POLITICO: Troops Sent to Border Will Be Home By Christmas

Sucks that they have to miss Thanksgiving though. Maybe some of these good conservatives can take some of their Thanksgiving meal down to the troops.
I'm sure that you have missed a couple of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with the family when you were in the military. I know that I did. It's just part of being in uniform.

btw Why can't you Liberals take some of your Thanksgiving meal down to the border to share with the troops? ... :cool:

The Army is feeding the Army Troops presumably.

It would seem more humane to take Thanksgiving meal and give it to the refugees; they could enjoy it while the border patrol is on it’s way to send them back to where they came from. We can’t have open borders but we can be humane to folks.

Trump and his enablers like yourself seem to not realize that.

What you fail to understand is the more welcoming we are, the more problems like this we will have to encounter.

If you want to get rid of stray cats on your property, you don't leave out a huge bowl of milk on your patio every night.

As I stated earlier…

It would seem more humane to take Thanksgiving meal and give it to the refugees; they could enjoy it while the border patrol is on it’s way to send them back to where they came from. We can’t have open borders but we can have open hearts. At least liberals are capable of humanity still. Conservatives? Not so much.
As I said before...

This "invasion" reminds me of those creepy fake evangelical preachers who say God will call them home unless you send them a lot of money.
It's not real. It won't happen. But after all the rubes send in all their Social Security money to the fraudster, he will say, "Your prayers and money stopped me from dying!"

Just like every other caravan, this one will never arrive here. The tards have already forgotten how their propagandists got them all stirred up just this past April about another caravan. A caravan which never arrived.

And when this one doesn't arrive, the Chief Fraudster will claim, "Your hatred and my armed soldiers stopped us all from dying! Am I a hero, or what?"
Think of it as the soldiers are on vacation... a paid one
As I stated earlier…

It would seem more humane to take Thanksgiving meal and give it to the refugees; they could enjoy it while the border patrol is on it’s way to send them back to where they came from. We can’t have open borders but we can have open hearts. At least liberals are capable of humanity still. Conservatives? Not so much.

It would be more humane if we gave them a house, car and automatic citizenship too. But that only encourages the next batch to come here.

The reason these people are here and more on the way is because of how the liberals carried on about the last group that came here. Now they know. Use your children as a crutch and they can sneak into the country. Word gets around even to these third world shitholes. They learn how to play the game. If not for all the attention and fighting among us about how those people were treated, these people would be back home where they belong. This group would have never decided to come here if we treated the last group the same way.
As I stated earlier…

It would seem more humane to take Thanksgiving meal and give it to the refugees; they could enjoy it while the border patrol is on it’s way to send them back to where they came from. We can’t have open borders but we can have open hearts. At least liberals are capable of humanity still. Conservatives? Not so much.

It would be more humane if we gave them a house, car and automatic citizenship too. But that only encourages the next batch to come here.

The reason these people are here and more on the way is because of how the liberals carried on about the last group that came here. Now they know. Use your children as a crutch and they can sneak into the country. Word gets around even to these third world shitholes. They learn how to play the game. If not for all the attention and fighting among us about how those people were treated, these people would be back home where they belong. This group would have never decided to come here if we treated the last group the same way.

Unless you’re a native American, you’re telling your family’s own story. The only difference is that the people who came before you; by and large; were not scared of everything. Woodward titled his book perfectly.
As I stated earlier…

It would seem more humane to take Thanksgiving meal and give it to the refugees; they could enjoy it while the border patrol is on it’s way to send them back to where they came from. We can’t have open borders but we can have open hearts. At least liberals are capable of humanity still. Conservatives? Not so much.

It would be more humane if we gave them a house, car and automatic citizenship too. But that only encourages the next batch to come here.

The reason these people are here and more on the way is because of how the liberals carried on about the last group that came here. Now they know. Use your children as a crutch and they can sneak into the country. Word gets around even to these third world shitholes. They learn how to play the game. If not for all the attention and fighting among us about how those people were treated, these people would be back home where they belong. This group would have never decided to come here if we treated the last group the same way.

Unless you’re a native American, you’re telling your family’s own story. The only difference is that the people who came before you; by and large; were not scared of everything. Woodward titled his book perfectly.

I don't know the history of my family; too hard to trace. But people generations before came here legally because it was an open border society. Later we had to use immigration policies to prevent disease and enemies from entering our country. We eventually created this great place to live, and now everybody wants to come here.

The United States is the only developed country in the entire world that allows a million people to become citizens very single year. This is on top of the work permits and Visa's we hand out. So until other countries start doing the same, nobody here can claim we are selfish or only care about ourselves, or that we have to go back in history and replicate what our ancestors and country did in the past.

When it comes to immigration, we are the most generous country in the entire world.
As I stated earlier…

It would seem more humane to take Thanksgiving meal and give it to the refugees; they could enjoy it while the border patrol is on it’s way to send them back to where they came from. We can’t have open borders but we can have open hearts. At least liberals are capable of humanity still. Conservatives? Not so much.

It would be more humane if we gave them a house, car and automatic citizenship too. But that only encourages the next batch to come here.

The reason these people are here and more on the way is because of how the liberals carried on about the last group that came here. Now they know. Use your children as a crutch and they can sneak into the country. Word gets around even to these third world shitholes. They learn how to play the game. If not for all the attention and fighting among us about how those people were treated, these people would be back home where they belong. This group would have never decided to come here if we treated the last group the same way.

Unless you’re a native American, you’re telling your family’s own story. The only difference is that the people who came before you; by and large; were not scared of everything. Woodward titled his book perfectly.

I don't know the history of my family; too hard to trace. But people generations before came here legally because it was an open border society. Later we had to use immigration policies to prevent disease and enemies from entering our country. We eventually created this great place to live, and now everybody wants to come here.

The United States is the only developed country in the entire world that allows a million people to become citizens very single year. This is on top of the work permits and Visa's we hand out. So until other countries start doing the same, nobody here can claim we are selfish or only care about ourselves, or that we have to go back in history and replicate what our ancestors and country did in the past.

When it comes to immigration, we are the most generous country in the entire world.

Your fear is almost palpable.
Sucks that they have to miss Thanksgiving though. Maybe some of these good conservatives can take some of their Thanksgiving meal down to the troops.
I'm sure that you have missed a couple of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with the family when you were in the military. I know that I did. It's just part of being in uniform.

btw Why can't you Liberals take some of your Thanksgiving meal down to the border to share with the troops? ... :cool:

It was a GOP President that sent them there as an election prop....

Oh, I forgot GOP creates a mess and Liberals have to clean it up... Should campaign on that instead of just abusing the troops...

GOP creates a problem????

Put down the pipe and come back to reality.
Then there was this…hold the phone on the withdraw (for the time being).

Screen Shot 2018-11-20 at 8.41.41 AM.png

I guess when you govern by tweet, the entire government’s messaging is thrown off.

Imagine the families of the troops…first hearing Daddy will be home for Christmas then hearing that they may not.

Should have never went in the first place.
I am soo thankful that our wonderful Pres. Trump sent troops to the border to lay out razor wire and help repel the caravan invaders. ... :thup:
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Then there was this…hold the phone on the withdraw (for the time being).

View attachment 229863

I guess when you govern by tweet, the entire government’s messaging is thrown off.

Imagine the families of the troops…first hearing Daddy will be home for Christmas then hearing that they may not.

Should have never went in the first place.

People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.
Then there was this…hold the phone on the withdraw (for the time being).

View attachment 229863

I guess when you govern by tweet, the entire government’s messaging is thrown off.

Imagine the families of the troops…first hearing Daddy will be home for Christmas then hearing that they may not.

Should have never went in the first place.

People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.


I know its hopeless and if Obama had done this same brazenly political stunt with our troops, you’d be up in arms but I’ll try.

Something happened and you were summoned to take care of it. Makes perfect sense.
In the case of our troops, nothing was happening out of the ordinary, we already had resources there to deal with it, there was zero reason to deploy people there and yet they were sent. Do you know it is going to be a possibility? Yes. But if you were to be utilized, the implied pact was that it would be for a good reason. There was no reason to send troops to the border then, now, or for any reason currently on the horizon.

Ya know, disagreeing with your messiah’s action is permissible.
Then there was this…hold the phone on the withdraw (for the time being).

View attachment 229863

I guess when you govern by tweet, the entire government’s messaging is thrown off.

Imagine the families of the troops…first hearing Daddy will be home for Christmas then hearing that they may not.

Should have never went in the first place.

People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.


I know its hopeless and if Obama had done this same brazenly political stunt with our troops, you’d be up in arms but I’ll try.

Something happened and you were summoned to take care of it. Makes perfect sense.
In the case of our troops, nothing was happening out of the ordinary, we already had resources there to deal with it, there was zero reason to deploy people there and yet they were sent. Do you know it is going to be a possibility? Yes. But if you were to be utilized, the implied pact was that it would be for a good reason. There was no reason to send troops to the border then, now, or for any reason currently on the horizon.

Ya know, disagreeing with your messiah’s action is permissible.
------------------------------------ volunteer military does as its ordered Candy .
in fact , i like the all Volunteer Military being slapped around a bit and shown Who the Boss is Candy .
Then there was this…hold the phone on the withdraw (for the time being).

View attachment 229863

I guess when you govern by tweet, the entire government’s messaging is thrown off.

Imagine the families of the troops…first hearing Daddy will be home for Christmas then hearing that they may not.

Should have never went in the first place.

People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.


I know its hopeless and if Obama had done this same brazenly political stunt with our troops, you’d be up in arms but I’ll try.

Something happened and you were summoned to take care of it. Makes perfect sense.
In the case of our troops, nothing was happening out of the ordinary, we already had resources there to deal with it, there was zero reason to deploy people there and yet they were sent. Do you know it is going to be a possibility? Yes. But if you were to be utilized, the implied pact was that it would be for a good reason. There was no reason to send troops to the border then, now, or for any reason currently on the horizon.

Ya know, disagreeing with your messiah’s action is permissible.

What he did on the border is why we elected him. We have to show these termites we mean business. They keep using our empathy and laws against us and it's about time it stopped. Now if you consider this "nothing out of the ordinary" then it shows just how weak we have become.

The people in our military agree to defend the US whether they approve of the way it's done or not. It's just like our police who may strongly disagree with a Stand Down order or being forced to wear body cameras. They are not in the position to make those calls--their superiors are. They agreed to do the job under those conditions.
It will take as long as it takes and everyone in the military knows this.

“It”? The only “it” they served was impressing fucking morons like you.
--------------------------------------- not IMPRESSIVE , military is just doing as its told Candy .

The only time the left gives a damn about our military is when they could use those folks to promote their political agenda.
Then there was this…hold the phone on the withdraw (for the time being).

View attachment 229863

I guess when you govern by tweet, the entire government’s messaging is thrown off.

Imagine the families of the troops…first hearing Daddy will be home for Christmas then hearing that they may not.

Should have never went in the first place.

People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.

Same as anyone in law enforcement or EMS. There are no holidays. If you are scheduled to work. You work. You can also get called to work.

That's the job and anyone getting into that job knows it.

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