POLITICO: Troops Sent to Border Will Be Home By Christmas

Then there was this…hold the phone on the withdraw (for the time being).

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I guess when you govern by tweet, the entire government’s messaging is thrown off.

Imagine the families of the troops…first hearing Daddy will be home for Christmas then hearing that they may not.

Should have never went in the first place.

People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.

Same as anyone in law enforcement or EMS. There are no holidays. If you are scheduled to work. You work. You can also get called to work.

That's the job and anyone getting into that job knows it.
--------------------------------- yep !! These 'taxpayer paid government employees , public servants work for Americans .
i think that she is a Retired 'government ' employee or public servant Claudette .
Fucking liar, they are clashing with the residents of Tijuana now. Hard to do from hundreds of miles away.

Yes, yes I forgot that specific caravan was there. A couple hundred apparently and they are still miles from the border yet the troops left anyway? What did they accomplish exactly? Lol. Why did we need 15,000 again? I’m so confused.

Well you stupid fucking liar, try reading a current article:

Conditions worsen at shelter as more migrants approach Tijuana

As for your other lie, there were never 15,000 and you fucking well know it. As for what they accomplished, none of your fucking business, just shut up and pay your taxes.

Lol good god man. Shut up and pay my taxes? You are something else. Right I’m sure you have that mentality with every president, right?

You are such a pawn.

Wow, great deflection form your blatant lies. Now stop lying and crying about paying to train our military engineers.

Lol okay so more migrants are coming, and? Then what? What are the troops doing there? What will the troops do when the migrants get there? Why do we need thousands of troops? Why are they forced to do this on Thanksgiving? I’m STILL confused!

I gotta tell you, it is almost surreal how desperately you goons try to defend Trump’s actions. I mean you used to say “but but HILLARY” whenever confronted with the retarded things Trump does, but now you are really going the extra mile because of how long Hillary has been irrelevant. It is really a wonder to behold. Eventually you’re all going to off yourselves thinking Trump is going to take you all off the planet to heaven in his secret space ship. Talk about some strong kool-aid.

What does the calendar have to do with anything? You're worse than trying to talk to a fucking 2 year old. Are you on meth?

Then there was this…hold the phone on the withdraw (for the time being).

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I guess when you govern by tweet, the entire government’s messaging is thrown off.

Imagine the families of the troops…first hearing Daddy will be home for Christmas then hearing that they may not.

Should have never went in the first place.

People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.


I know its hopeless and if Obama had done this same brazenly political stunt with our troops, you’d be up in arms but I’ll try.

Something happened and you were summoned to take care of it. Makes perfect sense.
In the case of our troops, nothing was happening out of the ordinary, we already had resources there to deal with it, there was zero reason to deploy people there and yet they were sent. Do you know it is going to be a possibility? Yes. But if you were to be utilized, the implied pact was that it would be for a good reason. There was no reason to send troops to the border then, now, or for any reason currently on the horizon.

Ya know, disagreeing with your messiah’s action is permissible.

What he did on the border is why we elected him. We have to show these termites we mean business. They keep using our empathy and laws against us and it's about time it stopped. Now if you consider this "nothing out of the ordinary" then it shows just how weak we have become.

Again…pure fear.

It must suck to be so scared all of the time.
It will take as long as it takes and everyone in the military knows this.

“It”? The only “it” they served was impressing fucking morons like you.
--------------------------------------- not IMPRESSIVE , military is just doing as its told Candy .

The only time the left gives a damn about our military is when they could use those folks to promote their political agenda.

I think they should be used to save lives in California or perhaps bring closure to those who lost loved ones in the fires out there.

If that is my political agenda…I’m rather proud of it.
Then there was this…hold the phone on the withdraw (for the time being).

View attachment 229863

I guess when you govern by tweet, the entire government’s messaging is thrown off.

Imagine the families of the troops…first hearing Daddy will be home for Christmas then hearing that they may not.

Should have never went in the first place.

People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.


I know its hopeless and if Obama had done this same brazenly political stunt with our troops, you’d be up in arms but I’ll try.

Something happened and you were summoned to take care of it. Makes perfect sense.
In the case of our troops, nothing was happening out of the ordinary, we already had resources there to deal with it, there was zero reason to deploy people there and yet they were sent. Do you know it is going to be a possibility? Yes. But if you were to be utilized, the implied pact was that it would be for a good reason. There was no reason to send troops to the border then, now, or for any reason currently on the horizon.

Ya know, disagreeing with your messiah’s action is permissible.

What he did on the border is why we elected him. We have to show these termites we mean business. They keep using our empathy and laws against us and it's about time it stopped. Now if you consider this "nothing out of the ordinary" then it shows just how weak we have become.

Again…pure fear.

It must suck to be so scared all of the time.

Why? Because I"m not a surrender-first liberal like you?
Then there was this…hold the phone on the withdraw (for the time being).

View attachment 229863

I guess when you govern by tweet, the entire government’s messaging is thrown off.

Imagine the families of the troops…first hearing Daddy will be home for Christmas then hearing that they may not.

Should have never went in the first place.

People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.


I know its hopeless and if Obama had done this same brazenly political stunt with our troops, you’d be up in arms but I’ll try.

Something happened and you were summoned to take care of it. Makes perfect sense.
In the case of our troops, nothing was happening out of the ordinary, we already had resources there to deal with it, there was zero reason to deploy people there and yet they were sent. Do you know it is going to be a possibility? Yes. But if you were to be utilized, the implied pact was that it would be for a good reason. There was no reason to send troops to the border then, now, or for any reason currently on the horizon.

Ya know, disagreeing with your messiah’s action is permissible.

What he did on the border is why we elected him. We have to show these termites we mean business. They keep using our empathy and laws against us and it's about time it stopped. Now if you consider this "nothing out of the ordinary" then it shows just how weak we have become.

Again…pure fear.

It must suck to be so scared all of the time.

Why? Because I"m not a surrender-first liberal like you?

No, you’re a surrender-always bootlicker. You do what you’re told by the blob and your only response after being played like a fiddle is to ask for another dose.
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But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.
So who is going to shoot at the migrant caravan?
Then there was this…hold the phone on the withdraw (for the time being).

View attachment 229863

I guess when you govern by tweet, the entire government’s messaging is thrown off.

Imagine the families of the troops…first hearing Daddy will be home for Christmas then hearing that they may not.

Should have never went in the first place.

People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.


I know its hopeless and if Obama had done this same brazenly political stunt with our troops, you’d be up in arms but I’ll try.

Something happened and you were summoned to take care of it. Makes perfect sense.
In the case of our troops, nothing was happening out of the ordinary, we already had resources there to deal with it, there was zero reason to deploy people there and yet they were sent. Do you know it is going to be a possibility? Yes. But if you were to be utilized, the implied pact was that it would be for a good reason. There was no reason to send troops to the border then, now, or for any reason currently on the horizon.

Ya know, disagreeing with your messiah’s action is permissible.

What he did on the border is why we elected him. We have to show these termites we mean business. They keep using our empathy and laws against us and it's about time it stopped. Now if you consider this "nothing out of the ordinary" then it shows just how weak we have become.

Again…pure fear.

It must suck to be so scared all of the time.

Your projection is palpable. Your over compensation would be funny if it weren't so freaking sick. You know they have meds that might help you, but the first step is admitting you have a problem.

People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.


I know its hopeless and if Obama had done this same brazenly political stunt with our troops, you’d be up in arms but I’ll try.

Something happened and you were summoned to take care of it. Makes perfect sense.
In the case of our troops, nothing was happening out of the ordinary, we already had resources there to deal with it, there was zero reason to deploy people there and yet they were sent. Do you know it is going to be a possibility? Yes. But if you were to be utilized, the implied pact was that it would be for a good reason. There was no reason to send troops to the border then, now, or for any reason currently on the horizon.

Ya know, disagreeing with your messiah’s action is permissible.

What he did on the border is why we elected him. We have to show these termites we mean business. They keep using our empathy and laws against us and it's about time it stopped. Now if you consider this "nothing out of the ordinary" then it shows just how weak we have become.

Again…pure fear.

It must suck to be so scared all of the time.

Why? Because I"m not a surrender-first liberal like you?

No, you’re a surrender-always bootlicker. You do what you’re told by the blob and your only response after being played like a fiddle is to ask for another dose.
--------------------------------------------------------- YEAH , yeah , yeah , while YOU are Ruled over by the President Trump that YOU hate and despise eh Candy. [and thats funny Candy 'chuckle']
View attachment 229765

But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.
So who is going to shoot at the migrant caravan?
------------------------------- illegal alien invader horde looks like its been doing some shooting and violence in 'tijuana' mexico Biff .
plus poopin and pizzin and dirty diapers all over the place in 'tijuana' eh Biff .
People who join the military knew that was always a good possibility when they joined.

When I used to deliver medial equipment I had to be on call. Many times I would miss a holiday because something went wrong with an infant monitor or oxygen unit. I had to call my sister and tell her that once again, I couldn't make it to the festivities, or perhaps couldn't attend until later on.

It's part of the job I signed on for. The company told me I would have to be on call 24/7 rotation with the other delivery workers. I accepted the job under those conditions just like the men and women of our military do.


I know its hopeless and if Obama had done this same brazenly political stunt with our troops, you’d be up in arms but I’ll try.

Something happened and you were summoned to take care of it. Makes perfect sense.
In the case of our troops, nothing was happening out of the ordinary, we already had resources there to deal with it, there was zero reason to deploy people there and yet they were sent. Do you know it is going to be a possibility? Yes. But if you were to be utilized, the implied pact was that it would be for a good reason. There was no reason to send troops to the border then, now, or for any reason currently on the horizon.

Ya know, disagreeing with your messiah’s action is permissible.

What he did on the border is why we elected him. We have to show these termites we mean business. They keep using our empathy and laws against us and it's about time it stopped. Now if you consider this "nothing out of the ordinary" then it shows just how weak we have become.

Again…pure fear.

It must suck to be so scared all of the time.

Why? Because I"m not a surrender-first liberal like you?

No, you’re a surrender-always bootlicker. You do what you’re told by the blob and your only response after being played like a fiddle is to ask for another dose.

My President is carrying out my wishes--I'm not carrying out his. We on the right don't let anybody tell us what to think like leftists do with CCN and their politicians. We know what we want out of a President and we're getting what we voted for.

On the left, if it were up to your side, the borders would be open and third worlders would flood our country and destroy everything we have and everything we worked for. They would destroy our culture and take over our country.

I know its hopeless and if Obama had done this same brazenly political stunt with our troops, you’d be up in arms but I’ll try.

Something happened and you were summoned to take care of it. Makes perfect sense.
In the case of our troops, nothing was happening out of the ordinary, we already had resources there to deal with it, there was zero reason to deploy people there and yet they were sent. Do you know it is going to be a possibility? Yes. But if you were to be utilized, the implied pact was that it would be for a good reason. There was no reason to send troops to the border then, now, or for any reason currently on the horizon.

Ya know, disagreeing with your messiah’s action is permissible.

What he did on the border is why we elected him. We have to show these termites we mean business. They keep using our empathy and laws against us and it's about time it stopped. Now if you consider this "nothing out of the ordinary" then it shows just how weak we have become.

Again…pure fear.

It must suck to be so scared all of the time.

Why? Because I"m not a surrender-first liberal like you?

No, you’re a surrender-always bootlicker. You do what you’re told by the blob and your only response after being played like a fiddle is to ask for another dose.

My President is carrying out my wishes--I'm not carrying out his. We on the right don't let anybody tell us what to think like leftists do with CCN and their politicians. We know what we want out of a President and we're getting what we voted for.

On the left, if it were up to your side, the borders would be open and third worlders would flood our country and destroy everything we have and everything we worked for. They would destroy our culture and take over our country.

Your programming is absolute. So much so, you lie to yourself

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