Politico: Hillary Clinton mocks GOP concerns about her email habits

Hillary Clinton mocks GOP concerns about her email habits - Rachael Bade - POLITICO

Following another week of damaging stories about her email practices, Hillary Clinton came to Iowa with one message for the Republicans investigating her: Get lost.

During Iowa’s famous Wing Ding dinner in Clear Lake, the 2016 Democratic front-runner dismissed Republican concerns about the transparency of her email arrangement as secretary of state, and said she’s already been exonerated by earlier investigations into the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories,” she said. “It’s not about email servers either. It’s about politics.”

Clinton even opened her speech with a taunt aimed at GOP theories that she intentionally deleted emails to hide something: “You may have seen I recently launched a Snapchat account. I love it: Those messages disappear all by themselves.”

The crowd exploded in applause, and many Iowan Democrats told POLITICO they agree with her.

“I think it’s the other side trying to throw whatever at the wall and seeing what will stick, and then the news organizations having to have something to talk about all the time,” said Iowan Paul Stough, holding a plate of chicken wings and pulled pork at the famous concert hall Friday night. “I think mostly it’s: she’s the front-runner and the press in general likes to knock the front-runner down.”


And now, cue RWNJ rage over Emails, security, BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO typical. Hillary displays her contempt for following the law, and you admire her for it!

This country will be a far better place when you and your ilk are finally kicked out and banished.


HAHA well a lotta folks don't even know who that Ben Gazzi fella is, but personally the ONLY thing that bothers me about it, is that the question was never answered sufficiently about wether an extraction was called off, and why? good chance it was about saving someones political run. If I remember correctly an Admiral was ordered to stand down. They rescue people from hot zones all the time, well I don't expect Clinton to tell the truth, she's a lawyer , first rule is deny deny deny and it will go away or people will forget about it and it gets lost in the news cycle. You just gotta tip your hat to her don't you
There are rules for everyone else but not for the Clinton's.....
She's the Dems big horse in this election and she knows it....
So she flips the bird to everyone knowing full well she has the media on her side
as well as paid posters to message boards to help drag her across the finish line if necessary.

she should have already been frog marched into prison. Wiping that server clean was a felony.
Hillary had to do something to beat back concerns that her campaign is no longer seen as a guaranteed win:

"A CNN/ORC poll of Democratic voters in Iowa released this week shows that Clinton still beats Sanders overall, yet voters see the Vermont Senator as more trustworthy. And since July, Sanders has attracted cumulative crowds of 100,000 people with his soak-the-rich rhetoric.

"Hillary Clinton has been doing well in Iowa but her people there are rattled by the Bernie Sanders crowds which by Iowa standards are quite large," said David Yepsen, who has covered Iowa politics for decades. "The polls look good for her now but we are six months away and I've seen things change rapidly. The drip, drip, drip, drip, is causing some concern.""

Clinton s best defense -- there s no one else - CNNPolitics.com

There are rules for everyone else but not for the Clinton's.....
She's the Dems big horse in this election and she knows it....
So she flips the bird to everyone knowing full well she has the media on her side
as well as paid posters to message boards to help drag her across the finish line if necessary.

she should have already been frog marched into prison. Wiping that server clean was a felony.

No one goes through the kind of trouble she did to wipe a server clean unless they had a damn good reason to . And she claimed it was only personal stuff? then we find out otherwise in a very small sample size? Yes you are right. She has no business running for president. They can say what they want about Nixon, but he had the decency to STEP DOWN.

No one today steps down, they claim the " take responsibility" but it means nothing anymore.

And to top it all off the libs love to celebrate "Watergate' every year, just can't let the dead man rest, then again it is still helpful for them when they need a little distraction
Look. The dems are circling the wagons and basically freaking out. So bad they're going for a backup plan in that goof ball Biden. DESPERATE TIMES

Look. The dems are circling the wagons and basically freaking out. So bad they're going for a backup plan in that goof ball Biden. DESPERATE TIMES


Biden? I thought he was riding shotgun?
that's all Hillary has anymore.... in one thread she is Condemning someone, A Governor no less who she has no Control over, here she is mocking someone. the woman has become nothing but an empty old hag
Hillary Clinton mocks GOP concerns about her email habits - Rachael Bade - POLITICO

Following another week of damaging stories about her email practices, Hillary Clinton came to Iowa with one message for the Republicans investigating her: Get lost.

During Iowa’s famous Wing Ding dinner in Clear Lake, the 2016 Democratic front-runner dismissed Republican concerns about the transparency of her email arrangement as secretary of state, and said she’s already been exonerated by earlier investigations into the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories,” she said. “It’s not about email servers either. It’s about politics.”

Clinton even opened her speech with a taunt aimed at GOP theories that she intentionally deleted emails to hide something: “You may have seen I recently launched a Snapchat account. I love it: Those messages disappear all by themselves.”

The crowd exploded in applause, and many Iowan Democrats told POLITICO they agree with her.

“I think it’s the other side trying to throw whatever at the wall and seeing what will stick, and then the news organizations having to have something to talk about all the time,” said Iowan Paul Stough, holding a plate of chicken wings and pulled pork at the famous concert hall Friday night. “I think mostly it’s: she’s the front-runner and the press in general likes to knock the front-runner down.”


And now, cue RWNJ rage over Emails, security, BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO typical. Hillary displays her contempt for following the law, and you admire her for it!

This country will be a far better place when you and your ilk are finally kicked out and banished.


You are actually cheering for the way Hillary brazzenly violates the law. What a piece of shit.

Uhm, no. I am poking fun at you.
There are rules for everyone else but not for the Clinton's.....
She's the Dems big horse in this election and she knows it....
So she flips the bird to everyone knowing full well she has the media on her side
as well as paid posters to message boards to help drag her across the finish line if necessary.

she should have already been frog marched into prison. Wiping that server clean was a felony.

Uhm, no.

You really need to educate yourself some.
Hillary Clinton mocks GOP concerns about her email habits - Rachael Bade - POLITICO

Following another week of damaging stories about her email practices, Hillary Clinton came to Iowa with one message for the Republicans investigating her: Get lost.

During Iowa’s famous Wing Ding dinner in Clear Lake, the 2016 Democratic front-runner dismissed Republican concerns about the transparency of her email arrangement as secretary of state, and said she’s already been exonerated by earlier investigations into the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories,” she said. “It’s not about email servers either. It’s about politics.”

Clinton even opened her speech with a taunt aimed at GOP theories that she intentionally deleted emails to hide something: “You may have seen I recently launched a Snapchat account. I love it: Those messages disappear all by themselves.”

The crowd exploded in applause, and many Iowan Democrats told POLITICO they agree with her.

“I think it’s the other side trying to throw whatever at the wall and seeing what will stick, and then the news organizations having to have something to talk about all the time,” said Iowan Paul Stough, holding a plate of chicken wings and pulled pork at the famous concert hall Friday night. “I think mostly it’s: she’s the front-runner and the press in general likes to knock the front-runner down.”


And now, cue RWNJ rage over Emails, security, BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO typical. Hillary displays her contempt for following the law, and you admire her for it!

This country will be a far better place when you and your ilk are finally kicked out and banished.


HAHA well a lotta folks don't even know who that Ben Gazzi fella is, but personally the ONLY thing that bothers me about it, is that the question was never answered sufficiently about wether an extraction was called off, and why? good chance it was about saving someones political run. If I remember correctly an Admiral was ordered to stand down. They rescue people from hot zones all the time, well I don't expect Clinton to tell the truth, she's a lawyer , first rule is deny deny deny and it will go away or people will forget about it and it gets lost in the news cycle. You just gotta tip your hat to her don't you

You are a total moron! :lol: Benghazzzzziii gets lost in the news cycle. :lol: It was propagandize to the hilt by but-hurt Repubtards that sucked in fools like yourself that normal people laugh at.

First they had you believing illegitimate President Obama ordered a stand-down during the attack on our Benghazi compound. :lol: Now you are down to what email service Hillary used & that just exploded in your face! :lol:
Hillary Clinton mocks GOP concerns about her email habits - Rachael Bade - POLITICO

Following another week of damaging stories about her email practices, Hillary Clinton came to Iowa with one message for the Republicans investigating her: Get lost.

During Iowa’s famous Wing Ding dinner in Clear Lake, the 2016 Democratic front-runner dismissed Republican concerns about the transparency of her email arrangement as secretary of state, and said she’s already been exonerated by earlier investigations into the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories,” she said. “It’s not about email servers either. It’s about politics.”

Clinton even opened her speech with a taunt aimed at GOP theories that she intentionally deleted emails to hide something: “You may have seen I recently launched a Snapchat account. I love it: Those messages disappear all by themselves.”

The crowd exploded in applause, and many Iowan Democrats told POLITICO they agree with her.

“I think it’s the other side trying to throw whatever at the wall and seeing what will stick, and then the news organizations having to have something to talk about all the time,” said Iowan Paul Stough, holding a plate of chicken wings and pulled pork at the famous concert hall Friday night. “I think mostly it’s: she’s the front-runner and the press in general likes to knock the front-runner down.”


And now, cue RWNJ rage over Emails, security, BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO typical. Hillary displays her contempt for following the law, and you admire her for it!

This country will be a far better place when you and your ilk are finally kicked out and banished.


HAHA well a lotta folks don't even know who that Ben Gazzi fella is, but personally the ONLY thing that bothers me about it, is that the question was never answered sufficiently about wether an extraction was called off, and why? good chance it was about saving someones political run. If I remember correctly an Admiral was ordered to stand down. They rescue people from hot zones all the time, well I don't expect Clinton to tell the truth, she's a lawyer , first rule is deny deny deny and it will go away or people will forget about it and it gets lost in the news cycle. You just gotta tip your hat to her don't you

You are a total moron! :lol: Benghazzzzziii gets lost in the news cycle. :lol: It was propagandize to the hilt by but-hurt Repubtards that sucked in fools like yourself that normal people laugh at.

First they had you believing illegitimate President Obama ordered a stand-down during the attack on our Benghazi compound. :lol: Now you are down to what email service Hillary used & that just exploded in your face! :lol:

It was a non-issue to begin with.

The GOPers are just so butthurt, they cannot stand it anymore. They call everything they don't like "criminal".

Too funny.

Uhm, no.

You really need to educate yourself some.

:lol: amazing, isn't it?

sigh...oh well, i guess hillary has officially lost the vote of all the uninformed angry righties who would have never considered voting for her in a million years anyway...

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