POLITICO: Troops Sent to Border Will Be Home By Christmas

Sure it is, and Trump just ordered the military to NOT defend our borders. They have until December 15 to abandon the defense of our country?! My God in heaven.
So when Pres. Trump sends troops to defend the the border and you vilify him.

Then when he agrees to a date to withdraw the troop from the border you vilify him.

You liberal loons are a piece of work. .... :cuckoo:

Well yes...

He sent troops to the Border as a Election Stunt...

The election is over and now they can be brought home... The US Army is not an election accessory...

You probably think US troops should be abused...

Get over that liberal lie. The election was two weeks ago.
False alarm. Back to barracks.

Piles of dead refugees at Christmas is bad optics.
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But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.

But they missed Thanksgiving, oh who cares?
Actually they are in Tijuana or are you ignoring that news? The people of Tijuana don't want them there either. The soldiers can't arrest anyone so they did their job and will go home.

Actually only a few of the migrants are in TJ. Most are still hundreds of miles away.
So what was the job these troops were sent there for??
Set up logistics,tents,place razor wire and barriers at the crossings etc etc...read the press release for when they were sent there. Engineers and Logistics folks are going home. Their job is done.
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But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.

But they missed Thanksgiving, oh who cares?
Shouldn't sign up for a job you know can take you away from family for years on end. The left acting like they give a shit about the military is hilarious.
Sure it is, and Trump just ordered the military to NOT defend our borders. They have until December 15 to abandon the defense of our country?! My God in heaven.
So when Pres. Trump sends troops to defend the the border and you vilify him.

Then when he agrees to a date to withdraw the troop from the border you vilify him.

You liberal loons are a piece of work. .... :cuckoo:
Don't obfuscate, communist. Trump has ordered the military to abandon the border. WEAK.

HTF do you people call anybody a Communist when it's your party that was supported by the US Communist Party last three presidential elections?
View attachment 229765

But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.

But they missed Thanksgiving, oh who cares?
Shouldn't sign up for a job you know can take you away from family for years on end. The left acting like they give a shit about the military is hilarious.

The point here is that Trump's using "they'll be home by xmas" like he actually cares.

You know, Trump cares so much about the military that he slammed McCain for being a loser.
But, I can also say that every deployment I was on during the holiday season was a real one, not some deployment made up for political reasons.
All deployments are in one way or another for political reasons. .... :cool:

Over the 20 years I was in the Navy, I had never seen such a blatant misuse of the military for political reasons. At least Jr. and Obama were smart enough to use National Guard which can be used for purposes like this.

Using the active duty military is against the Posse Comitatus Act.

You're clueless, Posse Comitatus says the military can't be used for law enforcement against US Citizens.

View attachment 229765

But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.

But they missed Thanksgiving, oh who cares?
Shouldn't sign up for a job you know can take you away from family for years on end. The left acting like they give a shit about the military is hilarious.

The point here is that Trump's using "they'll be home by xmas" like he actually cares.

You know, Trump cares so much about the military that he slammed McCain for being a loser.
Trump does care about the military. He also cares about American citizens which is WHY he is using everything at his disposal to stop an invasion which is a threat to America and its citizens. The call up ends December 15th so yes all will be home for Christmas even if they weren't OUR borders are most certainly worth defending and those soldiers know that.
Trump recalls troops from the southern border — after reports emerged that they were extremely bored

I’m sure it made him big and tough to waste all that money but accomplish nothing. Now it’s just another thing his supporters will desperately try to justify even though secretly they know they can’t.
“Now that things are set down here, we don’t need as many troops to actually build a base camp and things like that, because the base camps are built,” the lieutenant general told Politico.

That's called MISSION ACCOMPLISHED dumb ass.
Oh right of course the base camps. How silly of me. Too bad the caravan is still hundreds of miles away!

Fucking liar, they are clashing with the residents of Tijuana now. Hard to do from hundreds of miles away.

View attachment 229765

But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.

But they missed Thanksgiving, oh who cares?
Shouldn't sign up for a job you know can take you away from family for years on end. The left acting like they give a shit about the military is hilarious.

The point here is that Trump's using "they'll be home by xmas" like he actually cares.

You know, Trump cares so much about the military that he slammed McCain for being a loser.
Trump does care about the military. He also cares about American citizens which is WHY he is using everything at his disposal to stop an invasion which is a threat to America and its citizens. The call up ends December 15th so yes all will be home for Christmas even if they weren't OUR borders are most certainly worth defending and those soldiers know that.

Oh, Trump cares about the military because you want it to be true and nothing else.

He doesn't give a shit about American citizens, other than the most important one, himself. That he attacks US citizens on a continual basis should be enough for that.

But not much point trying to convince you otherwise, is there? You'll ignore all that's not convenient for your argument.
Sure it is, and Trump just ordered the military to NOT defend our borders. They have until December 15 to abandon the defense of our country?! My God in heaven.
So when Pres. Trump sends troops to defend the the border and you vilify him.

Then when he agrees to a date to withdraw the troop from the border you vilify him.

You liberal loons are a piece of work. .... :cuckoo:
Don't obfuscate, communist. Trump has ordered the military to abandon the border. WEAK.

HTF do you people call anybody a Communist when it's your party that was supported by the US Communist Party last three presidential elections?
I'm an AMERICAN, you yellow-bellied piece of shit :fu:
View attachment 229765

But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.

But they missed Thanksgiving, oh who cares?
Shouldn't sign up for a job you know can take you away from family for years on end. The left acting like they give a shit about the military is hilarious.

The point here is that Trump's using "they'll be home by xmas" like he actually cares.

You know, Trump cares so much about the military that he slammed McCain for being a loser.
Trump does care about the military. He also cares about American citizens which is WHY he is using everything at his disposal to stop an invasion which is a threat to America and its citizens. The call up ends December 15th so yes all will be home for Christmas even if they weren't OUR borders are most certainly worth defending and those soldiers know that.

If Trump kept those troops at the border, the left would be complaining about his abuse by making them miss holiday time with their family. Trump is sending them home because their mission is complete, so now Trump is aborting our borders and ended his political stunt.

Bottom line: there is nothing Trump did or could have done that wouldn't have drawn negative criticism from the left. You can't make the left happy. They are too full of hate. TDS in full view for everybody to witness.
Sure it is, and Trump just ordered the military to NOT defend our borders. They have until December 15 to abandon the defense of our country?! My God in heaven.
So when Pres. Trump sends troops to defend the the border and you vilify him.

Then when he agrees to a date to withdraw the troop from the border you vilify him.

You liberal loons are a piece of work. .... :cuckoo:
Don't obfuscate, communist. Trump has ordered the military to abandon the border. WEAK.

HTF do you people call anybody a Communist when it's your party that was supported by the US Communist Party last three presidential elections?
I'm an AMERICAN, you yellow-bellied piece of shit :fu:

Some American. Can't even address what I said.
Sure it is, and Trump just ordered the military to NOT defend our borders. They have until December 15 to abandon the defense of our country?! My God in heaven.
So when Pres. Trump sends troops to defend the the border and you vilify him.

Then when he agrees to a date to withdraw the troop from the border you vilify him.

You liberal loons are a piece of work. .... :cuckoo:
Don't obfuscate, communist. Trump has ordered the military to abandon the border. WEAK.

HTF do you people call anybody a Communist when it's your party that was supported by the US Communist Party last three presidential elections?
I'm an AMERICAN, you yellow-bellied piece of shit :fu:

Some American. Can't even address what I said.
You were supported by Nazi and Confederate sympathizers. You have applauded Trump's communist tariffs and subsidies. You are trash.
Trump recalls troops from the southern border — after reports emerged that they were extremely bored

I’m sure it made him big and tough to waste all that money but accomplish nothing. Now it’s just another thing his supporters will desperately try to justify even though secretly they know they can’t.
“Now that things are set down here, we don’t need as many troops to actually build a base camp and things like that, because the base camps are built,” the lieutenant general told Politico.

That's called MISSION ACCOMPLISHED dumb ass.
Oh right of course the base camps. How silly of me. Too bad the caravan is still hundreds of miles away!
Actually they are in Tijuana or are you ignoring that news? The people of Tijuana don't want them there either. The soldiers can't arrest anyone so they did their job and will go home.
lol wait was their job?
Trump recalls troops from the southern border — after reports emerged that they were extremely bored

I’m sure it made him big and tough to waste all that money but accomplish nothing. Now it’s just another thing his supporters will desperately try to justify even though secretly they know they can’t.
“Now that things are set down here, we don’t need as many troops to actually build a base camp and things like that, because the base camps are built,” the lieutenant general told Politico.

That's called MISSION ACCOMPLISHED dumb ass.
Oh right of course the base camps. How silly of me. Too bad the caravan is still hundreds of miles away!

Fucking liar, they are clashing with the residents of Tijuana now. Hard to do from hundreds of miles away.

Yes, yes I forgot that specific caravan was there. A couple hundred apparently and they are still miles from the border yet the troops left anyway? What did they accomplish exactly? Lol. Why did we need 15,000 again? I’m so confused.
Yes, yes I forgot that specific caravan was there. A couple hundred apparently and they are still miles from the border yet the troops left anyway? What did they accomplish exactly? Lol. Why did we need 15,000 again? I’m so confused.

To keep the Senate from tilting Democrat, dummy. You're not even trying.
View attachment 229765

But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.

But they missed Thanksgiving, oh who cares?
Shouldn't sign up for a job you know can take you away from family for years on end. The left acting like they give a shit about the military is hilarious.

The point here is that Trump's using "they'll be home by xmas" like he actually cares.

You know, Trump cares so much about the military that he slammed McCain for being a loser.
Trump does care about the military. He also cares about American citizens which is WHY he is using everything at his disposal to stop an invasion which is a threat to America and its citizens. The call up ends December 15th so yes all will be home for Christmas even if they weren't OUR borders are most certainly worth defending and those soldiers know that.

Oh, Trump cares about the military because you want it to be true and nothing else.

He doesn't give a shit about American citizens, other than the most important one, himself. That he attacks US citizens on a continual basis should be enough for that.

But not much point trying to convince you otherwise, is there? You'll ignore all that's not convenient for your argument.

LMAO!!!! Trump attacks "U.S citizens"???? Do tell????

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