zionist Jew Bankers Go Home"


Why is it that the Neo-Nazi Socialist types seem to own both sides of the political spectrum? Could it be that the political spectrum we were fed our entire lives, with Stalin on one end and Hitler on the other, is nothing more than a fabricated falsehood?

it's about getting attention... for what i have no idea. this may ignore the war against squeaky wheels. some of the posters here are fabricated falsehoods. i want to hear the very origin of antifa, when and how they choose the kkk as their wrecking ball.

I think antifa is just the failed Occupy Wall Street movement. They need another name and a fresh start, kinda like how Dims were first called liberals and then progressives. Once they soil their reputation they need a new ID.
We've all seen the neo-Nazi types waving their Nazi flags with Confederate symbols on them and labeled right wing, but what you probably did not realize is, the left did the same type of thing with the Occupy Wall Street protests, yet did not get the same condemnation from the press. It's hard to fathom, I know. In this video we see OCWS types Jew bashing with signs of "Zionist Jew Bankers Go Home"


Why is it that the Neo-Nazi Socialist types seem to own both sides of the political spectrum? Could it be that the political spectrum we were fed our entire lives, with Stalin on one end and Hitler on the other, is nothing more than a fabricated falsehood?

it's about getting attention... for what i have no idea. this may ignore the war against squeaky wheels. some of the posters here are fabricated falsehoods. i want to hear the very origin of antifa, when and how they choose the kkk as their wrecking ball.

I think antifa is just the failed Occupy Wall Street movement. They need another name and a fresh start, kinda like how Dims were first called liberals and then progressives. Once they soil their reputation they need a new ID.

amen bother. they need to think about a who in the next election and forget the was in the last one. either way conservatives are in the wheelhouse, the press is slain, and the march toward socialism is over.
We've all seen the neo-Nazi types waving their Nazi flags with Confederate symbols on them and labeled right wing, but what you probably did not realize is, the left did the same type of thing with the Occupy Wall Street protests, yet did not get the same condemnation from the press. It's hard to fathom, I know. In this video we see OCWS types Jew bashing with signs of "Zionist Jew Bankers Go Home"


Why is it that the Neo-Nazi Socialist types seem to own both sides of the political spectrum? Could it be that the political spectrum we were fed our entire lives, with Stalin on one end and Hitler on the other, is nothing more than a fabricated falsehood?

it's about getting attention... for what i have no idea. this may ignore the war against squeaky wheels. some of the posters here are fabricated falsehoods. i want to hear the very origin of antifa, when and how they choose the kkk as their wrecking ball.

I think antifa is just the failed Occupy Wall Street movement. They need another name and a fresh start, kinda like how Dims were first called liberals and then progressives. Once they soil their reputation they need a new ID.

amen bother. they need to think about a who in the next election and forget the was in the last one. either way conservatives are in the wheelhouse, the press is slain, and the march toward socialism is over.


You have a US federal government that won't let Trump so much as chew gum and use their every breath to attack him, including the GOP, and socialism is over?

Try again. You have a GOP Congress that voted to repeal Obamacare under Obama knowing he would veto it but refuses to repeal it again because they know Trump will sign it.

The GOP is complicit on the road towards a single payer system and the socialist agenda.

Wake up!
wrong is wrong. but murder takes it to a whole new level don'tcha think?

There were deaths at the OCW rallies as well.

Occupy protests claim 3 deaths in 2 days

Not surprising you did not hear about it, or do you prefer the Bernie Sanders follower who tried to gun down the entire GOP Congress?

didn't know that happened.... but i stand by what i said. now tell me ---in terms of violent & murderous behavior--- how both 'sides' are equal again? both in terms of stats & length of time these 'movements' & protests over the decades have developed into what they are today based on their histories..
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What everyone is unfair to Trump?! Really?! The asshole who insulted and lied his way to the Presidency?!

We Democrats should be just as fair to Trump as the righties were to President Obama. Oh wait, we would have to be even more critical. We would have to make up lies about him.

Oh well, we'll just keep pointing out the truth, The ReTrumplican Party will crash and burn and Trumps Chumps will crawl back under the same slimey rocks that the neo-Nazis and the neo-Confederates hide under.
wrong is wrong. but murder takes it to a whole new level don'tcha think?

There were deaths at the OCW rallies as well.

Occupy protests claim 3 deaths in 2 days

Not surprising you did not hear about it, or do you prefer the Bernie Sanders follower who tried to gun down the entire GOP Congress?

didn't know that happened.... but i stand by what i said. now tell me ---in terms of violent & murderous behavior--- how both 'sides' are equal again? both in terms of stats & length of time these 'movements' & protests over the decades have developed into what they are today based on their histories..

Well apparently there is a PC way to murder people and an un-PC way to murder people.

I also assume you champion the Bernie Sanders follower who tried to murder the entire GOP congress.

Not surprised you did not hear about it, why does it surprise you? Do you really think the media is unbiased?
What everyone is unfair to Trump?! Really?! The asshole who insulted and lied his way to the Presidency?!

We Democrats should be just as fair to Trump as the righties were to President Obama. Oh wait, we would have to be even more critical. We would have to make up lies about him.

Oh well, we'll just keep pointing out the truth, The ReTrumplican Party will crash and burn and Trumps Chumps will crawl back under the same slimey rocks that the neo-Nazis and the neo-Confederates hide under.

With Hillary and company calling the GOP the Taliban and her lying her arse off because of all of her scandals, you do realize where you can stick those allegations, right?

I have no interest in defending Trump, especially since he and Hillary were such good friends. I would just add that you have no concept of how unbiased you are.
We've all seen the neo-Nazi types waving their Nazi flags with Confederate symbols on them and labeled right wing, but what you probably did not realize is, the left did the same type of thing with the Occupy Wall Street protests, yet did not get the same condemnation from the press. It's hard to fathom, I know. In this video we see OCWS types Jew bashing with signs of "Zionist Jew Bankers Go Home"


Why is it that the Neo-Nazi Socialist types seem to own both sides of the political spectrum? Could it be that the political spectrum we were fed our entire lives, with Stalin on one end and Hitler on the other, is nothing more than a fabricated falsehood?

it's about getting attention... for what i have no idea. this may ignore the war against squeaky wheels. some of the posters here are fabricated falsehoods. i want to hear the very origin of antifa, when and how they choose the kkk as their wrecking ball.

I think antifa is just the failed Occupy Wall Street movement. They need another name and a fresh start, kinda like how Dims were first called liberals and then progressives. Once they soil their reputation they need a new ID.

amen bother. they need to think about a who in the next election and forget the was in the last one. either way


You have a US federal government that won't let Trump so much as chew gum and use their every breath to attack him, including the GOP, and socialism is over?

Try again. You have a GOP Congress that voted to repeal Obamacare under Obama knowing he would veto it but refuses to repeal it again because they know Trump will sign it.

The GOP is complicit on the road towards a single payer system and the socialist agenda.

Wake up!

with all due respect: conservatives are in the wheelhouse, the press is slain, and the march toward socialism is over. expect great things.
We've all seen the neo-Nazi types waving their Nazi flags with Confederate symbols on them and labeled right wing, but what you probably did not realize is, the left did the same type of thing with the Occupy Wall Street protests, yet did not get the same condemnation from the press. It's hard to fathom, I know. In this video we see OCWS types Jew bashing with signs of "Zionist Jew Bankers Go Home"


Why is it that the Neo-Nazi Socialist types seem to own both sides of the political spectrum? Could it be that the political spectrum we were fed our entire lives, with Stalin on one end and Hitler on the other, is nothing more than a fabricated falsehood?

it's about getting attention... for what i have no idea. this may ignore the war against squeaky wheels. some of the posters here are fabricated falsehoods. i want to hear the very origin of antifa, when and how they choose the kkk as their wrecking ball.

I think antifa is just the failed Occupy Wall Street movement. They need another name and a fresh start, kinda like how Dims were first called liberals and then progressives. Once they soil their reputation they need a new ID.

amen bother. they need to think about a who in the next election and forget the was in the last one. either way


You have a US federal government that won't let Trump so much as chew gum and use their every breath to attack him, including the GOP, and socialism is over?

Try again. You have a GOP Congress that voted to repeal Obamacare under Obama knowing he would veto it but refuses to repeal it again because they know Trump will sign it.

The GOP is complicit on the road towards a single payer system and the socialist agenda.

Wake up!

with all due respect: conservatives are in the wheelhouse, the press is slain, and the march toward socialism is over. expect great things.

When is the last time the federal government did anything for conservatives?

Hmm? The sun rises the same way every day, so until it stops, I will only expect more of the same.

When you see that I'm right some day, reach out and support your Article V movement. The only answer is to retake back power for the states.
it's about getting attention... for what i have no idea. this may ignore the war against squeaky wheels. some of the posters here are fabricated falsehoods. i want to hear the very origin of antifa, when and how they choose the kkk as their wrecking ball.

I think antifa is just the failed Occupy Wall Street movement. They need another name and a fresh start, kinda like how Dims were first called liberals and then progressives. Once they soil their reputation they need a new ID.
amen bother. they need to think about a who in the next election and forget the was in the last one. either way


You have a US federal government that won't let Trump so much as chew gum and use their every breath to attack him, including the GOP, and socialism is over?

Try again. You have a GOP Congress that voted to repeal Obamacare under Obama knowing he would veto it but refuses to repeal it again because they know Trump will sign it.

The GOP is complicit on the road towards a single payer system and the socialist agenda.

Wake up!
with all due respect: conservatives are in the wheelhouse, the press is slain, and the march toward socialism is over. expect great things.

When is the last time the federal government did anything for conservatives?

Hmm? The sun rises the same way every day, so until it stops, I will only expect more of the same.
in being conservative we don't want the government to do much, especially outlined in the constitution.

provide for the common defense is 90 percent of it. after that it's up to the states.
our wildly diverse and wonderful United States. buy one, get forty nine free.
I think antifa is just the failed Occupy Wall Street movement. They need another name and a fresh start, kinda like how Dims were first called liberals and then progressives. Once they soil their reputation they need a new ID.
amen bother. they need to think about a who in the next election and forget the was in the last one. either way


You have a US federal government that won't let Trump so much as chew gum and use their every breath to attack him, including the GOP, and socialism is over?

Try again. You have a GOP Congress that voted to repeal Obamacare under Obama knowing he would veto it but refuses to repeal it again because they know Trump will sign it.

The GOP is complicit on the road towards a single payer system and the socialist agenda.

Wake up!
with all due respect: conservatives are in the wheelhouse, the press is slain, and the march toward socialism is over. expect great things.

When is the last time the federal government did anything for conservatives?

Hmm? The sun rises the same way every day, so until it stops, I will only expect more of the same.
in being conservative we don't want the government to do much, especially outlined in the constitution.

provide for the common defense is 90 percent of it. after that it's up to the states.
our wildly diverse and wonderful United States. buy one, get forty nine free.

Well it no longer works that way. Now the Federal government controls everything, and if the states don't go along with it they lose their federal funding for which they have become dependent.

Do you really think this will resolve on its own or do we need Constitutional amendments to fix the damage done by Progs amending the Constitution at the beginning of the 20th century and creating a centralized bank?
wrong is wrong. but murder takes it to a whole new level don'tcha think?

There were deaths at the OCW rallies as well.

Occupy protests claim 3 deaths in 2 days

Not surprising you did not hear about it, or do you prefer the Bernie Sanders follower who tried to gun down the entire GOP Congress?

didn't know that happened.... but i stand by what i said. now tell me ---in terms of violent & murderous behavior--- how both 'sides' are equal again? both in terms of stats & length of time these 'movements' & protests over the decades have developed into what they are today based on their histories..

Well apparently there is a PC way to murder people and an un-PC way to murder people.

I also assume you champion the Bernie Sanders follower who tried to murder the entire GOP congress.

Not surprised you did not hear about it, why does it surprise you? Do you really think the media is unbiased?

silly you.... the media, depending on the outlet & 'news' agency isn't biased... you linked a media report about it did you not? & i might have heard or read or saw a report about it, however being so long ago i might not remember it happened. you assume too much willy.... i champion no one that is violent. do you champion the nazi who ran down that protester? i would hope not & i certainly wouldn't assume you did. that says much about *you*.& how you think.
wrong is wrong. but murder takes it to a whole new level don'tcha think?

There were deaths at the OCW rallies as well.

Occupy protests claim 3 deaths in 2 days

Not surprising you did not hear about it, or do you prefer the Bernie Sanders follower who tried to gun down the entire GOP Congress?

didn't know that happened.... but i stand by what i said. now tell me ---in terms of violent & murderous behavior--- how both 'sides' are equal again? both in terms of stats & length of time these 'movements' & protests over the decades have developed into what they are today based on their histories..

Well apparently there is a PC way to murder people and an un-PC way to murder people.

I also assume you champion the Bernie Sanders follower who tried to murder the entire GOP congress.

Not surprised you did not hear about it, why does it surprise you? Do you really think the media is unbiased?

silly you.... the media, depending on the outlet & 'news' agency isn't biased... you linked a media report about it did you not? & i might have heard or read or saw a report about it, however being so long ago i might not remember it happened. you assume too much willy.... i champion no one that is violent. do you champion the nazi who ran down that protester? i would hope not & i certainly wouldn't assume you did. that says much about *you*.& how you think.

Why would I or anyone champion violent idiots?

The better question should be, why are there Nazi idiots on both the "left" and "right"?
wrong is wrong. but murder takes it to a whole new level don'tcha think?

There were deaths at the OCW rallies as well.

Occupy protests claim 3 deaths in 2 days

Not surprising you did not hear about it, or do you prefer the Bernie Sanders follower who tried to gun down the entire GOP Congress?

didn't know that happened.... but i stand by what i said. now tell me ---in terms of violent & murderous behavior--- how both 'sides' are equal again? both in terms of stats & length of time these 'movements' & protests over the decades have developed into what they are today based on their histories..

Well apparently there is a PC way to murder people and an un-PC way to murder people.

I also assume you champion the Bernie Sanders follower who tried to murder the entire GOP congress.

Not surprised you did not hear about it, why does it surprise you? Do you really think the media is unbiased?

silly you.... the media, depending on the outlet & 'news' agency isn't biased... you linked a media report about it did you not? & i might have heard or read or saw a report about it, however being so long ago i might not remember it happened. you assume too much willy.... i champion no one that is violent. do you champion the nazi who ran down that protester? i would hope not & i certainly wouldn't assume you did. that says much about *you*.& how you think.

Why would I or anyone champion violent idiots?

The better question should be, why are there Nazi idiots on both the "left" and "right"?

the idiots on the 'left' are the direct result of the idiots on the right feeling more emboldened.
There were deaths at the OCW rallies as well.

Occupy protests claim 3 deaths in 2 days

Not surprising you did not hear about it, or do you prefer the Bernie Sanders follower who tried to gun down the entire GOP Congress?

didn't know that happened.... but i stand by what i said. now tell me ---in terms of violent & murderous behavior--- how both 'sides' are equal again? both in terms of stats & length of time these 'movements' & protests over the decades have developed into what they are today based on their histories..

Well apparently there is a PC way to murder people and an un-PC way to murder people.

I also assume you champion the Bernie Sanders follower who tried to murder the entire GOP congress.

Not surprised you did not hear about it, why does it surprise you? Do you really think the media is unbiased?

silly you.... the media, depending on the outlet & 'news' agency isn't biased... you linked a media report about it did you not? & i might have heard or read or saw a report about it, however being so long ago i might not remember it happened. you assume too much willy.... i champion no one that is violent. do you champion the nazi who ran down that protester? i would hope not & i certainly wouldn't assume you did. that says much about *you*.& how you think.

Why would I or anyone champion violent idiots?

The better question should be, why are there Nazi idiots on both the "left" and "right"?

the idiots on the 'left' are the direct result of the idiots on the right feeling more emboldened.

What makes them right wing?

The NAZI party and the Dem Party have almost identical platforms...

1. gun control/confiscation
3. state sponsored abortion
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie
6. total disrespect and denial of basic rights to those who disagree

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