Politicizing God

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This sermon is by Michael Boldea Jr. and is from years ago. It is a timely message for the church today concerning politics and the pulpit.

Politicizing God
January 25, 2006

John 18:36, My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.

It's official, and all the independent poling data confirms it, the church is a political power, a force to be reckoned with. Knowing this, men who would otherwise shy away from touching a Bible for fear of spontaneous combustion, will once again be invading the pulpits hoping to ensure your vote in the upcoming elections.

Men who by their very presence behind the pulpit commit the unpardonable sin of blasphemy, will once more be quoting scripture, and ensuring the Christian church that they will do what no other has done, and legislate morality, stand up for the Church, and ensure that our voice will be heard.

So enthused are the Christian leaders of our time with the idea of being a political commodity that they will open their church to any and all political candidates, regardless of moral fiber, and rather than preaching salvation they zealously preach voter registration. The great commission takes second place to the great election, and rather than share Christ, we are asked to share the newest mayoral or presidential candidate.

Keep in mind that in the arena of politics, compromise, double-talk, and outright deceit have become an art form. Absolutes by their very nature cannot exist consistently in the life of a politician, and are only ever mentioned or even discussed in the right circles.

We have been told that we can change the spiritual condition of our nation by the men we put into office so often, that in the past few years we've started to believe it. As a consequence of this newfound belief, the Church has gotten political, and God is being used as a commodity, being called upon whenever it suits the candidate, or when it's politically convenient.

Some two thousand years ago, there was another man who naively believed that Jesus was going to be a politician. So adamant was he in his belief, that Christ's kingdom would be of this earth, that Jesus would ascend to power and wield unprecedented political clout, that Judas Iscariot betrayed the Savior of mankind, hoping that Christ would be forced to step into the role, and take upon himself the power that was rightfully his.

As children of God, we must always retain the knowledge that though we may be in this world we are not of it, we are a nation unto ourselves, travelers, who have not yet reached their final destination, who have as yet not made it home.

I am not saying we shouldn't be concerned with what is happening in our nation, but when we compromise the truth of God's word for the sake of politics, when we know more about policy than we do about theology, we run the risk of being blind to the truth, and in our zeal betraying Christ today, as Judas betrayed him.

It is a true and undeniable fact, an inevitable reality of the world we presently live in, that when we put our trust in men, we will be disappointed to a certain extent. Our expectations of the men we elect into office will always fall short of their accomplishments, because no matter how much we would like it to be so, righteousness cannot rule in a world dominated by sin. If we hope to effect change, change must begin with us, and if we hope to see righteousness prevail, righteousness must dwell in our hearts perpetually, without interruption, without compromise, and without duplicity.

Be forewarned, the upcoming elections, will be so brutal, that those who retain no faith in God, will attempt to pander to your love for Him, and say the things they think you want to hear, simply to garner your vote. I pray, in this hour of deception, we are as wise as serpents that we do not fall prey to those who would shamelessly attempt to profit from our lack of discernment.

In the end, when all is said and done, God will have His way, and His will, as to the fate of this nation, as well as the rest of the world, will be done. We are living in the final hours, and more than ever our ceaseless prayer must be,come quickly Lord Jesus...... continue on link.

I believe all of his sermons on that website are outstanding.
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We have been told that we can change the spiritual condition of our nation by the men we put into office so often, that in the past few years we've started to believe it. As a consequence of this newfound belief, the Church has gotten political, and God is being used as a commodity, being called upon whenever it suits the candidate, or when it's politically convenient. - Michael Boldea Jr.

Isn't that something? We have come to believe we can change the spiritual condition of our nation by the men we put into office. Isn't that the mantra of so many on television today making promises?

Nothing could be further from the truth.
A great book detailing this truth is by Cal Thomas, a right wing conservative Christian political commentator who was hired by Jerry Falwell to be his media mogul for the Moral Majority. He wound up quitting, not because he changed his political stripes but because he became so disgusted of using the faith as a political tool.
He remains a right wing political commentator and an evangelical Christian. He refuses to comingle the two, and walked away from a prestigious and monetarily rewarding position with Falwell because he would not sell out.
Great book.
Jerry Falwell is a man I would not trust in the pulpit. I have not heard of the book. My belief which I believe is a part of the doctrine of Christ in the new testament - is politics and the church do not mix. There should be no politicking from the pulpit and there should be no pulpit in the politicking. These are two separate entities and one has nothing to do with the other.

I do not believe a church should be a political power. Nor a legislative power. It should not be a military power. I do not believe it should be turning its doctrines into laws. This is not the duty of the church.
Thanks for the book referral, Bruce, I will look it up. I have heard of Cal Thomas before.
We have been told that we can change the spiritual condition of our nation by the men we put into office so often, that in the past few years we've started to believe it. As a consequence of this newfound belief, the Church has gotten political, and God is being used as a commodity, being called upon whenever it suits the candidate, or when it's politically convenient. - Michael Boldea Jr.

Isn't that something? We have come to believe we can change the spiritual condition of our nation by the men we put into office. Isn't that the mantra of so many on television today making promises?

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Unfortunately few Christians will heed this admonishment, as religion is far too powerful a political weapon for Christian fundamentalists and those on the social right to willingly surrender.

The irony is that it is politicians free from faith, or those who don’t mix their politics with religion, who are the most capable of safeguarding the religious liberty of fundamentalist Christians and Christians on the social right.
I have never attended a tea party event before but I know of some of the people who were going to be speakers. People who had left their wives on their death beds with cancer were promoting themselves as paragons of virtue. Promises were made to turn the country back around and set her on her feet again. Every kind of vulture descended upon them. The hearts of the people were right but the people holding the reins were off and they used religion to cement the deal! What a thing to do!! I couldn't believe my ears!

There are valid issues that concern all Americans but that shouldn't be used as an opportunity to take advantage of people and their good will. Then you have political leaders who openly profess their faith. This is fine to say, I am a Christian. But if this is so then do not slander those in office from a podium and rally the crowds to join you as if it is some sort of comedy performance. Furthermore, how could anyone still be a Christian and be a politician today? Is it not the 2nd oldest profession in the world and no different from the 1st these days? Isn't it a lie to make promises you know you cannot possibly keep? To sell your vote for the favor of lobbyists?

How could any politician remain in office in these times if he were not willing to compromise? And yet we will place these people on a pedestal and declare them the answer to our problems. Impossible.

Americans are looking in the wrong direction. We have to look up. ^
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We have been told that we can change the spiritual condition of our nation by the men we put into office so often, that in the past few years we've started to believe it. As a consequence of this newfound belief, the Church has gotten political, and God is being used as a commodity, being called upon whenever it suits the candidate, or when it's politically convenient. - Michael Boldea Jr.

Isn't that something? We have come to believe we can change the spiritual condition of our nation by the men we put into office. Isn't that the mantra of so many on television today making promises?

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Unfortunately few Christians will heed this admonishment, as religion is far too powerful a political weapon for Christian fundamentalists and those on the social right to willingly surrender.

The irony is that it is politicians free from faith, or those who don’t mix their politics with religion, who are the most capable of safeguarding the religious liberty of fundamentalist Christians and Christians on the social right.

Totally agree with you.
Interestingly, Christ was not preaching earthly power. If anything, he let people know that following him would mean a sacrifice, a turning of the back toward the material world.
But power is an elixir. Hard to turn away from it when it is within your grasp.
That's why Cal Thomas' story blew me away. He understood this.
We have been told that we can change the spiritual condition of our nation by the men we put into office so often, that in the past few years we've started to believe it. As a consequence of this newfound belief, the Church has gotten political, and God is being used as a commodity, being called upon whenever it suits the candidate, or when it's politically convenient. - Michael Boldea Jr.

Isn't that something? We have come to believe we can change the spiritual condition of our nation by the men we put into office. Isn't that the mantra of so many on television today making promises?

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Unfortunately few Christians will heed this admonishment, as religion is far too powerful a political weapon for Christian fundamentalists and those on the social right to willingly surrender.

The irony is that it is politicians free from faith, or those who don’t mix their politics with religion, who are the most capable of safeguarding the religious liberty of fundamentalist Christians and Christians on the social right.

The one thing that Christians in America should do and won't ( for the most part ) is pray for the nation. Prayer is the most powerful weapon they have. Not politics! That is an illusion! Because of this lack of prayer we are now at the point of no return - corporately but not individually. I believe many will get through this after a very long and difficult lesson, Capstone. None of this has caught God by any surprise. He knew what the result of all this would be long ago.

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