Politico Shocked To Find Black Gun Rights Activists At CPAC

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Damn, first the beautiful, black Candice Owen's shows the world not all blacks are afraid to leave the plantation, and now this....

Gun rights are human rights, and it doesnā€™t matter the melanin content of your skin. These rights belong to every one of us by virtue of us being human.

Now, Iā€™ll be the first to admit that people didnā€™t always think that way. I know good and well how true that is. Iā€™m from the South, after all. Our history on the topic is inescapable down here. Iā€™m OK with that, though, because itā€™s a status that never should have been.

But today we know better. We know that rights either apply to everyone or they apply to no one.

Despite that, it seems Politico was a little surprised to see black gun rights activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

For a few minutes at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday afternoon, the message was more Malcolm X than William F. Buckley.

Sporting a red hoodie, his hair in cornrows, Maj Toure touted his group, Black Guns Matter. ā€œWe go where thereā€™s high violence, high crime, high gun control ā€” high slave mentalities, to be perfectly honest,ā€ he said, ā€œand inform urban America about their human right, as stated in the Second Amendment, to defend their life.ā€

A besuited interviewer seated on stage next to Toure told him, ā€œYou donā€™t look or sound like your stereotypical Second Amendment advocate.ā€

Indeed, Toure could not have looked more out of place at an annual conservative-activistconfab known for drawing throngs of clean-cut, mostly white, young conservatives in drab suits. That was precisely the point.

Opinion polling shows that black Americans view guns more negatively and are more supportive of gun control than whites and Hispanics. But some anecdotal evidence suggests that blacks have shown greater interest in gun ownership in recent years...

(Excerpt) Read more at bearingarms.com ...

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