Politico: FBI raid, Middle East mystery money, and Biden's brother all raise questions

Is there actually any evidence Joe Biden had anything to do with that government contract?

There are ZERO claims that Hunter (WHO AGAIN, IS NOT JOE BIDEN) "guaranteed protection from US authorities". How do you just make shit up like that on the fly?

I'm not making anything up.

OH NO? Then go ahead and show the source for your claim that Hunter Biden "guaranteed protection from US authorities".

It's straight from your ass so far as I could tell.

It's as obvious as the hand in front of your face. Nobody does favors for politicians with no expectation of a return favor.

Whta the fuck?

1. Hunter Biden is not a politician
2. Politicians ROUTINELY get donations, To say that they are all corrupt for taking them is to indict just about everyone in washington. Sure sounds like special pleading if this is the standard you apply to just to Biden.

The story was not supposed to play out like this. Hillary was supposed to win, bury all this, and when the Democrats found out Trump was curious as to what took place with the Biden's and Burisma, they went into Defcon 1 mode. So they created this phony impeachment deal.

Well that is a fanciful tale you spin. Problem is that there is absolutely no evidence of any of that.

Unless you are willfully ignorant- which you may well be- you know by now that Joe Biden was pursuing American policy- and that his efforts were supported by the EU, the IMF Republican senators, and citizen groups in Ukraine.

I would post the actual articles again- but really if you didn't read the first dozen times I posted those articles- why would I expect you would read anything other than Trump's tweets this time?
Of course they were. How else do we know the Berisma people tried to drop Biden's name when seeking help from the Government if they weren't keep tabs on him? Was it against Ukraine law for them to hire someone because of their name or family connection? Is is against US law for Hunter to accept a job from a Ukrainian company?

The only reason we know is because of the FOIA. If nobody pushed to see it, nobody would have seen it. Do you really think that Burisma said "I have a good idea! Let's get some American to sit on our board; one who knows nothing of our business, one who had such a drug problem, the military even kicked him out, one who doesn't even know how to speak our language. Yeah, that's the best person we can get for this job. His father has nothing to do with it, it's our idea!"

In that clip that circulates, Biden mentions Obama twice and tells the Ukrainian officials to call Obama if they doubted that it was the Presidents policy. That policy had Republican support as well as the support of the EU and the IMF.

The problem is why the urgency? According to Shokin, he was just about to confiscate Burisma assets, and records that might show money laundering by Hunter when he was fired.

Really- just read something other than what is spoon fed to you by the Right wing.

Dozens- hundreds? of articles discuss exactly what Biden was doing, and what the situation in Ukraine was. Again- I would post some of them- but clearly you don't read those articles.
More than one person thought that "favor" of a public announcement by the President of the Ukraine of an investigation into Trump's chief Democrat rival, was an elaborate extortion scheme.

We don't convict Americans based on what some people thought. You're thinking of the former USSR.

So he's guilty until he proves there is no evidence of his guilt?

No, he's innocent until proven guilty. The problem is, nobody is looking into it. Let Trump make some joke about Russia and Hillary's emails, it leads to a 35 million dollar two year investigation. A Democrat doing something this overt, not a damn thing happens.

Trump and the right wing have proclaimed both Biden's guilty. How have you missed that.

Trump controls the DOJ and the FBI- why do you think that Trump made a secret call to Ukraine- who Trump himself considered corrupt- to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival- and had his personal attorney secretly demand that Ukraine make a public announcement of an investigation- instead of:
a) Asking the FBI to investigate
b) Asking the DOJ to investigate
c) Making an official request for an investigation to Ukraine? Ukraine asked at least twice for a formal written request from the U.S. government to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- but Trump didn't want to make a request in writing. Why do you think that is?

Asking 3 years into the Trump Presidency why no one is investigating the Biden's- when Trump controls all of the Federal law enforcement and security agencies- is begging the question- why hasn't Trump been doing the investigation?
Out of the 1.35 million lawyers in our country (not to mention around the world) why would an energy company hire a drug addict, who also never had experience in that line of business, and pay him 85K a month to sit home?

Because he is a son of the Vice President of The United States of America. He brushes his teeth, puts on a suit and can even open his mouth when needed.

All that makes him a prestigious comodity for a third world company flush with cash and looking to play on-the-up-and-up to get off American corruption shit list.

Biden did not need to do anything except put on a good face for that company to be worth every penny they spent on him.

I agree with everything you said.

I will point out that those were all the qualifications Donald Jr. and Eric needed to get hired by the Trump organization.
lie, name call, equivocate, but never



Democrats steal, lie, hate, but never allow anyone to INVESTIGATE them.....

Why do you think that Trump is a Democrat?

Seriously- Republicans spent years investigating Obama. Trump controls the DOJ and the FBI- how exactly are the Democrats preventing the investigation of anyone?
lie, name call, equivocate, but never



Democrats steal, lie, hate, but never allow anyone to INVESTIGATE them.....

Why do you think that Trump is a Democrat?

Seriously- Republicans spent years investigating Obama. Trump controls the DOJ and the FBI- how exactly are the Democrats preventing the investigation of anyone?

When did the Republicans ever launch an investigation on Obama?
More influence peddling to enrich the Family.

Corruption runs in that family like ugly runs in the Clinton family.

Biden's brother facing fraud allegations, used family ties to advance business interests: report

A new report reveals legal problems and allegations of possible fraud involving former Vice President Joe Biden’s brother James, in the latest instance of the Democratic primary front-runner’s family members’ dealings drawing scrutiny amid his presidential bid.

According to Politico, James Biden’s business with medical companies – including Americore Health – has led to allegations that he potentially engaged in fraud and traded on his brother’s name, by claiming Joe was interested in the venture and the family name could provide opportunities.

“It was all smoke and mirrors,” former Americore Health executive Tom Pritchard told Politico. James Biden reportedly convinced Americore that he could use his political clout to deliver a significant influx of cash in the form of an investment from the Middle East, and even convinced the company to take on financial burdens including a six-figure loan to James that he has yet to repay.

James Biden, Americore and Americore founder Grant White are among those now facing a lawsuit from medical companies in Tennessee federal court accusing them of fraud over alleged promises made. Biden and the other defendants have denied any wrongdoing, but the plaintiffs last month reportedly said in a court filing that they were willing to drop their claims against White, who had provided exculpatory evidence as well as information that further implicated Biden and others.

Biden's brother facing fraud allegations, used family ties to advance business interests: report

Will he bring his family into his grifter administration as Don has?

Your system is corrupt, who knew?
More lame-ass attempts to deflect from the Biden corruption.


More lame-ass attempts to deflect from the entire system's corruption.

There you go!!.When the crap starts to fly, it will be, "The entire systems corruption", not Democrat corruption.

You know it is coming, this shit can never happen again.

I already see the lib motto...Its every ones corruption.
More than one person thought that "favor" of a public announcement by the President of the Ukraine of an investigation into Trump's chief Democrat rival, was an elaborate extortion scheme.

We don't convict Americans based on what some people thought. You're thinking of the former USSR.

So he's guilty until he proves there is no evidence of his guilt?

No, he's innocent until proven guilty. The problem is, nobody is looking into it. Let Trump make some joke about Russia and Hillary's emails, it leads to a 35 million dollar two year investigation. A Democrat doing something this overt, not a damn thing happens.

Trump and the right wing have proclaimed both Biden's guilty. How have you missed that.

Trump controls the DOJ and the FBI- why do you think that Trump made a secret call to Ukraine- who Trump himself considered corrupt- to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival- and had his personal attorney secretly demand that Ukraine make a public announcement of an investigation- instead of:
a) Asking the FBI to investigate
b) Asking the DOJ to investigate
c) Making an official request for an investigation to Ukraine? Ukraine asked at least twice for a formal written request from the U.S. government to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- but Trump didn't want to make a request in writing. Why do you think that is?

Asking 3 years into the Trump Presidency why no one is investigating the Biden's- when Trump controls all of the Federal law enforcement and security agencies- is begging the question- why hasn't Trump been doing the investigation?

That's all part of the deep state. Ask the FBI? The same FBI that took a phony dossier to the FISA courts, lied about their information, and got surveillance warrants to spy on his campaign? That FBI?

The DOJ? If the DOJ had any interest, why didn't they contact Shokin and get testimony from him under oath? Why did the Ukraine courts recently order an investigation into Burisma? Correct, Trump never asked Zelensky for an official investigation. He asked if Zelensky could look into the matter to see what he could find on his end.

This happened last July. Joe was not (and still is not) Trump's political rival. His political rival will be decided on by the Democrats when they nominate the contender for the presidency.
lie, name call, equivocate, but never



Democrats steal, lie, hate, but never allow anyone to INVESTIGATE them.....
Stick an ice cream cone in your mouth. That is pure utter bullsh*t! And you know it. Republicans have villified Democrats and investigated them too.Stop with the nonsense. They are opening an investigation into Biden, his son and Burisma.<---- What the heck do you call this?
lie, name call, equivocate, but never



Democrats steal, lie, hate, but never allow anyone to INVESTIGATE them.....

Why do you think that Trump is a Democrat?

Seriously- Republicans spent years investigating Obama. Trump controls the DOJ and the FBI- how exactly are the Democrats preventing the investigation of anyone?

When did the Republicans ever launch an investigation on Obama?

Really? Did you miss the Benghazi investigation?

Under impeachment threat, Trump forgets Republicans investigated Obama

From 2009 to 2013, I was the spokesperson and senior adviser for Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee under the leadership of Rep. Darrell Issa. During their time in the majority, the Oversight Committee alone issued more than 100 subpoenas to the Obama administration. Upon becoming chair of the committee, Issa declared his intention to hold “seven hearings a week, times 40 weeks.”

In the spring of 2011, a government whistleblower prompted House and Senate Republicans to initiate an investigation into the “Operation Fast and Furious” gun-trafficking operation. The investigation lasted for more than six years and included an Oversight Committee vote to hold then-Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over what Republicans believed was an abuse of executive privilege.

I pointed to this quote from Rep. Jim Jordan back in February and it’s worth revisiting given the frequency with which Jordan now defends Trump. During Holder’s contempt proceeding, Jordan pointedly asked, “How can you ignore the facts when you don’t get the facts? … I just want to get the information. … We just want the information so we have the facts.”

In case Trump is suffering from an acute attack of amnesia, he should be reminded that in the summer of 2012, House Republicans filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration in federal court over its use of executive privilege and ultimately won, with Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruling that “Congress could seek to enforce its duly issued subpoena.”

For House Republicans, Fast and Furious was just act one of their oversight agenda. In the fall of 2012, Republicans launched what would turn out to be a four-year investigation into the attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya. This is the investigation that would unearth then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, a move that House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy openly admitted was part of a “strategy to fight and win” the 2016 election.

Just for context, the investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller lasted for a little less than two years. While in control of Congress, House Republicans launched not one, not two but three multiyear investigations that each lasted longer than the Mueller probe. The third of these investigations was initiated in 2013 into the IRS’ alleged targeting scandal. It was eventually debunked as baseless, with even the Trump administration declaring in 2017 that prosecuting the matter “would not be appropriate based on the available evidence.”

The reality is our committee never had anything close to the severity and volume of smoking gun evidence of corruption that exists right now, and we still managed to hold hundreds of oversight hearings, issue hundreds of subpoenas and conduct multiple multiyear investigations.
More than one person thought that "favor" of a public announcement by the President of the Ukraine of an investigation into Trump's chief Democrat rival, was an elaborate extortion scheme.

We don't convict Americans based on what some people thought. You're thinking of the former USSR.

So he's guilty until he proves there is no evidence of his guilt?

No, he's innocent until proven guilty. The problem is, nobody is looking into it. Let Trump make some joke about Russia and Hillary's emails, it leads to a 35 million dollar two year investigation. A Democrat doing something this overt, not a damn thing happens.

Trump and the right wing have proclaimed both Biden's guilty. How have you missed that.

Trump controls the DOJ and the FBI- why do you think that Trump made a secret call to Ukraine- who Trump himself considered corrupt- to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival- and had his personal attorney secretly demand that Ukraine make a public announcement of an investigation- instead of:
a) Asking the FBI to investigate
b) Asking the DOJ to investigate
c) Making an official request for an investigation to Ukraine? Ukraine asked at least twice for a formal written request from the U.S. government to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- but Trump didn't want to make a request in writing. Why do you think that is?

Asking 3 years into the Trump Presidency why no one is investigating the Biden's- when Trump controls all of the Federal law enforcement and security agencies- is begging the question- why hasn't Trump been doing the investigation?

That's all part of the deep state. Ask the FBI? The same FBI that took a phony dossier to the FISA courts, lied about their information, and got surveillance warrants to spy on his campaign? That FBI?

The DOJ? If the DOJ had any interest, why didn't they contact Shokin and get testimony from him under oath? Why did the Ukraine courts recently order an investigation into Burisma? Correct, Trump never asked Zelensky for an official investigation. He asked if Zelensky could look into the matter to see what he could find on his end.

This happened last July. Joe was not (and still is not) Trump's political rival. His political rival will be decided on by the Democrats when they nominate the contender for the presidency.

Okay- so you believe Trump trusts the country he calls 'corrupt' more than the FBI- which Trump has been in charge of for 3 years now.
And you believe Trump trusts the country he calls 'corrupt' more than the Department of Justice- which Trump has been in charge for 3 years now. You correctly ask why the DOJ didn't contact Shokin- why didn't the DOJ- you know the agency that Trump controls- and is very clear to state that he is in control of.

What you don't answer is why Trump never officially asked Zelensky for an official investigation- despite his secret call to Zelinsky asking for an investigation- and his private attorney demanding that Zelinsky make a public announcement of an investigation- but Trump never- ever- made the formal request for an investigation to Ukraine.

Why not? The only plausible answer is that Trump didn't want a paper trail back to his administration.

And yes- Biden has been Trump's political rival since he announced his candidacy- if you don't believe me- then you should listen to what you Dear Leader has been saying about his political rival since the day Biden announced his candidacy for President- in April 2019. Trump made his call to Zelinsky to secretly ask for his investigation of his rival in July 2019.

Here is what your Dear Leader said about Biden when Biden announced his candidacy

Trump welcomes Joe Biden to the 'nasty' 2020 race by insulting his intelligence

Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty - you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!
Is there actually any evidence Joe Biden had anything to do with that government contract?

There are ZERO claims that Hunter (WHO AGAIN, IS NOT JOE BIDEN) "guaranteed protection from US authorities". How do you just make shit up like that on the fly?

I'm not making anything up.

OH NO? Then go ahead and show the source for your claim that Hunter Biden "guaranteed protection from US authorities".

It's straight from your ass so far as I could tell.

It's as obvious as the hand in front of your face. Nobody does favors for politicians with no expectation of a return favor.

Whta the fuck?

1. Hunter Biden is not a politician
2. Politicians ROUTINELY get donations, To say that they are all corrupt for taking them is to indict just about everyone in washington. Sure sounds like special pleading if this is the standard you apply to just to Biden.

Not at all. If what Shoken said is true, and it's the only account that makes any kind of sense at all, then Burisma hired Hunter to keep people like Shokin from finding out what kind of corruption Hunter and Burisma were up to.

You've got all these half baked fantasies and keep thinking it's fact just because you like the sound of it.

Hiring American VP's son to put a good face on is EXACTLY what a third world company with reputation problem would want to do. Mere fact of them hiring Hunter is not proof there was any wrong doing here by either him or his dad.

You said Hunter guaranteed something to someone, but predictably can't support your loud claims. Sholkin also likes to run his mouth about the guy that got his corrupt ass out of office and like you he also can't support shit.
Last edited:
I'm not making anything up.

OH NO? Then go ahead and show the source for your claim that Hunter Biden "guaranteed protection from US authorities".

It's straight from your ass so far as I could tell.

It's as obvious as the hand in front of your face. Nobody does favors for politicians with no expectation of a return favor.

Whta the fuck?

1. Hunter Biden is not a politician
2. Politicians ROUTINELY get donations, To say that they are all corrupt for taking them is to indict just about everyone in washington. Sure sounds like special pleading if this is the standard you apply to just to Biden.

Not at all. If what Shoken said is true, and it's the only account that makes any kind of sense at all, then Burisma hired Hunter to keep people like Shokin from finding out what kind of corruption Hunter and Burisma were up to.

You've got all these half baked fantasies and keep thinking it's fact just because you like the sound of it.

Hiring American VP's son to put a good face on is EXACTLY what a third world company with reputation problem would want to do. Mere fact of them hiring Hunter is not proof there was any wrong doing here by either him or his dad.

You said Hunter guaranteed something to someone, but predictably can't support your loud claims. Sholkin also likes to run his mouth about the guy that got his corrupt ass out of office and like you he also can't support shit.

My Lord, if Pence had a situation anything similar to this, you on the left would be jumping up and down screaming something needs to be done; people need to go to jail. But when it's a lefty, ah, no big deal. It was just to put a good face on the company.

Now that the courts have ordered an investigation, let's see where it goes from there.
OH NO? Then go ahead and show the source for your claim that Hunter Biden "guaranteed protection from US authorities".

It's straight from your ass so far as I could tell.

It's as obvious as the hand in front of your face. Nobody does favors for politicians with no expectation of a return favor.

Whta the fuck?

1. Hunter Biden is not a politician
2. Politicians ROUTINELY get donations, To say that they are all corrupt for taking them is to indict just about everyone in washington. Sure sounds like special pleading if this is the standard you apply to just to Biden.

Not at all. If what Shoken said is true, and it's the only account that makes any kind of sense at all, then Burisma hired Hunter to keep people like Shokin from finding out what kind of corruption Hunter and Burisma were up to.

You've got all these half baked fantasies and keep thinking it's fact just because you like the sound of it.

Hiring American VP's son to put a good face on is EXACTLY what a third world company with reputation problem would want to do. Mere fact of them hiring Hunter is not proof there was any wrong doing here by either him or his dad.

You said Hunter guaranteed something to someone, but predictably can't support your loud claims. Sholkin also likes to run his mouth about the guy that got his corrupt ass out of office and like you he also can't support shit.

My Lord, if Pence had a situation anything similar to this, you on the left would be jumping up and down screaming something needs to be done; people need to go to jail. But when it's a lefty, ah, no big deal. It was just to put a good face on the company.

Now that the courts have ordered an investigation, let's se where it goes from there.

Thats just more fantasy on your part.

I don't speak for everyone on the left and there are plenty idiots to go around on both sides (yours more so imo), but if you've got a specific example of me unfairly acusing someone without good deal of evidence you let me know.
More than one person thought that "favor" of a public announcement by the President of the Ukraine of an investigation into Trump's chief Democrat rival, was an elaborate extortion scheme.

We don't convict Americans based on what some people thought. You're thinking of the former USSR.

So he's guilty until he proves there is no evidence of his guilt?

No, he's innocent until proven guilty. The problem is, nobody is looking into it. Let Trump make some joke about Russia and Hillary's emails, it leads to a 35 million dollar two year investigation. A Democrat doing something this overt, not a damn thing happens.

Trump and the right wing have proclaimed both Biden's guilty. How have you missed that.

Trump controls the DOJ and the FBI- why do you think that Trump made a secret call to Ukraine- who Trump himself considered corrupt- to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival- and had his personal attorney secretly demand that Ukraine make a public announcement of an investigation- instead of:
a) Asking the FBI to investigate
b) Asking the DOJ to investigate
c) Making an official request for an investigation to Ukraine? Ukraine asked at least twice for a formal written request from the U.S. government to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- but Trump didn't want to make a request in writing. Why do you think that is?

Asking 3 years into the Trump Presidency why no one is investigating the Biden's- when Trump controls all of the Federal law enforcement and security agencies- is begging the question- why hasn't Trump been doing the investigation?

That's all part of the deep state. Ask the FBI? The same FBI that took a phony dossier to the FISA courts, lied about their information, and got surveillance warrants to spy on his campaign? That FBI?

The DOJ? If the DOJ had any interest, why didn't they contact Shokin and get testimony from him under oath? Why did the Ukraine courts recently order an investigation into Burisma? Correct, Trump never asked Zelensky for an official investigation. He asked if Zelensky could look into the matter to see what he could find on his end.

This happened last July. Joe was not (and still is not) Trump's political rival. His political rival will be decided on by the Democrats when they nominate the contender for the presidency.

Okay- so you believe Trump trusts the country he calls 'corrupt' more than the FBI- which Trump has been in charge of for 3 years now.
And you believe Trump trusts the country he calls 'corrupt' more than the Department of Justice- which Trump has been in charge for 3 years now. You correctly ask why the DOJ didn't contact Shokin- why didn't the DOJ- you know the agency that Trump controls- and is very clear to state that he is in control of.

What you don't answer is why Trump never officially asked Zelensky for an official investigation- despite his secret call to Zelinsky asking for an investigation- and his private attorney demanding that Zelinsky make a public announcement of an investigation- but Trump never- ever- made the formal request for an investigation to Ukraine.

Why not? The only plausible answer is that Trump didn't want a paper trail back to his administration.

And yes- Biden has been Trump's political rival since he announced his candidacy- if you don't believe me- then you should listen to what you Dear Leader has been saying about his political rival since the day Biden announced his candidacy for President- in April 2019. Trump made his call to Zelinsky to secretly ask for his investigation of his rival in July 2019.

Here is what your Dear Leader said about Biden when Biden announced his candidacy

Trump welcomes Joe Biden to the 'nasty' 2020 race by insulting his intelligence

Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty - you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!

What's with this secret call bullshit? There was nothing secret about it. Trump knows that all calls made out of the White House are monitored and documented. It's not like he called Zelenski on his cell phone or something.

Trump is not in charge of the DOJ, the AG is in charge of the DOJ. And the FBI? For crying out loud, it was only a couple of months ago an FBI lawyer went into the file to change a FISA warrant. Think this nonsense is still not happening in the FBI, the same FBI that "erased" text messages between Stroke-off and his lover?
More influence peddling to enrich the Family.

Corruption runs in that family like ugly runs in the Clinton family.

Biden's brother facing fraud allegations, used family ties to advance business interests: report

A new report reveals legal problems and allegations of possible fraud involving former Vice President Joe Biden’s brother James, in the latest instance of the Democratic primary front-runner’s family members’ dealings drawing scrutiny amid his presidential bid.

According to Politico, James Biden’s business with medical companies – including Americore Health – has led to allegations that he potentially engaged in fraud and traded on his brother’s name, by claiming Joe was interested in the venture and the family name could provide opportunities.

“It was all smoke and mirrors,” former Americore Health executive Tom Pritchard told Politico. James Biden reportedly convinced Americore that he could use his political clout to deliver a significant influx of cash in the form of an investment from the Middle East, and even convinced the company to take on financial burdens including a six-figure loan to James that he has yet to repay.

James Biden, Americore and Americore founder Grant White are among those now facing a lawsuit from medical companies in Tennessee federal court accusing them of fraud over alleged promises made. Biden and the other defendants have denied any wrongdoing, but the plaintiffs last month reportedly said in a court filing that they were willing to drop their claims against White, who had provided exculpatory evidence as well as information that further implicated Biden and others.

Biden's brother facing fraud allegations, used family ties to advance business interests: report

Will he bring his family into his grifter administration as Don has?

Your system is corrupt, who knew?

The idea that Trump’s family is making money of the presidency is laughable. The family has divested from many of their business dealings to avoid the appearing of impropriety. They don’t need the money. Pikers like Obama and Biden need the office to enrich themselves
Not a Trump thread, loser.

You posted the link. The Fauxrage article talks up Trumpybears tweet about Joe Biden even though the story was about James, not Joe.

How many times has Trumpybear been sued for his business practices?

None that had to do with him being President.

And what the fuck does a lawsuit against James have to do with Joe Biden being the president?

Because James has been getting wealthy through the connections of his brother, that's why, just like Hunter.

The construction company James was hired by got a government contract for 1.5 billion dollars. Hunter guaranteed protection from US authorities. Joe did favors for both for hiring his brother and son. That is corruption my friend. We can't have our representatives repaying favors for making their family members wealthy.

Is there actually any evidence Joe Biden had anything to do with that government contract?

There are ZERO claims that Hunter (WHO AGAIN, IS NOT JOE BIDEN) "guaranteed protection from US authorities". How do you just make shit up like that on the fly?
1. Yeah, some random guy with zero experience is gonna go to a foreign country and land multi-million dollar contracts in a business and country he knows nothing about.

2. Some crackhead loser who knows nothing about the Ukraine, oil, or gas will always get a gig on the Board of Directors of a Ukrainian oil and gas company paying him twice what normal board members of American corporations get. Happens all the time.

Are you really that dumb, or just such a ginormous hack you think nobody sees thru your idiocy?
More than one person thought that "favor" of a public announcement by the President of the Ukraine of an investigation into Trump's chief Democrat rival, was an elaborate extortion scheme.

We don't convict Americans based on what some people thought. You're thinking of the former USSR.

So he's guilty until he proves there is no evidence of his guilt?

No, he's innocent until proven guilty. The problem is, nobody is looking into it. Let Trump make some joke about Russia and Hillary's emails, it leads to a 35 million dollar two year investigation. A Democrat doing something this overt, not a damn thing happens.

Trump and the right wing have proclaimed both Biden's guilty. How have you missed that.

Trump controls the DOJ and the FBI- why do you think that Trump made a secret call to Ukraine- who Trump himself considered corrupt- to ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival- and had his personal attorney secretly demand that Ukraine make a public announcement of an investigation- instead of:
a) Asking the FBI to investigate
b) Asking the DOJ to investigate
c) Making an official request for an investigation to Ukraine? Ukraine asked at least twice for a formal written request from the U.S. government to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- but Trump didn't want to make a request in writing. Why do you think that is?

Asking 3 years into the Trump Presidency why no one is investigating the Biden's- when Trump controls all of the Federal law enforcement and security agencies- is begging the question- why hasn't Trump been doing the investigation?

That's all part of the deep state. Ask the FBI? The same FBI that took a phony dossier to the FISA courts, lied about their information, and got surveillance warrants to spy on his campaign? That FBI?

The DOJ? If the DOJ had any interest, why didn't they contact Shokin and get testimony from him under oath? Why did the Ukraine courts recently order an investigation into Burisma? Correct, Trump never asked Zelensky for an official investigation. He asked if Zelensky could look into the matter to see what he could find on his end.

This happened last July. Joe was not (and still is not) Trump's political rival. His political rival will be decided on by the Democrats when they nominate the contender for the presidency.

Okay- so you believe Trump trusts the country he calls 'corrupt' more than the FBI- which Trump has been in charge of for 3 years now.
And you believe Trump trusts the country he calls 'corrupt' more than the Department of Justice- which Trump has been in charge for 3 years now. You correctly ask why the DOJ didn't contact Shokin- why didn't the DOJ- you know the agency that Trump controls- and is very clear to state that he is in control of.

What you don't answer is why Trump never officially asked Zelensky for an official investigation- despite his secret call to Zelinsky asking for an investigation- and his private attorney demanding that Zelinsky make a public announcement of an investigation- but Trump never- ever- made the formal request for an investigation to Ukraine.

Why not? The only plausible answer is that Trump didn't want a paper trail back to his administration.

And yes- Biden has been Trump's political rival since he announced his candidacy- if you don't believe me- then you should listen to what you Dear Leader has been saying about his political rival since the day Biden announced his candidacy for President- in April 2019. Trump made his call to Zelinsky to secretly ask for his investigation of his rival in July 2019.

Here is what your Dear Leader said about Biden when Biden announced his candidacy

Trump welcomes Joe Biden to the 'nasty' 2020 race by insulting his intelligence

Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty - you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!

What's with this secret call bullshit? There was nothing secret about it. Trump knows that all calls made out of the White House are monitored and documented. It's not like he called Zelenski on his cell phone or something.

Trump is not in charge of the DOJ, the AG is in charge of the DOJ. And the FBI? For crying out loud, it was only a couple of months ago an FBI lawyer went into the file to change a FISA warrant. Think this nonsense is still not happening in the FBI, the same FBI that "erased" text messages between Stroke-off and his lover?

The only reason we know about the secret call and Trump asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival is because of the whistleblower. Trump's administration had literally labeled the summary 'Secret'. Literally Trump's own administration called it a secret call.

And of course Trump kept the number of people who knew about his personal attorney's demands on his behalf that Zelinsky personally have a press conference announcing an investigation into his political rival.

Trump himself has said he is in charge of the Justice Department- here let me quote your Dear Leader:
“The President has never asked me to do anything in a criminal case.” A.G. Barr This doesn’t mean that I do not have, as President, the legal right to do so, I do, but I have so far chosen not to!

And if the FBI is soooooo very corrupt that it cannot be trusted to do any investigations.....well what good is it for? But lets consider for a moment a world where what you claim is true- that the FBI can't be trusted.

There have been cases where the FBI has had to recuse itself, or has been recused from investigations. And in the past, when that happens, a different agency investigates- the President could have the Secret Service investigate, he could have directed the ATF to investigate. Since it was overseas he could probably even have had the CIA investigate- but no- he instead chose to make a secret request to a country he himself calls corrupt.

Still waiting for your explanation of why Trump never made the formal request of Ukraine to investigate- that Ukraine asked for after his under the table requests.

Still waiting.
You posted the link. The Fauxrage article talks up Trumpybears tweet about Joe Biden even though the story was about James, not Joe.

How many times has Trumpybear been sued for his business practices?

None that had to do with him being President.

And what the fuck does a lawsuit against James have to do with Joe Biden being the president?

Because James has been getting wealthy through the connections of his brother, that's why, just like Hunter.

The construction company James was hired by got a government contract for 1.5 billion dollars. Hunter guaranteed protection from US authorities. Joe did favors for both for hiring his brother and son. That is corruption my friend. We can't have our representatives repaying favors for making their family members wealthy.

Is there actually any evidence Joe Biden had anything to do with that government contract?

There are ZERO claims that Hunter (WHO AGAIN, IS NOT JOE BIDEN) "guaranteed protection from US authorities". How do you just make shit up like that on the fly?
1. Yeah, some random guy with zero experience is gonna go to a foreign country and land multi-million dollar contracts in a business and country he knows nothing about.

2. Some crackhead loser who knows nothing about the Ukraine, oil, or gas will always get a gig on the Board of Directors of a Ukrainian oil and gas company paying him twice what normal board members of American corporations get. Happens all the time.

Are you really that dumb, or just such a ginormous hack you think nobody sees thru your idiocy?

Still waiting for actual evidence that Joe Biden- or his son- did anything illegal.

So far all we have gotten is the usual smears and innuendo parroting your Dear Leader.
More influence peddling to enrich the Family.

Corruption runs in that family like ugly runs in the Clinton family.

Biden's brother facing fraud allegations, used family ties to advance business interests: report

A new report reveals legal problems and allegations of possible fraud involving former Vice President Joe Biden’s brother James, in the latest instance of the Democratic primary front-runner’s family members’ dealings drawing scrutiny amid his presidential bid.

According to Politico, James Biden’s business with medical companies – including Americore Health – has led to allegations that he potentially engaged in fraud and traded on his brother’s name, by claiming Joe was interested in the venture and the family name could provide opportunities.

“It was all smoke and mirrors,” former Americore Health executive Tom Pritchard told Politico. James Biden reportedly convinced Americore that he could use his political clout to deliver a significant influx of cash in the form of an investment from the Middle East, and even convinced the company to take on financial burdens including a six-figure loan to James that he has yet to repay.

James Biden, Americore and Americore founder Grant White are among those now facing a lawsuit from medical companies in Tennessee federal court accusing them of fraud over alleged promises made. Biden and the other defendants have denied any wrongdoing, but the plaintiffs last month reportedly said in a court filing that they were willing to drop their claims against White, who had provided exculpatory evidence as well as information that further implicated Biden and others.

Biden's brother facing fraud allegations, used family ties to advance business interests: report

Will he bring his family into his grifter administration as Don has?

Your system is corrupt, who knew?

The idea that Trump’s family is making money of the presidency is laughable. The family has divested from many of their business dealings to avoid the appearing of impropriety. They don’t need the money. Pikers like Obama and Biden need the office to enrich themselves

Really- what business dealings have they divested from?

You know how rich people get rich? Because they really like making money. The idea that Trump's family is not making money from the Presidency is laughable.

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