Politicians need to stop saying it's about, "Americans coming together". Screw that!

Obama started by saying "I won" then called Republicans "the enemy" and now Dems are whining about "coming together"?
Delusional? Why do right wingers make such a blanket statement and then refuse to identify the "facts" they don't agree with? Have you visited Romney's website? It's right there for anyone to read.

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

ok?.....so what about it?.....that exact policy,or a lot of it, is what many people out here...including a hell of a lot of Democrats would like to see....so what parts of that policy dont you agree with Dean?.....i think the wall is a waste of time.....so go ahead elaborate for me....

How many times to I have to explain something before it sinks in through that thick skull?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoSmWK_-x4g]Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube[/ame]

Mitt is saying we need fewer teachers. He has also suggested getting rid of the Department of Education. The Paul Ryan budget cuts education and job training.

Clearly, Mitt does not support teaching or training Americans for the more than 3 million jobs that can't be filled because people don't have enough skills.

Instead, according to his website, he wants to bringing immigrants with degrees here or give immigrants studying math or science unlimited residency. While I don't have a problem with bring in educated people from other countries, I do have a problem with doing it at the expense of "MITT'S OWN BASE".

Mitt Romney says immigrants are more likely to start a business so we should make it easier for them to get capital.


He is proposing nothing to help them. Not in any way, shape or form.

Stop complaining about me when you seem to be so totally blind and completely ignorant. I linked to Mitt's website. I posted video of Mitt.

mitt romney help immigrants start a business

Tell me something fucking positive about this candidate. Something he would do for his base not at the expense of his base.
Obama started by saying "I won" then called Republicans "the enemy" and now Dems are whining about "coming together"?
This Adminstration calls me a potential domestic terrorist because I'm a white Christian conservative gun owning veteran.

Rderp thinks I should be grateful they noticed me, and I should vote to keep them in power.
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The time for Americans coming together has come and gone. It's a dream that isn't going to happen, maybe not for generations, maybe not ever.
Jon Huntsman ... how this president has FAILED to bring the country together.

There is no failure - by ending the Iraqi war and curtailing the 07-09 Great Republican Recession the Administration has moved leaps and bounds ahead of the previous R Administration to remove antagonism within American society and is being rewarded by the pols for a job well done.
Jon Huntsman ... how this president has FAILED to bring the country together.

There is no failure - by ending the Iraqi war and curtailing the 07-09 Great Republican Recession the Administration has moved leaps and bounds ahead of the previous R Administration to remove antagonism within American society and is being rewarded by the pols for a job well done.

Except that he didn't end the Iraq war. Military personal did following Bushs timeline.

And we just got financially downgraded for the second time.

Pull your head out of your ass.
Obama started by saying "I won" then called Republicans "the enemy" and now Dems are whining about "coming together"?
This Adminstration calls me a potential domestic terrorist because I'm a white Christian conservative gun owning veteran.

Rderp thinks I should be grateful they noticed me, and I should vote to keep them in power.

Derp is clearly too stupid to understand what or why he's voting much less what he's typing.

He's a complete basket case.
Politicians need to stop saying it's about, "Americans coming together". Screw that!

Lots of them will have a simultaneous orgasm if Romney wins.
Some if Obama wins as well.

Partisan fools.

What amazes me about stuff like this is that both ends have somehow convinced themselves that they can ultimately "win". Egged on, of course, by division pimps like Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Schultz, Maddow and O'Donnell -- all of whom have a vested interest in keeping the sides as divided and angry as possible -- the wingers think that can "beat" the other side and never have to worry about them again. Compromise is not only a bad thing (as dictated by the division pimps), it's not necessary, because one day "we'll win". No matter what damage has been caused in the process.

Absolutely amazing that adults can actually subscribe to such a worldview.

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Watching Jon Huntsman on Morning Joe made me want to throw something at the TV. Going on about America needing a "kumbaya" moment. And how this president has FAILED to bring the country together.

No wonder Republicans didn't want him. He's stupid.

This election is about Republicans taking power in America and doing it any way possible. Through lying, voter suppression and threats. They are a party that's 90% white. They don't want "equal rights". Their leaders want "control" and their base doesn't understand that "control" includes over them.

Democrats who are tuned in understand that. Republicans want control over people, not to help people. Control over women, and control over minorities. And they want to move the rest of the wealth of the nation to the top 1%.

Republicans are not trying to "bring people together". They want to stomp on the rights of everyone not them. And they support a man who wants to bring educated immigrants here to be the bosses of a base Republicans have no interest investing in. You can see that in Mitt Romney's website.

And Huntsman was most sickening because before answering every question, he said, "Of course, I'm not running so I don't have an opinion, but....." and then he would give a bizarre opinion.

He couldn't stop mentioning how he was "living abroad" the last few months in Indonesia and China. You know he didn't stay in a mud shack on a rice paddy.

And those dumb-asses on Morning Joe, "Oh why didn't Republicans nominate you?" as if the guy with the most conservative record would be a better choice than Mitt "we ate off an ironing board" Romney and Paul "20 minute marathon" Ryan. What's a ironing board?

EVERYONE knows you are nothing more than a ridiculous, hyper-partisan hack, so why do you bother? Why go to the trouble of posting when everyone knows the second they see your screen name that it will be nothing but the same old predictable nonsense? Even the very, very few people who might agree with you have no reason to read your posts because they know - as everyone knows - exactly what it will be. Wouldn't you get more out of the experience of posting if you at least pretended to be a real human being once in a while?
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Delusional? Why do right wingers make such a blanket statement and then refuse to identify the "facts" they don't agree with? Have you visited Romney's website? It's right there for anyone to read.

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

ok?.....so what about it?.....that exact policy,or a lot of it, is what many people out here...including a hell of a lot of Democrats would like to see....so what parts of that policy dont you agree with Dean?.....i think the wall is a waste of time.....so go ahead elaborate for me....

How many times to I have to explain something before it sinks in through that thick skull?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoSmWK_-x4g]Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube[/ame]

Mitt is saying we need fewer teachers. He has also suggested getting rid of the Department of Education. The Paul Ryan budget cuts education and job training.

Clearly, Mitt does not support teaching or training Americans for the more than 3 million jobs that can't be filled because people don't have enough skills.

Instead, according to his website, he wants to bringing immigrants with degrees here or give immigrants studying math or science unlimited residency. While I don't have a problem with bring in educated people from other countries, I do have a problem with doing it at the expense of "MITT'S OWN BASE".

Mitt Romney says immigrants are more likely to start a business so we should make it easier for them to get capital.


He is proposing nothing to help them. Not in any way, shape or form.

Stop complaining about me when you seem to be so totally blind and completely ignorant. I linked to Mitt's website. I posted video of Mitt.

mitt romney help immigrants start a business

Tell me something fucking positive about this candidate. Something he would do for his base not at the expense of his base.

The majority of Americans want someone to work for. Someone who can pay them a good wage, provide them income security, and allow them to raise a family and enjoy their lives. They don't really care if that someone is born in American, immigrated to America, or isn't even an American. They don't desire to own the company.

Our political leaders need to do some simple things to get this economy working again. Stop the overtaxing and the overregulating, and let business grow. That will empower the middle class to grow, and will provide the good jobs that most American want.

What our political leaders need to cease doing, is cease favoring some Americans over other Americans, and quit the attempts at social engineering, and picking winners and losers.
ok?.....so what about it?.....that exact policy,or a lot of it, is what many people out here...including a hell of a lot of Democrats would like to see....so what parts of that policy dont you agree with Dean?.....i think the wall is a waste of time.....so go ahead elaborate for me....

How many times to I have to explain something before it sinks in through that thick skull?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoSmWK_-x4g]Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube[/ame]

Mitt is saying we need fewer teachers. He has also suggested getting rid of the Department of Education. The Paul Ryan budget cuts education and job training.

Clearly, Mitt does not support teaching or training Americans for the more than 3 million jobs that can't be filled because people don't have enough skills.

Instead, according to his website, he wants to bringing immigrants with degrees here or give immigrants studying math or science unlimited residency. While I don't have a problem with bring in educated people from other countries, I do have a problem with doing it at the expense of "MITT'S OWN BASE".

Mitt Romney says immigrants are more likely to start a business so we should make it easier for them to get capital.


He is proposing nothing to help them. Not in any way, shape or form.

Stop complaining about me when you seem to be so totally blind and completely ignorant. I linked to Mitt's website. I posted video of Mitt.

mitt romney help immigrants start a business

Tell me something fucking positive about this candidate. Something he would do for his base not at the expense of his base.

The majority of Americans want someone to work for. Someone who can pay them a good wage, provide them income security, and allow them to raise a family and enjoy their lives. They don't really care if that someone is born in American, immigrated to America, or isn't even an American. They don't desire to own the company.

Our political leaders need to do some simple things to get this economy working again. Stop the overtaxing and the overregulating, and let business grow. That will empower the middle class to grow, and will provide the good jobs that most American want.

What our political leaders need to cease doing, is cease favoring some Americans over other Americans, and quit the attempts at social engineering, and picking winners and losers.

Demand drives new jobs. No demand, no new jobs. Historically, that's when governments all over the world have stepped in with a "stimulus". It's worked here in this country more than once. The ONLY reason Republicans have fought against something they historically have supported is because they hate Obama. No other reason. They hate Obama more than they love America.

And right wingers have the nerve to tell me it's not about "race". How dare they. They can't deny that when their party is 90% white and they are engaging in voter suppression and the Republican leadership in Ohio has said they are targeting blacks.
The majority of Americans want someone to work for. Someone who can pay them a good wage, provide them income security, and allow them to raise a family and enjoy their lives. They don't really care if that someone is born in American, immigrated to America, or isn't even an American. They don't desire to own the company.

Our political leaders need to do some simple things to get this economy working again. Stop the overtaxing and the overregulating, and let business grow. That will empower the middle class to grow, and will provide the good jobs that most American want.

What our political leaders need to cease doing, is cease favoring some Americans over other Americans, and quit the attempts at social engineering, and picking winners and losers.
You're speaking to someone who needs the government to make all his decisions for him. He believes everyone else is similarly incompetent.

You may as well be speaking Esperanto. Everything you're saying is incomprehensible to derp.
Demand drives new jobs. No demand, no new jobs. Historically, that's when governments all over the world have stepped in with a "stimulus". It's worked here in this country more than once. The ONLY reason Republicans have fought against something they historically have supported is because they hate Obama. No other reason. They hate Obama more than they love America.

And right wingers have the nerve to tell me it's not about "race". How dare they. They can't deny that when their party is 90% white and they are engaging in voter suppression and the Republican leadership in Ohio has said they are targeting blacks.
I've seen people incapable of thinking for themselves, but I've never seen anyone so passionately proud of it as you. :clap2:
Delusional? Why do right wingers make such a blanket statement and then refuse to identify the "facts" they don't agree with? Have you visited Romney's website? It's right there for anyone to read.

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

ok?.....so what about it?.....that exact policy,or a lot of it, is what many people out here...including a hell of a lot of Democrats would like to see....so what parts of that policy dont you agree with Dean?.....i think the wall is a waste of time.....so go ahead elaborate for me....

How many times to I have to explain something before it sinks in through that thick skull?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoSmWK_-x4g]Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube[/ame]

Mitt is saying we need fewer teachers. He has also suggested getting rid of the Department of Education. The Paul Ryan budget cuts education and job training.

Clearly, Mitt does not support teaching or training Americans for the more than 3 million jobs that can't be filled because people don't have enough skills.

Instead, according to his website, he wants to bringing immigrants with degrees here or give immigrants studying math or science unlimited residency. While I don't have a problem with bring in educated people from other countries, I do have a problem with doing it at the expense of "MITT'S OWN BASE".

Mitt Romney says immigrants are more likely to start a business so we should make it easier for them to get capital.


He is proposing nothing to help them. Not in any way, shape or form.

Stop complaining about me when you seem to be so totally blind and completely ignorant. I linked to Mitt's website. I posted video of Mitt.

mitt romney help immigrants start a business

Tell me something fucking positive about this candidate. Something he would do for his base not at the expense of his base.

Dean your the guy with the hard head.....do you realize how much of that Immigration policy you linked is something a hell of a lot of Democrats out here would be for?.......and as far as Romney goes....how many times do i have to say this before it sinks into your thick Skull?......FUCK Romney and the fucking Yacht he sailed in on....

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