Politico: Hillary Clinton mocks GOP concerns about her email habits

How did Clinton receive and consume classified information?

The Secretary's office was located in a secure area. Classified information was viewed in hard copy by Clinton while in the office. While on travel, the State Department had rigorous protocols for her and traveling staff to receive and transmit information of all types.

A separate, closed email system was used by the State Department for the purpose of handling classified communications, which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than within that system.

Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use?

No. As the Department of Justice and Inspectors General made clear, the IGs made a security referral. This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press. The Department of Justice is now seeking assurances about the storage of materials related to Clinton’s email account.

Hillary didn't send any classified materials over email: Hillary only used her personal account for unclassified email. No information in her emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them. She viewed classified materials in hard copy in her office or via other secure means while traveling, not on email.

What makes it complicated: It's common for information previously considered unclassified to be upgraded to classified before being publicly released. Some emails that weren't secret at the time she sent or received them might be secret now. And sometimes government agencies disagree about what should be classified, so it isn't surprising that another agency might want to conduct its own review, even though the State Department has repeatedly confirmed that Hillary's emails contained no classified information at the time she sent or received them.

To be clear, there is absolutely no criminal inquiry into Hillary's email or email server. Any and all reports to that effect have been widely debunked. Hillary directed her team to provide her email server and a thumb drive in order to cooperate with the review process and to ensure these materials were stored in a safe and secure manner.

Updated The Facts About Hillary Clinton s Emails
she wiped everything clean
had someone wipe it again
then hired someone to wipe some more
and then handed over her servers, months after being asked for them

yea, nothing out of the ordinary there.

this is why the left will destroy the country, they clearly support someone that clearly did something wrong, got caught and clearly did everything she could to cover it up.

The left cares so little that the murder of 4 Americans is now a punch line to them.

fucking callous.
:cuckoo: Hillary could not "wipe her email server hard drive." It was a "cloud based virtual server" rented space on a hard drive at a server farm she never knew the location of & did not have access to.

:cuckoo: Hillary also could not permanently erase emails on it. Those server farms routinely back everything up.

:cuckoo: You still believe had this server hidden in her basement! :lol:
she wiped everything clean
had someone wipe it again
then hired someone to wipe some more
and then handed over her servers, months after being asked for them

yea, nothing out of the ordinary there.

this is why the left will destroy the country, they clearly support someone that clearly did something wrong, got caught and clearly did everything she could to cover it up.

The left cares so little that the murder of 4 Americans is now a punch line to them.

fucking callous.
:cuckoo: Hillary could not "wipe her email server hard drive." It was a "cloud based virtual server" rented space on a hard drive at a server farm she never knew the location of & did not have access to.

:cuckoo: Hillary also could not permanently erase emails on it. Those server farms routinely back everything up.

:cuckoo: You still believe had this server hidden in her basement! :lol:

Yes. They really ARE that stupid.
For all you die hard Hillary fans, Clintonian sleaze has reached a critical mass. Bill got away with it because he was a likable guy, but Hillary comes off like a corrupt and dishonest hag. The Dems have caught on and are looking high and low for someone to save the party from the predictable train wreck. Even Al Gore ffs. How desperate can they be?
I love reading Matts post, hes' so fucking dumb and is proud to prove it.
If you fix his drive way, and buy him these R&D tools he will be fine
Hillary Clinton mocks GOP concerns about her email habits - Rachael Bade - POLITICO

Following another week of damaging stories about her email practices, Hillary Clinton came to Iowa with one message for the Republicans investigating her: Get lost.

During Iowa’s famous Wing Ding dinner in Clear Lake, the 2016 Democratic front-runner dismissed Republican concerns about the transparency of her email arrangement as secretary of state, and said she’s already been exonerated by earlier investigations into the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories,” she said. “It’s not about email servers either. It’s about politics.”

Clinton even opened her speech with a taunt aimed at GOP theories that she intentionally deleted emails to hide something: “You may have seen I recently launched a Snapchat account. I love it: Those messages disappear all by themselves.”

The crowd exploded in applause, and many Iowan Democrats told POLITICO they agree with her.

“I think it’s the other side trying to throw whatever at the wall and seeing what will stick, and then the news organizations having to have something to talk about all the time,” said Iowan Paul Stough, holding a plate of chicken wings and pulled pork at the famous concert hall Friday night. “I think mostly it’s: she’s the front-runner and the press in general likes to knock the front-runner down.”


And now, cue RWNJ rage over Emails, security, BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO typical. Hillary displays her contempt for following the law, and you admire her for it!

This country will be a far better place when you and your ilk are finally kicked out and banished.


What if her server was hacked and the hacker is just waiting to see how far she gets before they put the information on the internet? October Surprise?
What if her server was hacked and the hacker is just waiting to see how far she gets before they put the information on the internet? October Surprise?
They will wait… it is not in their interest to take her out. What would be the gain taking her out....a president over whom they didn't have control?
What if her server was hacked and the hacker is just waiting to see how far she gets before they put the information on the internet? October Surprise?


Are you serious? Let’s be clear, that personal email was probably far more secure than her state.gov email account. The State Department’s email system has been compromised for months. It’s highly likely that it’s been compromised since forever: remember, during her tenure, Wikileaks released the State Department’s classified communications.

A better question is: why would she use the State Department’s email system to conduct official business? In fact, if it’s demonstrably insecure, does she not have a responsibility not to use it? It’s probably the case that if Hillary Clinton was focusing solely on security, using her personal email with 2 Factor Authentication was probably way more secure than using the honeypot mess of IT that is the State Department’s email servers.

But more importantly, let’s talk about records. As the former director of Sunlight Labs at the Sunlight Foundation, it’s a cause I care about. That’s the important bit. I don’t believe Hillary Clinton was actively working to hide her communication from the public. I think she was looking for the easiest way to do her job. The one thing you have to understand about people in public service is people down to the lowest levels of public service understand open records laws, and they all know one thing: if you don’t want something on the record, don’t use email. Pick up the phone. Hillary Clinton knows that, too.

Hillary Clinton was trying to use what she wanted to use in order to do her job.

What Might Have Motivated Hillary Clinton To Use Personal Email ThinkProgress
Hillary Clinton mocks GOP concerns about her email habits - Rachael Bade - POLITICO

Following another week of damaging stories about her email practices, Hillary Clinton came to Iowa with one message for the Republicans investigating her: Get lost.

During Iowa’s famous Wing Ding dinner in Clear Lake, the 2016 Democratic front-runner dismissed Republican concerns about the transparency of her email arrangement as secretary of state, and said she’s already been exonerated by earlier investigations into the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories,” she said. “It’s not about email servers either. It’s about politics.”

Clinton even opened her speech with a taunt aimed at GOP theories that she intentionally deleted emails to hide something: “You may have seen I recently launched a Snapchat account. I love it: Those messages disappear all by themselves.”

The crowd exploded in applause, and many Iowan Democrats told POLITICO they agree with her.

“I think it’s the other side trying to throw whatever at the wall and seeing what will stick, and then the news organizations having to have something to talk about all the time,” said Iowan Paul Stough, holding a plate of chicken wings and pulled pork at the famous concert hall Friday night. “I think mostly it’s: she’s the front-runner and the press in general likes to knock the front-runner down.”


And now, cue RWNJ rage over Emails, security, BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO typical. Hillary displays her contempt for following the law, and you admire her for it!

This country will be a far better place when you and your ilk are finally kicked out and banished.


HAHA well a lotta folks don't even know who that Ben Gazzi fella is, but personally the ONLY thing that bothers me about it, is that the question was never answered sufficiently about wether an extraction was called off, and why? good chance it was about saving someones political run. If I remember correctly an Admiral was ordered to stand down. They rescue people from hot zones all the time, well I don't expect Clinton to tell the truth, she's a lawyer , first rule is deny deny deny and it will go away or people will forget about it and it gets lost in the news cycle. You just gotta tip your hat to her don't you

You are a total moron! :lol: Benghazzzzziii gets lost in the news cycle. :lol: It was propagandize to the hilt by but-hurt Repubtards that sucked in fools like yourself that normal people laugh at.

First they had you believing illegitimate President Obama ordered a stand-down during the attack on our Benghazi compound. :lol: Now you are down to what email service Hillary used & that just exploded in your face! :lol:
No, Obama didn't do anything. He had to wait till the eleven o clock news, to find out what happened.
internet memes spread by rabid righties do not represent or even resemble the truth.

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